I tried to get infinite lives in BTD 6... *WATCH UNTIL 16:18*

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what's going on everyone my name is Ryan or Tunis and today we got some pretty awesome stuff for you for balloons dollar defense six so in today's video we're gonna see how many lives we can get in a single game of balloons so I'm gonna play on easy because easy it decreases the prices of everything right so everything is gonna be a lot cheaper and a lot easier and a lot more affordable and we're still gonna go up to probably around eighty but we're gonna see how many lives we can get to around 80 my goal okay this might sound crazy my goal is round eighty I delete all my towers and let the zomg pass because I have so many lives okay that's the challenge I don't know if it's gonna work but we're gonna give it our best best bet so we're gonna go down to some of our instant monkeys because we have a lot of insta monkeys so here we go we want what's the support helicopters which one of the supports I'm let's before we do this let's look at because we need basically to get lives we need the support that I'm really hoping to get the support sure nook that's that's basically the the dream right so the the support is this one so it's in the middle and it drops lives for us right so we want to get as many of those as possible we also want to get a submarine because that decreases cooldowns and allows us to use the abilities more often right and they're gonna give us money so there's really no need for monkey farms so we want to go all all the middle path right so we're just gonna before we start this we're just gonna go all middle path so there's this guy um there's this guy let's see what else I think those are the only ones I mean all of these guys we can put down and we can just upgrade them right there we go and this guy's an O one so we can also put them down basically we need as many of these guys possible we're also gonna want to get some monkey money so let's let's add a couple of cash drops right off the bat we just want to get a ton of cash drops because we need to get as many lives as possible right so we can just we can just start right oh actually no we were okay we want slow slow down slow down slow down because we want we need more we need so here we go let's get some money we want to get I think we want to get the support I feel like probably investing in a monkey farm is probably going to be our best but like just getting some monkey farms right off the bat right here we can we're using all of them don't think I'm not okay here we go so these guys they're just gonna they're gonna destroy everything that's fine we don't really care too much about that okay monkey farm I actually lied I I do want I do want a monkey farm okay so let's do that and let's get ourselves a banana farmer so let's let's grab ourselves just I mean might as well grab a couple because we're gonna need them eventually right okay so let's go down we can put down our banana farmer and he's starting to make get us bananas and I think two two should be enough we're gonna go ahead and max that I was it again okay now we can now we can focus more on double speed so we're gonna just have these two things trying to make us as much money as possible right off the bat I don't know if it's the best bet to do it this way but I kind of like going about it this way um well how much is the support should not the support should have cost $10,000 that's really not cheap right that's not ideal for what we want um there we go yeah so we have two of these that's almost at okay I only need one at Pursuit I only need one I only need one helicopter to have some to have pursuit on so it kind of just deals with all that we're gonna want okay we're gonna need more money I think we're gonna need a lot of money so we should definitely focus on making sure we have as much money as possible at the start of this game right we need to get to round 80 and hopefully let the zooms you pass I don't know what's gonna happen I don't know if that's possible it sounds pretty crazy to me but I think if we get enough banana farms and we start making enough money I think it actually will be worth it um because we can sell the banana farms right so we can eventually sell them when we need to um and we're just making so much money right now it I don't think it really matters too much we're already at around 10 we don't have any support she looks right now I like this is when the helicopters is going around and around and around okay there we go how much more room does this guy have he we can get a couple more okay uh we're at $6,000 we need more money more money we need to get as much money as we can possibly get our hands on right now okay it's very important okay see like look these things have all made ton okay it's definitely worth it these things have all made and like crazy amount of money there we go we should be able can we fit one more in right here no oh wait wait wait there we go okay long life and out is valuable okay and then we can also go to this thing and boom okay so we need like $30,000 $30,000 and once we get that I think we should be able to get start getting the support she looks down and then once we have those down they're gonna start getting us money and on top of that lives which is the whole point of this poll challenge so we're at around 15 right now here can we get one more come on boom okay so wait so every round produces five large banana craze every round worth three hundred dollars each so it's fifteen hundred or round is that how much it is oh my gosh okay we're starting to make some crazy money okay there we go let's start getting those support okay there's our first support and let's get the next one it's ten thousand I mean every chance we get we just want out we want to just every chance we want to just use that ability right we're also going to want to get the submarine I think getting the submarine a little bit early in the game is gonna be pretty useful oh my goodness we look at them look at our money okay so we can put this guy down and then we're gonna want to get advanced Intel bloon reactor energizer boom okay we have the energizer okay there we go mm mm okay so support okay we got the support got the support again alright we just got to keep upgrading and we just need to get all support Chinooks that's I mean that's just what we're going for is to get as many of these things as possible we definitely want pursuit on all of them there we go okay there we go we