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hello everyone welcome back to my channel thank you so much for clicking on this video and for being here today say hello baby leo's tired so he might not be as active in this video but yeah guys so thank you so much for tuning in for another video if you are new here my name is jordan and i lost 140 pounds which is why i'm talking about weight loss today he's barking at himself do you see him he's trying to fight his [ __ ] reflection leo that's you but yeah so i have undergone massive weight loss myself which is why i'm talking about weight loss today today's video is about the five things i stopped doing to lose weight so these are all things i did do prior to actually successfully losing weight and i am very excited okay babes and i am very excited to share them with you today because i have quite a few backstories which i think are super interesting so but guys before we jump into it i do have really really really exciting news i don't even know how to bring it up like my brain is just so all over the place because i've just been so stressed been doing so much stuff but next week's video so next sunday i will be uploading the announcement video for my business so if you guys do follow me or watch any of my videos you might know that i have been working on this business literally since the beginning of 2020. i haven't told anyone what it is yet just because i wanted it to be a surprise but just to give you guys a heads up it is one product although i do obviously have plans for future products and i will be announcing it next week so if you guys are interested in seeing what my business is or interested in supporting me i would be highly highly appreciative if you could turn post notifications on or set a reminder in your phone just a reminder that the video is coming out next sunday and if you would like to follow the company social media to get updates there it is at we are inspire i already have a couple thousand followers there which i'm super excited about this is just a really exciting time i'm really nervous excited i just have a lot of emotions and i really hope you guys enjoy the product all right so jumping into the video so the five things i stopped doing to finally lose weight and like i said these are things i actually stop doing so like all my videos i always talk about my own experiences my own body i'm not qualified obviously to talk about anyone else's body so anything i say in this video is directly referring to my own body alright so the first thing i stopped doing and this one is going to surprise no one and that is i stopped making excuses so i know you've all heard this 5 000 times you've probably seen those like infographics those motivational you know things on the internet that are like stop making excuses no excuses but for me to actually change i really had to embrace that principle i really had to embrace the concept of no excuses because up until that point in my life i just had a lot of excuses not only about my body but everything so what do i mean by excuses so for me personally i was very guilty of always telling myself that i was just meant to be big you know i would never be like jordan you're this big because you have a problem with food it was always you're this big because that's what you're meant to be i think this just generally stems from the fact that like i've been overweight my whole life or i had been overweight my whole life i was an overweight baby right so like when you're overweight your whole life it's really easy to convince yourself that's just how you're meant to be and not only that but my dad's side of the family like we are relatively big-bodied people and what i mean by that i'm mostly referring to height my dad's six four my brother's six five and i am five foot nine as a woman uh my mom's five foot three so that's why i said my dad's side but that whole side of the family is super tall not necessarily overweight um but just big right so it was super easy for me to convince myself like oh this is just who i meant to be this is who i am you know being more with the obese or overweight it just doesn't seem as that big of a deal when you're standing next to people who are like twice your height you know and that's obviously an exaggeration no one in my family's twice my height they would be like 11 [ __ ] feet tall but yeah i used every excuse in the book i would tell myself oh no i'm healthy i'm fine like i don't have any big issues like i don't have to change because i'm healthy and as i said many times a lot of you know i was not healthy but um it's just kind of funny that that was my mindset at that time and like i just the ex i just like the mindset was just so warped at that time where i was like i'm healthy i don't need to lose weight i just i just kind of remember bragging about being healthy and morbidly obese at the same time despite the fact that i was like 20 years old like now that i look back and i reflect on it it's like yeah like when you're 20 years old it's kind of expected that you're healthy like it's not really something to brag about you know it's like yeah you're healthy because you're 20 not because you're overweight like you're healthy because you're young but yeah so i made excuses excuses excuses until i wound up with every symptom of type 2 diabetes so that's what i meant when i said i was not healthy i was never diagnosed because i didn't go to the doctor because i was too scared but i had every symptom of diabetes so i expect i was either diabetic or pre-diabetic i can't say for sure but the excuses stopped when i realized i was dealing with something actually big you know i don't have anyone in my family with type 2 diabetes there's nothing in my health that would suggest i'm more susceptible to you know getting type 2 diabetes in that moment the excuses stop because i realize that the excuses are what led me to being diabetic at [ __ ] 22 years old but yeah so that's basically my