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take a look at this ender right here that right there is a silver war nickel these were made from 1942 up through 1945 there's definitely a big difference in the color now for the flip guys three two one hello everybody and welcome back to coinquest in case you're unaware coinquest is a series where i go through 100 boxes of nickels like this one right here go through the rolls in the boxes and look for interesting and valuable coins that i can use to fill in my collection books now guys as you can see i already have a ton of nickel rolls laid out on the table here the reason for that is because every single one of these rolls nine rolls in total have enders on them so what are these nine enders that i have laid out here on the table for you well let's go ahead and take a look so i'm gonna do this a little weird i'm gonna start with the best one first let's take a look at this ender right here oh my gosh guys that right there is a silver war nickel these were made from 1942 up through 1945 and the way that you can tell that you have a silver war nickel is you have a mint mark up there on the top of the monticello rather than being on the right hand side of it you can also tell just by that darker tone that we do have a silver war knuckle right here these have been extremely difficult for me to find and i still need a ton of them in the collection so i'm super excited to get this one up next we have two guaranteed older coins right here i keep everything before 1960 so both of these are automatically keepers just based on their dates let's go ahead and take a look at the first one you can see right here this one is a 1958 and depending on what we have on the reverse of that coin we could actually have a low mintage coin right there as well and then this one right here is actually very similar uh no chance for a low image coin but it is a 1957. it's a little bit hard to see the date though up next we have two extremely worn down reverses and as you can see here we don't have mint marks on either one of those coins but they look extremely old i'm thinking one of these could be in 1938 which is the very first year that the jefferson nickels were minted then right here we have three more old looking reverses these ones all have a denver mint mark on them which dates them at least as old as 1964. i'm hoping that they're older than that though we definitely have a good shot on these ones then the last sender here may be interesting maybe not i thought it was just kind of cool though it looks like somebody found this metal detecting and threw it back into circulation so there you have it guys an unbelievable record setting nine enders on the box if those are on the ends of the rolls imagine what's on the inside now as you can see this war nickel right here happens to be a philadelphia mint mark you can see that up on the top of the monticello and if we take a look at our book here where we're missing a whole bunch of these war nickels the one philadelphia that we need is 1945 so i'm hoping for a 1945 philadelphia but just having a silver war nickel is great on its own let's see if we can get that 45 though and now for the moment of truth let's go ahead and open up this roll and see if we get it guys i'm hoping for a 1945 let's go ahead and open it this way let's see if we can get it to come out uh without disturbing any of the other coins i'll just kind of spin it around here a little bit and we will just pull it right off of the top there man that is so cool to see you can see there's definitely a big difference in the color on that one versus all of the other coins in the roll so let's go ahead and pull it off here and set the rest of the roll down i'm guessing that there's probably going to be more keepers in there but i will put it down for now now you can see much better that philadelphia on the top of the monticello there now for the flip guys hoping for the 1945 let's get it here three two one oh no way did i just drop it oh my gosh guys 1945 there it is this never works for me and i was really thinking it was probably gonna be a 43 uh because that's typically the one that you find that's the most common of the war nickels but we actually just got it 1945 philadelphia and that is going into the collection unfortunately i can't do a retake because that was a live opening i can't believe i just dropped that but still guys that is so so cool to see very very nice i really hope that we can get some more in this box as well that's really a good sign that there may be some more in there so let's go ahead and take a look at the collection up here and see where that is going to be going in as we saw earlier 1945 philadelphia it breaks up all this white space right here which has been there for so long in this series it's going to be going right there so cool guys silver war nickel right off the bat let's go ahead and look through the rest of these rolls and see what else there is inside and i'm already seeing something that looks kind of older right there let's pull that one out real quick and take a look okay that's just going to be a 1969 s but it also did have that darker look to it so i thought we might have had something there but anyways