Massive Coin Hoard with Coin Guy! Interview with a coin shop owner.

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[Music] all right so spectacular the silver stack i'm here with coin guy again coin guy i'm feeling down silver has taken a hit ahead can we talk about that and some other things going on in your shop [Music] [Applause] yeah it's been we took a pretty good hit um what i think happened is if you if you get the wall street journal you'll see in there and they'll tell you that there are certain very wealthy people very wealthy companies that manipulate the price of silver and gold i think they stepped in they shorted the market and they just pushed it and pushed it somebody made enough money for their grandchildren's trust funds that's what i think i don't see any reason to have this kind of a drop um i mean it dropped what three dollars it's dropped about five dollars in 10 days kind of ridiculous gold dropped about 90 i bought a bunch of gold last saturday uh and i just sold the last piece six ounces of gold and i don't think i made 60 dollars on six ounces of gold that's terrible so you know you're handling buying and selling it's not just what you made you're handling twenty to twenty three thousand dollars and you made enough money for dinner for two in florida not up in new york 60 don't buy your dinner for two up there but uh i just think it was incredible but what what the good point is none of my regulars have panicked they're buying they're looking this is what they call a buying opportunity if you can find anybody with gold or silver it's time to buy right now i'm just sitting packed because i just don't have the product or the price of silly eagles if somebody's willing to pay me six dollars over i can sell them a few but i i wasn't caught with a large inventory so it doesn't really matter i think it was i think manipulation was involved um and that's how i see it i mean the stock market took some hits sometimes people will sell gold to cover being short on the market because gold is your form of wealth you'll see that happen often but that wasn't the case here everything just fell yeah the market the gold um just you know it was so fast and so furious you couldn't keep up with it definitely took a hard dive yeah the stock market was down too i was watching my stuff go down and like we had just talked about before i even started this video that you don't lose money until you actually sell you don't lose yourself so now guy i don't want to stop you in the middle of talking about silver taking a huge dump there but what are you resting your arms on here what what in the world is going on this is part of the horde we had bought the large uh the large hoard of foreign world coins the 1500 pounds of world coins it's been about three weeks we sold out the silver lots they went like hotcakes it was funny because we had sold out and we couldn't get back to people some people for three days because you take a name you take an address you wrap it and do it as you're going along and some people we got back to three days later and the wife probably found out that you bought how much you bought three lots for nine hundred dollars so we had some people reneg but the good news is is more people stepped in and bought it all right so we basically we have like two lots left because i'm still finding little bits i'm basically at stage three from that horde you saw i've looked at everything more or less and now we have sorted out stuff we've started selling groups of coins like a box the philippines has been the hottest item i got no more philippines left more or less uh but we just sold the box of france today french and swiss a box a big box like these um can you show me what's in one of these boxes sure give me a kind of example like 10 15 coins in there what are we talking about this is india this is 199 coins whoa so you get a bunch of coins yeah 100 box yeah the whole box this is i got 199 coins in here we're asking 165 dollars but odds are for this particular box for this particular box okay um but then what's interesting too the person who owned this before he put the mintage of every coin on every two by two oh he smokes and the km number that means the big kraus book where to look it up in the big world books this is a pretty coin that makes it easy for you as a coin dealer huh i mean there's a lot of coins in here that are 84 here's one who just went by four dollars from india and a lot of his coins he especially his coppers he undergraded or let's just say he was very conservatively grading his coppers i've seen copper's graded v after with a u and that could be incredible gotta get your special glass out there yeah this one's a vf this one is graded right but a lot of them yeah 250 250 1.75 eight dollars eight dollars it's amazing when you go look at some of these and when you go to look them up um i forgot what country it was one of the countries when you're looking up the pennies no it was german it was german coins they were the uh the german coins in the 50s i think they're in here what is this all germans yeah the uh the 50s the 50 fannings some like 1954 these they're like they're like eight hundred dollars or the one marks i mean they have just incredible numbers so you take like this book this page is 15 the green dot means the better one says 12 750 a dollar i mean there's all kinds of numbers on these pages some i i just you know i just priced the whole book i have room on it here's 1916. um so hold on you're selling this as an entire book the whole book i just want to move the whole book so okay so 13.65 there's probably 1600 i'll take a thousand i'll pay the credit card in the shipping really have fun are you sure you want to do this i think you're going to be losing money no that's okay i'm going to buy this from you in germany and they're all german he's all german we just sold two of the boxes as i said do a a french and a swiss one but this is india and um there's just just the numbers are amazing on some of these