Testing VIRAL TikTok Cleaning Products *are they worth the hype?*

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hey everyone so today we are doing a very exciting video in this video we are going to be exploring something that I am so weirdly excited about I can't really explain how fun cleaning products are to me I'm embarrassed about it yes but it's the way I am and you know what I know I'm not alone because I see the views these cleaning videos get we're all secretly watching these cleaning videos there is something so satisfying about seeing something that's a complete wreck and then at the end of the video it's clean and sometimes with these videos they introduce some very Innovative new products that are supposed to revolutionize the way we clean and I basically just want to see if these products are actually any good okay so the first product is this oscillating brush okay we'll see this one 3.2 million views so clearly I'm not the only one enjoying these cleaning videos it's the ultimate power scrubber let's take him for a spin check out the leg I'm loving the power the brush spins so fast so my oven is gross and it's something I've been putting off for a while here's a confession I've never cleaned my oven ever in my entire life so I got that the electric spin scrubber I just got this one off of Amazon but I'm pretty sure it's pretty much the exact same oh fun snowball okay we've got all these different heads this one feels like a really useful one too pointed like that oh it goes longer that's that's pretty good and then you'd put the nozzles on this end oh my gosh it has a little bit of a charge whoa sorry I'm not going to get sold this quickly on a product I think if you wanted you could skip this connector piece let me just see yeah so if you just wanted it short you could just connect it there this is awesome okay so I was inspired by that video where they cleaned the oven with this tool so I'm going to clean my oven now I've never cleaned my oven if I'm being honest I actually didn't know you had to do that so I'm gonna be doing it today it's really dirty so I think this will really put this to the test I'm also going to use another Tick Tock popular thing the pink stuff I've tried this in a different video so I wasn't going to include it as its own thing but we're gonna get to use it anyways alrighty I'm just gonna oh my goodness it's like a perfect fit stop that's so satisfying oh my goodness it's really spinning the whole kitchen is gonna have this all over it all right oh my gosh it's making such a mess also I just need to wipe all the splatter that has hit the fridge these Tick Tock videos kind of just mention the positives which I appreciate the optimism see how good this clean this up [Music] okay there's definitely still grease on here that's looking better actually definitely getting a lot of dirt off who does this who honestly cleans their oven is it everyone except me one eternity later that took me a minute but it's looking cleaner it definitely is but I really want to try and get this grease that's shot up on the glass here one thing I'll say too which is really nice is these cleaned super easy and they don't get stained because if they were going to get stained they would have because that was freaking messy now I'm just gonna shoot this all over the place again all right come on Grease come on come on come home no it's still there that is some darn greasy greasy grease all right my oven looks subpar it looks better than it did 40 minutes ago but it doesn't look as good as the person the videos jobs where you either need to reach really high or reach really low or in this case reach really in the extendability of this is so nice that was a workout thank goodness I have my Arrow bottle to hydrate me I want to say a big thank you to Arab for sponsoring another video if you watched my video a month ago you know I've been loving Arab so here I am again to talk about them lately I've been trying very hard to move away from sugary drinks and just drink a lot more water but as you probably know water can get very boring it's very plain so Arab is the perfect way to keep water fun and tasty Arab is the world's first hydration system that flavors plain water through scent alone there are no sugars or sweeteners or additives going into your water at all eighty percent of your taste actually comes from your sense of smell so as you're smelling the flavor pod and drinking the water you actually experience the flavor I was skeptic too but I've been using it for a very long time and it actually works all you gotta do is pick a flavor pod pop it in and lift it up and it's ready to go their bottles have so many fun color options and they have a ton of amazing flavors to check out my personal favorites are watermelon and mixed berry try those ones if you're interested in trying Arabelle make sure you click my link or used by code Mia maples15 for 15 off your order thanks again Arab and now let's get back to cleaning yeah foreign [Music] this is kind of a unique one it's a little more obscure because it's just for cleaning air pods it is six million views so basically it's just for picking at small spaces I think this became popular for cleaning air pods because it's like perfectly designed for that yeah it just is really interesting and again I've never cleaned my airpod case so I really don't know what we're getting into here so here it is you have the Pokey end for poking things and then there's a little brush piece here oh my gosh there's this fluffy piece I think this is what goes right into the airpod okay we have a close-up angle so you can really see what's going on now if these are really dirty I apologize but you're gonna