4 Player Spike Factory *CHALLENGE* with Ssundee! | INSANE Level 100 Challenge!

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what's going on ladies and gentlemen my name is Ronnie Judy and welcome to balloons tower-defense 6 where I'm gonna be joined by Biffle whiffle Sunday and Tyrolean sup you guys want to see more and make sure to smash that like button subscribe and turn on notifications in today's video we're doing something a little bit crazy where Biffle and I are gonna be in charge of banana farms and Jerome and Sunday are gonna be in charge of the attack towers the attack towers were actually gonna be using the spike Factory and so they can only use the spike factories and we can only use banana farm supplying them money will we be able to beat around 100 using the strategy I don't know let's get into it guys are you guys ready yeah already it's me enter oh we are the spiked attackers Rudy and Austin are the bankers ok ok everybody boys I need $100 from all of you so I made Jerome we can only use the spike towers drum I'm gonna place a spike tower back don't do it don't do it you do it it's perfect we love it rest of my money who wants it to need me oh I'll take it all take it all take it I think we need we need banana funds help me either man Austin give honey [Music] ok so Trudy is gonna buy a banana Milania he needs $945 voice from here on out I am the manager oh my god operation I want to be the manager this burger king oh gosh are you boys ready for me to put down money with there we go the money has been put down their goal for this we want to get to level 100 we are currently on 40 yeah I wanna flows gosh scoffs we're almost there hey yeah I mean I think what she looks like round 280 and then it's raw tomato under an 80 so go grip the spike trap is doing like there's leg spikes everywhere destroy all these blues I am getting no money for these pops I have $5 30 and I survived it divides it by by 4 see you get anole in 25 cent how are we gonna beat this churro bananas bananas Aldo bananas here here take I'm gonna send you all the money that I have it's everything that I got by making account right now blue Austin is yellow and Jerome is Grillo trouble do a novel okay I'll give you the money did I get bigger stander oh we should get another thing at what is that day what is it there's my remote emoticon obviously saying emoticon how did you you click on the two little monkeys and then on the top right [Laughter] while we're defending right now should we give all of our money to tutti and biffle's so they can buy more farms way ahead of you I need to start upgrading these farms I got to start wheeling you just upgraded to level one I am the manager you will start working or I will put that's terrifying we got to get them blinking give me somebody here we got we got to get Austin money we got to get him up so he gets a little banana farm bit full the bank planes loons TV regular and check you have literally done nothing yet I know this is my first time playing when I do check this out check this out check this out I'm 100 what I got something where is it oh there it is any minute now no particular reason ain't what now serious question yeah who here would trust Austin in real life as the pimple thing definitely not me I'm very good with my money no I don't trust the metal add-on not honest honestly not even a little spot a giant inflatable shark I don't burn and form but I need the bananas instead of selling them alright so Biffle what you have to do upgrade the top path increase production write that twice like that raft you know what Ian I see your rat I raised you a hot tub money everybody Biffle give all your money to Tootie I'm struggling oh my god so much money okay okay I got that I got the bank now we got the bank it gives us so basically it gives us the same amount of money but if you click on your playing think it has money in it and every at the end of every round you get interest 15% so it doesn't have a lot now but it starts stacking up and you get crazy amounts of Jerome upgraded to bigger I just gave you all my money yes I am loaded you are okay so now I'm gonna do bigger stacks just like Jerome did okay you're bigger do want more snacks yeah yeah your money all those white boobs aren't gonna break are they know they'll be okay they're gonna break they're gonna break oh that was really close I can't little however will we stop it we got white hot spice so now we could pop lids because they're coming oh my goodness they come in two waves all right guys my bank has already made three thousand dollars but I'm gonna leave it in there so we start making more money okay so the more money that's in there the more money it makes exactly so I don't want to take it out yet because it's making so much money right now oh no this doesn't look good though I I'm taking I'm really scared I'm taking out Sonny I'm giving it you look at the pond - oh my gosh my boobs are coming does anybody want to give me money to upgrade No cool I just gave all my money to Sonny he is $3,000 oh my gosh dollars okay go down the middle path now faster production so I'll create more spikes yes and faster production uh-huh boys and I will get a Moab shredder what oh that's so good is that sounds awesome okay here we go you guys need a little bit more boys yeah a little bit let me give you more money you want more money did your little banana Rock sorry it wasn't paying attention to the bananas look how fast that thing of theirs producing spikes that's so good that is amazing it's defending against all the balloons all right you got that back up you got that