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oh my gosh am i excited to be able to finally play this game again we have a good chance at finding something really good here let's go ahead and flip it over and see what we get here in three two one hello everybody and welcome back to coin quest in case you missed the last few episodes coin quest is a series where i go through 100 boxes of nickels like this one right here go through the rolls in the boxes and look for interesting and valuable coins that i can use to fill in my collection books now guys this particular 100 box of nickels is interesting for a couple of reasons here we can see the rolls and i have looked at the enders we do have a couple but really what's interesting to me right here is this rim you can see it's a little bit darker right here a little bit larger than a typical nickel would be i have no clue what that's going to be but we're going to be opening that one first and then on top of this one having a really interesting rim we actually have two more rolls which have potential enders right here you can see these coins are looking a little bit older i'm hoping for something pre-60s on one or both of those coins now guys today as always i'm going to be using the quinn's coins nickel roll hunting placemat which has all the different types of coins you could possibly find in a nickel roll across the front side and then flipping over the back side we have a score sheet which we're going to be using to rate today's box as well as key date low mintage and low mintage buffalo nickel lists which is gonna help us identify a rare coin if we're not so sure on a coin that we find in addition to that the placemat is also great for picking up the coins that we deem undesirable and dumping them into our dump box guys as always if you want to snack one of these placemats to aid you in your own hunting you can head on over to quinnscoins.com and i'll be posting links down in the description below so with all that being said let's go ahead and jump into some nickel rolls just so you guys know it's not too often that i get more excited about a coin on the inside of a roll than i do on a coin on the outside of a roll typically we look for enders when we're looking through these boxes but this one i think the most exciting coin is actually this one right here so let's go ahead and take a look and open up this roll and see what we have in the middle there you can see it's just super weird looking you can totally tell that we have something interesting here hopefully it's not just a regular old nickel and it's actually something a little bit different all right so we can see we definitely have something that's been pounded pretty hard uh it's definitely showing some uh differences from all the other coins around it and i can tell right away which one it is look at that definitely has some damage on it but i'm not sure if it's going to be uh anything other than a regular old jefferson nickel so let's go ahead and pull it out now and see what it's going to be unfortunately it looks like it's just going to be a 1990 which has been been through quite a bit wow look at even the uh back side of it has all kinds of scratches on it and that rim is just really really messed up so uh well i guess we didn't find anything super interesting on that one just in 1990 but we can go ahead and go through the rest of this rule and see if we're going to get anything and right off the bat guys i'm already seeing something over here on this left side i'm seeing a date show through for us which is definitely an older one that we're going to keep 1941. that's just about as old as a jefferson nickel can get right there that is really cool to see come out now the question is what is the mint mark going to be if it's not if it's uh if there is a mint mark then it's better than having no mint marks so let's go ahead and flip it over and see what we get three two one unfortunately there is no mint mark if there was it would be to the right of the monticello there uh but we don't have a mint mark on that one but we will still be putting that one to the side 1941 found right off the bat that is definitely a good sign for this box all right so going through the rest of these coins i'm just going to sort of briefly skim here i'll check for 2009's later in case you didn't know 2009 is a date that you want to be on the lookout for when you're hunting nickels as a matter of fact you can see it down here in the bottom right corner 2009 but anyways guys it looks like that's going to just about do it for that roll unless we find anything a little bit later this is the ender uh on the second roll i don't think it's going to be anything crazy but we'll go ahead and take it out just in case so we'll do three rolls live here in the beginning also looking for any coloring on the edges of these coins in case we might have a possible war nickel but let's take a look at this one right here this was the ender we actually do have a denver mint mark so that dates this at least as old as 1964. let's go ahead and flip it over and see what we get for a date three two one oh actually that's not too bad looking for a 1960 right there i don't typically keep the 1960s i cut it off at 60 keep anything 59 and before