64 TIER 5 Monkeys at ONCE in BTD 6?! (EVERY TIER 5 TOWER!)

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and today we're gonna be playing ourselves bloons tower defense six you guys know how it goes we're doing a livestream that which is a little bit different I know we don't normally do these now we've been doing a lot of videos but a lot of things like that but you know what I thought it'd be super fun for today we just hang out with do some videos do some live shams and just have a good time so thanks for coming out of the stream everyone if you're enjoying so far make sure to hit that like button squad up if you're on the live stream and not seeing in this video make sure to that like button if you're coming in afterwards comment down below say you can't you came in after the live gym but what's up everyone let's do this hey everyone thanks for coming out you guys are beautiful you guys are amazing I hope you guys had a fantastic Christmas and you know what New Year's is right around the corner what somebody what's some New Year's resolutions everyone tell me what do you hope to achieve next year or maybe better yourself or do something I don't know I'd love to see your new year's resolution in the live chat or in the comment section down below let's see what we got for a present today though we got a pontoon yo let's go what's up everyone round two hundred round 200 maybe maybe maybe maybe we'll see no promises okay we're gonna do our best though so in today's challenge we're gonna be trying to get all tier five towers all 64 of them on the map at any given time it's gonna be crazy obviously and you know we're gonna try to get the vengeful Sun gut hour as well as well as the secret Tower from adora as well so there's a lot we need to do for that I think we want to do let's see you do we have any primary is there anything here that's gonna help us out not really sup love your vids thank you so much for the $2 super chat I appreciate you hey everyone like to come out to the stream you guys are awesome alright let's do this I got the icy chill perk that I just got which I'm very happy about monkeys we don't need heroes we do want to actually swap over to adora the High Priestess because we're gonna be doing some pretty cool stuff in today's episode so we're gonna go ahead and we need to think about what's the best map to do this on normally I think we've done it on logs before like logs we have done it on logs I'm kind of thinking we do Cubism the scoop isms pretty fun to get all the towers on and we got all a really nice open land I think that's really where we're going to shine so we're gonna go with cubism we're gonna play on easy just because we want as much money as possible and for the rounds to just keep going by it's not about how far we get it's about try and get all the awesome towers right and we always have 800 live viewers thanks for coming out cast making sure to hit that like button let's do this okay we have $1,700 right now I think number one priority is money we need money and I mean all the money that we can possibly get right so I think the first thing we want to do is let's just put this free dart monkey down this free dart monkey right there he's gonna do he's gonna do everything first right and now we're gonna want to start getting some some banana farms up and running right let's get Ben on farms and for banana farms we're gonna want a monkey farmer let's just put them we put the monkey farmer here I don't know I don't know where the best spot to put them I feel like the monkey farmer all right we're gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna take a risk and put them right there yo what's up hey everyone thank you so much for coming out to the livestream today all right let's do this and I kinda wanna put this guy to tripled our monkey but I I don't know we're gonna net we're just gonna hang out like I said we're trying to get just super far into the game so obviously we're gonna want lots and lots and lots of money all right that's the basic idea because we're gonna try to get every tower in the game every Tower okay obviously we won't be able to get the super on we won't be able to get the the two super monkey upgrades because they're gonna be a part of the ventral sun-god temple so it's gonna be a little bit more difficult than anticipated but they don't think there's gonna be any problem with that that's upgraded we can kind of let these go I'm not worried about it because we have spikes to protect them anyways and it looks like there's our monkeys gonna deal with them anyways so doesn't matter but let's get here let's get sharp darts razor-sharp darts quick shot very quick shot and then he can kind of just deal with everything yo what's up everybody like this dream tactical gamer I agree what's up everyone the chats going too fast I can't read all of your craziness everybody okay um happy birthday Mike Rabine of the Netherlands y'all they're from the Netherlands thank you for you coming out you know what's up banana plays what's up everyone thank you so much for coming out today i apprec-- get all of you ok all of you are awesome ok we need another banana farm do I want another banana farm - all over banana plantation right off the bat I have not decided yet I actually think I want to get a submarine cuz submarines are amazing and they can deal with all of our problem so we're gonna get you and let's do Advan Syntel barbed arts oh I didn't want barbed arts no I didn't want to get that that's fine all right we got barbed arts anyways and look he's gonna pop everything I wanted to get airburst arts because they're awesome I got sick on Christmas our EP in chat oh my goodness I'm so sorry to hear that you got sick on Christmas I still hope even though you were sick you still had a fantastic Christmas ok how many likes you want Charles blue I want well I want you're like specifically but I want all the likes obviously if you guys well I want you if you guys are enjoying the video you gotta like the video make sure to slap that like button guys ok alrighty that's what you got to do so your support I'm in the mountains we're in the mountains that mountains can be a lot of places but I'm glad you're up in the mountains let's SuperDuper cool I actually went up so for my Christmas I went to Chicago and then after Chicago I went up to Maine and I went skiing with my parents it was really really fun I believe it or not I'm quite the good skier I I can get down the hill very fast very fast it's just a matter of not I'm gonna where I land you know normally I don't land in a very good spot normally I land on my head or something like that so I know we need more money we're trying to get every Tower in the game we're gonna need as much money as we could possibly get why is there 300 messages have been and everyone you're typing so crazy fast okay three people have disliked how dare they very sad that makes me that's a that's a very sad day okay no I'm just kidding Happy New Year well it's not Happy New Year go to around five hundred and out donate $5,000 first of all don't ever donate $5,000 to me please don't do that second five round 500 is crazy I don't know we're gonna be able to actually do that I have three under we have three thousand okay I keep like alright we're starting to make some money we're starting to make some big dollars look at this this guy's popped a decent amount that guy pops LED balloons um here