What is the BEST ARMOR in Minecraft?

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there used to be a glitch in minecraft that when a skeleton trap spawned sometimes the rider could spawn with bugged op armor this armor could range anywhere from fire protection 4 to regular protection 8. yeah and it worked like protection 8. so you could say that this is the very best helmet in the entire game but what is the best armor in minecraft minecraft armor is an essential part of the game you can wear to take less damage and you can even enchant it to make it better however some enchantments are exclusive you can't have fire protection and protection on the same piece of armor so this begs the question is it worth it to alternate or just have a full set of protection armor well that is what i'll be answering today so stick around please consider subscribing we're so close to 690 000 that would be amazing and mean the world to me if you get there so thank you so much i hope you enjoy and let's get right into it to figure out what the best armor set in minecraft is we first have to understand how damage and armor work in the first place damage is pretty straightforward you have 10 hearts each of which can be separated into two half hearts and each half heart is one health so in total you have 20 health or hp pretty simple so far once you take 20 damage lose 20 half hearts or lose 10 hearts you die and dying is bad so how does armor actually work and prevent this well it's surprisingly complicated and i'll do my best to explain it in minecraft your armor has two attributes its armor value or defense points and its armor toughness also knockback resistance in the case of netherride but that's not important defense points are pretty easy to understand they're the physical armor bars that appear above your health bar and they work in the same way one defense point is half a little chest plate icon two defense points is one little chest plate icon and 20 defense points is 10 little chest plate icons for instance another right chest plate that has eight defense points will occupy four little chest plates and a leather helmet that has one defense point will occupy half a little chest plate still with me good because toughness is a little bit more complicated armor toughness is only found in diamond and netherway arm but since there's no way any of the other armor sets will be the best armor in the game we have to consider it too while normally armor just prevents a small portion of damage armor toughness specifically makes you take less damage from more powerful attacks again i'll cover specifically how in a second but that's all you need to know if an attack is very strong armor toughness will resist a lot of damage but if an attack is very weak armor toughness will barely do a thing now that we have those two things established let's actually take a look at a damage prevention the formula for this is over complicated to say the least it does not look very nice that being said everything this formula is pretty straightforward except for the min and max functions the min function or minimum just chooses the smaller of two numbers if i had the expression min of 5 and 2x depending on what x is the function will return the smaller of the two numbers if x is 1 the function will return 2 because 2x is 2 times 1 which is 2 and 2 is less than 5. if x is 3 though because 2x or 6 is larger than 5 the min function will turn 5 since it's the smaller number the opposite is true for the max function it just returns the larger value i think the best way to understand all of this is with an example because i'm saying all this nonsense but how does it really translate into minecraft let's say there's a player about to attack me with an iron sword and i'm wearing full diamond armor except i don't have any pants how much damage is that hit going to do well let's plug everything into the formula weapon damage is straightforward iron swords do 6 damage each diamond armor piece has 2 toughness and i'm wearing 3 so overall i have 6 armor toughness and finally a diamond helmet has three armor or defense points a diamond chestblade has 8 defense points and diamond boots have 3 defense points totaling up to 14 total defense points the max function in the formula has to choose the larger between defense points over 5 or this ugly mess which happens to be 2.8 or 12.286 obviously the bigger number is 12.286 now the min function has to choose the smaller between that or 20 which again is 12.286 so simplifying everything down we get a total of 3.05 damage or a reduction of about 50 from our original six damage this means we should take around three half hearts or 1.5 hearts which we do proving the formula does indeed work so now that we know how armor works let's get into the enchanting there are four main enchantments out of the heat of this debate protection projectile protection fire protection and blast protection the way these enchantments work is with something called epf or enchantment protection factor this is used to tell the game how much damage your protection is resisting luckily this time the formula is much more simple and it's just epf divided by 25 is the reduction so for example if you had an epf of 20 20 over 25 is 0.8 and thus 80 percent of incoming damage would be reduced pretty straightforward but knowing mojang it has to get complicated eventually and this is where it gets a little bit complicated just like there are four types of protection the types of damage can also be split into four categories everything fire explosions and projectiles which as you may have guessed correlate with the four protection types protection fire protection blast protection and projectile protection now bear with me you have an epf value for each type of protection that might mean nothing to you so let me give an example for each level of fire protection you have on your armor you gain two fire epfs so let's pretend i had a diamond helmet with fire protection two two times two is four fire