but i think i'm going to keep that one that's a pretty nice looking coin right there so i will be putting that one to the side and let's go ahead and take a look at the rest of these i thought i might have actually had a 2009 uh right there but it's just 2008 very close though very close all right so getting through the rest of these that 2019 those always fool me it's uh pretty interesting to see another you know newer looking coin ending in a nine it's sort of a new to me because i haven't hunted nickels in quite a while so those 2019s do show up every once in a while but anyways it looks like that is it for that roll nothing else on the inside we have one more ender right here so uh let's see where is the end it's going to be on the right side let's go ahead and rip right into it and we'll see if we have anything in the middle i don't see any interesting color so we'll just kind of dump that one out and let's grab that ender off oh i see another looks like a possibly an older one right next to it we have once again a denver on that so that's 1964 or older let's go ahead and flip it over to see what we have in three two and one all right look at that 1957 so we did end up with at least one ender one uh you know really good ender 1957 denver right there looking like it it's definitely in pretty good shape as well so i'll be putting that one to the side let's check the one that was right next to it also in denver three two and one all right 1962 that one is definitely going to be going back nothing too special about that coin but just five later it looks like we have it once again another chance here this one doesn't have a denver but it does look older so let's go ahead and flip it over and see what we get that one's just going to be in 1964 unfortunately the enemy of every nickel roll hunter across america because they come up so often and they look so good but anyways guys getting through the rest of this one not seeing anything super crazy popping out at me so with that being said i think that's gonna do it for those first three rolls we did get one good coin out of it actually two good coins i forgot that we had that 1941 come out of that first roll and then we also got a 57 denver which is in a little bit better shape so uh definitely a good first few rolls here i'm excited to see what's in the rest of this box so i'm going to go ahead and get into the rest of them and i'll let you know when i find something good all right guys we're just three rolls later now and we have an older looking coin right here i haven't revealed the date yet i know that this is gonna be pre 1959 though just look at that right there i'm guessing 40s on this one maybe even a 38 or a 39 which would be great because we but we need both a 38 and a 39 but they're very difficult to find so let's take a look at what we're gonna get on this one oh wow okay i guess i was wrong 1960 that thing has seen some pockets for sure it's been through many many hands which by the way is why i wear this glove when i'm handling handling these coins unfortunately i was wrong about that 1960s not going to make the cut especially in that condition so let's just go ahead and keep going i actually do see a denver mint right here which looks a little bit older so we'll flip that one over see what we have oh okay there we go 1958 that's definitely going to cut it for us and would have been a little bit better if we got the 1958 philadelphia with no mint mark but we do have the denver mint mark there definitely gonna put that one to the side though and uh go through the rest of this roll right here i don't think we have anything else other than that maybe this one right here nope that's just gonna be in in the 80s still haven't found a 2009 out of the box so far but i will keep looking and get back to you and hopefully we do find one soon alright guys i have a question for you this one goes out especially to my veteran nickel hunters down in the comments below if you knew that this coin right here was a 2009 you absolutely knew it would you keep it and what lengths would you go to in order to get rid of whatever that is covering the date area now to me personally it's not worth finding out if this is but if i knew that it was a 2009 i would have a tough decision to make but uh you know what that one's going to be going back and i am so glad that i'm wearing gloves you guys should be as well links for those are also down in the comments or rather in the description below i have links to all the gear that i use including gloves like this so definitely check that out if you haven't already so it definitely took a while we're about four rolls later now but we did just finally get another old coin and once again we have a 1941 there so we're gonna flip this one over looking for a san francisco or denver mint mark would be better than the philadelphia let's go ahead and take a look at that reverse side and once again we have the philadelphia mint mark so uh that's just gonna be another 1941 that's the second one out of the box so far so uh let's go ahead and get into the rest of these hopefully we can find something a little more cool than a 1941. all right guys this is what i'm talking about take a look at this coin right here just about as old as you can possibly