guys without any further ado let's just push the rest of these rolls uh rest of these coins out and see if we're going to get anything else in this roll this was the silver war nickel ender roll and i'm sure that there's going to be something else in here for us to find like i said in the beginning guys just looking at what's on the end of this box imagine what is going to be on the inside of it all right so going through these just real briefly scanning for anything that looks super old i'm actually not seeing anything right now so i don't think that uh this this rule actually has anything else for us so i guess with that let's go ahead and move on to the next one which i think is right no we're going to do the 58 rather than the 57 i think that the 58 actually has a chance to be a low mintage coin so let's go ahead and pull that one out and i'll try to stay in focus here and we'll just get that one out of the roll just like we did with the war nickel earlier so there it is i think we're going to be able to see it a little better now yep just pull that back that is the 1958 right there as you can see all right let's roll this back here and just snag that one right off the top as you can see so we're actually looking for no mint mark when we flip this one over if we can get a 1958 philadelphia that is going to be a low mintage coin and this one is actually in really good shape guys take a look at that very very nice for its age let's go ahead and flip this over and see if we get that philadelphia mint mark and get a low mintage coin in three two and one unfortunately it looks like we do have a small denver mark to the right of the monticello there you can see that tiny little uh d for denver so we'll be putting that one to the side not going to be low mintage but still pretty cool to find let's see if there's anything else in this roll maybe we'll have a little bit better luck since we didn't get as good of a coin off of the ender there all right let's go ahead and look through this i'm seeing some 60s coins nothing really popping out at me yet though we would love to get a buffalo out of one of these rolls this one's looking a little bit older i think we might have something here let's just flip that one live nope 79 man i don't think i've ever been more off uh from an old coin than it's 1979 but i guess there's a first for everything all right so honestly these uh the middle of these rolls haven't really been too exciting so far but the enders are definitely telling a different story than what we're seeing in the middle of the rolls uh but that's all right that's just two rolls we're only two rolls into the box and we have i think seven more enders to go let's go ahead and open one more live and then i'll get into some of these lesser enders off camera and we'll see if we can get anything out of them so this one is the 1957 right here i'm just going to spin this one around just like i did the last two and we'll see if we're going to get anything off of this roll now the 57 the thing about the 57 is uh they only made them in philadelphia and denver there's nothing too interesting about either one of those as far as i know um i'm not a huge eric one guy though so there might be something that i'm not aware of but we'll just pull that one off the top right there let's take a look at that 1957 right there pretty nice looking coin a little bit more beat up than that 58 it also has some scratches down there below uh the chin this one's probably not worth a countdown so we'll just flip this one over and see what we got for you mint mark all right so you can see once again a denver mint mark right there so this that's going to make this a 1957 denver we'll just put that one aside and keep on hunting and let's see if we can get anything out of this third roll would be nice to get something out of the middle of these rolls especially if it was like a buffalo or something i haven't i don't think i'm not sure if i've ever caught a buffalo live on camera uh so hopefully we can do that today that way because we have quite a bit of promise coming out of this particular box so let's go ahead and get through the rest of these also keeping an eye out for the 2009 coins those are low mintage so i will be keeping an eye out for those as well that's why i'm flipping every coin even the newer looking ones those are going to be the 2009's but i guess that's it for the third roll we really struck out with the middle of these rolls so i'm going to get into some of these other enders i'll let you guys know what i'm finding along the way especially if one of the coins comes out and looks really good with that being said guys i'm going to go ahead and get on to the next roll so guys looking at these enders i realized it would be kind of foolish not to reveal these all on camera just in case there is something good in there so i'm actually gonna start uh with these three uh reverse denver enders and i'm just gonna kind of take a look at them we'll look at the coins on the inside a little bit later and i'll let you know if i find anything but let's just look at these enders first off so you can see there's the denver mint mark right there that one below it looks a little bit older as well but let's see if we're going