see a lot of dirty things in this video okay let's see oh my gosh wait it's pretty gross in here can you see in the corners there there's definitely earwax ew and it's so dirty like down there okay so the first thing I definitely want to do is I want to get all that earwax out of there oh this is the perfect tool for this oh it's very satisfying to do this honestly oh it's really built in there I'm actually feeling like my headphones could possibly work better after this okay I need to use this side now the brush this is the clean one this is the dirty one it's so dirty swapping of this to the fluff I'm excited about this it goes right in here that is perfect it's so it's perfect it the hardest part about products like this is making sure you don't lose them the next cleaner we have was another one I was super excited about this is the Bissell steam cleaner I have such dirty grout in the bathroom that I tiled myself because I used white glitter grout on the floor horrible decision it gets dirty so quickly and equally a problem there's a ton of build up on the baseboard I don't know why so they moved into a really old place and they're cleaning the grout lines like this is what I need to do look at that this is giving me hope for my grout basically hard to reach areas are really Nook spots this is supposed to be able to get it so we must try it all right the steam shot this interests me every purchase saves pets what do you mean I must look 100 of every donation helps to further our mission of finding every pet a home I love that okay these are all of the attachments here's a little mopper piece oh it looks like a little chef's hat Remy's chef hat whoa this one's got like really strong bristles look at that little nozzle piece that'll really get in places whoever designed this really new cleaning now this is a plug-in so it doesn't need to be charged it just needs to be plugged in while you use it so how does it work do you just put this on here okay it seems pretty simple this is cool and then this is how much water you can put in it it says Max on it I didn't even have to read the user guide to figure that out which is pretty good if I do say so myself come on in it's your favorite horrible bathroom lighting I do hate filming in the bathroom but this is where the bad grout dirtiness is we're gonna go second angle for this this is the dirty grout do you see the dirtiness on the white glitter so this is what it looks like nice well it's still dirty but like this is what it's supposed to look like here's what it looks like with gunk in between and this is the baseboard that I cannot get clean for some reason all right let's see I'm gonna plug it in oh I can hear it sounds like a kettle check this out oh it's hot why does everything cleaning have to be so loud it's not really getting it yeah it started to kind of rip the grout out here you can kind of see it moving around okay let's try this oh I think it's ripping the paint off I'm starting to get mad yesterday I was running around Bissell Steam shotting everything in sight this is tie-dye there is no way this is gonna be able to get this clean if this comes out I will take back everything negative I've said about this that was a long shot I'll admit it wasn't cleaning my grout it was ripping it out and then I went to the door frame looking pretty dirty in here and honestly it's a little bit hard to open and close because of all this dirt so let's shoot it all over the place like cleaning cleaning honestly I liked it was like shooting it out but it was also jamming it in I did clean around my faucet and it worked amazingly so I must mention that so the jury is out on you as far as I'm concerned so I have a final boss for you I left this Lantern out for 365 days if the Bissell Steam shot can clean this I will give it a positive review okay let's just see okay it's picking it up a little [Music] plot thickens look at this one swipe oh let us not forget what that looked like you know what steam shot you can stay [Music] okay Scrub Daddy I personally feel like is the king of tick tock I just feel like they're quick to every single Trend they get tons of views I think in every cleaning video on Tick Tock the person is using a Scrub Daddy now I must say there is technology like when you use warm water on it it's softer versus cold water it's hard and anything with a face on it I think is cute Scrub Daddy scrubber scrubby scrub scrub look foreign there was an available box where you could kind of test a bunch of things these kind of were interesting to me these are Scrub Daddy clean your screen I've never cleaned my laptop screen oh my goodness okay so it's supposed to sit here and then you can peel it off okay so it's not like a single use I was curious about that I was like is it just a single use but it is not and apparently you can even wash your screen daddy as needed with soap and water this is some of these have literally been on here for years so it's all that's what it looks like after one swipe over I'm gonna try it again you can see the face is already dirty and it is clean look at how clean that looks the scrub mommy definitely has some battle wounds from that but I guess then I can just stick this right there and use it whatever I please this is the classic sponge but I really liked this because it has the holder for in your sink so you can set the sponge there so having this that can stick in your sink quite nice and basically this came with a green and a blue and then also came with scrub mommies okay as you know we cleaned the oven so now we have to clean the trays I thought this would be a good one to show off The Scrub Daddy and possibly the scour Daddy I thought this might be good for the