things so every box pretty much has a different price yeah i put the oh here we go it so mexico these are all mexican 300 plus mexican coins that means that box is packed because these usually hold about 300 coins and this will hold about 200. that's kind of cool yeah can you ship all this stuff out too just like the whole well you wouldn't get the box because it's too awkward we usually the last two the two boxes like this nate said we can ship like it is but some of these it's easier just to put the plastic bag and mail it to you guys to be too awkward um i don't know what you would put that into this is 320 pieces 325 what country is that that is germany again there was a lot of german there was a lot of german actually both of these boxes right here are both german look at that 399 325 725 550 for the pair and you've got 300 plus 300 plus 320 plus now i'm going to bet you that there's there's older stuff in here now watch me go find a 54 see look how packed this is loaded usually yes excuse me you could squeeze in 150 i can't hardly get one out i mean this is this jumps all over the place 1924 1927 1950 1912 1814 the one thing he did do was he put the country at the bottom when i have i have mixed boxes like this i've come to the point where i've looked at everything more or less and i've started sorting this box is seven to fifteen dollar coins every single one there's going to be a whole bunch it's little silver ones in here and i haven't gone to the point where i've divided them into countries yet this will be solid german because that's what the box says but this is going to be the world uh if there's any group together okay here's cuba albania we're just jumping all over the place here albania that's 10 that's 650. hong kong greece wow five coins five different countries greece that one's silver uh you know this stuff i've still got this stuff will be divided into countries cuba i get a lot of calls about cuba but as i said philippines is the is the most that's interesting to me and while i love it still you know it's still going to be even when i go through a box like this i find things i didn't realize i put in that box um little treasures all this says from eight to fifteen dollars but there's all kinds of stuff in here and with germany goes by the mints j a don't ask me what the mint is i don't know yeah 02 that's a dollar that's three dollars see that says xfae xfau this coin is absolutely so he kind of was a little reserved on his grading this is an unknown this coin is uncirculated it's rotated you can see it's beautiful see i didn't fine-tune this stuff that now a coin like that when you got a coin that he has xf to au it might be listed at the price he says on the back uh what does he get on the back let's see he has three dollars three dollars when he goes to ank it could very easily be 35. just like it it really does jump just like that some of them take breathtaking jumps into high grades the german coins man they're so cool looking a lot of people germans love the german coins i remember that one of the coin shows i went to there's a guy that he only collect german coins period yeah this is this i'm gonna put it back in here but it's probably a 30 that's 10 percent of the price of the box i mean you know it pays to just look at what he considers xf's the coppers but i'm sure there's some small small silver um there's everything here that's awesome yeah that's the kind of stuff i'll show you something that's really cool in my going through this stuff and there's still more that i haven't found yet a smile on his face pre-1800 everything here is from 1580 to 1799. so different countries of the world yeah they're not american the cheap american there's only one date you can get in american quarters that's 1796 and it starts at like 10 grand and good golly yeah i had a chance to buy one about 20 years ago and i didn't i blinked i don't know i regret that can we see some of these ones sure most of these are going to be britain france um here's 1671. that's french 1671 yeah wild that is cool 1799 over 1800 this is an overdate this is french interesting haircut there french fantastic denmark you'll find that a lot of these early ones that moved all over with the rulers of the cedar explorers 1799 france this is the hardest stuff this me something something something yeah japan 1636 well there's a there's a hole in this one six times easy to carry what would they do they put like on a chain or something yeah you see the old movies china japan two reasons first you saved you saved metal and also a lot of people didn't have pockets you didn't wear jeans in the 1600s and um they would carry on string and they would wear it underneath their uh underneath their blouses so pockets was a relatively uh newer invention huh yeah here's a small one real mexico 1770. here's austria 1698 a mexican coinage denmark again okay that's a pretty coin yeah sound pretty cool this one is 18 silver hold on a minute i want to buy that one can we put that to the side pressure bohemian she's a lot of city-states the german city-states were big yeah this is a dollar this one i couldn't find but he had 22 on this these are some cool coins 41. bohemia there's a school teacher who buys a lot of stuff for me and he called me the other day and he's been asked to uh i don't know what to the feeling mutual or whatever but i know he's retiring in december and he wants to have uh one more treasure hunt with the kids and uh he's waiting for his check for october and he said so what can we do you know he usually buys poundage he'll buy like 10 pounds of world coins for 60 dollars i said how about i give you 50 coins pre-1850 from around the world some not 50 different countries but 50 coins between the 1600s and 1850 and you can hide those all over for the kids that'd be cool 60 50 coins for 300 bucks i pay the credit card i pay the shipping all that kind of stuff but you're going to get some really cool stuff and you know you look at 1694 you know you're looking at mexico 