Cheat Meals Are STUPID! (Kinda) Mornin' Oats

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you have reached the voice mailbox of John Claude at the tone please record your voice method hey John it's me I think it's time we finally have that talking there's some choices that you're gonna have to make they'll change the rest of your life the question is will you put in the work you no choice is the bridge between where we are and where we want to be it's not about what other people think it's not about recognition it's about choice it's about a lifestyle the choice is yours how cool was that promo video so that was shot like a few months ago when I was in Kansas see if you guys remember I was in Kansas City shooting some really cool stuff I wasn't able to tell you what it was I can finally tell you what it was that was such a good experience and I cannot wait to share this with you guys so what this is is my first real training and nutrition plan I called it step one because that's exactly what I think it is it's going to be a start for a lot of people a lot of people asked me for something like this so I'm obviously super excited to finally have it come into fruition this is what evolved with further evolve Pro Plan and I seriously couldn't be more excited about this so something that was really important to me and that I told the guys that evolve was that if you're going to be doing a nutrition plan we need to make it customizable we can't just have one plan that's gonna fit everybody so the plan works off of your tdee which is your total daily energy expenditure so if you're a of 150 pound female your plan is going to look different you know calorie wise then someone that's a 250 pound male so I'm really really excited about that now something that was really really important to me and I'm glad that we were able to get that done we were able to work with the nutritionist and get a bunch of meals for you guys set up but again it's really important to me that you're able to do whatever you want so if you find some of the meals you don't like them you don't have to use every single meal the meals are there kind of just to give you a template if you want to follow it exactly that's totally cool and like I mean I recommend that but if you don't want to or some of the meals just don't work you do not have to you can obviously enter your own meals into the plan and that's totally fine as well and then when it comes to the training plan obviously this is what I was probably most excited about because I I love the gym I love being inside the gym and I was able to write something for you guys that is very very similar almost exactly the same thing I was doing for my first you know 1 to 3 years in the gym and it's really really easy to follow there's videos there's tips on all the exercises if you if you don't know how to do them so I just I'm really really excited for this too hopefully you know change some people's lives and it's going to be really simple very easy to follow and if like one of the things when it comes to the gym is like if you feel like you don't know what you're doing it's a lot harder to go into the gym and that's what I was excited about making this it's like you're gonna go in with the plan you're gonna on your phone you know what you're gonna be doing you don't have anything to worry about and that was really important to me as well so the plan is already pretty cheap in itself but I do have a discount code for you guys the discount code is beast everything will be linked down in the description so you guys can kind of check it out but again I am so excited about this and I really hope that a lot of you guys love it check it out and really enjoy it but with that being said let's get into the video [Music] what does it be guys welcome back to another installment of morning oats so today what we're gonna be talking about is cheat days and cheat meals when you are first starting your diet now this is an interesting topic to me this is something that I get asked about a lot and actually recently did a post on my Instagram about this recently I've been finding that I like to do that a lot like make a post on my Instagram and then I like to see kind of the reaction that people have to my thoughts about it and if everybody kind of agrees with me then I feel like there's no real need to make a video but if there are people that kind of have opposing views which is completely fine it's a lot more likely that I'm gonna make a video about it just because I think it's really interesting I love starting conversations so today we're going to be talking about cheat meals and cheat days when you are first starting your diet now the reason that I keep saying when you're first starting your diet is because I do believe that there's kind of a way to look at your diet when you are first starting out you know trying to have a lifestyle change and it will change over time it will morph with you it will change with you and I think that's important to know I think it's important to know that you kind of have phases when you're going throughout your diet like I'm definitely in a different phase now six years post losing the weight than I was when I first started diving and I think that's really important to kind of understand just to understand that when you are in that first phase right which is what we're gonna talk about you'll understand that you will be out of there eventually and you'll be able to change up that relationship with food you'll be able to change up the way that you use cheat meals I hate that word but you know you use you utilize those tools you'll change that up as you move on to different phases of your weight loss journey so my personal thoughts when you are first starting your diet out with cheat meals is I think that honestly you should push yourself to not have cheat meals for as long as you possibly can now this is a controversial topic this is where people kind of say that I am wrong and I shouldn't think like that because you should always strive for balance and I totally agree with that but personally for me and this is actually something that my friend possible Pat says too is like you cheated on your diet for however many years right for me I cheated on my diet for 20 years like I don't need a cheat meal for nine months like I I can I will live with myself with not having a cheat meal and now I I believe in that now you don't have to be as extreme you don't have to go nine months without having a cheat meal but I think that it's important to tell yourself like I do not need a cheat meal or need a cheat day now if things come up and I end up going over on my calories just unlike that that's totally fine I will live but you should be able to tell yourself I do not need this cheat meal and it's not something that I'm looking forward to every single week now the issue that I have with that you know set cheat meal on Saturday or Sunday or check set cheat day whatever you want to do right whatever way you want to structure it is I've noticed again this is my opinion but I've noticed that people will start honestly living for that cheat meal or cheat day now it's kind of similar to when people have a nine-to-five they really do not like very much right they live for the weekend we've all heard of that right you live for the weekend and that's exactly people getting the same exact mindset when they're dieting of living for that cheat meal or cheat day and then they get stuck in this cycle of I hate my diet I hate food throughout the whole week I hate eating I don't enjoy any of my food and the only time I enjoy food is when I have this cheat meal or when I have this cheat day now this perpetuates the thought of the only time I'm enjoying food is when I