we can get the triple shot here let's get the triple shots I don't want another banana farm that's what I want please tell me I can't no I can't put oh oh there we go there we go when you put it down ninja munkee I mean right now we're doing fine I don't need anything else for now all we just want to keep saving no I don't want to do that we keep doing the same let's get a new song see what's this song no let's see this seems like a cool song I got my old monstercat playlist on I'm playing some old old tunes you know okay we're actually starting to make a lot of money right now camo balloon Camel balloon I don't wanna I don't want to have to deal with a camera balloon that poopy okay um let's see let's see you came up oh I probably should put down a Dora right no I don't need to put her down it was my birthday in December first well happy very late birthday it's like a month away but that's that's fine we don't need to worry about that right okay look how much money we're making there we go we might want to start thinking of upgrading some towers though be able to give us some defense um I feel like Kataria will help pronounced just put a Dora down we're gonna we'll sell her eventually but for now we're gonna put a door down because she's really really really useful and in the meantime we're gonna save up trying to get that banana research facility I know the first one cost 16,000 but it'd be really good Tootie what did you say Tootie you should go to pax east Walter I'm I'm very certain that I'm going to pack CSUN is I can't promise it but I'm pretty confident that I'm gonna be going to PAX East notice me hey she Lord thinks we're going out yeah no I'm pretty sure I'm gonna go to pax east so if you're going to PAX East I'm pretty sure we'll be able to meet up at some point it'll be a lot of fun I'll be walking through the Convention Center a decent amount so I need to I can't I can't confirm for certain that I'm going to pack these but I full intentions are going I just gotta make sure that I can get some tickets and then whoa whoa whoa we got camos we got camos we need a village ASAP all right our scanner there we go okay very close that could have been real bad that's fine we're saving up money now so we have over 1,500 viewers thank you so much for everyone coming out you guys are insane I love you guys okay go to around 100 we're going past around 100 ideally we're gonna get to like round 150 maybe round 200 it depends how crazy we are feeling okay depends how crazy we're feeling how's Italy this she's popped mm he's popped a lot this guy's popped a lot I mean they're all doing great work we're just popping like all the balloons all the balloons are being popped we're trying to get as much money as possible because the more money we have the better everything is going to be right like it's just how it works okay can you sing the duck song no I refuse okay I lied if we get 1500 likes on this live stream while it's live I'll sing the duck song okay if you guys can somehow manage to do that which I don't know how you could possibly manage that but whatever okay twin guns air burst triple darts there we go and armor-piercing that's what we want and these this guy is going to do super super good work towards the the Moab because the mobs about to show up right and I don't want them all to show up and beat us up that's not what we want to do but what I do want to do is get the next banana research facility so drunk almost round 40 we don't even have one out of the 64 tr-5 towers that we're trying to get which is not great but it's fine oh my goodness we're still okay well where you want to go in a free play because we haven't completed barely any of the challenge whatsoever okay we need to get as many of these banana research facilities I think like we possibly can right and then we're gonna start going guys out of curiosity I need you to help me out what is the final upgrade for this banana farm do this the banana central because it doesn't say specifically and I'd never took the time to like researching it what is banana Central Duke does that make everything else make more money I'm very very I don't know I have no idea um let's see let's see what is it it's supply drops eat yes yes gets more money you lose it boosts all banana farms that's kind of what I was thinking I thought that's what it was because it's just too good oh my goodness guess we're starting to make so much money we're making like we were starting to make one of these almost almost one around oh can I not put that there well that's so upsetting all right well we're gonna need another we need another banana farm guy up here because we're gonna need some more bananas is already sucks on us a lot of talks on 1,500 likes I I promise that's what I said guys 1500 likes okay alrighty oh can I not put that right there oh that's so upsetting I'm so upset now can't you see I'm vivid I'm angry mm live viewers what's going on everyone thank you so much we have over 2000 live viewers that is insane thank you for coming out to the Lord stream today if you new to the channel make sure to subscribe turn on notifications you said heat absolutely what's wrong with the word Yee you know sometimes that's what you just got to do okay all right there we go we oh no whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa let's calm down here I gotta use her boost okay that was really close we should focus more on defense cuz we're at around 50 and I really haven't thought about defense I've just been pure money so far okay let's let's see who's doing work honestly I think what we need to do is we need to just get we just need to get this thing and we need to put this guy right here and now we're good right look at this we get the inferno we got the inferno ring nothing is getting by us let's do more tax and even more tax it's super good though Thank You Archie for the $1 donation really appreciate it but I know vengeful temple is the plan everyone I want you all to know that's what we're working towards is the eventual temple okay I want we want to get the ventral temple and we want to get the dark evil adora so these are all part of the plan but in order to do that we we are going to need a lot of money okay so the first thing I want to get is the banana central and then after banana central we're gonna start working up and trying to get some we'll want some banks we're gonna need we just need a lot of stuff right there's just a lot that we're gonna want to get this guy is gonna this guy is gonna deal with everything like he's gonna deal with everything no joke okay we're gonna turn that guy in a banana central so everything's gonna start making more money now okay 350 oh do we oh you're right it gives us it starts giving everything more money which is very very good so every round I don't know what makes the most money but these guys make a decent amount of money here let's go ahead let's put a villager up here why did I see a villager this is that minecraft this isn't a Minecraft villager what am i doing okay that's fine we just need to start saving up so yeah all of these do get boosted so that is going to bake look how much money we have the thing is like we still need so much more money it's ridiculous how much money we're gonna actually need because we need because we're gonna have to get every tier five tower in the game so literally every tower everything that we can buy we're gonna have to buy this