I Touched the Worlds Most Painful Plant - Gympie Gympie (The Suicide Plant)
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Channel: TheBackyardScientist
Views: 7,295,968
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Id: 5BoVME0xrQY
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Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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I walked into my this plant on a hike in QLD, Australia. Smaller plant got me in the shin and I brushed one out of the way with my forearm. Can confirm the instant pain, welts, everytime I hit those limbs again with other plants on the trail the pain flared up from a resting 7-8 to a 10 then back down again.
Hot shower exacerbated the pain up until about 5days after initial sting.
Not to be fucked with. If you used this to wipe (as a myth has indicated) I reckon you’d be in an inconsolable amount of pain, if you got hit in the face (also another myth) similarly, you’d probs want to make it stop any way you could.
Pics here of my experience, zoom in to the leaf close-up, you can see the toxin-laced needles
I like how the way they "destroyed" it was way much more dangerous than the actual experiment...
Feels like years of evolution is making me not want to watch this.
These guys are pretty fucking brave. I mean I have as much knowledge about this plant as most people that have heard of it. Supposedly people that have come into contact with it have killed themselves to escape the pain. Granted I’m sure most people unfortunate enough to experience this pain don’t get a tiny spot on their arm but try to walk through it or grab it or something probably making it much worse.
Still I might be willing to get stung by some insane bug if the setting is right (drunken dare or for the right amount of money) but this plant would be a solid no from me. Risk seems pretty insane before you see how they handle it.
William Osman!
Here's the other guy's great channel (William Osman)
The problem with this plant is that it makes you curious and want to compare it to something like a stinging nettle.
Of course it's from Australia.
OF COURSE it's Australian