get on a jefferson nickel that right there is a 1939 and i actually have a chance to get this one into the collection depending on the mint mark on the back side so let's take a look at the collection over here you can see we have barely any missing and this is the first page the only other two coins that we have missing are right there both key dates and then these two up here the 38d and the 39d are also both key dates as well as the 38s and 39s i actually got those two still need the 1938 and 39d so what's gonna happen here if we get either the denver or the san francisco mint mark on the back of this coin it is a key date if we get to denver it's actually going into the collection so i am really excited to see what we can get on this one guys let's go ahead and flip it here in three two one oh no mint mark unfortunately so this one is actually quite common the 39 philadelphia always bringing a surprise to a box though you never know if you're going to get one of those key dates or a more common coin like the 1939 philadelphia so we'll be putting that one to the side definitely the best coin in my opinion out of the box so far and let's go through the rest of this roll to see if we have any any more luck coming out of this one for us that is the oldest coin that we found so far in the box as well anything older would be a either a first year jefferson nickel or we'd be getting into a buffalo nickel territory which i am really hoping to get into it's been quite a while since i found one of these babies and this collection is feeling pretty light all right let's get into the rest of this roll and see if we're gonna get anything out oh i see it looks like an older looking coin right here we do have a denver mint mark let's flip this one over and see what we get 1964 of course and with that being said guys that is going to be the end of this roll so let's get on to the next one so just a couple rolls later now and we just stumbled across our first foreign coin this one's going to be a canadian i typically get get about five of these per box now that one definitely looks different i don't know what it is about it but it almost looks barren on that side i think it's probably oh yeah it looks like this might actually be a grease here guys all of those uh denticles which you typically see you can sort of see them on the top there but then they kind of fade out around the rim this is kind of interesting i uh have never found it in error uh canadian coin before so it's kind of interesting but uh anyways let's go ahead and see what the date is on this one so 1998 you can sort of see that fading of the denticles on this side as well but definitely not as much as you see on this side that is very interesting guys i'm gonna keep this one to the side any canadian coin experts down in the comments let me know what you think about that one very interesting so i'm gonna put that one to the side that's our first canadian on the box and i don't think that there's anything else super crazy in this role so we'll go ahead and get onto the next take a look at this guys we are on the very next roll and one of the first coins that comes out of it is this right here it's going to be a 1958 now guys we actually do have a chance to get a low mintage coin believe it or not on the 1958 that far into the jefferson nickel series they still had a low mintage coin so uh if we see no mint mark we're actually looking for no mint mark on this one that would be the philadelphia mint then we have a low mintage coin if we see a denver then we don't have a low mintage coin so let's go ahead and flip it over and see what we have in three two one oh guys look at that we actually got it this time we have a philadelphia mint mark right there for the first time in quite a while that's actually a good thing uh on that 1958 so we have a low mintage coin right there that is definitely a good one to be seeing uh come out in the first 15 or 20 rolls that means that we may have more like it in here and maybe we'll even have a key date or a buffalo nickel coming up so that is awesome i'm gonna put that in a separate pile because it is special for having that low mintage below 25 million minted i think that that one comes in at like 18 million minted so uh that is definitely a great find right there and i think i actually saw over here towards the left side of this oh yeah we definitely have another older coin and actually guys this one looks really old we have a denver mint mark right there could this be the 1939 or 1938 key date i don't know but we're gonna find out here in three two oh one 1941 denver is the year on that one i don't think that any of the 1941s make it into that low mintage or key date range but actually i can check that real quick let's just take a look i saw one more with the denver mint mark flip that one real quick and it's a 64. as expected that always comes up so what i'm gonna do i'm actually just going to take these coins dump them in over here and we will flip the placement over to the back side where we can take a look at our key date and low mintage ranges so i don't see 1941 on either one of these lists but you do see 1958 right there that's 1958 philadelphia as you can see we don't have a mint mark there and that is right here we just