to get anything on this one it does kind of look older but not too promising let's go ahead and flip it over and see what we get of course it's going to be in 1964. this is the enemy of every single nickel coin roll hunter and i do see something right here though that looks kind of interesting i'm going to pull this one out by its edge just in case man it would be really nice to see something cool come out here like buffalo or something but it looks like that's just gonna be newer and kind of beat up so we'll pull this roll to the side let's take a look at that next ender let's see here is on this side so the first one was a bust it was a 1964. let's see if we're gonna get one uh on number two and uh these reverse denver enders are tricky sometimes because you always want to open them uh but you never know it's probably almost always going to be a 1960s coin this one's actually in really good shape so i'm hoping we get something on this one guys flip it over and see what we get uh 1962 once again it's not a 64. so it's not as bad as as that but 62 is not a whole lot better anyway though i do see a couple of um some colorful coins here a little bit darker tone to them this one i think could possibly be a war nickel would be really nice to see one come out here so let's see what we get ah 1988 that's not gonna cut it what about this one over here this one also looks like it might have the possibility okay a little bit darker toning there let's see what we have nope 1970s coin so that one is a bust as well we have a 62 and a 64 out of those enders so we are over oh oh for two so far let's see if we can go uh one for three on this final one right here i think it's going to be that ender right there see if we have any more color in the role i don't see any so let's just pull that ender out and see what we're gonna get for this one i'll look through the rest of those coins a little bit later there is the denver ender right there and we'll flip it over to see what we got and it's another 1964. so i guess we're over three on those guys i'm gonna look through the rest of these let you know if we get anything good and then we're gonna get into those other enders which look a little bit more promising so guys unbelievably in all three of those roles we also struck out in the middle and there was nothing in those coins so i'm just gonna go ahead and dump these in the box now and we will get onto our last three rolls like i said these do look a lot more promising i don't know about this metal detecting fine i'm interested just to see what the year on it is but these two right here which actually don't have a reverse mint marks they look a lot older you can see right there the age on those i would be really really surprised if either one of these was minted after 1960. so let's start with this one right here i'm really hoping for a 1938 i do have to say i don't actually need any more philadelphia minted coins that 45 philadelphia is actually the last philadelphia minted coin that i needed in the collection so i won't need this in the collection per se but if this is a 38 or something or a 55 even i didn't even think about that uh definitely wouldn't be a bad addition to the collection as an extra so let's take a look at this one guys man that looks old okay let's flip it over here in three two one oh guys almost made it as a 38 that is a 1939 right there second year jefferson nickel these are fairly common the 39 philadelphia's but still really really cool anytime you see that not that three on uh the jefferson nickel right there so let's just check the rest of this roll real quick to see if we have any color in it like we did on the other rolls so uh do you guys see anything uh out of the ordinary i'm thinking maybe we might have one right here that's a little bit darker no that's not going to be anything what about this one over here this one's kind of weird looking as well but yeah i was going to say probably not a war nickel just kind of uh interesting tone i got a 62 out of it anyway but that is awesome guys in 1939 as an ender really doesn't get a whole lot better than that um except maybe this one right here let's see if we can get the exact same thing or if we can get one year older i would be super excited about that uh like i said this one also is really looking similar to that last one that we looked at so i'm thinking that we might have a similar coin here all right let's pull that ender off you can see it right there kind of showing itself like i said also looking very old and what do you guys think on that one and maybe not as old 55 plain would be nice to come out as well let's see what we get three two one all right 1940 so very similar i think this one's even more common though than the 39 don't quote me on that but i think they're pretty similar 1940 just doesn't have the same appeal to it as that 1939 does anyways guys i think that's going to do it for those two i do have this last one right here though this is the metal detecting find uh ender and i am excited to see what we have in this one maybe this will actually bring us some luck on the inside of the roll as well so let's open it up and just grab that one off the top there leave your guesses down below or just have them in your