The Breathtaking World of ONE PIECE - REACTION - StrawHat V

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only gold Roger has explored the new world gold Roger has a lot to say I'm mad that they killed him hello and welcome back to the channel I'm very excited because today I'm going to be reacting to the breathtaking world of One Piece just cracked my knuckle do you crack your knuckles I'm a knuckle crack person like every 5 minutes cracking my neck the day I cracked my neck and I forgot who I was that was a day yeah yeah mhm one piece is a world that does not end like it just keeps on you think you finished it and there's more and there's gar that comes in and says hey what are you doing as some of you may noticed I have a different background now I have a little exciting uh news for you all because of the love the outpouring the support the reaction videos how well the channel has grown you know the big mansion in the great gasby movie you're looking at the new owner I wish I hope and pray you're right I will find the one piece it's going to be me and when I do it's going to be wild it's going to be interesting what would I do with one piece first of all I'll have a press conference oh the press conference I'll have after I find the one piece I'll be like thank you thank you it's enough enough of the pictures please enough with the pictures I said stop with the pictures now this discovery the one piece was it was hard you know when I got there into the cave and actually I'm not going to say where it is because I didn't want you guys to go there but it was a treacherous Journey it was and you know I wanted Luffy to find it but it just it had to be me the way the live broadcast would just cut off and be like okay enough of this this is not it would go to commercial like that I'm excited so let's see what happens with the breathtaking world of One Piece let's Dive Right In The Ocean saw the world begin okay wow look at [Music] that wow so beautiful who is [Music] that wow look at this I was there I was there gold Roger yes they did yes great pirate era who is she she said entertain hey wow what who by the moon the new world wow okay food vaulton it's all different lands ah look at the amphitheater come on wow who's that however only gold Roger has explored the new world gold Roger has a lot to say I'm mad that they killed him we need to find his uh archive he must have recorded a video or something somewhere we need to find it and we need to figure out what gold Roger was talking about the new world is beautiful look at the new world I'm about to book me a ticket to this new world I'm sorry I don't care what monsters there are there I want to go to the new world do you think rent is expensive yeah it's going to be pricey there I know it who's that who's that chicken look at these flowers look at these things pyramids mosques and Towers 100 ships VI Bol to the mids what is the midst look at that it's exciting winter oh wow look [Music] at as long as pirates pursue their dreams there will also be people who have to grieve the loss of their loved ones it's true it's true it's not an easy life any's Lobby okay come on any's Lobby oh the Marines oh you know the Marines spared no expense the Marine said we will bring these Paris to Justice okay but we need to do it in style the Marines look at the Fortress they built come on and you know GARP is in there eating steak just breaking his whole room apart who are these there's so many new adventurers and the Flying Dutch man isn't that isn't that uh Davie Jones and no one can count how many islands there are this SE is connected to so many islands and countries that were never seen before Oh my God look at that oh I hear some Ena in the background there come on Ena it's so cool oh my God buggy I saw buggy I saw buggy I don't try it is that his Circus the circuit tent it's like a Wonderland amusement park but like a whole world of oh the work they did on this it's so beautiful look at everyone just trying to live their lives not knowing what's coming the rainbow the jungles the volcanoes is that Luffy I see over there I saw Luffy don't try it aiora of species whales baboons oh oh you know I saw the birds working they are working and look at this things is flying up and down it looks like it's gold rogers's face on one of these posters maybe this is when they were telling them by the way gold Roger is no more look at all the things that that is Loopy that is Loopy isn't it I love it already oh my God oh my God look at that the vast array of natural phenomena is that the that was our ship volcanoes erupting Thunders lightning I a ship wow Shipwrecked wow look at these guys oh my beyond the clouds flying Islands floating islands yes oh wow oh Beyond The Depths monsters sea monsters yeah I know I love how they're just like teasing our main characters in there they're like we would't show you their front we'll show you their back but you know who they are baratti Barat baratti arlong Park I just saw baratti and arlong park it is something to know the know the show and from the manga and from the anime and then come and watch the live action but there is something else as well when you watch the live action and come into the series because being now exposed into a rich world you know like you sort of got to tip it into things there's something special about that baratti oh Lord wow okay what what else what else am I going to notice is that Uso that must be Nami over there in the corner okay here we go wow the sunset wow who is this that's that's the that's the dancer girl from the beginning and she's going to come into this show she's going to wreck [Β __Β ] up wow okay sea monsters jellyfish who is this it's a lucky thing the Miss is as thick as ever it conceals that strange face with his dense white Veil look at that [Music] Turtle flying into the sun and moon is that a creature flying with taking them up [Music] that's a girl Nami that's a girl Nami right there unmistakable unmistakable World 2 government oh the world government yeah yeah yeah the world government the ones who who gave who canceled mihawk's Bounty seven Warlords of the sea we don't know much about the world government do we they haven't really been introduced except talked about okay okay wow kind of like Mayan ruins kind of thing or something is that long history the conflict must have deeper Roots the winners become Justice land of the Gods the world govern and the Allied Nations 50 Representatives on the throne one day this world will lose a gigantic event but for now it remains an untold [Music] story [Music] wow wow look at that what are those people's [Music] dreams Never End one piece the one piece awaits oh okay okay that was like a crash course in one piece wow there were so many things I most likely missed guys because I was just trying try things I saw I saw arlong Park I saw bartier I saw Luffy um I don't think I don't think I saw Zoro I probably did see him but I didn't know I saw Nami of course I probably saw Usopp I think sitting there I saw the ship I saw the Marine U the Marine Fortress I don't think I saw GARP I don't think I saw Kobe wow not Kobe not being featured in in the trailer okay I see you guys I see you guys not putting Kobe front and sent to where he belongs in the story could be always getting the short end of the stick but wait till he gets his training from GARP wait till then now try to exclude him from the roster I'm so interested to see uh I was about to say monkey again L's characterization all of their characterizations in in the anime yo this is a big world all these lands and floating high in the sky and volcanoes under under the sea winterlands and amusement parks cities so they really taking you guys on a journey with this you guys have gone on the Journey of all Journeys all right well that was the birth taking world of one piece and it is breathtaking it was breathtaking you saw me I was like Luffy are you ready for the madness that's about to ensue with just getting out of your little pocket of the world I'm so looking forward to the additional characters that are going to come through I don't know who that girl was the twirler and dancing girl I I hope she's someone that comes through because she looked very interesting she was like oh I have secrets to tell that girl has secrets to tell I know it I they show her twice there's a reason why well thank you for watching and uh I will see you on the next video please turn that notification Bell on so you don't miss it sort of mixed in somehow because of the show trying to do things differently while the hand workk on this video is going to be interesting just like how you get
Channel: UgoWatch
Views: 17,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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