1770. all kinds of cool stuff in here that's the one you like yeah i like that one great britain is big get a lot of great britain i probably shouldn't look at you and you got well there's probably what's what's in here nothing oh that's the spaces so everything doesn't go flopping around what happens with these is when you stack them upside down they all go to one side unless it's full and then they they fall all over the place and i'm trying these just like these haven't been sorted yet i've got to sort these and i've got to um i want to put them into countries where if i'm sending him 50 coins i want to try and give him at least 10 countries if i can i'm mostly going to be french the netherlands uh you know the east indian company the british east india they were big all over the world um you know great britain 1797. these big big chunky coins they're heavy he has a cool coin look at that face three bucks 16 28. austria i see this face right here somebody skipped to be not cheap yeah this one's 40 bucks but it's a nice shape that's a cool looking coin so that was probably that was like done with like what like a big hammer and they just like hit it no they would have presses the germans were great i mean their technology of the time you can get great big german coins i'll show you some of that stuff we have some of that here you know early stuff in the 1600s 1700s it looks like it was made yesterday they had the ability um here's a nice austrian coin this one is beautiful 1707 for this thing 1782. this looks like they just came out yesterday yeah you can't you can't beat the technology the austrians and the germans especially they made phenomenal coinage uh they had the presses and they had the skill set that's wild how do you keep a coin in that condition through that many years he was buried somebody was running from somebody was chasing him and uh you know yeah here's naples sicily that's fine 1796. you see those stories like on the news every so often somebody goes out with a metal detector and you know some backyard somewhere and finds some hidden horde you know oh yeah now here's sicily 1698 now i'm not sure exactly but i know for a time sicily and naples were under the control of spain this is carlos the second uh that could be right there here's sweden seven look at the size of the swedish coins look at this 1751 for the size of that it's huge you're just going to happen to you now right now that you're showing these coins individually you're going to have people going like hey i needed that uh particular coin there you got it is that dude that's why i got to start getting down like on especially like the other ones i showed you the ones that are like between i have boxes like 7 and 15 then i got the ones between let's say 15 and 30 dollars then i got the more expensive ones and what did you want that yeah yeah yeah you're right i gotta hide it no just don't don't put it somewhere actually what is this what am i setting it on right here what is this next that's something i truly gathered the the box itself is mine but remember i told you there were these jaws of coins so i thought i'd want to impress you british large pennies there's some half pennies in here um i mean this is from i didn't look through these uh 1912 1920 16 7. you got to look for the ones that have the queen on it is this like a fake one this thing is in flawless condition just about yeah these are new it's got some stuff on on the back but this is great 1970 that had been breaking out of some set because they stopped making these in 67. yeah this is the last year of these that came out of that i think the they made a certain set was the last year of the decimal that's wild you gotta watch out in your shop any box you open up may have all kinds of weird coins in there yeah there's all kinds of stuff there we go here's a queen and what do we got here 1897. eighteen ninety seven everything wild i don't know how how this is i haven't decided how to move this stuff okay we're gonna sell it by the coin by numbers you know 100 at a time or by weight yeah good luck 17 pounds of good stuff but here's more countries i've seen that this is the coolest box that is a cool box i just keep loving looking through this we went through a few coins and i found my little love right here that i'm going to take home yes i thought it said frankenstein you think it's a country of frankenstein what does that say frankfurt 1860 1862 how'd that get in there where was frankenstein from would you be i would've seen german here's german 1862 a.u tiny coin 29 bavaria prussia these names we know frankfurt yeah you get a lot of netherlands 1744 a little box of treasures man yeah this is just you know all the countries but cool stuff but this is the kind of stuff it takes time to get to this level where you start breaking it down into you know you start this way you go to this and then we have books in the back like you have this over here these of course are smaller countries smaller boxes uh what do you got here these came just like this too these are ones that he didn't break down but this is just they just go by and these have i haven't broken these into prices but this is all el to f you get salvador el salvador um estonia a lot of estonians fuji you know what kinds of dates like taxes i mean some say 25 cents some say three dollars i just haven't you know give me a letter and i look it up but but most of them we have another box oh it's right there of all different countries that's that's a you can have a lot of fun with just thailand uh 30 bucks for 70 different coins yeah super cheap that's awesome yes i ran i ran was expensive if i recall yeah 70 pieces for 99 the iranian coins were expensive or the prices in the catalogs are expensive here's 99 coins for if you're getting these three for a dollar you know it's you're paying four cents a piece just for the holders yeah 98 pieces for 85. it's two boxes of netherlands south africa 60 pieces 39 this has got oldies in it that means there's a bunch of stuff