head for what you think the year on that one is going to be super crazy looking coin right there it's uh always fun to find nickels when you're metal detecting they are a little bit harder to find than the other coins just because they sound a lot different to the metal detector based on their metal composition all right guys what do you think the year is going to be on that one we'll find out here in three two look at that 1964 somebody hated this coin so much they didn't even bother to clean it up and they threw it back into circulation it's got a huge chip on it somehow i've never seen a coin do anything like that but uh interesting to pull out i think i will put that one to the side because i just think it's funny but with that being said guys let's just uh real briefly look through the rest of this roll right here and see if we can finally get something out of the middle of one of these rolls and boom right there we finally got something it's not the best but uh it is something a pretty nice looking 1959 which is just barely makes it into the range of what i like to keep and we have a denver mint mark on the back anyways guys that is nine enders on the box i am already almost 20 of the way through the box and i have a whole lot more coins to go so let's go ahead and get into the next one and see what we can find so guys you've been seeing me use this placemat throughout the video today in case you're unaware this is a coin roll hunting placemat which i designed specifically for hunting nickels as you can see across the front of it you have all the different types of coins that you could find in your nickel rolls and then flipping over to the back side we have a score sheet which i'm going to be using to rate today's box as well as lists for key date low mintage and low mintage buffalo nickels these are really helpful for figuring out what's rare and what isn't and you can pick these up on my website at quincecoins.com links will be down in the description below in case you're interested in getting one of those for yourself thanks for checking it out now let's get on with the hunt all right guys so we're about five rolls later now a few rolls ago i was able to find my first canadian on the box this is a pretty common date though 1998 and it is already in my collection last roll i was able to get this one right here which i haven't flipped over yet i wanted to do it with you guys pretty similar to the beginning of the video we have a 1958 here and we are going to be looking for the philadelphia mint mark aka no mint mark on the back there if uh we want to get a low mintage coin on this so let's go ahead and flip this one over and see if we get it in three two one uh once again the denver mint mark so this is not going to be a low mintage coin still going to keep it though so we'll put it to the side and uh the reason i turn on the camera here is because i actually found this coin which i didn't think was going to be anything i did see the denver mint mark i thought it was going to be a 64 though but once i flipped it over to the obverse it actually is a 1957 in a phenomenal shape for its age still has quite a bit of luster left on it so definitely happy to have that one come out of the roll for us other than that though i don't see anything else on this roll and it has actually been an incredibly uh slow box especially for that start that we had which was really really great with those uh i guess it was maybe six senders in total because those uh those reverse denver enders didn't end up working out for us too well but anyways guys i'm still hopeful on this box uh i'm wanting to say that i can get a buffalo out of this but i'm not really feeling it today that's actually just code talk i'm trying to non-jinx it because every time i say i get a buffalo i don't get one so anyways guys hopefully we can get something like that but with that being said we'll just get into the next roll so once again i'm about five rolls later and i think we may have something good right here if we take a look this was about the second coin in and uh it's looking pretty old it was looking like those enders that we found earlier no mint mark though so it's hard to say for sure let's go and see what we get here guys three two one all right 46 that's uh definitely something to add to the collection it's still pretty common especially in the philadelphia range but i think we might have another one just a couple coins away from it something very similar uh was peeking out so hopefully we can get something else on this one three two and one oh all right 1949 that's definitely better than the 46 i would like to see a san francisco on that i think we still need the 49 s in the collection it's one of those key date coins that's very difficult to find so 49 though that's definitely a step in the right direction i did find a couple coins earlier which i didn't want to show on camera immediately this is a 56 denver so pretty cool to see that one come out and then a little bit older here 1954 and then i think yep this one's also a denver so we're definitely making some progress here i haven't seen that buffalo yet i mean i haven't seen uh what no i didn't say that anyways uh i'm just gonna see if we have anything else