i found this roblox game on tik tok..

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i don't know what happened to it i know i keep talking about my hair literally like every video now but um it's getting out of control it's taking over my body and eventually my soul so quarantine hair gotta deal with it it looks actually looks kind of anime today i'm feeling that but today's video yet again has tick tock in the title it might be getting slightly worrying that tick tock is appearing in more and more videos but this is genuine i found this roblox game while doing my last tiktok video it was from this tick tock who here likes sam smith [Music] wait what game is this we need to find this game we were saying about it was selecting like a musician or something and just as they answered they're like you're dead so i asked you guys what the game was and apparently it's this it's called breaking point i've never played it have heard of it but i i have no idea what you do in it so i thought i'd play a game that i found on tick tock what could possibly go wrong oh the player that survives go back to their seat what is happening here why are people throwing knives at each other you guys coward cause you suck now bacon hair you important what is going on people have cool chairs too and there's piranhas in the middle i'm not a coward oh things are about to get real crazy and jojo over here sitting back relaxing doesn't care oh they are talking mad smack out here but you are jojo's like fronting up he's got muscles what it oh he's dead never mind jojo got slain maybe who's the coward now huh and there's a guy just laying on the table what have you guys told me to play what is happening all i hear is a lot of deaths and see a lot of uh a lot of knives as well what is going on here shut your ah oh this guy's getting crazy dude people are getting crazy up in here i've just i'm just going to around the roblox game and they're shouting off obscenities so the weird thing is all i'm seeing are knives yep this guy won the obscene guy won wait what starting off another roblox video very confused with this guy the game will start shortly please wait okay so there's a shop we can get gun skins knife skins chair skins wow a game where you can actually buy chair skins the two players with the most ah look at the person next to me the mo the player with the most votes will fight what are you talking about why don't i have a knife in front of me oh oh are they throwing knives in front of us where's the guns i'm so confused oh you just got absolutely destroyed people are scared as well how are people voting where's the number above my head what is happening i'm just kind of watching wait is that the real oh no no no no no no no don't expose me you cannot expose me oh oh oh oh oh i've died already i was too busy uh looking at the conversation right i'm out i'm out i have no idea what's going on refresh disguise me yo no one knows it's me now this is perfect more game modes dark duck stab oh wait wait wait wait wait ah there's different game modes i want the one with the gun gunslinger ah here we go this is more like it i need to be disguised though i need the disguise oh she sounds got a crazy weight don't mind me just uh heading to get a disguise there we go disguise me this sounds terrifying but look at my face i look like a guy who would be wielding a gun at a table wait what is happening guys i'm genuinely like terrified of this game um so you walk away from each other the lights go out and then you shoot and then the lights come back on and someone's dead who's laughing now yo people are savage in this oh the chills of like the dung actually creeps me out right we have a winner let's play let's shoot it up wait that sounds weird let's not do that in roblox don't know it's happening this is a face of a stone cold killer look at him he's like a terrible version of wario but we're gonna win but we're gonna win nice shoot the other player when the light turns off how do we know when we're the person though oh there we go oh we have to sit around the table too yo this is a bit this is a bit crazy did you not see the streak that i went on in arsenal yeah you guys are in trouble dude oh it's me oh it's me oh you're dead you're so dead gotcha let's get out of here oh she hit the chair real nice i'm sitting in the same chair oh it's me too wait i've got strat here we go here we go here we go i just got deleted no i'm so upset but at least at least i killed this person here let's go dude this game is great so can you like move side to side or is it literally just a reaction contest because if it's just a reaction contest that seems kind of strange to me yo can you leave me alone bro are you stuck to my head hey get off me oh twins we twins out here right one of us must win and no one will know who it is i'm going for another round i can do this i feel like i can do this oh the reaction in me that uh that noise brings is crazy because of all the horror games i play if i give it the old oh if i give it the oh it's you again my nemesis can you ask me something no wait she faked me out i'm terrible at this game supernotic has 196 wins no wonder she destroyed me i swear in the um the tick tock that i saw though it was one where they were sitting down breaking point let's try kill row let's see what this one is all pretty crazy names these guys are holding that guy's holding an x okay let's see what happens wait disguise me i have to be disguised oh i'm a vampire this time fight continuously once you are up survive the round oh you can throw the knives too that's kind of cool oh i think i see it it's just 1v1s until someone is the last person standing i get it oh it's me oh it's me oh it's me i don't know how to throw my knife how do i throw my knife i don't know how to throw my knife right next round i think i know how to throw my knife now so you guys are in trouble okay right here we go yes yes here we go i can get him no how did he get me i think it's my body my body is too square and wide i don't like this one i'm out this guy's blaming lag yeah