game and it's going plus some extra like crazy upgrades right so it's just gonna be even crazier all right this guy's that's guys got everything we're making Bank right now though like serious bank look at this guy pops so many balloons alright we're already at round 61 so far so I'm happy with that let's hear this guy can pop any type of balloon do we keep focusing on money is this gonna be enough money to fuel us I don't think it is I really don't think it is what let's get one of everything so this guy I really want to get a Wall Street income and we also want valuable bananas and that's gonna start making us a lot more money and we also want to get the other one which is the bank right yeah we want monkey nah mix because monkey dahlings is really really really good because every time you're able to use that actually I'm gonna get a robot where's our robot we're gonna get a robot and we're gonna get you and we're gonna link you to him because I want that to always as soon as we can give us that extra money right so that's the that's all we got to worry about right now and that's perfect right we have no problems with that okay I'll use the alchemists upgraded aura oh you're right I like that let's put our alchemists rate here and you guys know what's up permanent brew oh my gosh I already got permanent brew that's our first tier 5 tower actually it's our fourth tier 5 tower I guess and faster throwing so he's gonna put that on everybody and we're gonna be we're doing really well for ourselves okay now do we want to start focusing on that or do we just need I feel like we want more money so can I get a I have a crazy idea so what if I so this monkey farmer is collecting a lot right well if I put a village and have the village suck up all the things around them well let's see okay so if we put this guy here what is the what does this radar become okay so that's that so absorbs all near-riot banana farms and their income freeing up space for new monkeys see I feel like that's gonna be really good if we put that right there cuz it'll absorb all of these farm right yes ultra boost its ventral sun-god is the plan right that is that's what we want to do right we want to get that ultra boost differential Sun God okay um let's see so we have that Sarah we're starting to make some a lot of money right now we're at three hundred thousand dollars um I still want more well I want more money do we want banks let's see let's see what do we want to do don't worry guys we're gonna everyone ever been filled guys working on well there's all these things that you want me to do so overclock the village yeah that's true cuz the villagers are gonna do even crazier stuff right dude hey banks a lot of people won't make and make banks now alright we're gonna make banks people are people are asking for the banks we were gonna make things okay if if you if you all crazy people want banks I'll make some banks okay I don't think banks are that great in an all honestly I'm not I'm not positive that they're the way to go but a lot of people are asking for them and didn't you guys are asking for when we're gonna make banks okay just just for you beautiful beautiful individuals all right and there we go I don't really need IMF loan so we're not gonna get IMF loan because it's a waste of money like that upgrade that ability really is not that great there's no point getting in okay there we go is that enough banks for everybody do I don't do any more bangs than this here can we fit one more down no all right that's a lot of banks here I'll put one more down one more and that's gonna be we're good now right we don't need we don't need to worry about anything else that's gonna be all the money that we need okay we need monkey appleĆ­s everyone's like more banks okay I think the first step is we want to work on getting the vengeful son gotta we just passed three thousand live viewers that is absolutely crazy everyone's like banks banks banks banks all right we do need we will need a lot of money you're right we do need money okay so or even more banks okay the banks okay I I admit the banks are making a little bit more money than I initially expected a little bit more than expected okay can i I can't really put banks anywhere else that's fine okay so now that we've got that let's start working on the ventral sun-god temple the eventual Sun go temple I believe needs to be right in the middle right Corbin just donated $2 he just goes fat I don't know why I don't know why he's saying that I don't think I hope he's started calling me fat but I don't know he does that's what you don't know where's the super monkey okay here's the super monkey he's gonna absorb all of this okay what is the new what is the new upgrade limit I'm pretty sure I don't think you can have a support tower in the beginning for the dark adora or for the dark eventual son got a temple right okay let's see so let's see so we want to go to Sun avatar so to go to some temple we need so I don't know if that's in range but okay okay we're gonna sell you and we're gonna want so you want permanent brewmaster and there's your magic and then we're gonna want military but this guy here what's let's see sub commanders only 21,000 let's see that's 29,000 and then that's 21,000 that's guaranteed military upgrade okay and then on top of that we probably want primary and we won't bomb two hours because bunk we want we want the balloon crusher right balloon crush and then we probably want frag bombs okay and that's that's really really good okay so we also want you want to throw a 5 a 5 an inch in there yes put let's put a 5 an inch in there I don't know if the 5 ninja actually does anything but why not okay so we're there we go we're gonna turn this guy to the Sun temple now so we upgrade so let's see let's see so we're gonna upgrade yeah I hope I bet you'll crash yeah probably I'm gonna crash okay so there's the first Sun Temple now the plan is we want to turn this into the vengeful Sun god temple okay the true Sun God temple so in order to do that now we're gonna want obviously we want balloon crush so bloon impact balloon crush I think I need I actually think I need to put a little bit more money on that I don't think it was enough money okay so there's that and now we're gonna want okay so we also are gonna want to put military which you guys know what's up is we want to go ahead and we're gonna get the Flying Fortress cuz that's so much money we also want permanent brewmaster again oh we can do the arcane guy but mainly we want permanent brew guy because having him be pro improves really nice okay now on top of that we also want a support tower which i mean this is gonna be fine is that in rage oh that's super in range we're gonna want to do super mines and now that we have super mines we need to put down the final upgrades for each super one key is it inside or outside I think you put the super monkeys outside I'm pretty sure these guys have to be on the outside so if they're on the outside you want to make sure that you've got the anti balloon gunner and on the outside you also want the knight there we go so they're both on the side we're gonna turn this guy also into legend of the night and outside everyone's hanging outside yeah that's III figured as much so there we go I think we got it so we have our support tower we have our primary tower we got a magic tower I think we're good to go now we're gonna turn this into the true