HYPERSONIC Dartling Gunner HACK?! (Bloons TD 6 Dartling Gunner Mod)

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sir me up stow what's up hemers alright guys it's here it's finally here the hypersonic dartland gunner which i am so incredibly excited about but we also got some other cool things to show you guys as well so our boy cosmic has made some pretty cool stuff and additions he's been working around the clock to bring you guys some of the coolest mods you've ever seen in balloon cd6 and we're getting new custom maps to be able to play on all thanks to cosmic as well as baidock so huge shout out to baydock for making today's custom map that we're going to be playing on which is the new map no outlet let's go ahead we're going to play on no outlet which i'm very excited about it seems like a very simple basic map but it also seems really fun so you can see the balloons are going to come in and they're going to go around the circle and then they're gonna leave and i think that's really cool i like that a lot i like simple maps i think that's really nice and i think this is supposed to be grass because i can put plants on plants i'm not playing plants versus zombies i can i can put towers anywhere except the road so what we're going to be doing guys is we're going to be using the new hyper sonic dartland gunner guys so we're going to try out a couple of them but here we go let's see how this works holy cow that's so many darts oh that's not even double speed that's double speed yeah okay this is already so overpowered this is literally just like the one one dartland gunner so now the question is what's gonna be the best one for this honestly the ray of doom might not be the best upgrade for it i think the probably the best upgrade is to do the shotgun pellets right so what is oh let's get focused firing so if we get focused fire oh wait wait let's look laser shock or faster barrel spin i feel like faster barrel spins like a must but focus firing no no so let's get we're going to go ahead and let's get faster barrel spin which makes everything go even faster faster swivel which is going to be really nice since it's in the middle we're going to want to get powerful darts which obviously power powerful darts are going to be really nice to get and then when we can here let's go ahead i need powerful darts i need them now okay now we need to get oh my gosh look at that look how cool the powerful darts look and of course they just like destroy everything because it's so many we have so many of them look at it i absolutely love i can just i'm just gonna leave this here um i'll be back later guys uh see him see everyone nice knowing you guys holy cow this is amazing i okay that was a little too overpowered look at this the balloons don't even stand a chance they can't even get through here we can just put that whoa guys what if we we should make a mod guys that just makes the dart lager just spin around in circles just like this like all it does is just ah it just spins around in circles i need to go ahead and i need to get the buck shot as quickly as possible actually we're gonna want to try to get all of these things so let's go ahead guys and let's get ourselves a couple of cash drops because we want to be able to try out almost all of all of the different dartland gunners with hypersonic speed right like that's what's going to be really cool so we should definitely go ahead and get some things that'll allow us to do that so we can go ahead and get ourselves okay this guy let's okay we're gonna oh we can get the buck shot no wait no no we don't want to get the buck shot just yet because we want to turn this money into banks guys okay if you don't save your money and you spend it you're not going to have any for later all right guys what do you think of having a the dartland gunner with hypersonic speed do you guys think it's overpowered obviously it's overpowered guys this is amazing look at how good it is darling gunner's just so satisfying i fee i am so happy that ninja keep like i cannot express how happy i am that ninja kiwi has added the dartling gunner like that's so neat that's so very awesome that they've finally done that and it just makes me happy and i can't wait to try out the buckshot guys the shotgun is honestly what i'm most excited about genuinely i like okay ready guys here's the buckshot oh my gosh this is so overpowered the buckshot is so overpowered ready whoosh this can destroy anything you know what i just realized guys is i don't know if there's any way a village i don't think a village can get to this guy i don't think a village can get to this guy oh my gosh this is bad news bears guys this is really bad look because a village can't fit here with him oh this is bad okay okay okay okay we're gonna have to sell this guy we're gonna have to do this and then we're gonna have to put the darkling gunner right here and then we're not gonna lose but it's gonna be a little painful we have four lives left it's okay guys oh get the faster swivel him having slow swivel does not make our job easier oh my goodness i need monkey intelligence i need mib how much money is in this 31 000 perfect okay ah okay okay okay now we can go back to getting oh the balloon area did not wait what if we just put target okay now let's get focus firing how focus fire and laser shock holy cow that looks amazing okay let's do wait what if we just do normal