tracks this is so dirty so I don't know how this is gonna go okay it's really hard and I think it'll be good for scraping this oh it's actually getting it pretty good kind of impressed with the scour Daddy this is making me want to try it on my pan that pan that never gets cleaned can the scour Daddy clean this [Music] let's see and it's still dirty I tend to think this may never get clean I'm obsessed with the Scrub Daddy I want to show you what I mean so when you use cold water and look how hard and it's hard to squish it and then when I go hot now the scrub Daddy's really easy to squish I just really like it and I like that it has a smile it's my face did I even review The Scrub Daddy really it's hard to review you basically just clean with it like it's nothing crazy [Music] okay now the last product four million views on this so basically it's dirty car seats and this thing will suck the dirtiness out of it and then you pour the dirtiness into the sink and it's freaking gross and you realize what you've been sitting on for so long so basically you spray liquid and then it sucks the liquid out and you can also put cleaner in so I'll probably put cleaner but look at that and I perfect chairs to do to do this here it is first of all may I say the color is exquisite this is a beautiful green so you don't got to worry about charging it lift here to release the tank okay so one of these tanks fills up with clean water and then the next one will fill with dirty water I'm gonna be so excited if this fills up with dirty water so basically we'll just attach this oh my gosh this is so easy to use okay so I have the chairs that I was talking about I decided I'm gonna clean one of them and keep one dirty so that we can have a comparison of how well this claimed from a distance they don't look too bad but when you get up close you can really see I use these fluffy chairs as dining chairs which is a horrible idea but they're so comfortable so I'm going to use this Bissell Pro cleaner okay and now we gotta fill it up to the water line so give me a second I don't know how loud this is gonna be okay whoa try [Music] it's very very loud I'm kind of unable to talk I was trying to see where I'm spraying but I think I'm just gonna do this for a little bit and then we'll see how it looks once it's dried because it's so loud I don't think I can talk it through [Music] okay let's try this one [Music] literally with once over it looks worse I feel like I just had an arm workout and ended up with two dirty chairs we'll just see how it looks in the morning but I'm interested to see how dirty the water is wow it's so dirty like even if these don't come out looking way cleaner clearly it sucked a bunch of dirt look at all that that's pretty gross oh my gosh okay maybe it was doing right okay so yesterday I kind of went on a rampage of using this green machine on lots of different things because I kind of felt like it wasn't working that well and yes that was yesterday I know I looked the exact the same I'm wearing the same thing and my hair's done the same way I don't know why I did that it's the next day and the chair has dried now the chair doesn't look brand new I do feel a sense of comfort knowing that that much dirt came out of the chair so it must be clean but it doesn't look that clean like side by side this is the cleaned one this is the knot they look the same level of dirty this chair definitely looks better now that it's dried it was looking pretty rough for a minute there but this stain is still there for sure like this little green thing's not a miracle worker this bath mat though does look better it doesn't look as good as it did when it was new but it looks okay my only other theory is one of the videos I watched they used a animal stain lifter cleaner in it so maybe if you used a stronger cleaner it would come out better I still like it and I still believe that it's getting the pieces super clean because it's pulling so much dirt and grime out of them but I think looks wise it didn't transform my pieces okay why do I feel like it made more of a mess cleaning than I actually cleaned anything I feel like I started this video very optimistic and then slowly I moved into being really skeptic and now I feel like I'm ending decently happy with my cleaning supplies my favorites just so happened to be the most affordable it's a simple Scrub Daddy sponge but I am really excited to have all these cleaning products so that I can test them out some more and figure out which other ones are my must-haves but as I sit right now I'd give them all like an 8 out of ten pretty good anyways thank you so much for watching I really hope you enjoyed and I will see you guys in the next one bye okay if you've stayed this long I have some exciting news we just launched the spooky season stickers and pins and relaunched some of the older stickers if you're a sticker Enthusiast like me you might want to go check it out I'm really excited about it so hopefully you are too and the website has an overhaul it's super spooky now
Channel: Mia Maples
Views: 1,571,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cleantok, cleaning products, viral cleaning stuff, mia maples, tiktok, TikTok made me buy it, testing viral tiktok beauty products, testing popular beauty products, as seen on tiktok, testing popular tiktok beauty products, beauty techniques, viral beauty techniques tested, trying tiktok pieces, trying viral tiktok pieces, weird TikTok makeup, weird things on tiktok, viral TikTok clothing, quick change magic, tiktok cleaners, viral, trending, wish, wish items, temu
Id: fkpNn_crcOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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