Sun God which is going to make it the vengeful Sun God we have the night yeah the night we have the night okay so a door Emes be level twenty um I think we can we can move her right here we're gonna upgrade her to level twenty just just to be certain and we're gonna go with the true Sun God now so let's do this does true Sun God we do you wish you're some of the true Sun God do it okay and if we got it right ventral Sun God yes okay there's the vengeful Sun God oh my goodness can you whoa whoa whoa why can't they hit camera why can't they hit camo why are they not hitting camera they cannot room okay alright well they're these guys for some reason we're not hitting camera which is really upsetting for a second but we're also gonna want let's see oh my gosh she's crazy so let's turn this super monkey into super range probably super range epic range okay there we go so there we go we always have four thousand my viewers okay that's a lot of duck song wait wait is it oh okay time out time out time out time out time out time out time out time out too much come on let's alright we're gonna we're gonna just put that on right now okay we have almost 4000 live viewers okay let's view on watch mates do we have 1500 likes do we have it that's a lot of duck song so I'm assuming we have the 1500 likes that everyone really we have 1500 likes alright guys you asked for a duck sign I don't know why you guys like this song so much okay let me pull up the lyrics duck song lyrics because you guys are really weird for some reason okay let's pause the music and here we go we got the duck song everyone while this is going I'm just gonna play the duck songs because I don't know I'm sorry yeah but Minecrafts great game subscribe to my youtube channel let's do this mm-hmm but I'm bummed but I'm but I'm a duck walked up to a lemonade stand and he said to the man running the stand hey bum bum bum got any grapes the man said no we just sell lemonade but it's cold it's fresh and it's all homemade can I get you a glass the doc said man I'll pass and then he waddled away waddle waddle to the very next day bump bump bump bump out of them when the duck walked up to the lemonade stand and he said to the men run Stan hey bump bump bump got any grapes the man said no like I said yesterday we just sell lemonade okay when I give it a try the duck said Matt goodbye and then he waddled away waddle waddle and then he waddled away waddle waddle and then he waddled away waddle waddle til the very next day pum pum pum pum paara Don when the duck walked up to the lemonade stand and he said to the man running Stan hey bump bump bump got any grapes the man said look it's getting old I mean lemonade's all we've ever sold why not give it a go the duck said Matt how about no and then he waddled away waddle waddle and then he waddled away waddle waddle and then he waddled away waddle waddle to the very next day bump bump bump bump out a bum when the duck walked up to a lemonade stand and he said to the man who understand hey bum bum bum got any grapes the man said that's it if you don't stay away don't go glue you to tree and leave you there all day stuck so don't get too close duck said adios you have nice hair Corbin thanks with a five dollar super shot I appreciate you then he waddled away waddle then he waddled away waddle waddle to the very next day bump bump bump bump out of him when the duck walked up to the lemonade stand he said to the man running the stand hey you got any glue man said no why would I oh then one more question for you ah got any grapes bum bum bum but um put him the man stopped he started to smile started to laugh he laughed for a while I said come on duck let's walk to the store I'll buy you some grapes you want to ask anymore so they walked to the store and the man bought some grapes and they gave one of the duck and the duck said no thanks but you know it sounds good it would make my day do you think this store do you think this store has got any lemonade there you go I prom as promised delivered and oh my gosh what did you wonder it live viewers what are you guys doing you know crazy okay we're making big money now okay big money okay we need to put reput down this guy it's the that's not the bank it's this one all the way down here the wallstreet one alright so we've got all this stuff now we got to start working on getting all of the money oh wait I totally forgot that I need to collect that at some point I was not even paying attention to my banks I was singing that's the problem with banks guys I don't pay attention enough okay I never pay attention and if I just I just want to sing and dance never mind you guys want that for me so I don't even know okay so we need to start working on getting that all the max towers right the tears the the tier five towers right we got the ventral Sun God we got a bench full of door so now we got to start working on all of the towers okay we have almost a million dollars to work with so let's do this we want everything to be pretty perfect right so I think the first thing we want to do is you guys know what's up we're gonna put one of these oh wait can I put two here please tell me I can put two yes okay so you guys know what's up inferno ring and then in more tax even more tax and then this one probably overdrive and then the tax zone right so for here we probably want faster shooting even more I believe in you I hope you have the energy as you Knights don't appreciate love and support okay there we go now we got the taxol bum bum bum bum by a cat korban I don't have any cats these are monkeys these are all monkeys Corbyn there are no cats here no cats only monkeys okay sorry sorry to disappoint you mr. Corbyn okay so we got all right so now we need one more for this guy and I don't think we can go there alright so then over him that we're gonna do blade Maelstrom super blade and I'll show him faster shooting even faster shooting okay why aren't planes black or ventral so it's actually a texture glitch if you so if you if you ever get that um all you have to do is you go home after so if you get the the texture glitch and it doesn't then you go back into play you go back to the map that you were playing on which is cubism and then continue save game and once you reload into your saved game it'll fix it so if you ever get the problem with that and then see now the planes fixed and then you can go back into it so it's just the texture glitch is not actually like a thing at all but thank you so much for the 4500 whyphy Awards make sure to smash that like but if you guys are enjoying okay so oh wait I lost my I lost this guy okay so we should start going down a list of all of the things that we have okay so the tax rooters are done so we need the top the three monkeys so the first monkey I think I want to put right here then this guy is gonna be the juggernaut right so this guy we're gonna upgrade him to the ultra juggernaut with Rick quick shot very quick shot and we want him to target last and he's just gonna throw it shoot down this line which is gonna be really good next monkey I mean we just want a triple dart monkey i I feel like having the triple dart McGee like I really oh wait no this is gonna be the super monkey fan club I don't think it actually matters where he goes so we're just gonna put him like up here in the corner right so let's yeah come on um there we go we'll put him right here oh can i clickbank's not yet okay so this