what if we like oh my gosh can we how many can we make it spray in four different air locations no we can do that though that's so good it's like a fire hose of like molten lava yeah we need more banks that's what we need guys we need more banks because with more banks we'll be able to buy more cool things i think it doesn't matter which direction i aim right no matter what direction i aim the balloons will never be able to get by right as long i can okay i could lose if i cheese it but i have to let balloons around right but there's no direction that i can aim that will have me lose like if i left it in one spot permanently is what i mean and that's pretty awesome here watch like here let's just start oh we can just put it on target dependent and just let it like we could just let it do its thing i like this map because there's so much open space right so like the balloons don't have a really far ways to travel they don't they don't have to go that far however you have so much room to put down towers and whatever you want that it's not really that good for him right can we sell this guy let's try out another it's time for another dartland gunner okay should we try out the middle path oh my gosh there's the hydra rockets let's go focus firing laser shock yeah it's not as definitely not as hilarious rocket does rocket storm help i need to get the mad the mad is what's going to be the best part about this for sure because the mad's gonna be hilarious okay look at that he kind of shreds ceramics okay let's get faster i feel like you have to have faster swivel like at all times oh here we go so let's go ahead and let's get ourselves the laser oh my gosh the laser's amazing what is the plasma accelerator gonna be like though that's what i want to know plasma accelerator so it's firing so fast that balloons can't even get past it look at that literally like so normally anything can kind of get what about zebras yeah literally it's just a line that just instapops balloons it's so good it hits so fast that wait what about rainbow even one shots rainbow balloons okay maybe not if you go through it really fast so i'm assuming it just attacks so fast that nothing's standard chance if that's the case i wasn't expecting the ray of doom to be that powerful but now it's pretty obvious that the ray of doom is gonna be incredibly overpowered once this time look at that we already have 30 like six thousand dollars in the bank we're gonna need to we're just getting like all of our money with the bank okay this is so fun yeah oh i almost lost there oh it's so scary i wish there was a thing that made it so you could just swivel as fast as you wanted to what's the cheapest one probably the the balloon exclusion zone which is the bottom path so we might want to go back down and try to get the bottom path because i feel like the bottom path is gonna be the best one for us okay so we're gonna slow this down dartland gunner oh man oh man okay faster swivel powerful darts okay there we go whoosh that's definitely the one that's the most fun like this is definitely the one that's the most fun and the the laser shocks are way more satisfying because then it adds like this red hue that gets attached to like all the balloons and that's awesome look at that 56 thousand dollars we can actually collect it and then we'll be able to upgrade to the balloon exclusion zone but i wanted to wait until these are at 9 000 because that's gonna be an extra i don't know how many we have but that's gonna be up to like an extra ten thousand dollars i probably will be it'll probably go up to another 75 000 in one round like look at this it's gonna jump from 65 000 to like 70 000. at least 70 000 if not like 75 000. as soon as it goes to like round 49 it's gonna shoot up because of all the interest that's in the banks and that's gonna be worth waiting for look at that 75 thousand dollars i called it okay so balloon exclusion zone holy cow it's lagging the game that's look at this wait normal so what if oh my gosh is there so you can make it like i love that you can kind of make it fire too at two oh i really okay come on can we make we need to see if we can make it fire four at a time uh we can make it fire in three separate directions but it oh that's like kind of four ish directions but it's still not like crazy i want to go up against um give all right here's a moab guys ready here's the i'm just going to let the mohawk run into it guys there is nothing guys do you think that this could beat i think this might be able to beat like round nine nine nine bad balloons i don't okay maybe it can't beat round 99 bad balloons it's just hard for me to to to picture how strong round 999 is but like this seems so powerful that it could defeat anything am i crazy to think that i feel like i might be crazy in thinking that let's try okay now we have the one that i and we're all kind of curious about do okay let's get the ray of doom because i let's save up yeah we need because the ray of doom is gonna be pretty cool i think the ray of doom is is not gonna change how it looks i think it's just power is going to be changed right i should have also gotten the other pack what am i doing we're going the other path wait no we do have the faster swivel what in tarnation okay i need a hundred and like twenty thousand dollars we need to we need to wait for our banks to make us a little bit more money yeah because this alone