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uh seems like I'm getting a little gray right here it's gonna be a sad day when the fire of my beard burns out but it is not this day [Applause] hey everyone how's it going noxidar here and welcome back for another reaction video we've done several so far thinking back we've done I say several it's like three it's higher than I can count so we did the final trailer for The live-action one piece we did the um kind of the background information on where Ichiro Oda is coming from in his creation of one piece and that that was a really satisfying video to watch and our last video that we reacted to uh had the subtitle where to uh start where to begin it was less about the obvious notion of starting at chapter one and really putting it in the perspective of how to frame your mindset going into this incredibly vast layered nuanced uh over exaggerated wild zany pirate adventure and I deeply appreciate what I was able to kind of pull from that video and so today's video comes highly requested by you the community so here we have the breathtaking world of One Piece by straw hat V five I'm not sure which but just in case here's a high five if you are enjoying this video please leave a like and if you are enjoying the video that we are reacting to today I will leave a link for the original down below and that is super important that we show our appreciation and our support uh for that as well because again it's thanks to videos like this that first off I have something to react to but also that you know this is a big service to the one piece commit community community community you know without resources like this we'd just be a weird gaggle of geese so without any further ado let's go ahead jump right on in oh wow well that's a beautiful song [Music] oh my gosh [Music] one of the things that just absolutely takes my Breath Away makes sense it's a breathtaking video in the breathtaking world of One Piece the vibrancy it's so vibrant I watched so many shows that are dark and brooding it's so funny because from what I gather there's such incredible emotional depth in the the storytelling but the visuals juxtaposed feel very storybook and it's like a an open sense of wonder like the the things that would you know delight and excite the mind of your inner child and yet at the same time grappling intricately delicate and also sometimes difficult uh topics that you know even even as adults we grapple with and so the thing that I'm really learning to appreciate so much in in this like process of getting ready to dive into one piece is how how these things are are like just like waves on the ocean it's just like a it's like a push and pull I think I'm getting into Avatar with The Last Airbender kind of philosophy here but it really is it's like a it's like a give and take in a push and pull it creates it creates a rhythm and a and a flavor that is so unique from a lot of the other uh shows that I've just kind of watched in the last 10 20 years is this truly going to be a breathtaking Glimpse at one piece you know the world of one piece even oh man um thank you I love these wide open establishing shots I watched like a lot of um Dragon Ball Z and uh and fairy tale they're so character-centric that a lot of the shots in the show aren't necessarily establishing shots of the setting in the world they're they're very much like tight close medium these up close and personal like fight scenes that are Grand and gorgeous and epic but one of the things that uh just from the Glimpse I've seen from this and from the little bit that I've watched is these establishing shots of the world and presenting the world as a character look at those greens and the blues that's insane strong vibrant saturated colors it's insane and again just the way it shows the world and these rich details so this is all unfamiliar territory to me quite literally I don't know what this is but I'm excited to get there that's incredible [Music] I don't know what it is about this image but I really love it I feel like this Frame is extremely appropriate to how I feel right now I've got this entire world stretched out before me and I'm getting ready to just embrace it Arms Wide Open not in like a Creed way although I do kind of like Creed but in a sort of just expansive way that is presenting to me an adventure unlike any other and I keep hearing this from so many of you in the community this is just an incredible ride that you're in for welcome aboard and I think one of the things that just from first appearances of everything I've seen and reacted to in one piece and taken in is how inviting the adventure is and it does kind of make me resentful toward my younger self because the invitation has always been there and I was just too hard-headed hard-hearted I don't know it's like the veil has been lifted and I see something just so beautiful stretched out before me that I can't wait to to give it a chance and it's not a great reaction video when you're all at a loss for words I knew right away I was going to see some beautiful landscape shots and I am a sucker for beautiful landscape shots but I'm also trying to think about I'm trying to think about a lot of things I'm trying to think about what am I seeing how does it make me feel how can I see this feeling stretch out over the course of over a thousand episodes and chapters excited for how my mindset will change and yet for what strong emotions are going to just be given further weight further in I guess the word that keeps resounding within my head and within my heart the further I go into this journey into one piece is hope I hope that I'm Changed by this and I I hope that that people along the path wherever they are at the start like me or at the end my hope is that we are grateful for what we have because like this Frame what we have is something incredible I don't know I'm just getting old ER wow wow what holy cow hold on just stop just stop like this is so unfair every scene that I'm seeing I want to stop and I want to just analyze and I know that in a seven eight minute video this video would be like over an hour long and I don't I don't personally want to ramble that long I've said this before in another video and so I'll just briefly touch on it it's just the the I don't know what kind of machinations just move inside of a mind like odas to even invent these incredibly intricate settings and I think what's beautiful about it is that every single working of imagination is a footprint of the impact that things in our world have had on his creative mind you know I mentioned J.R Tolkien before and one of the things that you know he talks about are are kind of like Divine gift as humans is this realm of sub creation right like so if you it doesn't matter if you hold to this or not but the idea that a creator