straight up that's what happened it was like oh here we go wait what is that person over there the shooter has decided to kill in secret the shooter is deciding how to kill kill in public wait it's you chicken head how do we stop them though why did you just shoot me oh my goodness what is happening it's a human tic tac what is that what is going on with you amazing there's my dead body great disguise me because i think tic-tacs on to me oh great yeah this is a great outfit so what is the point in this do people just kill each other and that's it oh that was a dramatic death i like that one oh and then the knife fight is a 1v1 at the end oh i like to point out that dantdm is in a no he's not no he's not you have no idea who he is tic tac it was him i knew he'd expose me it's the tic tac man stop saying it stop it i will silence you friend quite literally if i get that if i get that weapon you're out of here what's your name ready okay i see you don't shoot me don't shoot me if it's tic tac no stop oh the gun didn't go off wait stop oh don't shoot me oh it's kind of terrifying i would like to kill him public oh yeah you think that's funny do ya no no no stop no one knows it's me no one knows it's me if they shoot me now they know it's me okay we're good we're good what is the point in this though i'm dead what's that what's the point did i just kill dad again no this isn't a good game to play if you're well known and didn't disguise yourself okay so i don't think i'm playing this game properly two players with the most votes will fight i don't want to fight it's meant to be that you do the thing where it goes into the dark you shoot in either public or in private obviously private is the best one and then you have to guess who is the murderer by voting like this oh no oh no i don't want to fight please oh great oh great oh great i'm not gonna win this i want it i want it slice this boy i don't even want to be in this game mode oh great i'm getting the most votes every time why why are you doing this oh oh he's a pro oh he's a pro get away from me oh come on that was not a hit what we both died i don't know what's going on i just want a random round of free-for-all i killed everyone with a knife what is happening with this game okay i'm just gonna hit everything disguise myself and just let the game choose what i'm what's what's gonna happen so i think the idea is that you have to figure out who the murderer is but no one plays it no one plays it that way at all there's no voting in some of the rounds as well the confusion in my brain is huge the way they hold the gun is so weird it's like who am i going to kill look look at the way they waggle the gun around it's so strange oh you're dead oh take it straight out the way they fall off the chair is hilarious oh fight to the death who's gonna win easy peasy wins oh are you are you teaming oh they're teaming they're emoting on each other is this roblox or fortnite we do be vibing though lit rally oh no we're in that we're in that kind of lobby they're both asking if they could win this this is not how this works and how do you guys get these ridiculous small heads and you're a fanta can great we've seen fanta and tic tacs what are you are you a coke can what is happening to roblox your fans are as well your strawberry fanta why is this the trend wow team yeah you call them out you call them let's kill them straight up everyone picks their opponent okay here we go who you want to kill huh this is the one of the teamers so we need to kill them the player that survives goes back to their seat okay this one makes sense oh no click on a player to choose them oh you're going down boy you're going down duck duck gotcha gotcha stab haha i get it i get this one tima get out of here fanta can you're next buddy oh geez so they go round i get it literally the straight up dark dark goose who am i going to take next where was the other teamer the other teamer oh no i didn't choose i didn't choose get him get him get him throw the knife i swear i'm getting them dude why is it so hard we both suck we both suck really bad we're dead we both died wow we sucked straight up yeah get shanked i died in t-pose oh my goodness why no wonder this game was on tick tock [Music] get a skinny legend character oh this look at this person wait you're you're like hacking this is not a roblox character we can hack the game wait give me someone skinny no this is amazing and no one will recognize me how do i how do i put it on yes oh you guys are done if you throw a knife it's going straight through my pelvis oh we're going back what oh i'm op i don't even need disguising now no wonder i was losing they were disguising me into the fat guy now i have weird hair i'm not sure what the hair is about but i'm a scalar bone no one's hitting me huh look your big tail yeah that's a big target muscles also a big target stacks yeah if you stack like that that's also a big target who did it amongst you all eyes are murderer this is what i wanted the murderer will kill when the lights are off everyone can vote to kill whoever they believe it is yeah this is what we want look at my arms okay someone over here i'm gonna vote pink i'm definitely gonna vote pink oh oh i think they get struck by lightning strike him down oh they got him straight away okay that's the game that i like that's what i thought it was well that was an easy round wasn't it a random player decides who gets eliminated this is not what i wanted the shooter's deciding how to kill not me i'm already dead i'm i'm a straight-up skeleton look at me i'm tiny not me not me don't do it what oh that went through my bones for sure russian roulette in roblox your roblox is don't don't do it don't do it don't do it yeah look the gun didn't go off i'm gonna go oh wait i have to do public this is not good who needs to die who's it gonna be sorry fella oh i need to be in this mode because otherwise i can't choose public or secret i'm still alive i'm still alive let's go oh it's you she's like you look the same as me get out of here no no they got me oh i was so close