guy we want very quick shot triple shot super monkey fan club pimple asthma monkey friend cup razor struck tarts your start playing PBZ again i should start playing PBZ again um I know for now we're gonna do some balloons I'd like to do so I honestly might start anew just for PVC we'll see you though okay and then this guy we're just gonna oh wait wait we can do the crossbow guy and so we'll do the crossbow brothers um the cross the cross bros we're gonna do I'm really starting to run out of room here really starting to run out of room here this is not ideal we're gonna sell this guy actually the banks ok these banks really don't make that much money I feel these banks are just not worth it but they're just not worth dealing with ok let's go ahead and we're gonna take this monkey and we'll put him here and I mean we're just gonna there we go we're just gonna do the crossbow bros the cross bros there we go so we got two of the cross bros they're gonna be sitting there they're gonna be just shooting everything doing their thing ok I'm on top of that now we got the boomerang boys I mean see these guys you can kind of just put them whatever it doesn't matter right like it really oh wait this guy this guy we want the glaive got the guy to be here I think we really want the glaive Lord to be just be right here because once we get the glaive lord there we go and faster throwing and faster rings look at that they're gonna constantly that's a perfect zone for the boomerang guy and then I don't know if we want to move dark Ghidorah but we're good we'll figure it out I'm not i i'm not worried in the slightest okay and then we can also do bionic one will do it gleams all right so we're starting to put as many of these down hope you can pass past this I'm sure I'll crash the server we're gonna find out if it's gonna crash or not and we're almost at 5,000 live viewers that is crazy perma spikes you right you right when you got us I want to just kind of go down the line to make sure I don't like miss anything but it's fine okay but we have perma spikes is the way to go so we're gonna want perma spikes and then we also want bigger sex and white hot sex because that's just that's just ya know and we also want to put smart we'll put smart on that so that's gonna do that thing okay what is that those are really weird oh that shoots fireballs if you were reading this BAM okay boomer and chat thanks for the duel our super chat I appreciate you okay uh let's do let's do let's do what else do we want to do I eventually want to get a monkey not bullet monkey op ellipse let's do let's put a monkey op ellipse right here so monkey business monkey City monkey op ellipse Oh what okay bigger radius and so that's just gonna collect and do its thing so we're gonna see you so that just gives us a lot of money um well I think I need to put another farmer down oh my goodness look at the range this monkey farmer has won it that's crazy range way do these things just have crazy range because of the ventral sun-god temple does that's so good that's amazing okay let's do we also need some other spike factors here we can put this bike factory like up here kind of like out in a way from things I really don't think we care right no we don't care and then we're gonna go ahead and get the super balls and then we want faster production even faster production and then for this one we're gonna want oh this the spike storm I probably should have waited to put that down because it takes five ever not final number it just starts lagging the game horrendously what do we do it and that's not what we want to do in the slightest but that's fine okay everyone's okay tell you what tell you what we per ducks on to if we get four thousand likes I'll sink duck song - okay alright that's what we'll do if you guys really want it we're almost a million dollars okay let's all so let's start getting our helicopters down here we can collect all and let's sell that let's where's our helicopter here's a helicopter okay we'll put just a one helicopter right here you guys know what's up patchy dark troop faster firing faster darts and we also want to go with this guy let's do special operations and pursuit I just want pursuit on all of them is if they don't have pursuit it's not worth it okay pursuit let's also do there we go we are doing very good okay yo wait wait thank you so much to the $5 superjet again um I've sent for donations my last we won't give up but your computer well tonight storm Lowell my computer will never give up we will not falter and we will not fail wait where's my music I can turn my music back on I forgot guys I'm so sorry okay look get some let's get some a banger song um this seems like a dope song I like this song I don't know I don't know about the song but I like it thanks to another sing ultimate showdown for old times sake you know what Nicky Nick if we get three thousand likes on this dream I'll sing the ultimate Showtime for those of you don't know what the ultimate showdown is it is the ultimate battle between good and evil every single man or super super super hero and enemy and super villain and all of them all together okay if we can get three thousand like we have five thousand viewers so it should be super easy okay so there's our three helicopters let's start working on the planes let's get our planes up in the skies okay so we can put one let's put one light we can put the planes like away or here okay I think we want we probably want centered path and then everything else right so let's do Center path and then we can get the sky shredder this guy shredder is gonna do his thing and we can just go down the line right okay there we go we want centered path oh wait oh wait I messed it up no I got the wrong one so shun dirt path you guys know what's up we start getting the star bomb and the final one you guys oh wait no I didn't want to do that that was the opposite of what I wanted to do actually I don't think I want the Flying Fortress I probably want much more darts in Flying Fortress yeah yeah so no that's fine so lots of more darts and then we're gonna get the flying porker so we're like good to go everyone y'all thank you so much we have 5,000 live viewers what all right so we've gotten all the helicopters we've gotten all the planes we need we need mortar monkeys we need mortar monkeys okay this is craziness okay so we need to start getting rid of some towers okay with it's getting too crazy all right it's getting it's getting redonkulous okay we need to we need to free up some space okay so if we put this guy here and we get bigger radius jungle drums and let's also get monkey City okay oh you can only have one you can only have one oh no I don't know how I feel about this do we have enough money we have to have enough money for everything or at least close to it we're gonna sell that and then we're gonna upgrade this to monkey applets because that's gonna take everything for us and start giving us way way more money okay we're around a hundred and eighteen and we're not even close to getting all of our tier 5 upgrades okay so let's do this we have nine three monkeys to put down all right we got all the boomerangs we do not have all the bomb towers that's one that we are lacking so we can get we can get the bomb tower you know $10 super shot I love you but can I but can I join you in the next vid I play as well Jennifer well thank you 1000 super chat I unfortunately we don't pick