got that out 1958 philadelphia a little bit beat up especially on uh that obverse you see that little nick in jefferson's collar there but definitely a good one to come out so i'm happy about that so with the 1958 on the table we're gonna go ahead and get into the next roll all right guys two rolls later and it looks like we're gonna have another shot at that 38 or 39 denver you can see right here we have an extremely old looking coin although i was fooled with the 1960 earlier come on guys that's got to be older that's probably 40s maybe even 30s and we see that denver loud and proud there on the right side so let's go ahead and flip this one over and see if we get it guys three two one once again 1941 denver so now we have two 1941 phillies and 241 denver's i wouldn't mind a couple of 41 san francisco's as well just to add to the pile but anyways we're gonna go ahead and get into the rest of this role i think i might have seen another older coin over there on the left side so we'll work our way towards that and see if we can get something else that ends up being a little bit older for us out of this particular roll all right i guess i got over to the left side and i don't really see anything so with that being said let's go ahead and get on to the next alright so i wish i could say that this is a first but it's actually not if you take a look at this nickel roll right here that's not a penny it's actually a dime wedged in between a whole bunch of nickels right there and we actually do have quite a bit of interesting color on this roll as well so i am interested to see what else we have in this roll but we actually have a dime that's uh you know the most notable most obvious thing so let's pull that out it looks like it's definitely going to be a clad dime no silver this time around but i do kind of want to see what the date is going to be on it is going to be older or newer and there it is it's going to be a 1992 so that is a nice i guess gain of five cents right there because you know it probably replaced a nickel and if it didn't then that's a gain of 15 cents so i am uh i'm happy about that well i guess 10 cents anyways let's take a look at what we have for some of the color on uh this roll so i definitely see something right here which looks interesting and that one's just going to be a lewis and clark so nothing too crazy right there uh the rest of those i can't really see very well so i'm just going to dump them out and see if we're going to get anything in the middle of this roll so let's take a look here wow that one's kind of beat up right there looking at the bottom of that one right there i don't even know how that happens but uh let's take a look at some of these other ones here uh this one's looking a little bit older let me just check the date nope that's a 90. i don't know how that one actually looked that old to me but all right what else do we have here anything older nope not really seen anything in this role so i guess we'll go ahead and get on to the next one and see what else we can find all right so in the last five rolls i found a few things here and there nothing too crazy i'll show you in just a second but uh i had to turn the camera on for this find right here as you can see we just got ourselves a 2009 and it's actually a philadelphia i actually have for some reason a really difficult time finding the philadelphia now i know that one of them has more than the other and i'll go ahead and put that up on the screen uh the mintages of the 2009 philadelphia and denver they're all sort of close to 50 million and that is way way low especially for this time period uh when these nickels were being made they cut production short that year and that's why they have such a low mintage but it is absolutely amazing to see at 2009 philadelphia come out of one of the rolls i would like to get two on this box if possible i usually only find one per box and it's actually pretty consistent one per box so that is cool to see for sure i also in a recent roll this one actually looks like a war nickel it's really crazy but it's just a 1940 and as you can see we flip it over to the backside and we have a denver mint mark now i didn't show this on camera because i saw the date 1940. there's nothing too crazy in 1940 as far as i know i guess i'll have to flip over to see if the 40s is a low mintage or something like that aside from that i also was able to get a pretty nice looking 1959 denver right there and then i also got another canadian coin i haven't flipped this one over to see what the year is on it so let's go ahead and do that now all right 1988. let's take a look in the collection to see uh where that one falls i don't think i need too many of those ones on the middle page that's where pretty much all of them end up coming out from is these years from 1982 to 99 and you can see it just kind of like vacates on either side of this page so this is definitely a popular page although that one's actually pretty low mintage compared to uh some of the other ones in this sort of page area still missing the 91 you can see that one has a super low mintage of 10 million and then i need 96 near six i don't really know the difference between the far and the near but you can see that it has a fairly low mintage