I Built a PC That Runs on Potatoes

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tf did i watch.. he just basically powered that small computer via the powerbank

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/linux_n00by 📅︎︎ Aug 16 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] mashes complete tater cell oh you're so heavy this is a potato battery cell let me explain what's going on here but first let me explain the world's first gaming browser this video is sponsored by opera gx opera gx browser is the world's first browser for gamers it's a tailored browser for gamers like you and me with cool features like discord and hot tabs killer forced dark mode their own discord server where they hold giveaways and more gxcontrol lets users limit their cpu and ram usage of their browser don't use any of my ram and don't use any of my cpu that way whenever you're watching streams or videos it doesn't impact your gaming you can also limit the amount of network bandwidth that your browser is allowed to use 100 gigabyte updates now not quite as trash still pretty trash though and gxcorner will keep you up to date with stuff that's coming out free games new and upcoming stuff it's actually like super sick for like i and now i know things man and you can log into your twitch account directly from the sidebar and get notifications when a streamer you follow goes live like if you follow me prone meta and watch my daily stream i stream siege daily discord instagram facebook all built straight into the browser bruh i've actually no troll been using opera gx for a few months now so it's pretty cool they're sponsoring a video it looks really good it's got a force dark mode which really comes in handy tons of customization so so link in the description and i will have a reminder at the end of the video science you remember those videos that were going around for a while of people plugging their usb into a lemon and then charging their iphone with it well those are bait and a lie and obnoxion [Music] the science doesn't work that way but like the premise of what's happening is legit like you can get electricity out of a lemon with a whole bunch of lemons you can get a very small amount of electricity out of there like to power a little motor or something but that got my little gamer brain thinking big game of break how many lemons would it take to power my computer right because that's that's something i can get behind i ran some quick numbers turns out it would take like 600 000 lemons that's a lot of lemons even if each lemon is 50 cents that's like 300 000 of lemons bro but i didn't stop there obviously because a video exists that you're watching and as it turns out there's a whole bunch of fruit that you can get electricity out of there's grapefruit potatoes bananas i think even work but the thing is i needed i needed you know with this few edible items as possible and so the food that produces the most electricity when done properly is the potato so in this video we're going to be learning what it takes to get enough power out of potatoes to power a windows computer we'll also be learning how disgusting potatoes get when you let them sit for a very long [Music] time i'm not gonna claim to be some sort of genius scientist here everything i'm about to tell you i learned about two weeks ago on google to get electrical current out of a potato you need a piece of copper and a piece of zinc galvanized nail in copper wire here we're gonna poke it right in the phosphorus that's naturally in the potato acts as like a battery acid which creates a bridge for the ions in the two elements ion bridge a bridge for ions these ions traveling are what creates our electricity 0.944 volts one milliamp from tater so essentially what you're creating here is a copper zinc battery made out of a potato there's like a thousand how-to articles on google on how to do this but they're all powering like a little light and i wanted to power a lot more than a little light so naturally the next step was figuring out how to get the most electricity with the copper and the zinc out of the potato good evening gamer we got taters dictator little first we did a control test point nine volts and then we tried little tater tater we did sweet potato plain sweet potato we tried taters with nipples our nipple potatoes we tried microwave tape it's our test on our microwave potato we did mashed taters so mashing the potatoes together does something i poured coke on a mashed potato phosphate i tried putting a bunch of extra nails in a potato i even strung a bunch of potatoes together we are now stringing together all of our potatoes which we'll get into later seven potatoes gets us .01 milliamps i quickly found out through my research that boiling the potato produces ten times more electricity we're gonna see how much more power we get out of a boiled potato yes oh bro it does something to the phosphates in it i'm not gonna get that deep into it okay so now instead of six hundred thousand lemons with our high-powered potatoes we need one hundred thousand potatoes bruh that's not good still but then i discovered bro some article of some guy that a long time ago was like i'm a scientist and this is the best way to get electricity from potatoes plates of zinc and plates of copper mash them together dude just rest it so there essentially that should be a battery oh my one sliver of potato is creating 4.5 amps in this scenario applying pressure oh my goodness with pressure and full contact six milliamps of potato power it's all about the surface area the surface area of the copper surface area of this thing you put those on the potato so one potato i'm able to make three cells with my copper and my zinc plates dude so what does this mean if each cell makes point nine volts and about six milliamps a piece the pc that we've been using takes about 50 watts to boot and run and you get your wattage by multiplying amps times volts so if a single potato can make three separate cells and each cell makes about 0.9 volts at six milliamps then that's 16.2 milliwatts per potato or about 3 000 potatoes to get 50 watts and now we're getting somewhere baby but remember i learned all of this on google very recently this 13 second segment is called how to wire potatoes if you wire batteries in series it adds the voltages together we got 2.6 volts sick if you wire batteries in parallel it adds the amperages together 16 milliamps nice and simple wiring which brings us back to here where i've discovered the best way to harvest power from potatoes oh my goodness boys point six amps we need three of these huge sheets of zinc and copper with boiled freaking mashed taters between them dude i boiled potatoes in a turkey fry for eight hours 0.8 volts and 0.6 amps all wired together to where we can now finally test if our caveman theory a small potato makes small power boiled potato make larger power large potato power equal make power computer and see if it's this is the final