favorites you on the channel if I do like a fan battle or a Fame thing it's basically whoever gets in first and that's basically that's the fairest way I can do it let's do Moab elimin arrow with heavy bombs yeah so we'll do heavy bomb and then Moab Eliminator and we're gonna have you target strong so we want this guy to count I just hit everything and then we're gonna want you guys know what's up we're gonna go here and we're gonna just go ahead and we're gonna get balloon crush balloon crash flew in crushed is really good and then I also you guys know what's up oh we got another bad balloon or is that like I'm like I don't even know there we go all I know is that's just a lot of bombs oh my gosh there's eventual Sun God coming in it's still powerful they literally can't deal with it they can't deal with it at all right that's just too that's too good it's actually way too powerful to be able to deal with that okay and I love it it's perfect okay let's go ahead and so we've got all the bombs we've got all the tax Hooters right one two three that's right we got all the boomerang guys iced monkeys let's get some ice monkeys down here okay you guys know the first iced monkey that we're probably gonna want to get is let's um you know and and oh wait wait what if what if we put him like right I know it's a little awkward is there any way come on is there any way we can put an ice monkey I want a nice monkey around here right here could be I want the ice one you two go right there that'd be so good oh wait can it could totally can you guys saw you guys saw it just for a second this is the perfect ice monkey spot I refuse to give up on this come on is come on is oh no it's so close ah I saw it for like just a second but Oh Oh guess like right here oh come on there is a small I got it I got it okay look at this look at this sort of get snowstorm absolute zero look at the absolute zero radius oh my gosh wait larger radius and refreeze yeah larger radius oh my gosh this is the slow for the ice monkey that's so broken yo that's so good okay let's go ahead and we can just start putting even more to these guys down right I really doesn't really matter where we put all these guys it really doesn't it really doesn't matter permafrost metal freeze and we'll have them targets strong these guys's range are super powerful all right all I've totally forgot let's put some snipers because the thing with snipers have been kind of put them everywhere we want faster oh no I sold a lot accident what kind of hot garbage is that okay we want crippled Moab and then we want you to target strong obviously for you I want you to be a Supply Drop and we're gonna do Full Metal Jacket for you and we'll have elite targeting priority and then you know what's up with you you're gonna be our fast boy he's super fast boy and we're gonna have him target do no we'll just have him target first and just anything he can he's just gonna fire okay wherever I 124 not even blinking okay we're not even we're not even worried nice to him again I've been excited for this and love these live streams don't lose I spent twenty dollars in the stream well that storm I don't know I don't know how a wind I don't know what the plan is I guess we have to get the challenge done before we lose which I'm totally totally gonna do don't you worry nice time okay just for you but alright so let's go ahead and we're gonna put the nuke that we're gonna put the sub down here this sub we're gonna put the sub all the way down here and then the Energizer that's all we need so that's the first that's best guy and then we're going we can do this subcommander right so we're gonna do advanced Intel no I didn't want to do that I lied we're gonna put you here so advanced Intel and then we want preemptive strike and then we're also gonna want advanced Intel and subcommander and those guys are gonna start start fighting in what just happened wait what did way what just happened it like instantly everybody left at one time something must have happened with YouTube and like the thing like the thing messed up we dropped it we went from 5,000 viewers everyone and we immediately dropped down to like zero all of a sudden it must have been a glitch with YouTube that was really weird whoa that was yeah no on youtubes end it literally sit like this and just a drop I was like everyone left what happens all right well I'm glad you guys all stayed here we got 3,000 we did 3000 likes okay all right all right okay we hit 3000 like I like you guys they do you don't forget okay 3000 lights all right I'm doing this one from memory y'all okay this is a song so hey dude is love your vids you the best know you the best shorty you the best okay this song is ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny I know it from heart old Godzilla was hoppin around Tokyo city like a big playground when suddenly Batman burst in the shade hit Godzilla with a bat grenade Godzilla got mad and began to attack but didn't expect to be brought by Shaq and proceeded Oh put up a can of Shaq flu when Harry Connick came out of the blue and he started beating up Shaquille O'Neal and they both got flattened by the Batmobile before he can make it back to the Batcave Abraham Lincoln popped out of his grave took an ak-47 Ephrem under his hat blew batman away with a rat-a-tat-tat but he ran out of bullets he too ran away cuz Optimus Prime can save the day this is the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny good guys bad guys and explosions so I was the eye can see and only one will survive I wonder who it will be this is the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny godzilla took a pilot not in his Prime like scruff McGruff took a pilot a crime then Shaq came back covered in dirt out Jack watching his back Batman was injured and trying to get steady but Abraham Lincoln came back with a machete but suddenly something caused lady trip T Indiana Jones to come out with his rip you reach for his gun when she just couldn't find cuz Batman stolen Charlotte he missed and Jacqueline afflicted it with this misty jumped in the area did her summersault while Abraham Lincoln tried to pole vault anonymous problem at the collide in the air both got hit by camber stay here this is the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny good guys bad guys and explosions as far as the eye can see and only one will survive I wonder who it will be this is the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny mm-hmm angel sang out in immaculate chorus and down from the heavens to send it Chuck Norris who delivered a kick which could shatter bones into the crotch of Indiana Jones who fell on the ground writhing in pain as Batman changed back into Bruce Wayne but Chuck saw through his clever disguise and he crushed Batman's head in between his highs thighs hmm then get off the great and Gandalf the White and Monty Python only Grails Black Knight and mr. Mussolini and the blue meanie and cowboy Curtis and convey the genie Robocop the Terminator Captain Kirk Darth Vader loaf and Superman everything a fire engine he'll rest Preston Theodore Logan spot the Rock Doc Ock and Hulk Hogan came out of nowhere lightning fast in kick check doors there's cowboy but bloodiest battle the world ever saw civilians looking at total law hey you guys asked for it you guys asked for it that's the one voice all right do we have all the mortars I don't think we have all the borders all