I Gave Dark Web Hackers My Info

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here's my credit card information hi quick disclaimer before this video starts um I've been sitting on this for a little while not knowing if I should release it because I didn't know if that was responsible all I wanted to do was test how risky is it like what happens if I give out my information on the dark web like what actually happens there's a few very sketchy things that happened that I'm not comfortable putting in a YouTube video yet I got legitimately uncomfortable back like three years ago I made one dude I didn't care now I I I'm like a dad oh now's a great time to tell you Olivia and I are having another guy two kids we're all slightly older and more responsible just don't don't get on the dark web it's a bad idea look me in the face here don't do this it gets pretty sketch all of that being said enjoy everyone knows the dark web is a dangerous place it's an endless supply of illegal activity personal information is bought and sold the Amazon of crime hackers scammers Hit Men all lie and wait to snag your personal information and sell it to the highest bidder I think that's what everyone tells us right don't go on the dark web super dangerous you will get hacked if you use the dark webinar careless never download things give out your personal info or use your email ID so I thought what if I take my uh trusty little laptop here that's just it's got has probably about 10 000 viruses on it what if I fire up the dark web on here and instead of being super careful I instead just have like uh my credit card information open on the desktop with my phone number that I just got activated here my phone number 312-7070 that's a good number combined with like say uh my email account all of my passwords and login info put that right there we'll change my wallpaper to my bank account pin password or bank account pin though we're for sure not gonna forget because it's my wallpaper and instead of trying to hide it we just get on the dark web and uh browse around a little bit how to stay safe on the dark web comprehensive guy oh it's gone welcome to the dark web hackers kind of a little scared Vladimir remote control the phone of someone else don't worry I'm not about to sell you a VPN oh man I can't even pronounce where I am you can download it from this link oh my goodness I want to go to like a chat room you know what I mean oh no I don't want any of that what is this I think this is like a chat room or something net hang on here we go we're just gonna hang out on the net on the dark net a little dark net hanging out name my name Jeff hey does anyone wait what is my what is this weird cursor that I just gotta want free V bucks post wait someone posted a YouTube video I'm just kind of this can be sketchy oh no oh dark web Facebook what oh here we go you know the dark web was originally created by the US government as a way to transport top secret information I don't like how they all say virus free it sure seems like they got viruses all right we're opening torchat oh man this could get bad oh Anonymous dark web chat room engaged that's me I don't like this man is anybody out there feels like I'm in the desert of the internet in 2014 just desperately crying out someone to please take my V bucks thankfully it was made open source so that I could publicly share my top secret information books for free that's scary I don't like this [Music] now we're gonna go to Blackmart sounds very sketchy I'll trade someone my credit card info for some knockoff Adidas or something so I can buy three thousand one hundred dollars for sixty dollars it just seems very wrong I would try to buy a thousand dollars fake cash for my credit card it's all loading very slowly and sketchy luck products added to your cart excellent Cash Money thousand dollars cool proceed to checkout hey I'm gonna buy their money and then use their money to buy more money from them for infinite money pay and place order did I just commit a crime it wasn't me it wasn't me I didn't do it okay well I sent him a message I'm glad I didn't have to give him actual Bitcoin information let's go find a different seller and we'll ask them steam give our 250 bucks and it's 35 so proceed to check out shoot me an email or call me we'll just send this to a lot of people see if we get any phone calls what documents can I purchase oh cool so if you want to pretend and you have the vaccine but don't passport here we go six months warranty my fake passport what if I'm in prison what about them honestly I'm so glad I'm a man imagine having to sit to poop see wow do you not know what you're doing here get out oh that's kind of SketchUp oh man they have just like like some ibuprofen okay I'm hesitant to these guys seem like they don't want to talk to me as a kid I thought it was a great deal to win an eBay auction for a penny even when the shipping cost exceeded the value of the item shoot me an email or call me I'm scared they're gonna call me though okay [Music] we're gonna go to this weird search engine and just see if there's something we can download let's just type in free download on the dark web and see what it brings up private key finder hack software wait uh lots of stuff that has to be blurred so this is a Bitcoin wallet that has been hacked so this says it has 50 Bitcoin on it and all I have to do okay come on how dumb can you be and all I have to pay is 0.25 Bitcoin to get 50 Bitcoin okay it won't let me download it Bitcoin generator oh man it's getting sketchier page four Bing free Minecraft [Music] oh Bitcoin generator okay cool I actually got two Bitcoin no way oh wait we got the free chat oh guys you know I've never met a person named Kathleen that was nice to me so I hope whoever gets this isn't name