step all we should have to do is lay all of the pieces of zinc on top of each potato thing seven large cells are wired in parallel producing 0.6 amps apiece then i have 20 smaller cells wired in series creating a higher voltage 16 times 4 64 watts so that means it should power my computer right this is the moment we've been waiting for there's a chance it doesn't work but here we go now we plug it in and just hope it works [Music] i don't think it's working uh it didn't work and i'm sure you all know why because you're all genius electricians type one of your electricians we spent four hours on stream troubleshooting with chat follow me on twitch twitch.tv forward slash basically homelessness stream weekdays 4 p.m standard time we even broke out ms paint baby that's how you know it got serious coming out of here as our positive and then something happened this wire and then remove this wire gamers rallied and checked my positive and we found the proper wire right so there was a sliver of hope let's freaking get him and we rewired it and we tried it again and then it didn't work again positive in a negative positive and a negative positive and a negative rather than i'm not crazy i'm not crazy i actually started cleaning and almost canceled the video and freaking turkey fries in here flames under i don't have enough ventilation i'm freaking sucking the oxygen straight out the air so there i am live with a bunch of boiled mashed potatoes a large amount of copper and zinc and a painful lack of oxygen in my red blood cells so i overlooked a very crucial part of any circuit with a battery in it and that is the resistance of the battery the resistance of a potato let me go measure it it was a lot so let me explain what that means when you wire something in siri the current has to flow through each battery potato because the painted potatoes are the batteries instead of it just being your voltage times your amperage equals your wattage it's your voltage times your amperage minus the resistance i think i speak for everyone when i say get out of here resistance potatoes a lot of resistance dude where are amps at which means we no longer have our 60 plus watts to power our computer i tweeted william osman out of desperation and he told me to seek immediate medical assistance but i'm not going to do that because i'm scared of what they'll tell me and so i dropped the voltage down to five volts rewired all of this into series because that means we need less potatoes in series which means we overall have less resistance so that means more amperage are you following me here in doing this we created a pretty significant amperage increase it says charging from my potatoes to 0.18 so that super lowers the resistance what we end up with is a potato power reservoir that outputs 5 bolts at 200 milliamps which isn't enough to power our computer directly even after we switch to this lower wattage computer but if we accumulate all of this potato power and then shoot it straight into our pc really fast we may be able to run our pc for a short period of time now that's some bro science when there is zero juice left in this we will then charge it with our taters i took this battery pack fully depleted it's not charging either of my batteries now when i press the button it just flashes a little blue light completely discharged and not powering my iphone and not powering this battery and then we filled it with potato power i'm not crazy now plugging in our completely drained power cell into the 5 volts the really low amperage oh my goodness it started flashing i actually didn't think it was we're charging that completely drained battery with a potato cell i really didn't think it was gonna work it's doing it oh now this is the full rundown of what we got going on here so you can see that it is indeed potato power and not anything fishy what you're seeing here is a five-day time lapse of a man harvesting potato power and accumulating it within this small battery pack i was on my one-year anniversary vacation with my wife thank you for all the nice words on instagram i think the most shocking part of all of this is that for five days straight it was actually continuously charging our battery back for my anniversary it's still charging which i it is farther than i thought it was gonna get i thought for sure all of these were gonna discharge and just not work anymore or something so a week later here we are ready to see if it will power a windows computer after weeks of bro science and boiling so many potatoes and such bad smells it all came down to the moment where we have 100 potato energy we plug that into our lower wattage computer test really quick what voltage this is putting out doing 4.25 volts that if the amperage is gone so here it is [Music] with our one bar of power now we will attempt to power our computer entirely off the potato energy this was completely depleted and now we plug it in let's turn the monitor first we're not gonna have much time okay we got our one bar of power [Music] come on dude i don't know how much i don't know how long it's gonna last what's coming on okay this is this is powered entirely by potatoes this is 100 potato power powering on our compute stick it's booted it's posted it's we're powering a computer with potatoes how long is it gonna last how long is our potato energy gonna last it's flashing okay it's trying to come on it's on it's always we're in the os we're literally okay we're inside the os entirely off okay now we're gonna plug in our mounting keyboard for the first time in history a computer is powered entirely from the energy of potatoes so oh what did he do that was it that's all we got that counts dude it freaking counts if 15 seconds we powered a windows computer entirely with power harvested from potatoes the next time just plug it into the wall man most places have you can plug into the wall and then you don't have to get the potatoes [Music] it smells so bad in here i don't even like french fries anymore dude that's disgusting i don't need medical assistance i time lapsed my potatoes let's all say thanks again to opera gx for supporting this channel and use my link in the description to download and don't worry if you're on mobile you'll get an email that'll have a download link later it's the man with the wii remote
Channel: Basically Homeless
Views: 1,150,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to power a computer entirely with potatoes, powering stuff with fruits and vegetables, getting electricity from fruits and vegetables, getting electricity from a lemon, gient potato battery or lemon battery, powering things with potatoes, battery and electricity science, science and technology electricity, wattage of a potato, basically homeless, mr homeless, weird ways to power a gaming pc, science, technology, wattage, voltage, amps, watts, computer, nvidia
Id: r5Ee1bnRg3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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