in the 1800s from portugal yeah port there's two boxes portugal 95. turkey pakistan whatever you need huh we got all kinds of countries all kinds of numbers what i did was i converted i converted this display case oh yeah move some of the stuff over there where we're able to put out some of the better stuff so people can get a you know a view of it all and different countries and stuff and here's some of the coolest stuff [Music] here's something i put together today because i thought it'd be to impress you this is what they call crowns you're gonna try to impress me huh let's see if you can do it i'm actually pretty easy big silver coins i love these these are comparable to our dollar the us dollar is .773 in silver had a guy in here yesterday carrying on because he wanted to sell me a bunch of silver dollars and he's telling me their work you know well they were worth 23 each but that's how much silver's in them and no they're not the silver's more like 17. 17.50 but you got multiple countries here um can i say a couple can i sure pick them up i've seen this design before they keep on reusing this design for like new like silver like uh bullion pieces you said german city-states here's cuba very popular um i have somebody who wants cuba there's three of them that's neat that's a cool cool coin what are we talking about sorry here's cuba i got distracted here's japan not quite as big as the others oh that's cool the 15 see i write on these the red and the writing is mine was like a volcano yeah probably mount fuji right you know better than me can i say this one sure mexican you know i love the mexican stuff yeah you have one hidden underneath it look at that because they needed room to multiples that's awesome that's a good looking coin here you go here's swiss yeah i'm impressed you're right you did it i mean this i took would it looks good it displays well um not gonna last long look at this one very cool with the pillars huh yeah a lot of these have gone because if they were about a grade lower than these many of these are between 30 and 60 dollars but the stuff that was a great lower sell the stuff that was 28 25 these are coins i threw in many of the grab bags i put one in every bag usually mostly german mostly british because there was a lot of those you're pretty much out of those now yeah well this is basically maybe have another 10. this is just about all of this the grab bags i got two left maybe people love those yeah they went very well i got a lot of compliments and then you know i'll be honest about it i get people who thought they were getting 10 ounces 10 troy ounces of bullion and people had to go back and look at it and we were selling 10 ounces of world silver now some of it could be 60 percent some of it is 80 some is 72 percent pure the idea was to search uh there's a lot of littler pieces and some of the little pieces may be uncirculated and have one dollar in silver but there's seven dollars in the catalog that's where it adds up to yeah it's a combination it's the hunted the fun of the hunt um a mystery pack that's what it was i had a lot of fun with mine and i tell you what there were some coins that were actually actually pretty valuable maybe you should have looked a little bit a little deeper into them that was at the beginning now here's a coin mintage of 40 000. this is israeli um this is actual silver weight 95 percent no 75 percent i was going to say wow that's a coin yeah yeah more modern than everything else on the table philippines they go very well i think it's the only one i have with those left and dead sea scroll or something i don't know what that is yeah probably did i say that right yeah very interesting his swiss i had a person ask me about swiss coins and he's a swiss citizen he goes you have any five uh you know five francs with coins uh what are you getting for them i said you realize this five frank is like five dollars american right they're not like a dollar a piece you know this the exchange rate is 98 to 2.2 it runs in that area so i had a bunch for him i got a whole jaw actually i'll let you film that you got jars huh well we still got jaws left because i haven't got to him that's wild how much you've actually still got i can't believe he did all this work man loves his coins though i mean i love coins too but this it's a lot of work these areas i haven't even looked at like all the tokens and stuff yeah show me what you're working with this is swiss whole jar of coins now look at this this is this is uncirculated well it's 2007. this is money you know and that's a two dollar coin these are two dollar coins just everything here so you would just take this and just spend it like normal well if you're in switzerland and you take it back there i'm sure they have coin store coin stars in switzerland where you just drop the change in the machine it'll sort you and give you whatever the money it isn't like oh i got to give now here's a half of frank this little dime size thing well that's 50 cents in american just look at all of them yeah i mean how many are in there is there a hundred and fifty dollars here it ain't like i'll take 20 bucks for the job maybe more than 150 i would think jason i don't know uh and plus how many dates are in here now there were books for switzerland um here here's another thing look at this just the dollar amount when the jar just kidding just look at this australia oh these dance girls are so nice aren't they these are brand new i don't know where he got these books sorry i love touching the books are worth almost as much as the coins in them yeah the book is what uh has me floored how about three pages i mean if this is an american if dance goes if they're still making books i mean this is like thirty nine forty dollars and when it's foreign i mean look at these i think they plan to come back but they just haven't come back yet is what i think is going on with dansko here's a four page one touch the leather part i mean the combination of these i think that did the maths was