is just way too powerful here we can leave that right there leaving that right there is gonna like the balloons no balloons can get past that none there is no way for any balloons to get past that okay balloon's got but i just i moved it it doesn't count it doesn't count guys okay it's against the rules okay here we go ray of doom let's see all right yeah literally there's no way anything's gonna get past this right nothing as soon as it touch all right does it okay does it just vaporize this is normal speed i'm gonna just it one shot it it one shot of moab balloon like it just uh just literally like skimming it instantly popped it so i think it's pretty safe to say that hypersonic is just way way too powerful so let's go ahead and let's try out the middle path because we're all kind of interested to see what's gonna happen right [Music] i think we can beat round nine nine with this guys i'm gonna here's what we're gonna do we already know we won we already knew we won so let's go into sandbox and kind of see what we're gonna be able to do here there's cubism our favorite map ever let's do i need to get black border on cubism just because like it's my favorite map how do i not have okay okay okay so set round round 999. we all know how powerful round 999 is but for those of you that are not aware here is a uh so on round one this is the speed of a moab so this is how fast a mob goes on round one relatively you know it's okay all right this is how fast the mob goes on round 999 it gives you an idea of what you're having to deal with right it's fast okay also not to mention they're a lot stronger and a lot harder to pop so that being said let's try some of these dartling gunners out and see what potential they actually have so let's do it this way so first things first let's try the bottom path i think focused firing as well as laser shock is gonna be more important we're going to lock it in place right here so the moabs are going to have to come through down this way now what we're also going to do is we're going to put down a village and we're going to just give it mib we're not going to give it any other bonuses so as you can see it doesn't have any other bonuses this is just how powerful it is so round 999 let's see how it deals with one moab look at that the mob got pretty far actually okay what about his omg that shows you how powerful balloons are on this stage look at that look at how many pops he has there's no way he's gonna pop like a bad balloon let's see all right if i unlock it and i just have it follow it is it gonna be able to pop it it was not able to pop it but look how many pops he has so that wasn't gonna happen so that's not gonna be able to beat around 999. what about a ray of doom you know with uh faster swivel and powerful darts how good is a ray of doom now that's gonna be a very good question okay so we locked this here it's along this whole path so moab round 999 wow it couldn't even pop a moab what the heck okay look at that it doesn't it can't pop moabs just uh wait wait wait and there's no way you can pop a moe up look at that so the ray of dooms actually really bad like the later the game goes on what about like ceramic ones yeah obviously can do that but look at that look at it it only has 97 000 pops so late game poopy super poopy or at least hypersonic right in in the late game there's no way it can do anything now the real question guys how good is the mad gonna be because the mata is notorious for doing super extra damage to all of this stuff so let's target lock here and now let's see so moab that's a good sign bfb that's a good sign zoemg a little bit more work all right so let's do the bad balloon also with the ability all right come on can it defeat it can he defeat it and he was not able to defeat it but he got a lot closer so now the question is what if we get both of them what if we get both both of our friends here and then we do this will this be able to beat a bad balloon at round 999 make sure we use our ability uh oh i don't think actually using the ability matters that much oh the stun does the sun's actually really nice okay i think we can do it all right if we keep if we keep the damage on it at all times i think we're okay oh the ddt's are so fast though the we like we actually can't follow them because they've moved so fast but still that is absolutely amazing and gives me hope that we're going to be able to go to even farther than around 999. we're trying to get to 900 000 subscribers by the end of this month by this year before the end of 2020 so if you can help out by hitting that subscribe button it would mean the world to us guys stay awesome stay weird and i'll see you later gamers
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 555,249
Rating: 4.9079037 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons TD 6, BTD 6, Dartling Gunner, BTD 6 Dartling Gunner, Bloons TD 6 Dartling Gunner, hypersonic Dartling Gunner, hypersonic Tower, Bloons TD 6 hypersonic, BTD 6 hypersonic, hypersonic, Tier hypersonic, hypersonic upgrade, Bloons, Tewtiy, Hack, Bloons TD 6 hack, BTD 6 hack, hypersonic hack, Dartling Gunner hack, gaming, btd, tier 555 tower hack, Dartling Gun, Dartling Gunner Hack, hypersonic Ray of Doom, hypersonic M.A.D, hypersonic Bloon Exclusion Zone, 5-5-5 towers btd6
Id: JUxU7Ky0--E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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