right we're going back to the mortars everyone's dying that's what you get but why do heck why do I do heck welcome boys all right welcome boys all right we got the biggest one so we need all the mortar towers now we're doing it we're doing pretty good honestly let's do our artillery bloom Buster and then we need we need one more and we're gonna put this guy up here because there's gonna be signal flares and shattering tails and balloon incineration and we look faster reloading rapid reload and then that guy's just gonna be going there there's so much craziness going on I don't even know what things with general super Chad yes I love sing this song Niki making through this thing through the super chat thank you everyone for coming out having over five thousand live viewers this curve right easy you guys are amazing alright though we're showing also by the way that you saw the other ten dollar super chat for the number one fan you're awesome and beautiful um oh I forgot we got to collect our banks where's our banks okay what are we missing we're missing all the wizards right oh yeah we're missing the wizards okay so it's I can't see anything okay okay I love it you know what we're just gonna go with it we're just gonna okay okay actually we're gonna we're gonna turn off auto start here for a second okay thank you I can breathe okay we can breathe for a second I don't need I don't need I really don't need money anymore but we can we can sell all these things I might as well just click collect all for the money so okay now give me a second so I can breathe and figure out what's going on so first off we're putting a wizard down okay we're not putting a wizard there here we can actually here we're gonna sell this guy and we're gonna sell that guy and now we got a wizard and here we go we can put this wizard right here this is gonna be this is gonna be our dark our necromancer dude and he's gonna summon all the big creepy things let's do we're gonna put this guy back here thank you so much for $5 super tried again Judy please shout me out yo I shouted you up before but gecko gecko klutz thanks for coming out you're amazing all right where did I put my wizard I just I just put a wizard and it and I my crazy no okay putting the wizard down here wizard we want this wizard to have um we want Archmage oh we don't have the tornadoes anymore oh that's disappointing all right well we're gonna put arch mage on this guy anyways and then we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna put the fire was you're down right here so where's our fire wizard all right Dragon's Breath okay um there's you we can't put any of the super monkeys down because they're all being used right now okay all right we have okay we can we can start again I think we're fine we're around 130 right now what is even happening okay oh my gosh why did I why did I allow this to happen again why did I allow this okay so we got the grand master ninja let's see and the other ninja let's do balloon sabotage and then we can also do sticky bomb distraction counterespionage okay look at all the look at all the zombie balloons here they come alright so we're gonna go ahead and we want I mean we're just gonna do brewmaster stronger potions I I have no idea what's going on my screen starting to lag like this is how crazy this is all like happening right now okay but right now we're trying to get every single tier 5 tower in the game that's the plan okay every two your 5 tower in the game so now we need the Drude the druze so for this guy I probably want the there you go we can get you where is where's the money so the money is here okay let's go ahead and like whatever we'll put him right there and we're gonna do the spirit drew to the bounty and cuz that leaves the like the spikes on the road at all times and then we can leave the angry guy right here which is the knurl wrong wrong one this is difficult it's so much craziness is happening right now I'm trying to just like all right there we go all right we have all do we have all the bulbs we have all the banana farms right we have basically we have all the banana farms here just ya know we act we have all three banana farms we have all three of those we have all three we don't have all three villages that's one thing we don't have we don't have all three villages because we just gotta get max upgrades on everything right that's the the object of the game is to get the max upgrades once we get the max upgrades we're good to go okay monkey City oh wait we know we have them like a seat all right we have all the upgrades engineer monkey okay we have our engineer monkey I can't see what's going on so don't worry guys if you guys can't see what's going on neither can i I have no no hope or prayer or clue of what's going on right now okay what's the final what's the what's the oh wait right right the final guy just puts down the here we go here larger surface area there we go and then we got the trap oh my gosh look at how many abilities we have we have so many abilities but I'm pretty sure that's every tier 5 tower in the game at given time okay you can't have any more of the tea or $5 there's all the tea or five towers okay we've gotten glue Gunners we forgot glue Gunners you guys right you're right you're right you're right you're right no we didn't have any glue Gunners I totally forgot about glue Gunners okay glue Gunners all right we almost missed it almost almost you you guys got it yeah thank you for that all right and boom all right that's all of them there we go we got all the glue Gunners well you can't put super monkeys down we have the sniper snipers our snipers are up there we got all the snipers pirates are over here we got the pirate Lords we got the Tsar bomb um we have let's see what else do you guys think we got the pirate ship the monkey Buccaneers are up here so we have this guy we have that one and we have that one that's all tier five towers in the game all literally all of them we're good to go we've popped oh my gosh the company's balloons we've pops there's so many balloons we have the normal dart monkeys as well there's like the first ones okay we have all the engineers we have this chart boom we have that we have the submarines we have the Ring of Fire we have the ace we have cannons I have we have all of them we actually have all of them we have all the ninjas ninja ninja monkeys are over here that's all home activate all the abilities somebody said alright here we go I'm activating all the abilities oh wait I don't want to know I don't want to do that I don't want to cancel that cancel that I don't want to do that okay use every ability except that one no no or that one okay is that use that come on I'm using every ability I have I'm using a rehabilitate I have and we're gonna do that all right I don't even know if that is a rehabilitate oh wait no you that the support yet is okay oh my god this is so laggy this has become absolutely insane I actually have no idea like what is happening right now this has just gone too crazy it's a science gone too far do you have the MARTA Tower I do I have all three mortar towers right over here that's all I got weak actually got everything literally every that we could possibly want right now and we're doing like it is amazing and it's perfect we round one for you I feel like this could just last forever like this looks like it's just gonna last forever all trip oh you're right we got to