like 270. the books are probably worth 170. yeah or 150 at least very nice find them they're very very nice that's cool very cool some books will just surprise you you know you'll go through a coin you're looking them up and then suddenly you have a hundred dollar coin in there there's something like this now this is yeah use are for sale now here's a here's the thing with tokens i did not go through this there's all these silver well these are aluminum on top i do not go through this this whole box is 225. i'll pay i'll take 225 dollars for it i haven't looked unsearched unsearched it's true um what the heck is that now it's being searched [Laughter] i hate when they put a one ounce gold coin in there one troy ounce one you got to look at the details when it has 100 milliliters fine gold basically 350. i see this this is plated 100 milliliters that's millimeters that's the thickness of hair yes national park doesn't even look like it has like a different color here's a manatee i don't know i didn't look at this one troy ounce there's probably some chunky cheese and there you go one one troy ounce of fine gold clad unbelievable these probably chunky cheese there's all kinds of stuff like i said i haven't you're looking at this would you call it chunky cheese chunky cheese i see this one looking thing there's a wooden nickel for you oh it's jesus they're all fun plastic game tokens and stuff that'd be cool for kids to have this little collection this feels like i i know everybody can't feel it with me but this feels like i don't know it's the battle of lake erie feels like a rock it has a weird feeling september 10th 1913. see this is the kind of thing that i would throw in let's make a deal i'd sell this for 350 four bucks somebody paid ten to twelve dollars somewhere down the line so many wild things in there yeah yeah you know what this is this is 1939 world's fair i recognize that wow i'm describing 1939 huh this one is like uncirculated remember when you went there my mom went there she told me about that she passed away a couple of years ago she only told me about it about five you were there oh yeah we used to you never told me about that it's hard new york world's fair yeah two worlds fair collector is that a ten dollar coin some cool stuff aluminum was pretty rare back in 1939 1940. all right that's aluminum oh yeah yeah that was a mystery metal these are too right oh they're so light wow yeah those are those are basically the ones they throw at you for the pirates like i said i haven't seen this i feel like you're picking up cardboard it's just so unbelievably light i don't know if those three coins are worth 20 bucks or whatever we got to stop searching through it because then it's not going to be unsurged anymore are you an animal lover yeah i like animals from a distance i'm a tarantula guy yeah i like to i like animals years save and catch this this is bob barker coin right here have your pets spayed or neutered i guess this is boy scouts on my honor i will do my best were you a boy scout no i didn't join anything i was a city kid i wish i did the boy scouts because i cannot tie a knot to save my life sometimes and like you know i go fishing i know how to do a fishing knot and that's where my expertise ends here's a 100 year commandment of statue of liberty i don't know if this one is but a lot of them were made from the metal from there i don't think so this looks like it's played it doesn't look like it's copper there's got to be a couple hundred coins in here the first lady of freedom 100 years there are train tokens in here too i have a book of transportation tokens once again i didn't look at it it just says on the outside transportation tokens this is good for one fair well i don't know who that president is this is northern michigan utility company saginan saginan i'm gonna trust your association here's bitcoins apollo he's got to be worth a couple of bucks a piece anyway here's what you got cool 225 i pay shipping credit card that'll probably cost me you may not get this box to hold up but we feel the whole weight on this thing oh you're gonna lose money that's heavy it's probably about seven or eight pounds shipping is so ridiculous right now it drives me crazy well it's not even the shipping it's can you fit this in a certain size box this probably costs 15 to ship oh yeah and credit card so i'm saying 225 it's going to cost me to 25. you're looking at a medium flat rate box on that at the very least yeah yeah and then you get the hunt like i said this bunch here i'd sell for one price and you get the books this is the odds and ends uh this is the full this stuff i got to put away at the end of the day i put this together the other day so i told nate because i found this and the way this works is like this look i'm very ingenious this goes like this oh i'm just filling in the canadian it goes goodness gracious look at that compact i just thought of everything this is jade this this was here before i didn't i think we seen one of these jade ones this actually can be down in this tray so much history i do the thing where you show me the one behind it how did you do that just just lifts up these little look at that oh my mexican coinage wow that's nice mexican's very very uh popular mexican's gone i love it and there's a lot of collectors what is this this one yeah hold on a second now i'm gonna take that home what do you got there 1796 naples wow that's pretty old 1796. oh before you before you started falling in love with it let me let me see this thing i might be able to almost dropped it that's beautiful the history who held that whose hands has that been in well that's what's always been the attraction to a a real coin person i can tell you at least two people has held this me and you that's right and the person i bought it off of now here you got this was one of the odd things this is a medal it's a saudi prince king i don't know we looked it up goes for 95 i'm negotiable um look at this guy japan japanese yeah walter it's a big