just got more lives okay we're at 362 lives okay so we just got to keep pushing this button every chance we get and push the button okay every every single chance we get just push the button okay and we don't need we don't really care about special operations so there we go bigger jets okay no okay boo boo boo Boop okay oh no we can't pop blood balloons what is this okay but that can pop LED balloons so I'm not worried support Chinook hey keep using that okay more lies we're at 500 lives now okay there we go more we need more we need more we're only at six lives right now okay there we go keep put we're just gonna keep putting him down now now that we can keep putting him down we're good to go Olli this there we go okay how many lies we're only at eight hundred lies right now that's not enough that's just not enough lives okay there we go we do not get a ton alive from this this isn't there might be a there might be a better way to do this but for now we're just we're doing this okay we're at almost a thousand lives and we're making it we're making money though okay we'd listen looking begin you seven of them there we go we have over a thousand lives yes keep going more more support Chinooks the real question is will we be able to deal with like the the difficult things once they start showing up okay there we go we have over a thousand lives I just got an achievement because we have so many okay I know that's a helicopter I don't need a helicopter what else gives lives I think this is gonna be one of the better ways to get to get life you know okay Oh more more more more more more okay wait it's giving us like no way away how many lives is it giving us it's giving us like no lives now it's only giving us like four lives each what it's like it's like cooled down it's not giving us any more lives anymore I don't like it look at that look at that it's starting to give us way way way less lives okay all right no that's okay that's okay um here we have enough money let's just let's just go ahead and we're gonna get one helicopter and we're gonna get we're gonna get the Apache dart ship and then we're gonna do IFR and then that way you can got in to deal with everything okay so this thing is not giving us many lives so let's let's let's pause let's take a look so none of these is gonna give us any none of those gives us any lives I think this guy might give us lives right spirit of the forest what spirit of the forest do it says unlocked I so I know I have the upgrade but I I think spirit of the forest does give lives right yeah so that's fine but we're going into free play because we want to keep going okay we know the rules so there we go um regenerating life so that regenerates lives I don't know we want to regenerate those look at this so each one it basically only gives us four lives each is there anything else that gives lives I don't think anything else gives lives but that's okay so we just got to keep what tells me is we just need to get more okay we're not giving up we're not giving up okay I know that they're they decided that like they're trying they think they think they've bested us okay I'll have you know they have not bested us okay oh wait wait I think a sniper might do snipers so elite sniper wait a Supply Drop and then elite sniper yeah we need let's see let's see if snipers help so supply drop drops a crate full of cash gives much more cash grants to the targeting okay so that only drops cash so so the support is what's gonna give us everything else so that's fine I got special operations on accident huh okay there we go keep just keep going oh we have 22 of these things drop everything oh my gosh it's so much money there we go okay bigger jets support Chinook support Chinook okay we only have 1200 lights it they are severely limiting how many lives we have right now I'm very upset that they decided to do that I could have so many lives right now if they didn't nerf it okay that's fine but we're not giving up we're not giving up okay I don't think we're gonna be able to let the zomg pass but you best believe we're gonna do everything in our power to try just keep waiting the button see like look we only get like four lives it's so bad it is not good at all it's deaf it's probably 100% not worth it but it's fine I wonder if you start losing lives if it's worth it I wonder if you lose lives like I wonder if it's like possible I mean it's fine we we have a lot of money still so it's okay I mean we're putting it we're trying to put down as many of these things as we can we're just putting down everywhere it's really hard to see the screen because there's so many of them they're everywhere okay there we go just put down the just keep pushing the button there we go I'm very upset ninja kiwi why why do you do this to me okay why I just wanna go can I clean there's so many here okay we don't really need I mean we might be able to put some over here maybe oh there we go we can put one right there the more support the more supports we have the better okay we can we can sell all these things we don't we don't need any of you I'm very upset okay my whole strategy has been not ruined but it's not as good as I was hoping but that's okay we're he's gonna keep going try to get as many lives as possible okay they're on okay it's okay okay all right there we go okay let's see can we put any more down oh there we go one can fit one can totally fit right there perfect okay any other any other support any other any other helicopters can can we fit on the map out there we got perfect right there even more support Chinooks I love it up there we can use them all over again okay here we go cuz it only gives us four lives each now we've been ripped off okay I thoroughly and obsessed but it's okay we're at 1600 lives right now okay once you get past a thousand lives it just nerves how many lives you get I wish I can make it to these guys just look at this like look at this sheet like this swarm of helicopters yeah it's just like this floating ball that just follows my screen at all times I just have to present okay there we go wait out of curiosity here I don't need these guys anymore and if I sell both of these guys they're not they're not giving me lives okay I need to get lies as many lives as possible okay there we go support your nook and then can we get another one boom look at that okay what if we got what if we get one of the little the little androids this thing this thing this thing the tech pot because I'm pretty sure the tech pot like here let's see