experience with excuses but guys people use excuses in every aspect of their life especially when it comes to weight loss people will say i can't cook so i can't lose weight guess what i can't cook either i [ __ ] suck but here i am some people say they can't lose weight because they can't afford a gym membership and yes of course having a gym membership will make it easier but like i don't have a gym membership right now i exercise for free outside i got myself a yoga mat and i go for walks so it's kind of all about looking at your own excuses and asking yourself is this really you know a reason why i shouldn't be getting healthy honestly i really can't think of a single excuse that would actually be worth not getting healthy for all right so the second thing i stopped doing and this one's pretty loosely connected to the first one so if there's a little overlap here i apologize but the second thing i stopped doing was playing ignorant so like i just said a big reason why i didn't lose weight earlier than i did is because i used the excuse that you know i was healthy i didn't have to lose weight now that i reflect and i'm like 5 000 honest with myself i can like confidently say that i was full of [ __ ] [ __ ] like i was 100 in denial and honestly i can admit that it was my own fault because i willfully continue to play ignorant so what do i mean by this what do i mean by playing ignorant for example for those of you who are new here i was over 300 pounds and you really don't get over 300 pounds without having a messed up relationship with food or some sort of disordered relationship with food like obviously i was overeating in mass amounts right mass quantities so and at that time i obviously knew that i was eating too much food but i just continued to play dumb it's like i wouldn't let myself hold myself accountable i played ignorant i decided i would rather live in my little bubble um where i can tell myself whatever i want that i'm healthy that i'm okay and just play dumb to everything around me so a good example of this is just what i would eat on a daily basis so when i was doing my first master's degree my friends and i we had the uh tradition not the tradition just every week every wednesday we would go to bottomless pasta at a like italian restaurant um that was their promotion that day you get you could get bottomless pasta unlimited salad and unlimited bread so we go all the time so during this time when i was going to you know bottomless pasta and eating way too much food i would easily tell myself that this is fine because my friends are here and i feel like that's a trap a lot of us fall into it's like that's my skinny friend eating the exact same amount of food that i'm eating right now so therefore something's just wrong with my body like here it comes again like i'm just meant to be like this because she's eating the same thing as me but if i'm 100 honest with myself 1 000 honest with myself no [ __ ] no playing ignorant i know like i know and i knew that we did not eat the same amounts of food because yeah maybe at the restaurant we would eat the same amount but i knew i was taking home leftovers i knew i was taking home two extra loaves of bread and i knew i was taking home extra salad basically i knew the second i got home from that dinner i was gonna eat the leftover pasta the leftover bread and the leftover salad that night so i knew that and i also knew seeing my friends in agony because they ate too much i knew they would not be doing the same so their leftovers i knew they would be eating the next day like i just played dumb something i used to do every day walking home from school there was a convenience store and like every single day i would get a tub of ice cream like a tub and i would eat it every single night like i just chose to remain ignorant i chose not to look in nutrition i chose not to do more research and i chose to believe that it was okay for me to be eating a tub of ice cream at night a pizza every night like yes i would see my skinny friends they would eat the same thing as me for lunch and then i would curse the universe and be like why are they skinny why am i overweight like this isn't fair to me while simultaneously ignoring the 8 000 other things i ate that day like the tub of [ __ ] ice cream the whole pizza i got for dinner basically what i'm saying is i kept making a bunch of decisions i knew were not good for my health but i just chose to ignore them and i chose to remain ignorant i chose not to do research i chose to just live my life the way i wanted to i didn't want to go on the internet and you know have someone tell me that my eating habits were unhealthy i just chose to live in ignorance look at your life right now and not just in weight loss like in general look at your life right now and then just be honest with yourself is there anything you're lying to yourself about is there anything you refuse to admit because for me i refuse to admit i was killing my body and i ended up with type 2 diabetes so what did i do i switched it around i stopped pretending i was incapable of doing research on nutrition i was a [ __ ] master student i had a computer i had all the information in the world and i stopped lying to myself i stopped saying you don't know anything about this and you don't need to learn and i started saying why don't we understand what we're putting in our body why don't for the first time in your life you understand what a [ __ ] calorie is i've said this so many times but up until i lost weight i did not know what a calorie was which is pretty pathetic but that's just how i chose to live i chose to live in ignorance all right so number three and this is definitely something more tangible that you can stop doing um because i know the first two were pretty behavioral but for this i stopped drinking calories again this is something i always advocate for or i always suggest people start doing when they want to lose weight so growing up for example the first