one it's huge i was telling the story to somebody about the knights of malta that would be a good movie where a few hundred knights of malta held off thousands of muslim invaders in the late that's a movie that may not be made soon yeah you know so much i just thought it was just such a cool heroic the alamo yeah these guys won these guys won the battle they out did them they outlasted them the muslim hoard had a retreat you know speaking of knowing so much um let's talk about that new uh handheld computer you just got have you been going crazy on the internet trying to learn more stuff on there i can't i tap the time i can't turn it off it never goes off one cool thing i discovered is that i can look up gold right there and this will tell me rhodium is ten thousand seven hundred dollars an ounce gonna buy a couple hours palladium 2100 now i remember buying palladium for a woman about seven or eight years ago for like 175 dollars an ounce i mean seven eight years ago who would have known and that's back when uh i remember when platinum was 2400 2011. platinum was 2400 when gold was 19. now you got platinum at 800 840. what happened platinum's ten times rarer than gold and it's a fraction of the price somebody's paying for good pr year i don't know what happened um once again it doesn't make sense we're silver silva is at 22. 22.90 took a hit yeah this is a person nickel you know it's funny because people will be like like oh no like silver is so low now it's it's garbage throw your silver away blah blah but silver just came up a pretty big distance because it was just eleven dollars if you remember it came all the way down to like eleven what something like highlighting the beginning of this whole thing yeah back in march it was so it still doubled its price yeah it came right back uh like i said these maltese coins are pretty cool looking here's another one at a big two cent here's a two pence geez my goodness better you doing it than me earl earl hole that is heavy this is a token i don't know if one of them is in this box over there 17.95 it's hundred 100 we don't make these numbers up there we find places for it is an old italian coin 1876 italy yeah now you got fans all over the place man i bet you there's collectors of all this kind of stuff here you have british northern borneo that beard i miss 60 details one thing about icg they are pretty strict in their grading but when you have a bunch of coins they don't get the same respect as the others but they are tough people i mean they're really tough on gold and when you can't compare their price i have about almost three dozen coins i'm sending out monday or tuesday and i'm having them brought down to icg i mean at 10 or twelve dollars a coin it's worth putting them in the plastic i mean if you got an ngc coin if it ain't worth at least two hundred dollars it really ain't worth the trouble you're paying so much out to get it for one moment let's bring it back to basics kind of like a newbie moment uh tell people what the details um designation on one of these slabs really means details means that there's something wrong with it and then they'll give you further it'll say down here scratched now there's some ways to scratch some of the different companies um maybe ngc pcgs whatever the case may be they won't tell you what the details include give it a code a number okay and the code you have to look up you have to go online or sometimes it's on the there's a paper that you go through and it'll tell you what the code was and you use that combined with it and you'll find out what it is many times if it's scratched it'll say scratched that was actually pretty interesting i've never seen the icg put a details on there i mean i'm sure i've seen it but i just never really noticed that they actually write exactly what this this is a really nice coin see when i sent this in this coin was about 300 but i compensate for it i think i think they're talking about this little scratch up in the corner here let me see if i can zoom in yeah maybe that's about the only scratch i really see that's i mean it's it's chocolate covered colored it's just you know are you telling me more than borneo from 1887 a coin's not allowed to have a scratch on it you know what i mean well here's norway you get to scandinavian countries their coins will knock you down for the prices i have a coin over there that was certified that's like fifteen hundred dollars it's it's only in like a vf it's not that old just low mintages the reverse of that one's so awesome looking here's an odd piece we picked up this is um this is sliding metal mckinley and bryant this is political yeah well don't bring politics into it means one dollar worth 100 cents when you get a spin this to tell you how much one dollar is you have more problems than that i guess it's pretty rare nathan found it online for a buck and a half sliding metal that's different very cool thanks for showing me that see here's another thing i've never seen this book find this book this is the first year dansko again of the euros england's not in here we look this up it's like 275 complete one of the countries is missing a couple but this is what six pages just gotta be a fifty five dollar book empty that's if you could find it yeah that price you looked it up i bet you didn't include the binder uh the actual dansko book being in such full submission just a few coins and this one basically it's all here and this is you can see it it's like it's brand new yeah man it's just something that's just outrageous like i said you know i'm seeing things for the first time when i was going through some of these boxes like wow you know look at this here let me show you some of this walk this way loosely yeah that guy's collection i mean it was like it was very pristine you know it's just everything was clean uh it didn't have smells to it very nice you got here cool stuff here's what i'm telling you more than i can afford yeah this is denmark 1924 very fine 30. 