am cheating on my diet so what a lot of people do is one they get to that cheat meal and then they go completely overboard and absolutely insane and completely blow out their diet and then the other thing that happens that I've noticed is people realize man I absolutely hate my diet when I am dieting throughout the whole week and the only time that I enjoy food is when I'm having my cheat meal you know what I'm sick of dieting I don't want to dye it anymore I'm just gonna do my cheat meal I'm just going to start eating like that again it's not worth it it's obviously not working and then they go back into bad habits and that's the issue that I have obviously it starts with good intentions right you want to stick to your diet and and your diets kind of hard so you want to reward yourself with that cheat meal which again at the core of it is a good thing but what people turn it into that's where the issue comes about now I think it's pretty obvious in this video that I obviously do not condone like a whole cheat day I think that's absolutely ridiculous I mean that it's you can induce a lot in that and a whole day now if you do need to do something a cheat meal is a better option what but what I personally think the best option is is letting yourself fit in oh I guess you could call it cheat snacks but do this every single day now the reason I'm saying cheat snacks because I actually don't believe it's a cheat snack if you fit it into your diet and it's not that big of a deal right say if you really love chocolate you fit in a piece of chocolate every single day now a lot of you will say that's ridiculous I can't believe you'd do that but if you think about one piece of chocolate every single day compared to a cheat meal that is just like pancakes and cricket a bunch of crazy stuff really that one piece of chocolate is actually the better option you're getting less calories from that and you're mentally in a better spot now those cheat snacks are going to keep you satisfied you're gonna feel like you're not depriving yourself so much in every single day you can look forward to having that little cheat snack now when it comes to cheese snacks obviously there are ways that you can completely ruin this and the thing that I've noticed and this is something that I've done too is like I would buy big boxes of things that I want it to snack on that don't have any servings it's just you know a big box of cereal or something like that right and I can't control myself if I pour a glass bowl of cereal I'm gonna pour three four or five volts right so what I would recommend is finding things that are packaged in in single servings right like if it's like Oreos they have the single serving packets of Oreos or whatever it might be find those because you can tell yourself okay I'm gonna grab this out of the cupboard and this is what I'm gonna eat this is my cheat snack but it fits into your diet you're actually not cheating on your diet but you feel like you have that you know that relief of being like okay I'm not like being completely stripped I'm able to have this little thing for myself every single day and when it comes to myself personally when I first started dieting I literally didn't have a cheat meal or anything for nine months now I'm not saying that you need to do that but for me it was important to show myself that I was capable of doing this because when I first started losing weight I was completely addicted to food like everything that I thought about food was always there and like all I thought about was food it felt like so I needed to prove to myself that I could get past that and and I so many people that I've talked to that I've lost a massive amount of weight have purported the same things and they said that yeah that's kind of exactly what I did as well like I felt like I've been cheating for long enough I don't need to have a cheat meal and honestly like I felt like I would have been triggered if I would have had a big meal anyways and I would have just you know went into bad habits so for me what worked for me was completely cutting out things that I knew would be triggers and that it really did work for me and I really do think it's a good step for a lot of people again I'm not saying you have to completely cut everything out you don't have to do exactly what I did but this is what I've realized has worked for a lot of people when they're trying to lose a massive amount of weight now on to the phases that I was kind of talking about right when you're in the first phase that's where I think you know having those cheat meals can be really dangerous because you're still so close to that that you know the before a picture right that before version of yourself that is really hard to have cheat meals and not slip back but you will eventually get into phase 2 3 4 I don't even know how many phases there are but right you're eventually gonna move on and get to a point where you can't have cheat meals or can't have food that might have triggered you before that you are now able to control right like for me if I would have tried to have like French for French fries is probably one of my favorite foods on the planet right so if I would have tried to have french fries when I first started losing weight that would 100% have catapulted me back into bad habits and I would have just you know went crazy now I have french fries a lot like I'm not saying every single day but I have them a good amount of time now a lot of times I make them myself the healthier versions but sometimes you know I'll go to a restaurant and have straight-up regular french fries and I don't have any bad feelings about it I don't have any feelings of I'm gonna slip back into old habits because I've moved from that first phase and I'm in like phase 17 now or whatever you want to call it right they I'm further away from that start point that now I know that I can have those foods that before would have triggered me now they're just regular food and I think this is really important because I want people to understand that if you feel like you're in the first phase and you feel like you can you can't eat those foods that might trigger you I promise you it's not gonna be like that forever but you do have to get through that first phase to get to a point where you're able to eat those foods without feeling triggered now again this is all personal preference you can do whatever you want I'm not saying you have to do exactly what I did but these are my thoughts this is what helped me a lot in the start of my journey and I felt like it would be important to share this because I get so many questions of people saying like I need tips for when I'm first starting I have a lot of people that are watching that are just starting their journey and this is exactly what works for me and I really hope that this helps you guys out as well so there you guys go I hope that you guys enjoyed today's video I would love to know your thoughts on cheat meals cheat days if you agree with me if you disagree with me I would love to hear everything down in the comment section down below thank you so much for watching make sure you like comment and subscribe there was one other thing they don't want to say oh yeah look I am all day the warning signs and when there are flashing lights or wig legs don't attempt to cross until they come to a complete stop [Music]
Channel: ObesetoBeast
Views: 116,572
Rating: 4.9378366 out of 5
Keywords: weight loss, evolve, john glaude, mornin oats, the biggest loser, fat loss tips, cheat meals, cheat meal tips, what is a cheat meal, cheat meal for weight loss, are cheat meals good
Id: FOMndbwKeaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Wed May 09 2018
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