Kathleen see if anyone buys anything virus maker oh virus maker whoa what virus maker is a virus construction tool for creating a custom virus with the options you prefer no way this is legit you can download it from this link Jokes Aside this is when it got really sketchy I don't like this man I don't like this there's many reasons you should not do any of this and why this video is educational oh it worked virus maker now I have no idea what this program's gonna do I don't know if it's gonna make a virus I don't know if it's gonna download a whole host of illegal things oh my goodness I honestly didn't even think the link would download anything I successfully downloaded something from the dark web okay kill computer I don't know if I want to make that but the scariest part about it all what it it works was that it actually worked I'm actually in awe that that just works I'm clicking normally and it's right clicking oh my goodness and it worked good so I literally just gave myself a virus and I don't know how to kill it so what does kill computer do I think I have to know I have to know man I must see what kill computer does okay I'm scared help extension will be an exe it's gonna kill computer change time say I'm scared help to the downloads okay there it is there it is I'm gonna click it I'm gonna click it okay I'm just gonna do it I'm just gonna do it I gotta be honest I'm a little bit nervous my heart's going a little bit I don't know um you know I mess around a little bit on this channel I um I embellish things sometimes but I'm a little nervous it's hard to believe YouTubers because so many of them lie and just be like I was in the dark web [Music] or something stupid I don't know what we're about to see it could be nothing it could be nothing and then we're going to open the laptop and see what might have happened to it the Visa credit card number has not been used for anything at least not to my knowledge let's just see what the notifications are let's start off with text message 13 text messages um and it looks like we've got four phone calls four missed calls and the email three emails so I don't know man oh my goodness okay come on I'm right behind you okay what I'm right behind you sends a picture of a car this seems I just got to point out this seems so staged and then it says you saw the booby what oh I could not have made this up I'm a little freaked out somebody said I'm right behind you sent a picture of a car luckily that's not my car or else that'd be super freaky the spam from straight talk more spam from straight talk I I think I'm gonna text him back let's just say huh and we'll just see if he text me back by the end of this like recording let's go ahead and move on to the emails we did give out our email to hackers so let's see what they may or may not have sent us and okay no emails or maybe something spam let's check the Spam there is one spam gift cards okay we're gonna move on to the missed calls and uh then we'll get to the laptop two times someone tried to call a few times someone's called from the same 310 phone number and I can't think anything to do other than try to call them back you know [Music] hello hi I missed a call from this number [Music] uh let me check it was a couple days ago I think I'm not sure why I'm uh my name is Nick I'm a realtor and maybe you called me for one of my rentals I'm not sure sorry no okay no problem thank you too just a nice guy with the same name as me so there's nothing suspicious about that other than the fact that he had the same name as me and he sounded straight up like a Craigslist actor I'm not gonna lie I've had like nightmares like Daydream nightmares of what that software could have done oh I forgot my password that's it that's a good reminder what my password is I'm just gonna see if it auto runs anything anything weird happens okay something that don't know what that is probably probably fine it's probably not anything malicious oh oh we gotta see if someone took our v-bucks thousand V bucks okay my V bucks are still available I should have known the cool dark web hackers don't play fortnite last thing I think we need to do since this has not done anything yet we need to run a virus scan yo he just text back oh my goodness this has to be a prank haha sorry to bother you just excited about a bird and then sent a link and it says a brown booby is a bird Are you a dark web hacker look at that a brown booby [Laughter] the brown boobie is a seabird found in tropical oceans around the world and sometimes they have blue feet a man with the same name as me happened to be a realtor a woman follows her bird watching friend on the freeway and we received one nasty virus and the moment I found contentment as though I swam through the middle of the ocean millions of miles from any shark pit I received notice of one last disaster they have your social new date of birth yeah I just have that little feeling that somebody's watching constantly that I didn't have before but now I do and you know what I guess I did have it before you watching me I think it was identity [Music]
Channel: Basically Homeless
Views: 404,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I gave out my info on the dark web, giving out information on the dark web, what does giving out your info to hackers do, what can hackers do, dark web, hackers, dark web virus, funny, downloading things from the dark web, surfing the dark web, dark, web, internet, net, org, basically homeless, going on the dark net, deep net, surfing the deep net, the dangers of the dark web, giving hackers info, dark web hacking, dark web scam, education, science, tech, pc, mr homeless, www, edu
Id: GG5VaZoK1U4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 10 2022
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