1500 we looked that up that's what goes for it fifteen hundred dollars you gotta find the denmark collector huh what's an xf what's an aeol what's an unk wild i wonder how many did they make do you have any idea what year is that 1924. oh we got the books look at the size of this book this is just the 1900s wild how many books there are it's the world book denmark 1924 [Music] what's the denomination trump chronicle toronto virus now he didn't put a km number here we are crows 1924 holy cow you find it that coin is a hundred and fine one no that price is too high but this price we got online so that just tells you that these prices are nowhere near what people can get for this because sometimes the book value doesn't coordinate with the number online they made 999 000 of those that coin should really be somewhere according to the book it should be probably around 600 but it's going for 1500 online because nate got it over there wow it's a rare one it is a rare one far and away there's nothing like it in the book but there are certain coins like that you get like the large penny the the 1823 large scent uh if you look it up in gray sheet you'll see a gray sheet number for eighty dollars you can't touch them for less than two hundred i mean there are certain dates where gray sheet or price guides don't give them credit what can't did the rarity of the coin exceeds what the numbers are in here here's and this was a cool one that i that i found well he had it in there this is a patent coin chinese packing coins now patent for those who don't know is let's say we made the indian head penny maybe prior to that we had the flying eagle penny and he wanted to keep making the flying eagle penny and somebody came up with a penny that had an indian head on it or it was facing right or it was facing left the ones that weren't accepted are not really thrown out they were rejected but their patents their trial pieces that didn't pass and this was a patent coin japan the book says 2400 on this i just like this one is higher than the book this had 2400 and i didn't have the heart to write 2 400 i just cut the price now when you see a number like that on a patent coin from china there's probably not 10 of these there's got to be a very very low mintage of those i mean it's you know like i said some seriously rare stuff here here's another one malta i just think these are so cool looking the order of malta is super nice let's that's much more around my price range i could actually afford this one here's another cool piece austrian states iceberg italia this is big these are big crown size coins um this is 1805. now i was going to send this one in this is an au but then i noticed that there's a hole there's a hole at 12 o'clock there's a hole at six o'clock somebody drilled both ends now i don't know if this was mounted in a metal with a ribbon you know in those days everybody wore all these ribbons they thought they were russian generals or whatever it might have been and the uh whatever i priced it a quarter i pressured i went from an au for details rim damage cleaned to a net vf plus 349. that's reasonable i mean it's just it's just a cool big coin that is cool here's another coin this these aren't this coin isn't part of the set that i had bought this one i had had prior these are all from the set or 225 no this one wasn't from the set i believe i got this myself because i bought another collection six months ago they had some cool coins in it the other thing about this coin here look okay this says scratched okay so it says net 475. here's the cool thing this coin does not list above an extra fine there's no listing and no price above extra fine and this is an au 60. well it's an unk-60 i mean 60. wow this isn't supposed to exist but you have it but i got one so i figured it's only fair to say well it's got to scratch but it's got to be worth at least as much as an extra fine yeah for a coin that's not supposed to rate that high you have the one and only yeah probably the best looking coin of the entire that's that's kind of amazing this famous german coin it's a famous chairman one yeah it makes it famous well this is one of the coins they made for the pride of germany kind of idea when they were coming out of the uh having to pay reparations for world war one uh starting to get their pride back starting to build an army which didn't lead to anything good um pretty famous coin once again that coin is uh it says clean but you know it's both beautiful remember coin grading is subjective yeah it is subjective and you balance some things out i'm trying to figure out if they cleaned it why they didn't clean it all the way you know i mean my goodness it seems like it's not really even clean to me but hey i'm not a i'm not an expert look at this i got a german coin i'm sending in that's about a third of the size of that it's from 1700 i think it's nuremberg i'm getting it certified comes back certified you'll get to see it it's like the size of a sesame seed how what practicality did that have that's gold i think i've had boogers bigger than that look at how small those are this not too bad you get the california gold 25 cent is about that big uh but these other coins are one-third the size of that with how expensive gold is i mean for like now like nowadays imagine like that imagine how like in your head you would be the whole time going like please don't drop this money out of my pocket there's no holes in my pocket exactly exactly and just like you go from one end of an extreme to another giant coins and you have this little gold that's some cool stuff now we go to the other stuff we got more yeah i got remember this thing had i think this collection had 200 000 coins probably 20 000 and a lot of it is loose um i put this tray together of big stuff i moved here some more to loose leaves different countries and dates some of this stuff you may recognize from being on the other side i just needed to decorate you know dedicate some shelves still got your your pocket watches yeah i think i moved over look at