I Got Stuck In Elevator With My Crush For 3 Days...| My Story Animated

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i was stuck in the elevator with the hottest guy in our school for three days and i did it for the first time in my life girls listen to the end because i'm about to tell you the secret of how to win the coolest guy bill is popular and known by the whole school he's just too damn pretty smart and strong in his body oh girls i swear he's just like some hot boy from a magazine cover and what is the most important he's almost mine it happens so that me and him are living in the same entrance i mean i had to do everything i could to live there so a few months ago i started yelling at my parents i just kept saying i'm done with that place and we need to move to a place where bill lives right away or my good marks are gone forever i won't study anymore because i'm depressed and i'm a child after all so only i can decide where i want to live because my study is the most important thing in our life and guess what this plan worked soon we moved to the building where bill lives and finally i was happy however soon my happiness vanished as it appeared bill had a girlfriend as soon as i moved in there i started seeing them together all the time and i couldn't stand it so i started screaming at my parents that we need to go back but to be honest that girl is a beauty and actually they look very nice together but with me he will look much better so instead of giving up i did this okay girls now listen attentively and learn how to win the coolest guy first of all you need an elevator then you need a friend and the last thing you need to be in the same elevator with your victim so i called my friend rachel and told her about my plan she then called her brother and asked to help us on friday i followed bill after school to make sure he went home and then everything went according to my plan at home i took off my backpack put on a pretty little dress and makeup and waited for a signal in the meantime rachel was on the 16th floor where bill lives which is six floors above me and her brother was near the elevator shaft with the necessary tools about half an hour later my phone rang this was the signal that means it's time to drop everything and run to the elevator rachel saw bill leaving and immediately called me then in a couple of minutes the elevator had opened and here is our meeting he was shocked seeing me dressed like that well there's no wonder okay so what's the plan when we're inside with bill rachel gives a command to her brother to break the elevator the elevator was small and rather cramped so i just stood near the doors and bill was behind me now at any second rachel's brother will do his job and suddenly the elevator shook hard and then stopped abruptly i screamed out so loud and fell directly in his arms don't worry someone will come soon and set us free but it didn't take me long to come up with the answer oh i'm okay cutie for a second i noticed a sweet smile on his face while he was checking my look but then all of a sudden his eyes turned around and he looked at my feet omg i was wearing slippers i rushed to catch this damn elevator and i completely forgot to put on my shoes oops i'm just there's a taxi downstairs waiting for me i was in such a hurry huh it's okay it happens then he started pressing the emergency button but there was no answer bill nervously pressed that button like 20 or 30 times but there was just silence then i noticed how he started to get angry and nervous oh god i forgot my phone he said to himself oh yeah i'm glad you forgot it i forgot mine too or rather i didn't take it with me on purpose the few hours had passed but nothing changed we were still stuck in the elevator and i told him that i started to get tired the next moment i was shocked as he took off his shirt and put it on the floor so i could sit there with him oh my god i thought it was the best moment of my life but wait till i get to the most exciting part i remember you you always seemed interesting to me because you were probably the only girl who was cold to me in school huh then he started telling lots of funny stories which made us laugh and soon we completely forgot that we were still stuck in the elevator we didn't notice how fast seven hours had passed and i fell asleep on his shoulder but when i woke up in the morning i was shocked we were both lying on the floor hugging each other it was so sweet that i was afraid to even move to keep that romantic moment his girlfriend definitely wouldn't like it if she saw the way we were lying together well who cares now it's my turn i want love bill was still sleeping so i couldn't take my eyes off him he is so handsome and then i decided to kiss him carefully i leaned over him very close just face to face when suddenly my hair fell on his face and he opened his eyes oops i became so embarrassed stammering and blushing i told him he had some garbage on his face and i wanted to pick it up and all of a sudden i gained some confidence and quickly kissed him on the cheek but guess what happened next bill laughed and said come on baby can you check my face some more then he pulled me back and we kissed again i swear it was the sweetest kiss of my life however it didn't last long bill suddenly got up and said we should do everything we can to get out of the elevator he pressed that emergency button like a million times and then we even started