ultra boost the true Sun God you're right where is where is that where is it where is my ultra boost okay once I get it we are on oh my gosh we weren't even on double speed what type of awfulness okay we're all traversing the vengeful Sun guns guys don't worry about it okay we're all tributing it okay I'm doing as best I can to just keep ultra boosting it I know we have all the submarines we have every tower we have tech shooters you guys tax shooters are right here see we have this tax shooter we have that we have that tax tent this depta where is it there's the ring of fires in there somewhere you can't see it for the ring of fire is in there it was like the first tower that we had and we haven't sold it so we have the ring okay we're waiting for this guy to wear down oh my gosh it is so nutty there's so many projectiles on-screen the whole games just lagging this is so great I love it okay um I don't even know what's going on right now like I actually have no clue but you know what it's amazing okay I why do I just keep doing your thing we just got to keep going we're doing fine we're doing great [Music] w tip it in okay just keep going guys we're at we're only at around 140 so what stuff I don't know what's our game plan everyone what's the what's the the big the big plan and what round are we trying to get you guys like we have all the snipers we have literally every tower I just don't think we can ever lose I feel like I could just end this off and then just walk away and then we're good to go right like I feel like at no point is this ever gonna actually end it just goes on forever forever and ever is a very long time I mean we have all these abilities that like we're gonna use them whenever whenever we feel like it all let's use this use this oh wait wait we need to upgrade we need to keep super boosting the sun-god temple why because we can wait Ring of Fire sold did it we did the ring on fire so let's just see no no no we don't know it it's not sold it's still there we still have it we still got it okay yeah no we're doing just fine and dandy you know I'm very happy with what's going on okay we're just gonna keep we just got to keep doing our thing and we're gonna be fine okay oh my gosh it's so laggy we got to get past around 50 what's our record I think our records like 160 something we have a 0:05 village it's right this month this is the monkey ah police village this monkey though it's just that one right there it's still just making us money yep I mean it's still just making us money James thank you $2 schipper shot um - yo thank you you have such a cool YouTube you think you can shout out my tick-tock it's James Dean 69 oh wait there you go James I hope you make baked bunny like funny thing in my buffers co-op yeah darlin gun we don't have to Artland guns and bloons tower defense things I wish we did you know great that would be I'd really really like that that would make me happy okay my restaurant is 672 that must have taken years to get we can't get any of the super monkeys super monkeys are infused into the actual tower can you play with me and blue c6 I can't promise anything like I said sometimes I'll do fan battles and or like co-op games where people can join in on but other than that no I don't do anything like exclusive just because it wouldn't be fair people are trying to get to 5,000 likes I don't even know what to do for 5,000 I spent 5,000 is a lot of likes to get like oh no idea go to around 1000 yeah we're just gonna go on and definitely right that's the plan okay indefinitely and never stopping okay that's the plan all right monkey village expertise yeah we have monkey village expertise this this one up here I'm telling you guys we have every tower I went through a double checked around to hundreds insane guys we have four for free thirty-eight monkeys the problem is is eventually it just gets way too long like the rounds just take indefinitely there's just so many blooms that you have to pop and it's like we're obviously we're gonna be able to defeat them just fine and dandy it just takes so long so the guys we have already seen the duck sound no duck songs I refuse Oh a duck song is a no-go okay my horror score is 212 yeah I mean I feel like at some point you kind of do go crazy right like we've got this round that we're at a hundred almost I'm around 150 yet and it just we're just still going the Kobra there is no Cobra tower the Cobra Tower is gone okay five likes I get the duck song 5k likes we do duck song again you guys are crazy you guys are actually SuperDuper crazy and I love it it's amazing okay the highest run is 750 is it I feel like that's not true we'll see you're great and thank you for your entertainment thank you so much with the $2 super Chet Chet out please YouTube newb well new beau Tim shout out to you my guy thanks for to put Chet you're awesome I love you all thank you guys so much coming out I know we should start doing such a few anymore guys if you want to see me do more streams actually head over to my facebook it's the description down below if you guys want to see more on live streams from me if you guys want make sure to subscribe to the channel turn on notifications we upload here every single day we're doing a lot of balloons here cuz balloons it's awesome and I love blue so if you love balloons too well this is the channel for you my friend okay so I was gonna be too - you have just quote I do have it discord but I don't really use it that often so what was your highest score I think the highest score we've gotten on cameras around 164 I'm not entirely sure but I'm pretty sure it's around that like round 164 ish mmm I guess go with the the ACE middle path I know we have the that's the Tsar bomb it's right where is it no it's right there right there everything okay let's see you do the Drude only challenge I know there's a lot of really cool and awesome challenges that I'm gonna be filming and uploading here very soon guys so I mean that's the plan right so I for K likes the duck song we're at around 150 okay so the plan is we're gonna we're gonna have to beat we're gonna just try to beat round 150 that's what we're gonna do I might just leave this alone and then just like leave it on overnight and see how long it goes okay my mom thinks you're wearing right this guy said um my mom Logan Levinson - T my mom thinks you're funny tell your mom she has a great sense of humor then there we go we beat round a hundred and fifty guys with though that's that's gonna do it guys for the every tear five vengeful dark adora dark Sun the one at whatever you want to call it the crazy challenge I hope you all enjoyed today's livestream I know it was a lot of fun I know I don't normally but I just got back from vacation so I hope you guys enjoyed now stick around guys because tomorrow we have a super awesome video coming out just for you guys stay tuned I love you guys and I'll see you guys tomorrow for some more awesome content get ready guys this new year is going to be in
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 504,714
Rating: 4.9195671 out of 5
Keywords: Funny, tewtiy, iphone, mobile, live, livestream, steam, action, funny, upgrade, bloons, op, vs, secret, hidden, bloons td 6, hack, glitch, cheat, hero, crazy
Id: bGanX6cxjyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 25sec (3445 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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