The Day FPS Games Died

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and so you click into the game and i'm not touching the mouse right now oh dang so if it's got a plus on it it's identified that is target dude you might have recently seen an article about a new machine learning hack and how they work on any console any platform undetectable powered by ai there's videos of it working going viral on twitter every gaming news company has an article on it and this immediately had all of my attention it's bad so everyone kind of gets that these hacks are a big deal but i'm not sure the magnitude of what these hacks entail is really being is really understood or what it means for the fps genre as a whole in just a few days that it's taken me to edit this video activision has scrubbed the internet of these files that in itself testifies to the threat this technology has on the industry more on this at the end of the video i wanted to get my hands on the files themselves to see if i could go through and find out if what i thought was happening was happening and i found out through some connections i sourced the files at the time of recording this video based on what i can see where it's originating from there's only about 500 people utilizing these right now but if there's anything we know about the internet it's about to spread like wildfire it is the internet combined with undetectable hacks that work on any console and any game i mean if you thought fps games were dry right now bruh it's about to get wild out there you might be just like oh me this is aimbot i've seen aimbot before let me explain why these are different this type of hack is only possible in recent years like with the computing power we have now it's not detectable it's not stoppable by any realistic means the entire fps genre is about to get hit really hard a standard aimbot works by intruding upon the game file to get the player's location and snap to target you know where they are you can spectate someone and see this person's hacking right it's not hard to tell that that person's hacking and aside from that because it's using the game files themselves you've got things like battle eye valor vanguard now these hacks are still plaguing games like rainbow six siege warzone pubg i mean they're unplayable at times but a majority of the time you'll still be able to play and have some decent footage pubg is never playable anymore you can't all that's left in pubg is what is going to be the entire fps genre they give you a terrible experience and overall the player stops playing the game moves on to something else where there's less hackers so let me break down how this new machine learning ai hack works to help you understand why i'm being so dramatic about this first things first is these are not like normal hacks where you just click mouse one and it snaps the target and kills them or even just snaps to target as soon as they're in view and kills them uh without you doing much at all these have the deception of making you feel like you're actually good at the game which is a whole other video in itself of how dangerous these are it's like an ultra aim assist and can be fine-tuned to be as as hacky as you want it can be snapped to target and kill them in 50 milliseconds or it can be just assisted enough to where you're probably going to win the gun battle unless the other person is just cracked out of their mind so these work by actually looking at what's happening on your screen via a capture car and then deciding where the enemies are on your screen and then inputting movement based on where the enemies are and shooting them for you because of the way they work with a capture card you can run it on a totally different system so i've got a two pc setup here i could be playing valorent on my gaming pc my capture card that goes through to to watch my streams forward slash basically homeless it uses that information and an nvidia capture card to scan what's happening on the screen it does that with python which i've been using a lot recently in a lot of my other videos you've got your capture card and python running on another computer scanning where the enemies are and then it uses a device called a titan ii to then take that information and input into the game however it sees fit this device all it does is confuses the computer into thinking it's a controller and that's not detectable because of the nature of how it runs on another system and then inputs through this when i plug this into the computer with the settings that i want it shows up as an hid device which is then able to put in dude this is crazy hid device's human interface device and so you've got a computer using human interface device bruh it's like skynet levels of hacks for fps games the best way to to put it is like imagine i'm sitting here gaming but then it's not me it's literally a computer looking at my screen holding the mouse and gaming but at inhuman levels of gaming you see what i'm saying i i'm i'm going through all these articles and it doesn't look like they understand the magnitude of these except for one guy freaking one guy steven man look at this guy steven they don't reside on the host machine like we've said it's running on a different system completely than the game's running on so you can't detect that it works on any game because it detects like if there's a character running around that looks like an enemy it can learn what the enemies look like and pick them out of your screen better than you can better than any human would be able to you can detect if a computer has a capture card right but then you can't just ban everyone that has a capture card i mean valrant vanguard cannot detect this your favorite streamer can be using this right now and not get banned for it and because it doesn't just snap to target it uses an aim assist you can't see that from a viewer's standpoint it just looks like whoever's using it is insane at the game so it's not impossible to detect it right if i was standing over your shoulder i could view and see that you're using it obviously but it's not very realistic to you can't you can't battle eye representative one for each household no that like that's just not so it's possible not probable at all so how do you detect this there is research to show that a machine learning anti-cheat could detect the small minute movements that make this inhuman a machine learning anti-cheat that's running on everyone's system but keep in mind that is gamers trusting in big companies like activision and ubisoft to develop a machine learning anti-cheat that counters this one in a timely fashion that makes them zero money for the benefit of the player's experience i can't even say it with a straight face do you want to take resources away from everything that makes you money and microtransactions and skins and stuff so that more people will have fun that's why this is such a big deal and i don't know what happens if every game has a huge number of players using a capture card and a divide like what happens when everyone's hacking it's just a big hack off everyone's just big hack off what do you do what do you do if it's a big hack off all i'm saying is that throughout gaming history we haven't really been able to count on the uh the triple a gaming companies to to look out for what's best for the players it's gonna be bad this is gonna be bad this hack marks the beginning of machine learning versus machine learning for the experience of humans in the gaming industry holy crap dude it's crazy what this entails for the industry all this being said in the meantime enjoy gaming with your buddies while you can i've always found this topic particularly interesting because i don't fully understand how it's fun for the person hacking in a few places i've seen the argument that this particular hack won't be able to take off because a capture card is required along with a hundred dollar piece of hardware that acts as an input but with my experience using different inputs for games i can tell you you don't need a capture card and you don't need a titan ii device if developed properly by someone else all you would need is a second computer with a graphics card which a majority of people have access to this isn't a standard video for my channel i just felt this topic was very unique and i hope i'm wrong but i think we're headed for rainy days in the fps industry anyway subscribe and right as i went to render this i got word that activision's legal team over the weekend destroyed with facts and logic the providers of this one-of-a-kind machine learning hack but for five days any old joe could go on this discord donate a few bucks and some guy named user101 would give him access to a hack that could single-handedly the entire fps genre as a whole the fact that activision did this confirms the insane magnitude of this technology for now the files and instructions of how to use this hack are on the hard drives of just a few hundred people in the whole world so activision held back the floodgates but for how long a follower of the channel was able to whip up a similar program in just a few days how long until someone else makes an improved version of this same type of hack as you and i know all too well the internet always wins but this time i don't think we want them to
Channel: Basically Homeless
Views: 1,932,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new fps cheating tool uses machine learning, is impossible to detect, new machine learning ai cheats, new undetectable cheats in video games, fps games are about to die, how does aimbot work, how do fps cheats work, how do video game hacks work, hackers are about to destroy fps games, shooter games now have undetectable hacks, gaming, action game, fps, fps genre, fps games, fps news, siege, cod, warzone, valorant, battlefield, shooter, fortnite, first person shooter, basically homeless
Id: revk5r5vqxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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