has created all this and then you have the sub Creator us which are taking those Inspirations and creating something wild and Vivid and new and I think I think I have a a deeper appreciation um for what Tolkien was referring to and the beauty that is inherent within sub creation I think I think this is like my biggest takeaway from this it's just like how beautiful are not only just the sights and the colors but the mind that moves and creates a visual language for the audience this is like the ultimate hype video I I see why this was widely recommended wow look at that because lighthouses are such romantic imagery oh wow yeah there it is like ruins wow [Music] I feel like the size and scale I'm seeing of some of these ships isn't almost like the only thing I can closely relate it to is uh my understanding of like Warhammer 40K levels of Technology with you know just these massive gargantuan guns you know on these ships and things like that if this is what I have to look forward to then I am truly in for a treat what you just look at it oh my gosh look at that hold on I'm not very good with fruits is that an apple or a peach one of the things that we did and when I was teaching Elementary in Japan in sixth grade I believe they did a play in English of a famous Japanese folk tale momotaro where it and in English they had translated it to Peach boy a boy who sprang from a giant peach who grew up bigger and stronger and went to you know demon Island Monster Island and defeated all of the monsters I I feel like that on some level is probably pretty prevalent to a lot of Japanese media so I wonder I wonder if this is almost like an influence from something like that that'd be really cool to see yeah again I'm just so excited to to visit these places you know it's so cool because I feel like I'm almost looking through a travel catalog I was like I could go here and I could go here and the crazy thing is it looks like I'm going to be going to all of these places and that genuinely has me excited [Music] [Music] look at that I keep saying look at it and I know you can see it but maybe I'm just talking to me [Music] [Music] [Applause] are these sound effects that are in this video are these actually the sound effects coming from the show when movies and things themselves I'm absolutely fumbling over my words so this is gonna have like a million jump cuts but I feel like I am in the image and that's one of the most impressive things that sound design can do is good sound design good sound effects they pull you in they don't push you out maybe it's because I have a curved monitor that also maybe helps but I really do feel as though I'm being transported into the world through these like effective use of sound also by the way the music choice for this Top Notch the this sounds like my playlist of everything I ever listened to when I'm writing stories or when I finally do sit down and attempt to draw an image or something like that hats off to you [Music] like James Cameron's Avatar that is again scale and scope and sound [Music] okay the composition again of scale is just so impressive [Music] are a lot of these shots that we're seeing like opening shots to episodes because I know like the first episode has like the circlings uh seagulls almost at Seahawks ball team oh my gosh it just doesn't stop does it just one incredible spectacle after the other [Music] [Music] look at that oh that's neat wow all right [Music] [Music] oh my gosh hang on is that like an octopus as an air balloon I wonder if this is like a metaphor for like like eating like takoyaki or something like that and getting like bad gas and it's just like you know what this would be a really good idea let's let's have a let's have a gaseous octopus be Transportation I ate takoyaki before that was so funny the first time I had takoyaki um I didn't know that taco was a a little octopus and so I'm walking down this uh this Festival it was the enmaiti festival in nigataken one of the street vendors is like in their best English they're like you you like uh taco and I'm like yeah I love tacos and so they handed me a plastic container full of these takoyaki these fried octopus balls not not like an octopus's ball whatever anyways um so I took him home and uh I ate them I was like whoa I've never had a taco that tasted like this before and the people that I was staying with for my internship at the time were like well Taco is a is an octopus I kind of stopped for a minute and I really had to think and it was like one of those moments where I actually had this internal struggle between I like it but do I like it I like it but do I like what I know now and uh you know long story short I love takoyagi it's so good wow does 3D CGI movements are really cool [Music] holy cow he's such a hard video for people to react to because it shows so much it's just a rich Feast for the eyes and again I want to stop every single time and say something but I also you know want to keep in mind that I've now been recording for 30 minutes as of this point and I'm seven minutes in a eight minute video foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm not gonna lie this is an incredibly hard video to react to and I thought it would be such a slam dunk at eight minutes long and I think it's because this is a video that you feel more than a video that you think and I want to think about things and the feelings I'm getting are getting in the way of that I'm excited and again I'm going to come back to this phrase I have hope I can't wait to be completely and utterly immersed in this world to be lost and at the same time found the beautiful visuals are just a part a small part in the grand scope and Narrative of this storytelling and I 100 appreciate it and by extension I 100 appreciate you that I've requested that I check this video out thank you so much and I just want you to know I'm excited to get going we have one more video that we will be reacting to and then it's on to our dreams and then on to this journey of Discovery I'm looking forward to it but for now that's all the time we have for today this is noxidar out
Channel: Noxiddar
Views: 21,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the absolute feels, the breathtaking world of one piece reaction, breathtaking world of one piece, breathtaking world of one piece reaction, the breathtaking world of one piece, one piece, one piece reaction, one piece anime, one piece anime reaction, noxiddar, one piece reaction videos, one piece reactions, the world of one piece, reacting to the world of one piece, reacting to oda's one piece, one piece emotions, places of One Piece, One piece live action
Id: 1uD8toPAmX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 14sec (1454 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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