thing my brother and i would do when we got back from school was grab one liter glasses and fill them to the top with two percent milk so we would fill them with two percent milk and then we would each get a row of cookies and that would be like our after-school snack which yes if you're doing the math that was over a thousand calories of an after-school snack but honestly guys just the milk alone like i drank about two liters of milk a day two meters of milk a day two percent milk a day which i don't know probably equates to like 1200 calories 1200 calories just for milk and you know that milk didn't fill me up you know i wasn't replacing meals with that milk hell no like like [ __ ] i was doing that so when i actually learned that oh drinks have calories as well and not only do they have calories they usually have a lot of calories and they're usually empty calories meaning they don't give you any nutritional benefit but once i realized that liquids have calories this is so embarrassing to admit like i literally knew nothing but um once i realized that stuff started to make sense in my head you know it started to make sense why i was overweight and why i was as overweight as i was um a good example is during my undergrad so during my first university degree um i had a lot of night classes my classes started at 7 pm and i would always refuse to go to night class without a snack because i just could not sit through class without eating apparently but of course the snack wasn't a [ __ ] granola bar no jordan didn't eat granola bars go big or go home for jordan back in the day but what i would get every single week multiple times a week for night classes was a venti sized frappuccino from starbucks which if you didn't know is pure sugar like this is the perfect example of a drink with a lot of calories and no nutritional benefit i like my venti mocha with extra whip obviously my my venti java chip my venti green tea um this is obviously when i was vegetarian by the way because i don't eat dairy now yeah so i would get that you know five six hundred calorie drink which offered me no nutritional benefit and made me more hungry in fact and then i would pair it with two chocolate chip cookies from starbucks which if you've seen them they are like big chocolate chip cookies and i actually researched because i was curious i was like how many calories are even in one of those cookies and what i found was 570 calories for one cookie so for my two cookies and my drink i was looking at like 1600 calories as a snack like that was after dinner that was after lunch that was after breakfast that was like me chilling in class thinking i could eat a snack yeah so just be aware of what calories are in your drink obviously if you want to drink a smoothie that is completely different smoothies are full of nutrition smoothies have fruits vegetables you know a bunch of really really good foods for you and unfortunately a frappuccino just does not so just be aware of what calories your drinks have because it definitely makes a big difference especially if you were unaware that drinks had calories like i was because it was actually really easy for me to fit within my calories once i cut out all the garbage i was drinking all right so the fifth thing the fifth thing i stopped doing to finally lose weight was putting all of my effort on exercise so like i said and i feel like it's very obvious at this point in the video like i was very uneducated about health fitness nutrition weight loss um i just didn't know anything and like i said that was me playing ignorant like i chose that life which like i admit i understand it was you know kind of my fault but at that point i just didn't know anything so for me what i thought weight loss was was just busting your ass at the gym i had no idea that like nutrition played a really important role um i know now and i'm sure a lot of you guys know that nutrition plays about 95 weight loss is like 95 nutrition focused then i know that now but at that time i didn't so the reason why i want to include this is in case anyone out there doesn't know this basically if you've been in the weight loss space for a while or you've read anything about weight loss you've probably heard the quote you cannot outrun a bad diet and it is 100 true what it means is that you can work out for four hours a day but if your diet is not in check you will not lose [ __ ] i did luckily figure this out pretty early on because um i decided to educate myself on calories stop the are you gonna bark so one of the first days actually of my weight loss journey i decided that i was gonna go to dinner with a friend my friend katie um and we went to a place where we went pretty regularly but this was the first time you know since i had my awakening since i decided to actually research what nutrition meant and like what it was um this is the first time i actually paid attention to the calories on the menu um so this is like one of the first days i went to the gym so i was obviously going into dinner wanting to be relatively clean because i didn't want to undo my hard work so we sit down and i look at the meal i usually got and it was like something ridiculous like 2 500 calories and in that moment i was like oh so if i order this all that exercise i did this morning was for nothing because this is so calorically dense and that was kind of when i realized like i had to make changes in my nutrition i had to learn how to like you know make something in the kitchen and to this day guys i am not a good cook i cannot cook but i make it i make it work okay so if you're not a good cook don't worry like i eat the same things every day i worked really hard at finding alternatives to things i love that were less calorically dense and i just really you know focused on learning about nutrition what are macros what are micros like what should i be eating not only like what's gonna make me lose weight but also like what's good for me like i had no idea so if you are