let's put it down okay what are we clicking wait oh so you can only link one tower so I need 40 of these tech pots that's definitely not worth it okay there we go all right come on we're doing just fine okay there we go keep going okay guys we have so much money but look at all these it looks we okay I want to see if we can get to 2,000 lives I know it's a very very slow process but it's got to be worth it right okay we're trying our hardest to get to a thousand lives right now there we go this huge swim like this guys popped like 50000 compared to all of these desert of like pops barely any there you go up now look at this we can use this ability so like we can almost use it at a steady stream if I click slower I think we could literally just always use it okay I don't care don't okay keep going there we go keep collecting I have no idea what's happening right now I genuinely could not tell you what in the world is happening right now there's just this huge blob okay there we go 2000 lives let's try it okay there we go oh there's some Oh absolute there I'm just trying to it gives us a lot of money to like these things give us a ton of money okay all right there we go keep going keep doing your thing okay we're at around 73 okay 2011 lives okay that's all we've gotten to and I am thoroughly upset I am just absolutely annoyed at this situation and I have no idea what I am why aren't talking like this also we have so much money I have so much money look at that we're over four hundred thousand dollars I never have this much money in balloons what's even happening we can just go like straight straight and just get like a true Sun God like a right off the bat if we wanted to I feel like around 80 we didn't know I want to see if these guys can beat round 80 like I don't even know these are all like support okay you know what I'm gonna do is I'm selling this guy I'm selling that guy he's he's too powerful okay only the support okay hey there we go we just just stand on top of them doesn't it they can't get anywhere oh how many is this guy pops this guy popped a ton - that's fine he's a support tower oh my gosh why is there so many balloons alright we're just pushing back guys just keep pushing the Blues back we can't pop it but we can push him back I think we all have oh my god what's happening hahaha no the region's the region's they're bobbing oh no oh oh oh no that's so many balloons what's happening what is happening right now Oh No Oh No look at all these balloons [Music] we're just seriously lag right now okay okay okay okay how do we deal with this we're not popping them they're just gorgeous more more and more iconic I don't know what to do oh alright okay last okay okay okay this is crazy this is crazy okay we're gonna put this guy right here okay let's see what happens ready boys boom inferno ring super range go oh my gosh the company balloons pops it's still not enough oh yeah maybe maybe it is enough there we go there we go there we go the inferno ring okay don't worry he just had to pop fifty thousand balloons real fast guys that was insane if I guys I think it'll just crash the game if I did that like it was literally just a non-stop wave I think as it was um what because oh because all of them have down trapped literally every single one of these balloons have downdraft so all the region look at it just pushes them all back it's just all down it just pushes them all back I had no idea this would happen it's fine if it's normal balloons because they'll never get by right like they they just won't ever get by well you can send as much as you want and nothing will ever happen this is ridiculous okay where I run 70 I can't believe that happened that was hilarious okay we have over oh wait I kind of stopped see like it's so discouraging trying to just get more lives right it is so discouraging cuz it only gives you like four lives in a box right so like why would I want it why do I have to spend all my time trying to do that right that just seems so so not worth it why it's to entertain you just have this huge blob follow me around I'm kind of sad that some of these towers have pursuit on them why can't wait we can hit some of these Oh some of these have aiya oh wait do we do all of these have IRF on them Oh ifr Oh infrared that's what I have are sent for info red I think this was supposed to stand for I'd be kind of oh no not regens again because the company like these are all pop these all pop so many we're just like running around just like oh no guys we've made a terrible terrible look at all these no no push them all back push them all back look we can just leave this we can just do this and like push all the balloons back constantly well we can just like wave it around and all the balloons just constantly get pushed back okay we got to deal with these Moab's we're kind of in a bad situation right now um oh my goodness okay how do we deal with this so what's the what's the what's our option oh I know we got it we got we dealt with it we dealt with it okay the zomg deal with it all right so anyway it was there's there's the zombie swarm um it's like a swarm of bees I have no idea what's happening I'm just sore mning it everyone's biting the Sanji get them get them there we go can we get it we get it we got it what yeah we got it we passed round 80 yeah that was you know what you know what guys I'm disappointed we only got to 2,000 lines but I'm really happy that we got to witness that craziness with the downdraft that was unexpected and absolutely hilarious guys and if you enjoyed you want to see more crazy strats mate were to hit that like button subscribe eternal notifications thanks for watching guys and I'll see you guys tomorrow or later today I don't know if this videos gonna be uploading like the morning cuz we're doing like double uploads I don't know doesn't matter bye everyone
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 488,579
Rating: 4.8421478 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons TD 6, BTD 6, bloons tower defense 6, bloons td 6 ultra boosted, gaming, Tewtiy, Tewiy, Tewtiy bloons td 6, btd 6 tier 5, bloons, btd, bloons td, Mobile, Mobile game, iPhone game, IOS game, Gaming, Google play game, top games, Heli Pilot, Bloons TD heli pilot, infinite lives, btd 6 infinite lives, bloons td 6 infinite lives, Bloons td 6 gone wrong
Id: je8pKSgffeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 40sec (1240 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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