as well then of course these other pages have i guess much lower mintages if you look at that one there's only four so all right guys we'll get into the rest of this roll let's actually take a look and see if there's anything else in here before we move on to the next i think we're about exactly halfway through the box at this point and then we had that 2009 come out for us so that's for half one let's see if we can get another one in the second half and maybe even a buffalo can come out for us because it's been such a long time since we've been able to find one of those buffalo nickels i keep seeing it on the placement there it is buffalo nickel and v nickel would be nice to come out as well but unfortunately we get more of just a whole bunch of these the 2004's 2005's everything in between but with that being said but guys let's go ahead and get on to the next roll alright guys so i just opened the very next roll and i actually have an edge in this roll that i feel very strongly about maybe you can see it's over on that right side much darker it looks like it's a little bit older i'm really hoping that we can get a silver war nickel out of this one and i wouldn't just film it if i felt like uh it wasn't a silver war nickel i think we maybe have a 50 50 chance here so i'm definitely excited about this let's take a look at that date oh my gosh guys i thought that was a 44 it's just a 1984 you can see it's dark and has sort of that color like a silver war nickel but definitely not a silver war nickel especially looking at that reverse let's just dump these out and see if we can get anything right off the bat here just looking for anything crazy super old looking or maybe like a buffalo to come out but i'm not really seeing oh wait we do have one right here this is a denver so we actually have a chance at that 38 or 39 once again let's go ahead and flip this one over to the obverse see we have three two and one all right another 1940 den actually i don't know if we have a 40 denver yet but uh we do have quite a few 1940s 41 and 39 for some reason out of this box so far but uh hey i'll take another one absolutely so i'll go through the rest of this roll and get back to you guys on what i find so nothing in that last roll guys but i am two rolls later now and oh my gosh am i excited to be able to finally play this game again if you saw my last box you know that i got a ton of denver mint marks and i just got on this box my first san francisco mint mark that actually dates this coin as old as 1954 or older so we're between 38 and 54 on this one and a lot of those dates actually end up being either key date or low mintage coins so we have a good chance at finding something really good here i do believe i still need one of the san francisco mints i believe the 1949 s is a key date so if we get that one that's going into the collection today but there's lots of other good stuff we could find as well here let's go ahead and flip it over and see what we get here in three two one all right 1954 san francisco that is on the far end of what i said that we could find so 1954 is the one that we pulled out i don't think that there's any low mintage on that one so we'll go ahead and continue through this roll and uh once we get through it we will flip over to the back side of the placemat and check for sure but actually look at that guys we just got another one right there and this one now if we can get an s on this one that would be absolutely amazing 52 this is definitely a good coin to find especially if you can get a mint mark let's go ahead and see what we got three two one oh my gosh guys look at that two san francisco's in a roll and one of them's a 52 right there i don't know i think that that definitely makes it into low mintage it may be a key date as well so i will put that one to the side we're going to check this one in just a sec uh once we get the chance to flip this placement over we got to get rid of these coins first so let's see if this roll has anything else for us i know some of you were probably looking at uh this 1964 right here it's actually pretty nicely toned i might even keep that i do like the toning on that one it was definitely uh looking me in the face but this is the most common nickel especially having that denver mint mark i'll put it to the side anyway though i do like it all right so i think we're down to the end of this roll i don't see anything else just a 64. it seems like a lot of the rolls end with a 64 denver so we will put those uh into the box and flip over to the reverse side let's see if we can get that 52s uh okay so i think i was getting a little bit confused the key date the 51s is the key date the 52s makes it into that low mintage so that is still a great coin to find and actually the 53s would make it into that low mintage area as well unfortunately the 54s does not but that right there is an awesome find we have another low mintage coin on this box that's gonna be uh joining that 1958 that we found earlier and the 54 54s is pretty nice as well so that is an awesome find guys it looks like we have about 20 more rolls to go definitely lots of coins to look through and lots of opportunities to find some good stuff so let's go ahead and get into it so guys i just went through the