in the role here looking for i don't know maybe a v nickel if we could see a v-neck will come out that'd be pretty cool today i feel like i'm unjinxing it and then jinxing it again what do you guys think let me know down in the comments below it's been a it's been quite a while since i've found a buffalo in a box so i'm hoping today's the day but anyways guys with that being said let's go ahead and get on to the next roll okay so we have something pretty interesting here as you can see we have another colored coin right there that one definitely looks like it could be a war nickel consistency definitely that darker gray that we're looking for kind of dull but this one is not actually going to end up being a war nickel i took a peek at this one and this is actually going to be maybe even something better so let's pull that out and see what we have there and i don't know the mint mark i do know that know the date though all right so this is going to be the date side right here and as you can see we have a 1952 i believe what we're looking for on this one is the san francisco second best would be denver and uh the worst would be the philadelphia but uh we'll go ahead and see what we get here guys three two one and it looks like it's gonna be philadelphia man that looks like a war nickel especially on that side oh look at that that's definitely looking older it's going to be a denver mint mark and we'll flip it over to the front side and see what we have for the date okay 1940 denver that's that's definitely not bad uh 39 denver would have been a little bit nicer we do need that one in the collection still it's a it's a key day coin but uh 40 denver especially in this good shape i will definitely take it so we're a couple rolls later now and i have something here that came out at the end of the roll and i want to take a chance on it just because if if i get this on camera and if it is what i really want it to be then that would be pretty sweet this one does look pretty old i'm hoping 40s maybe maybe even 30s and the reason i say that is because up here in the collection you can see we are still missing the 1938 and 1939 denver those are pretty difficult to find so i'm just really hoping that we can get it here today guys you see the denver you see this is an older looking coin we definitely have a chance so let's go ahead and see if we got it guys three two one 1960 really well at least it wasn't a 64. i think that would have about broke my heart but anyways we have about i think almost 20 more rolls to go so we're a little bit more than halfway through the box still plenty of coins to go through let's see what we can get we're about four rolls later now and i definitely have some stuff to show you a couple of rolls ago i was able to pull out this really nice 1956 haven't flipped it over yet to see what's on the reverse and it looks like it's a denver in really nice shape i do like the look of that coin for sure we also got one of these once again another uh denver reverse so maybe we'll have better look uh luck on this one but i'm not really too hopeful this one doesn't look super old hopefully we can get that 38 or 39 though let's see what we get three two one all right that's older it's not uh 60s at least it's a 1954. so we'll put that one to the side and then actually we just opened this roll and the second coin in as you can see right here is a 1951 and as you may or may not know the 51s is the one we're looking out for so hopefully we can get the san francisco on this i don't need any of these in the book though it just would be nice to have it so let's see what we can get here guys three two one oh okay all right denver is a little bit uh better it's not as uh not as common as the philadelphia i believe but also not as rare as the san francisco so i don't think there's anything else in this role though i'll let you know if i see anything but with that being said guys let's go ahead and get out of the next so before i move on to the next one i was just thinking 51 denver there's something special about 51 denver and sure enough i flipped over to the backside of the placemat and as you can see here it actually makes it into that low mintage range below 25 million minted so that's actually the rarest coin that we found on the box so far today you can see it right there 1951 d and that is indeed what we have there's the denver and there is the 51 and then as you can see up here the 51s actually is in that key date range like i was saying the 51 plane doesn't make it onto the list at all but it is really nice to have a low mintage coin out of the box so far and i'll be looking for more it looks like we have about 10 or 12 more rolls to go uh lots of coins though so hopefully we can get something out of it all right so we are now down to just five rolls left in the box the five that you see here are all that is left and uh i found a few things here and there i did just pull this 1948 out and i wanted to take a look at the mint mark with you guys uh together so we're hoping for an s here i believe i think i have all of these though yep 48 48d and 48s are in the collection but uh what the heck let's see what we have here guys three two one all right denver still not too bad i was looking at