to winning that one i need a knife fight because that's why i'm dressed like this you ain't hitting me i understand the game now no need to comment i understand the game oh my goodness hello dan the ratchet spirit oh geez uh how do you know it's oh i guess i have my username wait no no no no no no no no i shot you look the hole is in your face who is this okay boomer oh my goodness what is this roblox meme i'm so confused it's taken over the world right dark duck stab this is this is what we're about dan i will kill you oh my goodness i've been threatened in roblox you will never be organized stop why you want me huh why you haunt me right this is my game i just need to make sure that i don't get picked for by by these two basically oh no because you have displeased your viewers by being neat no no no no leave me alone leave me alone ah stop i will kill you well this is awkward i don't think that's dan same oh if only they knew if only they knew wait juicebox juicebox is saying it's not me wow dan has better okay i'm out i'm going [Music] what are you what is happening this is the weirdest game i have ever played and i've played adopt me you're gonna get me copyright claims i'm gonna have to leave gotcha wait wait i'm supposed to carry on i forgot i'm going to get you this person has no idea what they're doing oh i've got the scala bones buddy yo i just got the light bulb i didn't mean to do that i'm going in for the kill i'm going in for the kill here we come gotcha i died why are people playing copyrighted music in every lobby what is happening this game mode is wild dude and built to try out this game mode which is kill row so this is where you just have to keep on going the one that we were just in so i'm gonna try it as long as no one has copyrighted music here we go yo you know what throwing these knives is really hard because it doesn't instantly throw it you have to click and hold it and then it lobs it oh he got caught on the chair i am not stopping this experience i'm not calling it a video because this has been one crazy experience i'm not stopping this experience until i get myself a win you hear me this person's on an absolute streak and we're almost lost so this is a good chance oh we're in like the the quarterfinals right now who next me get him get up yes now you're dead now you're dead come here oh they have no idea how to play no idea how to play it i'm still gonna lose to him yo oh how did that not hit no i was going in for the final stab because we're running out of time and he hit me squaring the ribs this skeleton isn't helping me at all oh wait i'm first i can't be first that's not fair gotcha right who's next who wants some oh it's you again my nemesis gotcha who's next dead who's next who's next it's you i see how it is i feel like you need to get close but not too close what did i just say there we go five in a row five in a row i think oh and another one dude i'm going for it oh you got him again oh i could go for the clean sweep can actually go for the clean sweep yo the chairs are in my way kill him get him swipe him no how many kills did i have then that was insane i'm getting way too into this wait hold up no don't don't you dare don't you dare don't say it how have you got that name [Applause] who knows bro i went on a killing spree just now stop no no it's not me it's not me i'm a skeleton it's not me you have no idea dan no it's not me oh you as well keep the videos okay he was nice never mind love your channel okay they're both nice now i i feel bad trying to kill you guys oh so if the challenger doesn't die then they carry on okay that's good to know this guy's going on a streak oh what a shot what a shot oh my friend oh he got slayed straight away you're gonna die too aren't you oh no never mind no i don't have to do this to you but i'm gonna have to oh got him okay this could be my chance yep you're dead oh no it's one of these weird like oh never mind this is it this is it this is it he doesn't know how to play yo we got the win let's go i i don't even know how to emote yes oh that was easy mode easy mode maybe the skelebone does help yo maybe i am dan who knows it's so hot oh geez what's going on nice one dan okay he's pretty um can i have a screenie not in the dark fella not in the dark you know would be hilarious if i could get into a server with people that know what they're doing and can hear me actually maybe not even hear me but if you ask a question and then people answer and then if you don't like their answer you just you bump them off i think that'll be hilarious kind of like the tick tock to be honest i think that'll be an awesome idea one more round and then i'm out of here this guy is severely upset with himself that he's here this person chilling on the back of their chair oh no it's me no oh what a kill who's next come here newbie come here you [Music] stop i'm out this game has melted my brain just slightly i should have ended on the win i should have ended on it how many copyright strikes am i gonna get in this video who knows what has happened anyway that is breaking point what's an experience i need to find a way to maybe get people that we know in this game it's like a vip server and then we can play i think that could be fun let me think about it but guys thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed if you did leave a like that'd be greatly appreciated subscribe if you're brand new as well by hitting that subscribe button just below the video and if you have like a game that you would like me to play then suggest it in the comment section down below because this was a lot of fun arsenal was a game that was suggested by a fan as well so um thank you for all the support stay safe stay at home when i see you soon goodbye [Music] rubber band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 3,748,081
Rating: 4.9398069 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, yt:quality=high, roblox, dantdm roblox, roblox arsenal
Id: zhGDeBshS08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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