What I am Struggling With..

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what does it be guys welcome back to the channel thank you so much for clicking on today's video now I normally try to keep it pretty positive on this channel and I'm not saying this video isn't gonna be a complete downer but I do you know just kind of a disclaimer this video is going to be a little bit more maybe negative than some of the videos that I put out the reason that I've even kind of thought about making this video is because I recently did a Q&A on my Instagram actually do them quite often and someone asked me the question of how are you always so positive and I get that question pretty much every time I do a Q&A and it always gets me thinking like I feel like maybe I am not portraying my life exactly how it is you know online which i think is kind of hard it's hard to be completely honest online especially when you have a following because everything you do ends up getting scrutinized by so many people it's definitely one of the negatives of having a following I think that that's kind of a well documented thing it's not like I am breaking ground by by saying that but yeah today that's what we're gonna be talking about so when it comes to massive weight loss I think a lot of people tend to talk about the positives out of it which there are quite a few and I've made videos pretty much on every positive that you can think of but there are definitely some negatives and this is going to be more of a personal video as far as I I can kind of understand that maybe not everyone that's watching this is going to be able to 100% relate to all the things that I'm going to say because my experience is definitely gonna be different than then everybody else is but these are just some of the things that I have been struggling with as of late the first thing that I wanted to talk about was actually impostor syndrome I was I was having a conversation with one of my really good friends I don't want to put their name out there I don't think that they would mind me sharing this but I haven't asked so I was having a conversation with them and they have also lost quite a bit of weight and we were talking about how when you do lose a massive amount of weight your identity gets tied up in that especially as you are losing the weight so your identity becomes the guy that is losing weight or the girl that is losing weight and that's how people kind of see you as at least in your mind you think that that's how they see you so once you get maybe down to your goal weight or you are no longer losing weight you have this weird identity crisis and then you like for me I felt like I developed a little bit of an imposter syndrome and I still feel like I'm struggling with that for me I think the reason that I struggle with it is because I truly don't think that I am special and I don't think that anyone that has lost weight is special right and I don't mean that in a negative way I'm not saying like oh I'm I'm a terrible person just like I'm not special because I lost weight right I really do think and that's the basis of pretty much my whole channel is that what I did and what I am continuing to do is very very very possible for everyone out there so I struggle with the attention that maybe I receive because of this feat that I have been able to accomplish because in my head it's like why am I getting this attention I didn't do anything extra special now if we're to look at it logically and look at the statistics right there are a lot of people that have tried to lose weight that don't so there is some level of me being a little bit special I guess if you're just looking at the statistics but as far as like the work that I've put in in the time and effort that I put in I think that what I possess inside my body isn't an extra special thing like everyone possesses the necessary things they need to lose weight if that's something that they want to do I think that might be one of the reasons why I'm so apologetic and a lot of my videos because everyone's like usually stopped apologizing but I think it's just because I don't think that I am some authority on any other stuff that I talk about I just like to share my opinion and that's why I always say you know this is my opinion because I don't think that the information that I have or the knowledge I have is anything more than maybe someone else that's done a little bit of research and so it is it can be daunting at times having this following that maybe in my head looks up to me as being some sort of expert or you know this know-it-all in this this you know field that I'm in when in my head I feel like I'm just a regular person that's sharing my opinion so it can become a little nerve-wracking at times when I am making videos and a lot of times it stops me from making quite a few videos because I don't think that I have the knowledge or I have like even the mental capacity to make those videos or feel like my opinion is at all special and then the other thing that's kind of been a struggle and I think this is going to be able to relate to a lot more people than what I was just talking about is you know like romantic relationships after losing out of wait because I think that most people myself included it takes a while for you to realize that you're no longer the person you used to be you know especially if you were for like me I grew up being overweight so I was overweight most of my life and so it's hard for me to take a step back and like you're not that person anymore because that's who I see or at least that's who I used to see when I would look in the mirror and stuff it's definitely with time that's that is like the best thing when it comes to