the key date and low mintage ranges over here and as you can see the 48 s is a low mintage coin but i don't see the 48 denver anywhere on that list so that is unfortunate that we didn't get the the s but still pretty cool to find a denver i've been actually getting a lot of denver's out of this box a really weirdly high amount of denver's case in point take a look at this coin right here it's a 54 and it's a denver i found quite a few 54 denver's i think three of them so far and then we also got this 1941 somewhere in the middle uh it's kind of a weird little thing on the rim right there kind of interesting but uh yeah so we got those so far i don't really think there's anything else in this role i didn't see anything that was uh standing out to me so with that being said guys we'll get into the last five rolls here and see what we're able to get hopefully that buffalo sneaks out for us okay so the first roll out of these last five that i'm going through is definitely off to a good start as you can see right here we just pulled a 2009 denver once again a denver mint mark coming out of this box did this box come from denver what the heck is going on here either way though i am happy to have a 2009 these are low mintage coins especially relative to uh all of the other coins around them uh they cut production early in 2009 hence the low production year so that is really cool to see hopefully these last four rolls have similar luck in them i don't really see anything else in this role though so i'll just check again for more 2009's it'd be nice to see two come out of a roll and we'll get into the next one holy heck guys these last five rolls are really doing it for us take a look at this i just opened this up and it was like the third coin that came out do you see anything different about that right there that is going to be a proof coin you can see it's got a ton of shine on it that mirror-like finish that small san francisco mint mark down there which typically you don't find 1994 san francisco because they didn't make those for circulation this was in a proof set very very cool to see a proof coin come out especially at the end of the box go ahead and flip over to the reverse side so you can see that as well still quite a bit of that mirror-like finish there i don't really see a whole lot of damage on this coin so i think this was i think that this was recently removed from a set and put into circulation just awesome to find a proof coin especially at the end of the box now let's see if we're gonna get anything else out of this roll we are definitely two for two so far on these last five first we get a 2009 now we have a proof that's two things that didn't come out anywhere else in the box and i have to say proof coins are even rarer to find than buffaloes so i really can't be mad at that in the slightest all right i don't see anything else uh coming out of the roll for us though so uh i don't know let's see if we can keep this streak going i'm just gonna go ahead and get into the third to last roll right here hopefully we can pull something else out that's crazy just like we did in that one all right let's see if we're gonna get anything right off the bat it's hard to miss a proof i'll tell you what but i'm not seeing any proofs in this one i'm not really seeing much of anything on first glance to be honest with you oh wait a minute we do have a older coin right there it looks like we have another 1954. my bet is it's probably going to be a denver they all have been so far so let's flip it over to the back side and see if we have a denver and as you see another 1954 denver that's four 1954 denver's on the box still pretty cool to find though it uh doesn't break the streak in my mind of great coins coming out here at the end so we got uh let's see we got the 2009 in the first roll we got the proof in the second to last rule and just checking for 2009's here real quick don't want to miss any of those and then we got the 1954 denver in the third to last roll what do these last two rolls have for us let's see if we can dump these points without spilling any uh it gets a little tricky there at the end of the box but uh let's take a look at this second to last roll see if we're gonna get anything crazy out of this one man this has been a great end to the box it was a great start and a great end the middle part was a little bit iffy but anyways guys let's keep going let's see if we can find something else on the second to last roll to keep the streak up i really really want to see that buffalo or that indian head um which would be the other side of the buffalo nickel coin come out for us especially in these last rolls it would be great to see and it looks like i think we just struck out on that one unfortunately i'll check for 2009's as usual to make sure i didn't miss any because uh that would definitely be a great find especially at the end here all right i don't think i missed any guys i've looked at all of the obverses so now here we are on to our last roll on the box this one better be lucky if you guys saw i think it was my last video that i did on pennies that penny box i had the last roll had absolutely by far the best coin in the box so it does happen like that sometimes i guess sometimes