back up right there coming to you yeah I got this I got this I got this I got this whoo okay okay a little bit I'm panicking a little bit once we breathe level 40 round 40 uh-huh we get a moab right oh my goodness that a little pretty for that I'm ready $4,250 and we should be able to take that down okay you know that was rude guys this is getting really really close he's getting hard he's trying to keep the money in the bank the bank already has nearly five thousand five thousand dollars in the bank but I don't want to talk it out yet so the more money that's in there the oh the paint balloons are coming Jerome oh jeez oh is upgraded okay more just barely holding on you got six thousand dollars in the bank with six thousand dollars so boys once I upgrade this next bike factory I get an ability you'll see what it is wait you two need to take now and get the loans you can borrow money okay no I said but it's not a good idea that's not Sunday yeah it is very beef $200 rate wait I get the next upgrade yes okay now the only issue is its round 37 uh-huh I'm about to game I have the ability found down the bottom left alright let's put another one down doodles okay there we go we're starting to get even more banana farms over everybody we're making money out here we were making a lot of money this is so good let's wanted to be a farmer yeah yeah drum what do you think we are the attackers Jerome yes on this backside right so laughs so many Blues talking it's just so many blends on this back spike if I go down the bottom path that some life spikes they last you you guys notice that the spikes they get deleted after every round but the long last makes it last in between rounds Oh that'll be so good permanent spikes can take out her tack and can take out okay we're okay we're okay I gotta use my resume every night a lot of money I just saved you all of my money I'm gonna use it so much spike storms go juicy oh that was alarming God that case yes boy we gotta have to get to yeah hit free play I'm gonna do back here long life spikes yeah you're thinking yep and the fights can pop through two layers per spike Oh should I get that yeah I'm gonna give you my money there you go buddy okay look at these spikes on the mat nightmares are crazy awesome now they're gonna be yellow look at them those things are gonna last per round right yes yes fights are all that was such a good spike storm that was perfect literally just what I needed okay I've got $100 I'm $80 away I got it I got it thank you you're oh yeah oh oh and we are not even halfway to level 100 yet we could do it with us oh no we need to get one all the way to the top upgrade that's what's like the next the next thing we got to work on I think oh good drop drop we have to call out our spike uses okay okay Oh No who needs money I have to set 2,000 bucks for anybody who want it I'll take one it for the top because I'm trying to put the spike balls around money oh you're putting up there oh you're doing spiked balls yeah yeah hundred fifty there you go get a hundred you go to hundreds yeah I'm so much money right now this is crazy you got two bags you have qu banks going one has seven thousand one has they both have seven thousand in it no no one the total one of them has seven thousand eight hundred one of them only has like 58 dollars in it oh I thought it was 25 500 I need 300 more dollars dollars I got 88 dollars so I got I got a hundred twenty permanent spikes so valuable the permanent spikes are gonna be incredible you guys gonna love them Oh get those spikes oh I'm not even worried about this by the way I'm worried at all with the Pearl spike you can actually change its targeting system you can make it target like some one area really if you want to it makes it super crazy really I put it on Marte yeah there you go okay so we have to get all those permanent spikes back there Jerome we upgrade your front tower with spikes mine oh okay we can get that suit it's only eight thousand thousand more slight claims are gonna be so good here's your money take it off anyone have the ability we might need to use it it's so powerful it's so good so good okay we've got the bag I don't think you guys realize how powerful is permanent spikes are in the back like what why is it sure it's shooting it all in one area you look at that giant ball of sweet is it because you have smart targeting on so it's gonna put it all yeah it's gonna put it on that one spot right there how many banks do you have to beauty I got three banks it's why are you a psycho yeah he's terrified of 2d the banker guys all right drama how much do you need 3,000 more right yep yep 3,000 won come on boys okay girl I'm giving I'm drone I'm gonna give you my gosh wait to drum send it all back to me I can do sir knock pass the spikes okay okay what is that dude like they're getting set on boy getting set on fire oh my goodness [Music] I'm trying okay okay so what I'm gonna do now I'm gonna start saving up for more spike storms oh look at it okay I like it yeah what are you more bananas one there yep upgrade uh-huh middle path Yeah right drum we just need to spam spike storms right as many as you got oh no do we need to do it one now I don't know I don't know you're perfect like sighs oh yeah okay okay no worries mind to the front are destroying everything I think we get into carpet of spikes next it basically does that ability on its own randomly like for fun every like 3500 yeah carpet of spikes 35 chow don't worry guys the bank the bank is making money is it how much you got we're sitting here oh wait no bubble 60 the big moab comes at level 60 no the B&B yeah oh