last five or so rolls without anything too eventful uh right at the end of this roll though i did get a 1958 which i haven't flipped over yet i am going to be revealing uh if we have another low mintage 1958 philadelphia here in just a sec so let's go ahead and flip this over and see what we have guys three two one oh unfortunately that one's going to be a denver i will be adding that to the collection along with a whole bunch of others that we found in uh previous rolls this one looked super old uh it turned out just to be a 1957 denver actually i think the super old one right here is is this one which kind of looked once again like a war nickel uh if you just saw a part of it but uh yep that one's also a 57 denver and then on top of that we were able to pull out another 1959 so it seems like in this box we're either getting late 50s or early 40s that's pretty much all that's it that's all we're getting out of this box so far so uh lots of good coins though and plenty more rolls to go so let's see what else is going to come out of it case in point right here two rolls later and we just got another 1939 that is another chance at a key date right there we are hoping for the 1939 denver would also accept the 1939 s let's go ahead and flip it over and see what we get guys three two one every single time as hard as i try to see a mint mark there is no mint mark on the backside of that coin but hey another 1939 can't complain about that actually in an earlier role we got another 1941 denver it's like the fifth or sixth one that we've had so far the 41 and 40 piles are absolutely insane on this box but hey guys you know i think that there may be some other older coins in here i did see this one right here which has some nice uh color to it i don't really know how to describe that like yellow tone that sort of builds up around the buildings i guess probably dirt but it usually shows we have an older coin so let's flip this one over and see what we have oh that one's just going to be a 63 so not going into the collection but i think i might have seen another one over here somewhere so uh we'll take a look here oh what was that was that a 2009 nope 2008 they always fool me but uh yeah still looking out for another 2009 would love to see another one come out of this box i think it was this one but looking at it now i'm not so sure yeah it's probably not going to be very old 1983 nope don't think so anyways guys we'll get into the next one it looks like we have about 10 more rolls to go we are now down to just seven rolls to go and right here at the end of this last one we grabbed another 1952 now if we can get a san francisco we have another low mintage coin right here so let's go ahead and see if we can get it guys three two and one all right this one's just going to be philadelphia no mint mark on that coin but still cool to see another 19 to 52 come out i think that this one's actually pretty close to being low mintage uh even though it doesn't quite make it into that list obviously two coins left in that roll we have seven more to go i'll let you know what i find so those last five rolls had basically a whole lot of nothing i can show you the one thing that i did get out of it was a 1956 nothing too special about that except that we haven't actually been able to find that date on today's box yet so i am happy about that and then we did get one more canadian uh we'll go ahead and see if this one's going into the collection so we have 1998 right there i think we got one of those earlier so i'm gonna say that that's definitely not going into the collection as you can see we have two more uh coin rolls left and basically what happens at this point is i just have to pray and hope that there's something in there and we'll open them live and see if we can get anything so uh if those last five rules were any indication though we're not in for a whole lot of luck but hey you know what you always have to pray and hope that there's something and sometimes a miracle comes out right at the very end so let's go ahead and take a look and see what we have in this second to last roll right here so right off the bat not seeing a whole lot um this one's pretty interesting kind of like the first one that we found it looks like a parking lot coin really beat up really scratched up on that one but other than that i don't see a whole lot i guess here is a denver so we can flip that one over and see if we have anything here of course it's just a 1964. so we will move on but anyways guys i hope you guys have been enjoying the nickel series this is my second to last box um until i'm basically out the coin shortage is a real thing it's definitely affecting me i am having a hard time getting coins right now but the coins that i am able to get i'm going to be showing you in a brand new series that's going to be coming out very soon uh basically what is happening is i'm being limited to only 10 rolls of each coin per week and i'm going to be using that as an opportunity to see what we can get in those 10 10 rolls of each coin and i know that you guys haven't really seen me hunt anything other than pennies or nickels in quite a while so it'll be interesting to throw some dimes and quarters into the mix and i got to tell you guys one of the enders in