someone who is like me who has very little knowledge of nutrition the most important thing i can recommend to you is to learn i know it's not fun to learn i know it's boring i know it involves research but once you learn life just gets easier like now that i understand nutrition i am so much more chill around food i actually feel more liberated opposed to afraid around food now because once you understand nutrition stuff just makes sense the mystery that food holds is gone and i feel like for so many years food was a mystery to me i knew i loved it i knew i loved eating a lot of it but i didn't understand what it was doing so i definitely recommend looking into nutrition if you haven't already it's just good knowledge to know you know like it's always good to know what to feed your body to feel your best so definitely look it up all right guys so the last thing i stopped doing and i saved the best for last this is my best advice of this video um and that is to stop stressing over the big picture so for me to actually lose weight i had to stop stressing over how far i had to go you know when i was over 300 pounds looking at how much weight i had to lose it was super super discouraging because the first thing you do or i feel like the first thing a lot of us do when we decide to lose weight um or at least for me and maybe it was just because i was morbidly obese so i literally had no idea what i even was supposed to weigh but the first thing i did was look at my height look how much i should weigh like what was a healthy weight right so that's what i looked at and when i saw it it was incredibly daunting because obviously it was 140 pounds it was like you need to lose 140 pounds and when i saw 140 pounds it was just so discouraging it was so scary it was honestly enough like honestly if i wasn't [ __ ] scared shitless about being diabetic and like scared that i was gonna [ __ ] drop dead like it was probably enough for me to quit and i feel like a lot of people fall into that trap they like look at how much they have to lose and it's like such an immense or such a huge number that they just get scared and they're like there's no point you know like i'm not even gonna try this is gonna take years like i would rather live my life eating whatever the [ __ ] i want instead of trying to lose weight for two years or whatever but if you are in that mindset something you have to remember is that time is gonna pass regardless of if you lose weight or not so yes let's say you have to lose 100 pounds will that hundred pounds take you two years to lose maybe but are those two years gonna pass regardless yeah so in two years from now would you rather be like hell yeah i started losing weight two years ago and now i am happy and healthy in my body or do you want to be two years from now and you'd be like oh [ __ ] if i had started two years ago i would be where i want to be but i didn't start so i have to start now but yes so i stopped stressing over the big picture and ways i did this so what i actually did when i was losing weight is i started making little goals or little celebrations for smaller goals and the reason why i did this is because like i said losing 140 pounds i knew it was gonna take a while and i needed something to celebrate before i got to that goal otherwise i wouldn't feel like i was accomplishing anything so some things i used to do and you can go back my instagram and see all these posts that's the thing i love about my instagram for a lot of you who don't know like my instagram started as a place where i documented my weight loss journey so like the first photos are literally me when i was overweight learning how to lose weight so what i used to do is i actually used to buy clothes that were a size or two smaller and then i would motivate myself to lose weight by being able to one day fit in those clothes i can't even tell you how great it felt because you're not focusing on the scale you know you're not focusing on something stupid like a number but to have a piece of clothing that once would not fit over my body at all to be baggy on my body was like such a rewarding feeling and so yeah guys don't be afraid to treat yourself it doesn't have to be clothes be like when i lose 50 pounds i'll get my nails done when i lose 50 pounds i'll go on a vacation like choose whatever you want just choose smaller more tangible goals that you can actually achieve within like you know what respectable or a not terrifying time frame because that's gonna help motivate you a lot but yeah guys so that is it for this video those were the five things i stopped doing to lose weight as always i would love love love to see your comments down below in one of the last videos i did you guys were so amazing with comments and you have so much great advice and people like people are just talking and appreciating it and like i love to see it so please if you have any advice leave it down below it helps so many people yes i've already lost weight but remember the people who are watching my videos usually want to replicate that success so any advice you have please leave down below we are all in this together please remember to mark your calendars for next week for my business announcement and i will see you guys in my next video okay bye [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Jordan Shrinks
Views: 368,606
Rating: 4.9626279 out of 5
Keywords: weight loss, how to lose weight, lose weight fast, weight loss tips, weight loss journey, weight loss transformation, weight loss motivation, weight loss story, weight loss diet, how i lost weight, how to lose weight fast, how to get rid of belly fat, not losing weight, before and after weight loss, lose weight fast without exercise, jordan shrinks, major weight loss, massive weight loss, how i lost 140lbs, how i lost 130lbs, healthy diet, tips, advice, weight loss for women
Id: D7R-9BoJo_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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