we can take the PFP we'll take them okay we're just gotta be ready for it oh no oh my spike storm do it they got annihilated we just owned everything that was so sorry guys I just got $31,000 we may be in trouble we may be look at my spikes trap back there let's the permanent spikes all right Judy if you give me all of your money I can get carpet up spikes all of it okay here you go take all of it okay twenty-eight thousand oh no I need a little bit more I was right here 26 my money my money here's some of my money 32,000 I need three more thousand we're working on it we're trying to get as much as possible take my money thank you here take it here there you go all my money that's it I need a little bit more so what sue this sent out up upgrade down oh look at that Oh oh yes it's just randomly like you this is sick oh my god if you can't start saving up for the research facility they give you so much more money yeah oh yeah I'm on it I'm on it now all we need to get a permanent spikes in the back as well can you do that I think they don't have one though not in multiplayer mode you can have everyone get the same to your five right yeah we can have another permanent spice yeah I need like 25 grand okay duty and Austin to the people I can get it before I take your uptake oh hey there you go drum dick the spikes dude oh okay smart yeah there you go oh my goodness no you just got to serve it up despite files what little IMF loan do $1,000 oh yeah it'll give you 10,000 but it makes you pay it back oh yeah this we are out here oh so once we pass level 100 I want it I kind of want to see how far we can go [Music] I think a billions reasonable yeah Judy and Austin have so much money no no by a plantation wait Ian do we want to try and get you 150 grand for super mines what's the tier 5 tier 5 of the top root hundred and fifty shower you have you ever gotten it before no we have to get them in yeah okay you put one down put one down okay where do I put it right actually your middle ones your middle tower that will be perfect will it all okay so spike the ball to go to the top route yeah okay I need $8,000 to do spike - okay don't worry I'm gonna I'm making money now I'm making tons of money yeah he's got enough for another point okay how much money you have in the top right going permanent spikes oh my god no no / - spike okay that is actually the best thing I've ever do you think those permanent spikes could take down an entire moab by itself yes that could take down two blue bulbs per slice first bike purse bike they can take down three DDT's first bike as well should we get rid of all of our spikes and just use those - they will only last but two of them you'll last around 95 I know this because I recently did a video on how far those are last so I need $8,000 hey I am the manager give me all your body weight money all right take all the money then 29,000 okay I'm out Congrats now I need 148 thousand oh yeah we're working on it down okay I know it's not easy being a banana farmer in these trying times money to invest mean all right Judy take the money take the money 24,000 - totally my goodness okay thank you my gosh the mess is actually insane wait question what could we have for spike factories in the back with permanent bikes we good if they all had it my god that would be insane for another video hey all right doing my spike storm there we go got it got it got it nice nice guys I'm making so much money right now with all these bands they're everywhere I could tell oh no mo after getting their oh no I think we're okay though oh I'm like what do you guys 30,000 20,000 oh my gosh what's so far from the bomb we're so far but at the same time we're so close question what if we've had hay hay in um you what you want $100,000 Austin where is it oh my goodness one of those great Moab's I don't I don't know what just happened I don't either but my head hurts yeah no I am I'm still looking at that duck in the pool honestly I should I sell my spike factory I think keep it going look at this saw okay okay we got four gray Moab's coming in oh yes drum here take it off how is that thing destroying all of them now I have a corporatist place haha dude that is insane I'm gonna get another one with another spike storm another spike storm oh my gosh the money for that crap we don't need it that was just got evaporate hit CD - hey what happened all right from what I want you to do yeah you've up all of your spike storms okay no more guys what it calls for the night Batman hey do you have a random Batman why Dahlia Batman tonight I have tennis spiked storms ready this is ridiculous all right no this something's wrong with us I think those bombs in the middle are actually like they destroy everything I've been upgrading so much and I haven't even looked at them so that's it everyone I hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you did make sure to hit that like button subscribe and turn on notifications thanks for watching everyone bye whoa
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 375,971
Rating: 4.9173641 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons TD 6, Btd 6, bloons tower defense 6, bloons td 6 ssundee, bloons td 6 jeromeasf, bloons td 6 BiffleWiffle, btd 6 ssundee, ssundee, jeromeasf, bifflewiffle, bloons, bloons game, tewtiy, Tewtiy bloons, tewtiy ssundee, funny, gaming, mobile game, mobile gaming, mobile games, google play store, app store, btd, bloons td
Id: WPmj_gGLQNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 36sec (1476 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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