knocking on doors and screaming but no one heard us well you probably wonder what about the toilet nothing it was very hot in the elevator and all the water came out through our pores all we were thinking about or rather him is how to get out of there as quickly as possible but all i wanted was to make him hug me so i started crying don't you worry sweetie if it's not today then tomorrow we sure will be released then he put his shirt on the floor again we sat down and he hugged me so tight that i wanted this moment to last forever it felt so good and calm with him that i fell asleep in his arms suddenly there was a sharp noise and knocking somewhere above us which woke us up it was 7 am in the morning and bill conley said see told you today we will be released oh no i won't let them open this damn elevator i got so angry that i pushed him away got up and started pushing all the buttons there but then he grabbed my hands and said are you mad or something then he calmed down and invited me to the cinema someday suddenly the elevator started working and began to move up then the doors opened and i saw some lift workers on the floor and there was my mom she ran up to me hugged me and said what have you done you silly so my mom returned from a business trip early this morning when she noticed i wasn't home she called my friend and rachel told her everything what a cool friend well anyway i needed to make sure my mom won't say too much in front of bill so i stepped on her foot and whispered please mom be quiet i'll explain everything to you at home what an awkward situation i was so ashamed suddenly bill came up to me and said you didn't answer about the cinema so girls and boys here's the most interesting part of my story so yeah sure thing we met in the elevator and went on the film and then well it turns out that bill broke up with his girlfriend like two weeks ago so now she's not in the way anymore and yes me and bill are in a relationship now all the girls at school are so jealous of me now but i don't care i'm happy six foot six inches would be tall for any age not many adults are that tall in fact the average man is five foot nine but i'm only eight years old i only know two adults who are one is my dad and he's only taller by an inch i do actually know one person who's even taller than me i'll tell you about him later my mom tells me that i was already two feet tall when i was born and i weighed 14 pounds i was a very big baby and i've only grown since my doctor even told me i'm as tall as the boxer vladimir klitschko there are some health problems that come with being tall so my parents make sure i'm always healthy apparently i'm more likely to get these things called blood clots the thing i hate most isn't blood clots though it's the clothes there are no cool clothes for a kid my size all my other friends wear really cool t-shirts with their favorite cartoon characters and stuff on them but i had to wear boring shirts that granddads would wear and my feet are a size 12 which means lame shoes i'm roughly twice the size of all my classmates i tower over everyone in school and i've even made it into the guinness book of records as the tallest and heaviest baby ever born i don't want to brag but when i was 5 years old i got put in the book again this time as the tallest toddler ever schools aren't exactly built for people as tall as me because my chair and my table are too big for the other kids i have to sit on my own in the corner things were tough at first though especially at school the other kids weren't exactly mean to me straight away but that's only because they were scared of me you could see it in their eyes pretty soon i was given all sorts of names like tree boy tree beard and groot i started to hate myself i started to hate being tall but everything changed when i discovered basketball my height makes me really good at basketball and the kids in my school love basketball pretty soon the nickname stopped i was always picked first for sports teams it felt pretty great i should have always known i would be good at basketball because here's the thing my mom is quite the player herself she's seven feet two inches tall i used to be really scared that i would one day be as tall as her i didn't want to be even more of a freak but now now i can't wait to be even taller than her one day that's my new goal to be even taller than him a third reason to be in the guinness book of records just joking but please subscribe to the channel so you know how i'm doing in my basketball team sometimes i still worry that i'm kind of weird looking but i do my best to see the positive do you think it's weird for an eight-year-old to be as tall as me please comment below and let me know what you think i personally think everyone is super cool the way they are now if you'll excuse me i need to practice my basketball skills i'm never gonna beat my mom if i waste all my time just talking
Channel: Broken Heart
Views: 1,018,337
Rating: 4.7518568 out of 5
Keywords: teach me kissing, I Got Stuck In Elevator, i got stuck with crush, teen stories, story, stories, my story, my story animated, animation, my life my story, that's my story, short stories, etu animated stories, story time animated, reddit stories, relationship, relationship stories, relationship stories reddit, my life - my story, dory story
Id: pf3nYU0eFEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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