Company Sells "Fat Burning Bar" (I AM MAD)

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what's up you guys welcome back to the channel thank you so much for clicking on today's video so today's video is going to be a little bit different than other videos that I made in the past normally I have some sort of script or I have some sort of topic that I have in my head I do have a topic but I haven't made any sort of scripts because I just saw this and it honestly has kind of pissed me off a little bit so the company built bars they make protein bars that a lot of their audience is people that are trying to lose weight I think that comes from the fact that a lot of their social media influencers that they have started working with our people that have lost weight and some of them are people that I consider my friends now that doesn't change the fact that what I think they are doing right now is despicable and I am I'm I think it it just goes to show you that the fitness industry still has so so much more work to do and that's why I try to make these videos is because I want to call stuff out when I think it's wrong because I think that that's what's been missing in the fitness industry for a long time there are tons of channels that are doing this now and I I'm really happy that it's happening because for so long there would be these myths or these fake things that would be going around and people would just kind of take it for face value because there wasn't people being critical about it so today I want to talk about built bars recently released a bar that's called the Bilt burner bar and the whole premise of this bar is that this bar is supposed to help you burn fat I was actually sitting this a few times on Instagram now this is the picture that they posted and as it says as you can see it says six new flavors and then it has more protein less sugar or whatever but it says burn more calories burn more calories by eating a bar suppress appetite and increase fat loss eating a bar you can increase fat loss by eating this bar that's what this advertisement is saying before we go any further I want to make it very clear I have nothing against protein bars I actually eat protein bars pretty frequently right now I'm really liking the cliff builders bars because there's no way in them but I don't I don't have anything against protein bars I think there right I don't even really consider them like a supplement it's more just food that you're eating that happens to have a good amount of protein it helps me hit my protein goal so I have nothing against protein bars they're regular bars I'm sure they taste great they seem to everyone that I've talked to that has had them says they taste really good and I'm sure these burner bars taste really good as well it's the marketing behind this bar in particular that is predatory and I think it's getting people to believe in something that isn't true that's where the danger lies so in their caption they they kind of go through a couple of the reasons why the burner bar is different so the first one it says protein plus burner our proprietary blend of ingredients works with the 18 grams of protein to make the formula significantly more effective now right off the bat I'm not a huge fan of proprietary blends because basically what that is is they put a bunch of stuff together and they call it you know a burner blend which so you don't know exactly how much of caffeine is in this bar how much whatever green tea extract you don't know the exact amounts of things that are inside this proprietary blend so you'll see this with a lot of different supplements what I like to see with a supplement is that they list every single you know it has five grams of creatine it has this many grams of caffeine it doesn't just say it's a five five five thousand milligram proprietary blend because then you don't know exactly what's inside of it so that's something that I am NOT a fan of with this number to engage the brain hunger is triggered by the brain our ingredients work with the hunger triggers in the brain to delay those responses so again just taking this at face value what you're saying here is that your bar will make it so I am a less hungry throughout the day that's what this is saying and then lastly number three satisfy cravings our ingredients work with the incredible taste of the bar to reduce cravings now I don't disagree I'm sure to a lot of people the bars tastes really good so I don't there's nothing I don't think really wrong with that you know if you're somebody that wants a chocolate bar you eat one of their chocolate protein bars and that helps satisfy that's cool though I love to comment and I said nope this is not cool but I wanted to do a little bit more research so I actually went to their website and clicked on these new burner bars and this is this is how they're marketing it to people so it says here introducing more protein now 18 grams less sugar now 3 grams and then it says again burn more calories suppress appetite increase fat loss and then right under that it says eat 2 bars a day 2 bars a day and lose weight faster so what they're saying there is eat 2 of our bars so basically pay us twice in a day and you will lose weight faster and then I scrolled down a little bit more and it says eat 2 bars a day and lose weight faster again and then 2 per day versus one per day so they even have a they even have this visual to show you that if you eat 2 bars a day you're gonna get a lot more out of this project than if you only eat one so for 1 bar a day you get five hours of increased fat burning increase fat bring nice 3 hours of appetite suppression and one full serving of weight loss formula now if you eat 2 bars a day you will get 10 hours of increased fat burning nice eight hours of appetite reduction two full servings of weight loss formula thank you for letting me know that if you eat 2 bars you get 2 4 servings and if you meet one bar you get one full serving then at the bottom of this website it lists the active ingredients you know it's it's the ones that you'll see in most fat burner supplements so it's the garcinia cambogia I don't know how to say that exactly green tea extract and then there's other