it also happens that the best coin that you find ends up being an ender which i think is probably what happened today with our 1945 philadelphia coin but either way guys we are into the last roll now and we're checking it out to see if we can get something good just as like a last ditch effort uh the second to last roll didn't have anything in it this last rule i'm hoping will have something for us but i think i'm already about halfway through it and i haven't seen anything yet now that looks like it might be the most promising thing right there this one definitely looks old uh it is a philadelphia mint i think the best thing we could probably get on this is a 55 so let's flip it over and see if we can get it guys three two one oh man pretty close those actually look very close to a 1955 but it is a 52 and uh taking a look at our uh low mintages over here the 52s would make it into the low mintage uh the 52 denver and philadelphia aren't anywhere on the list though i think that they are still pretty low mintages though even the 52 philadelphia so that's definitely a great find so we are four for five on the last five rolls here unfortunately looks like no buffalo is gonna be coming out of today's box but that's all right we still got a lot of really great stuff including that 1945 philadelphia silver war nickel right there which is actually going to be going into the collection today it's the one coin into the collection it's getting really hard to put those coins in but we were able to get it today so i'm very happy about that so with that being said guys i'm gonna go ahead and clean these up and i will get you a wrap up and uh we'll go ahead and tally up the points and see what we got on today's box all right everybody welcome to the wrap-up of coin quest nickels number 13. so starting up here with the jefferson nickels from the 1950s we were able to get a total of 13 of those for a grand total of 26 points then over here to the jefferson nickels from the 1940s we were able to get it looks like six of those and quite a variety of dates on them as well for another total of 24 more points for the jefferson nickels from the 30s we were able to get that single ender which came out that was the 1939 in the very beginning that's going to be worth five points for us now we have a couple more down here some varieties here actually so we have the low mintage jefferson the one that came out for us today was the 1951 denver you can see here on the low mintage list here it makes it in right there so that's going to be worth 10 points for us then at the end we actually were able to get a proof coin that's also going to be worth 10 points and it's a 1994 s very cool as well as a 2009 which is going to be worth another five points now guys the best thing that we found today was obviously not on the sheet because it made it into the collection and it was that 1945 philadelphia war nickel and as you can see here on the list those are also going to be worth 10 points so that brings our grand total up to a total of 90 points on the box which is definitely a good box not as good as i thought it was going to be based on those enders but still a pretty good box and it was really nice to get a coin into the collection very early on now guys as you can see we're doing really great on this collection we only have a few more coins to get into that first page and then on the second page we only have two coins to get in obviously the 1950 d which is the key date of the series and then uh key date as well here the 1949 san francisco a lot of these war nickels are difficult to find especially given the fact that they are silver a lot of them are actually on top of that also either low mintage or key dates you can see a lot of the 4243 ends up in that range so they are pretty difficult to find unfortunately but i know that we'll find them we just have to keep going through boxes and we'll eventually get what we're looking for hopefully in the next episode this collection will get some love as well i'd really love to put another buffalo nickel into the collection as you can see it's looking pretty sparse over here but anyways guys that's going to pretty much do it for this one thank you so much for watching make sure to go down below and leave a like if you enjoyed subscribe if you're new because i post new videos like this every single week always bring you along with the hunts and having a good time and as always i'm quinn and this is quince coin signing out and i will see you in the next one
Channel: Quin's Coins
Views: 45,121
Rating: 4.8726792 out of 5
Keywords: ryan quinlan, quin, quin’s coins, quins coins, quinn, coin, coin roll hunting, silver, quin coins, qian's coins, coin roll hunting nickels, coin hunting, coin hunting nickels, coin hunt, coin rolls, rolls of coins, rare coins, old coins, silver coins, quins coins nickels, coin quest, coin quest nickels, quins coins coin quest, coins, roll hunting, silver nickel, coin collecting, coin collection, searching coins, coins worth money, coin hunt nickels, silver coin, coin roll
Id: -0WofeTbEo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 32sec (1952 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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