epfs in minecraft terms using our formula from before 4 divided by 25 is 0.16 so we would be resisting 0.16 or 16 of any incoming damage the same is applicable for blast protection and explosion epfs and projectile protection and projectile epfs so just as another example if i had leggings with blast protection 3 and boots with fry protection 1 3 x 2 is 6 and 2 x 1 is two so i would have six blast epfs and two fire epfs and using our formula we can find that i'd be reducing twenty four percent of incoming explosion damage and eight percent of any incoming fire damage so if i haven't lost you yet you'd probably wonder wow protection cover is everything right that would just mean it's so much better what's the point of the other enchantments well you'd be right but then mojing would have no point in adding the other enchantment so there has to be a catch the catch is that while regular protection epfs do cover damage from anything they only do so half as much so level one protection will only give you one epf or just four percent of any incoming damage and protection two is the same effectiveness as any fire blast or projectile protection 1. one more notable fact is that epf caps at 20 per segment you can only have 20 fire eps or 20 blast dps meaning the most damage you can reduce from any given input is only eighty percent which means by the way since fire protection level four gives four times two or eight fire epfs for armor piece an armor set with four pieces of full fire protection armor or 32 fire epfs will have the same resistance to fire as that with three pieces of armor or 24 since it's capped out at 20 and nothing higher matters but now that we've established all that and if you're still with me congrats i'm very proud of you what is the best combination of protections that will give you the highest epf in every category a full set of protection for armor can give you four times one epf times four armor pieces is 16 general epfs in total or a 64 damage reduction from any source of harm that's not bad at all but let's consider another example what if i had a helmet with fire protection 4 a chest plate with fire protection 4 and then leggings and boots with regular protection 4. we'll call this the heat set after calculating it out i have 16 fire eps for my top half and eight general epfs for my bottom half because general epfs applied to everything i actually have 24 fire epfs and 8 and everything else which takes me over the cap and gives you the maximum possible 80 reduction of fire damage and 32 reduction in everything else and you can start to see why finding the perfect balance of every possible combination of epfs will be very tricky in the end it boils down to what damage we think is the most important to prevent as i mentioned before the heat set maximizes your resistance to fire while giving you decent resistance in everything else but that answer is a lame and if we truly want to find the best armor in minecraft we have to look at what damage types we take the most so that's what i did and after looking through every single type of way to take damage in the game this is what i found using the minecraft wikipedia article for damage here is a spreadsheet of every type of damage you can take in the game in total there are 71 different ways to take damage in the game 45 of which are in the everything category 12 in the blast category 8 in the projectile category and 6 in the fire category now is that to say you take twice as much blast damage as you do fire damage no i would argue it's close to the opposite but assuming you took every type of damage equally that would be your distribution also it's super important to keep in mind that everything in the blast fire and projectile categories is also covered by regular protection however filling that into the chart would just lead to duplicate counting but now since we have every percent of every type of damage we can optimize our armor to protect our needs and that leads us to the final verdict the mathematically speaking best set of armor in all of minecraft is as follows a full set of netherey armor enchanted with protection for protection for protection for and protection for that's right after all of that blabbing it turns out that just having full protection is the best you can do to your armor meaning yes all the other enchantments are completely useless because general damage sources are such a large percent of the total mathematically speaking it's best to optimize that large majority because it even includes every other type of damage giving you a 64 reduction no matter what comes your way swapping out one piece with blast protection 4 is the only combination that comes close at an overall reduction of 53.4 percent in total 80 for any explosion and 48 for everything else again though i can't say this enough this spread of damage isn't really representative of the amount of damage you're actually going to take in game i mean who's going to be taking more damage from berry bushes and anvils than they are from lava but even accounting for that at best it just means swapping out one of the protection fours for a fire protection four not that big of a shift there are of course though some things that armor can't defend against like the void drowning or the immense pain of not having 690 000 subscribers if you made it this far into the end and haven't already please consider subscribing it means the world to me but thank you so much for watching i really do appreciate it and as always peace out and have a good one see you next time
Channel: Wifies
Views: 458,009
Rating: 4.9412436 out of 5
Keywords: wifies, mumbo jumbo, dream, minecraft tutorial, minecraft enchanting, minecraft survival, op armor, minecraft armor, what is the best armor in minecraft, what is the best minecraft armor, armour, how to get the best armor in minecraft, minecraft best armor, best minecraft armor, op
Id: AbfVDcZwNnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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