words that I'm not gonna try and pronounce but basically what these do and what they've been shown to do is for most people one a lot of them work like caffeine would work right so it will boost your energy and in return with that boosted energy you will be a little bit more productive you might move a little bit more in a day because you have that impulse and increased energy right so if you were sitting there doing nothing and you drank a cup of coffee this is the the argument that I always use like why not just spend the money on you know having a cup of coffee because one it's gonna be a lot less cheap they're not gonna try and make you eat two bars right it's gonna be zero calories versus however many calories are in the bar you're going to get that increased energy right you're going to be burning more calories and on top of that calorie is it our calorie Coffee is an appetite suppressant so you're gonna get the the benefits of that as well so what all of those ingredients are doing it's not burning fat for you that's my biggest issue because again I'm sure that these bars taste fine I'm sure there's I'm sure everything is fine with them right but when you're marketing to people and they're the largest amount of people have their marketing to our people that are trying to lose weight because of the influencer marketing they've used right the influences they are using our people that have lost weight so the people that are following those people are people that are trying to lose weight so when you start preying on people that might not know any better that's where I draw a line now the argument that I always hear when I bring stuff up like this like what supplements people wasting our money on things like that the argument that I get against it is well it's that person's fault they should have done more research and they that it's their fault they spent their own money on this product that obviously wouldn't work now most people that are following my channel are going to know that when they saw that ad I would hope at least that that's BS right there that is that product is not going to burn more fat the issue I have is that the people that are seeing that that are getting tricked into that do genuinely think that eating this bar is going to make them burn more fat now is their benefit and maybe like the placebo effect so like thinking something works so it does yeah I guess but again this is the issue with the fitness industry is that they they are marketing these ridiculous claims and people believe them and it just makes the whole industry look like a joke when it comes to losing weight be in a caloric deficit if you want to use protein bars and they help you maybe stay in a deficit or they maybe help you hit your protein goals there's nothing wrong with that again that's something that I do but you have to understand that pretty much there's no supplement out there there is no supplement out there that is going to make you lose fat faster it does not exist whether there be supplements that maybe help give you a little bit more energy so you're moving around a little bit more in a day yeah do you need to be spending your money on those things personally for me I don't think you need to do that I think that you can lose weight without spending a single dime on any sort of supplement without a doubt that is my that is my belief so to market these bars as fat-burning bars it it really blows my mind because somebody think about it if you're if you're eating in a deficit and then you see that as a oh there's these fat burning bar so you add in two of them every single day and then you end up being in a surplus not because you're eating these bars that you think are gonna help you lose fat now you've added these bars and now you're no longer losing weight like that that is ridiculous I personally believe that if you are trying to lose weight I usually actually avoid protein bars or any sort of bar just because normally they they have a you know a dense amount of calories in such a small package that you're usually not that full after eating them anyways so I would recommend kind of steering clear of like protein bars if you know if you're in a pinch and you need something yeah I totally go for it but I wouldn't recommend having that every single day if you are in the beginning of your weight loss phase I would recommend you know regular food so to market this as you should eat two of these a day to lose weight that is irresponsible that's what I believe at least so again that's just my opinion I'm really curious about what other people think about this I know that my opinion on this is stronger than it is for most things to be honest so I I always struggle with wondering if maybe I am a little too sensitive but I truly my thoughts are with people that are trying to lose weight and are getting tricked by these things so that's why I I get so upset about this but I would I would genuinely love to hear what you guys have to think down in the comment section down below before we in the video I do want to say if you guys haven't checked out my podcast I would love for you to guys to check it out I will link it down in the description it's called the work for change podcast I do it with my brother we have tons of interviews we talked about a lot of the same topics that maybe I I talk about in videos but I'm able to go a lot more in-depth so if you're somebody that enjoys podcast you can find it on pretty much any podcast platform if you just search work for change or I will have the iTunes link down below it's also on YouTube we do videos as well so if you if you want to check that out that would be really awesome but again thank you guys so much for watching today's video make sure you like comment and subscribe there's one other thing that I wanted to say oh yeah look I am all day the warning signs and when there are flashing lights or wig legs don't attempt to cross until they come to a complete stop [Music]
Channel: ObesetoBeast
Views: 50,037
Rating: 4.9346466 out of 5
Keywords: built bar, fat burning bar, weight loss, john glaude
Id: 4s9MTavEVIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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