no longer feeling like you're the the person you used to be it's just honestly letting time go by because as time has gone by I feel less and less like that person but there still are these little things that I notice of like I'm still that funny fat guy at least in my head now I'm just gonna be honest and I hope this doesn't sound bad but I do get quite a few DMS from women and men of just being them being like hey you're really cute or you're pretty or you're good-looking I'd like to talk to you and I appreciate it and it's it's very nice to receive those things and I you know it's I don't get upset when I get those but for some reason when I receive those my first reaction to it isn't well they're right you know it's more what are they trying to get out of me that's honestly what I think because I don't believe that I don't believe that I am attractive I don't believe that someone would look at me and think oh that's an attractive person I want to talk to them I always feel like they see maybe the following that I have or they see the connections that I have and they feel like let me message this person maybe give them a compliment maybe good and get on their good side get in their good graces and then my real intentions will come out now that's happened a couple times not not all the time but I think maybe that's soured some of that for me because like my first initial reaction isn't yeah I am attractive and they're right so I should respond to this girl it's like why is she messaging me and what does she want from me now obviously a lot of that I think comes down to just confidence in yourself and that's something that I haven't had much of even when I was younger when I was bigger I've talked about it quite a few times I I was the funny fat guy so I didn't get bullied much in high school and stuff but the reason I didn't get bullied by other people was because basically I just bullied myself right I made fun of myself before anyone else could do that and so I always had very low self-confidence so I felt like the only way that anyone would want to talk to me or be around me was I can make them laugh or something like that right like they I have always felt like with relationships I need to prove my Worth and I think that that's something that has followed me you know since losing the weight Wow okay this got a lot more real than I thought it would but at the same time I didn't really have too much of a script I kind of wanted to come in here and talk you know why why am I making this video why am i talking about this stuff in this video I think the main reason is because like I said in the beginning I was giving them those messages of people saying like how are you so positive and I I just want to be as real as I can be online while still saving my sanity so I don't think or I don't want people to think that I am always 100% happy there are demons that I still have there are things that I still struggle with is life immensely better now that I've lost the way yes without a doubt like it doesn't even compare but with that being said losing weight is not going to solve all of your problems and I really want to drive that home that you will still have issues am I saying that you should be like oh well if losing weights are not gonna solve everything I'm gonna might as well just give up no that's not what I'm saying but just be realistic with what you think losing weight is going to do for you also I don't want it to seem like I'm complaining about having this public platform because I am so unbelievably grateful for it I get tagged in like people posting pictures of them losing like hundreds of pounds like every single day and that is such a cool thing and I'm so so happy that I've been able to foster a community that is excited about that and that promotes that and that people are excited to be part of it so I'm so thankful for that and I am not at all trying to say that I am bummed or I hate that I have this platform because app that is the exact opposite of what I am trying to say but at the same time I think it's important to talk about the negatives as well just to give a better understanding of what someone might be dealing with and in that case the someone is me and I'm just trying to share you know there are negatives to this does it take away from the positive no does it mean that I want to stop no but it is it is a reality that there are some negative parts about this but there you guys go I really hope that this video was at least maybe able to show you guys you know a little bit more about me and maybe makes it a little bit more realistic and people aren't thinking that I'm this guy that's running around with butterflies around me all the time and rainbows coming out my butt because that's not what's happening um yeah but I do want to say thank you guys so much for watching I would love to hear what you guys have to say down in the comment section down below I don't know how much of you guys are going to be able to relate to what I was saying honestly I have no idea so it would be kind of nice to see if there is anybody that can kind of relate to what I was saying but yeah I would really appreciate that thank you guys so much for watching today's video make sure you like comment and subscribe there's one other thing that I wanted to say oh yeah look up I am all day the warning signs and when there are flashing lights or wig legs don't attempt to cross until they come to a complete stop [Music]
Channel: ObesetoBeast
Views: 34,155
Rating: 4.9514451 out of 5
Keywords: weight loss, struggling, john glaude, fat loss, obesetobeast
Id: AoirDvJ2sVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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