the quarters that i got out of one of the recent boxes is absolutely amazing so you're definitely going to be one i'm going to want to be on the lookout for that series coming up very soon all right so getting into the last roll here uh man that one looks i don't know what is up with this one it is very shiny though and uh let's go ahead and flip this over see what we have for a date 85 denver i don't know that one looked like a proof to me i'm gonna put that one to the side uh just in case it might might be something good but uh anyways like i said just getting through this uh last roll here i see we have a denver ender right there or not an ender a denver reverse looks pretty old we might have a shot at it oh okay there we go 1957 denver we'll add that one to the pile of 57 denver's i think that's like four of them on the box so far but uh yeah so you guys are definitely gonna be enjoying that series i'm uh very excited to mix it up i don't know what to call it yet maybe coin shortage coin hunting or coin shortage something is is what i'm thinking for that series and it will be coming out shortly and it's going to be a lot of fun but anyways guys it looks like that is the end of that box so i have quite a few coins over here like i said lots from the late 50s early 40s and a couple of low mintage coins overall it was a pretty good box we're going to take a look and tally up the score on the box and see exactly what we were able to get didn't get any coins into the collection but that's okay i'm definitely happy to add these coins to my personal collection and with that being said guys i will get back to you with a tally in just a sec all right everybody welcome to the wrap up on coin quest nichols box number 14 so we're going to start up here with the jefferson nickels from the 1950s at two points a piece we got quite a few of them single uh dates for 52 54 56 and then a ton of the 57 58 and 59. we had 12 of those in total at two points a piece that's 24 points jefferson nickels from the 1940s now this is the only time i've ever seen anything like this we only got the 40 and the 41 and you can see there are a ton of those 1941s we got seven of them in total that's four points apiece 28 points right there now coming down to the jefferson nickels from the 1930s we did get two of them a couple of 1939s at five points a piece that is another 10 points now coming down here to the low mintage jefferson nickels you can take a look we actually got two of them today the 1958 philadelphia and the 1952 san francisco at 10 points apiece because they are pretty hard to find that's 20 more points right there finally we're going to finish it off with a 2009 you can see we got a 2009 philadelphia right there and that is five more points now coming down here i did want to show these these aren't worth points or anything but this is super weird guys look at this canadian coin right here it's almost missing all of its identicals and i believe that this is because it had a grease filled dye or some sort of a grease error and as you can see this is actually an identical coin over here they're both 1998 and there's a huge difference in the way that those coins look so definitely something interesting right there i'm hoping that somebody can shed some light on that in the comments down below uh but anyways guys in total we were able to get 87 points on today's box definitely not the best but also not the worst it was pretty good and we definitely have a lot of good coins to show for it unfortunately nothing is going to be going into our jefferson nichols canadian or buffalo nickel collection today but maybe in the next one we will be getting something into one of those collections and like i always say i'm hoping that it's going to be this collection right here so guys real quick at the end of the video just want to remind you that if you want to pick up one of these cornrow hunting placemats for yourself to aid you in your own nickel roll hunting you can head on over to quincecoins.com and i'll be posting links down in the description below but anyways guys that's gonna pretty much do it for this one thank you so much for watching make sure to go down below and leave a like if you enjoyed subscribe if you're new because we post new videos like this every single week always bring you along with the hunts and having a good time i'm super excited for the new hunts that are gonna be coming out hopefully you guys are as well and as always i'm quinn and this is quince coin signing out and i will see you in the next one
Channel: Quin's Coins
Views: 23,128
Rating: 4.8996415 out of 5
Keywords: ryan quinlan, quin, quin’s coins, quins coins, quinn, coin, coin roll hunting, silver, quin coins, qian's coins, coin roll hunting nickels, coin hunting, coin hunt, nickel hunt, nickel rolls, nickel roll hunting, roll hunting, roll hunting nickels, coin collecting, coin collection, coin hunting nickels, coin rolls, box of coins, coin roll, coins, nickels, coin hunting rolls, rolls of coins, old coins, rare coins, box of nickels, nickles, coin quest, quins coins nickels
Id: lB4PevObvMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 46sec (1966 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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