the size of this just this china you'll wear that around your neck no thanks pull the string off your swing now that that'd be a weapon yeah trying to keep my my neck intact i think it's made out of right there it's probably made of brass bronze brass the book will tell you now that's china here's japan basically of the same era that's at the end of this of the samurai the samurai where i believe outlawed in 1866 1868 somewhere in there no more samurai had to disband them okay they wanted well they wanted to come into the modern times and you couldn't have people walking around seeing how sharp their sword was by cutting off the head of a peasant not good got bad press you know it's you know i'm talking about you talk about some things you see now there's that's the truth i mean i just cut the head off a guy and say well am i sure my sword is sharp enough but that's how you found out yeah that's well that's what that was the end of the samurai oh don't be their friend that's chinese now look at this coin i have a few of these this is afghanistan 1896 details not that heavy but this is one and a third ounces of silver it's a big hunk of a coin it is that's why you need these big crown size holders look at that wow afghanistan that's a good-looking coin though yeah i'll bet you in high grades it was pretty cool i bet but you know what what did that buy you what that's got afghanistan is not a notoriously wealthy country and i've got to believe you could buy a camel for three of those or i don't know that's a lot of silver you might be able to buy a herd of camels is that right i heard how the camels work in groups flock afghanistan is something people need to look out for mexican coins in the mid 1990s the ones that are buy metal i think it's 9345 they made a silver the center that's a half an ounce of silver the smaller ones are a quarter ounce silver i mean they're silver so that's a coin that was up to fourteen dollars and now it's worth 11 in silver but still got a silver value yeah and it's kind of cool i found a few of those i like that um this is french revolution 1790 that's a metal that's so cool 1790 it's amazing how you can price history that's so old for so cheap i mean anybody can get involved in this stuff which is i got a whole box of metals over there that i haven't even i don't even look at yet i mean these are not these are not trinket metals these are pretty cool stuff a lot of it's older they commemorate different things they're not tokens these are just cool metals um yeah that's what i had to move around very cool mr guy i see your flag behind you amen you're into that patriotic those colors don't run those colors don't i don't kneel for anyone there you go my man um that's what we have god bless america god bless america mr guy listen i greatly appreciate you showing us this stuff all your foreign stuff to me is it's wild that you've come to somewhat of a closure on that stuff we're getting down to it we talked i think before when we originally started that it would take you about two weeks to go through it how long did it actually take you still doing it i mean i still haven't finished canada i have a box of canadian proof sets i got a box of british proof sets i sorted some of the min sets and proof sets to european countries i've done the overview of everything more or less and um here's where we are you know i'm like the phase now where i have to resort some of the boxes because people are calling for countries they may want switzerland but they're willing to buy a bunch of swiss silver coins so i've got to figure them out and pull them apart i you know i figured there's about five stages i'm at five number three four will be the last stage and stage five is just sitting back and moving and waiting for the next collection to come in right on yeah just waiting for the next one to come in mr guy people always ask me um like hey when is the next coin guy video going to be uh let's let's give those people some some like some help because they need some help because they're having addiction to coin guy do you think there'll be another coin guy video after this i am pretty sure at some point yeah when we get down to where i can show you empty boxes [Laughter] you'll always have something new coming into your shop there's always something new there's always something to talk about so that's the love of the game as long as you allow me to i'll keep coming back once in a while and we'll see how you've been doing i'll tell you something that happened the other day it's not only something new it's something interesting i had a young girl come in and she was selling me a bunch of coins and she's wearing a mask and i look at her she looks like she's 16 years old and i said i need some kind of id you got to be 18. she said this is my daughter i'm 44 years old 44 i mean from her nose up she looks 16 blonde hair small i mean the woman next to her looked at it and said he made your day didn't he certainly did but i'll be honest with you she looked if it was a robbery i'd say the person robbed me was a teenager 44 something new the mascot it was amazing but i wish everybody stay healthy stay safe and get out and vote get out and vote yes sir thank you mr guy god bless america thank you bye-bye bye-bye
Channel: SpegTacular
Views: 118,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: local coin shops near me, coin guy youtube, coin shop, coin shop interview, interview with a coin shop owner, beginning coin collecting, coin collecting tips for beginners, massive coin hoard, epic coin collection, best coin shop, coins of the world collection, world coin collection album, silver world coins, german coin collection, silver and gold coins, selling gold and silver coins, coin guy store, coin shop tour, best gold and silver coins to buy, coin guy on tv, mexican coins
Id: yJ98etBWbp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 2sec (3602 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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