I Found the Worst Stardew Spouse Tier List

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I think I might have found the worst stardew Valley Bachelor tier list ever I was scrolling through my Discord the other day and someone said this article and just said review this article and bring it to shame and what I found was far worse than I could have ever imagined from Leah to Penny all stardew Valley romance options ranked in my mind from Leah to Penny okay that feels like a pretty reasonable ranking penny in last place Lee in first I could understand see that you know what I'm saying feels like a very fair ranking so I was like bring it to shame all right let's scroll down first of all this is gonna go from worst to best so in worst place we'd expect to see someone like I don't know Elliot or Penny I could even see somebody going for an Alex or a Haley you know what I mean I see a world where that exists okay well I did not expect taking a look at this article in was the whole reason I wanted to check this out in the first place was for number 12 to be Leah who is Far and Away the most popular Bachelor option in the entire game but you know what let's hear him out let's hear him out let's hear him out maybe her incredible story you know the fact that she's one of the only actual adults she can date you know let's hear him out let's hear let's hear what they have to say Lee is one of the most popular romance options in stardew Valley and it's easy to see why okay yeah you got me so far she's creative loves nature and has great hair but for everything good about Leah there's a lot of bad too she has the most baggage out of the marriage cannons mainly her problems with her ex Kel Leah has some issues she talks about the difficulties of making money but lacks the initiative to publicly sell her art without the player's intervention at the same time she refuses to pursue like her eggs pursuing Leah would come with the risk of her running away if life gets too real which is exactly what she did to kill literally ghost ridden by Gail this is insane I don't even think I can address everything that's wrong with this in a million years I can't even wrap my head around guys if anything bad has ever happened to you in your life if you you know have overcome a traumatic event and you're working through that you are Unworthy of Love apparently and you suck you're insufferable and your issues will never be Intermountain you shoot when I when people like hate on Leia it's like really base level things like you know what I don't find her too interesting she's not like very funny I love that they're just like no she should listen to her abusive boyfriend all right let's go to the next one you know what guys maybe there'll be some Redemption here maybe the rest of the article will be a sincere apology to Leah or it'll be an admission that he is Kell all right let's scroll down Elliot okay I'm also non-eliat fan Ellie it's probably my least favorite Bachelor but hold the phone sometimes it's not important what they say it's important why they say it all right in many ways Elliot is the male counterpart to Leah which makes these are slightly better he's another creative who has great hair unlike Leah though he doesn't come with much bag in general he's optimistic and passionate but can come across as pretentious okay agreed he's very good data's writing which is admirable but his singular Focus doesn't leave as much room for a genuine connection to be made overall your player feels more like an artistic inspiration for Elliot than a friend or a partner you know what did not agree with the first point this is this has some points to be made I understand what they're saying where it's like you feel like more of an object to Elliot than an actual partner I could see that I do not like Ellie I do think his 1400 event really redeems him where he's like riding home to you but sometimes I do feel like people just feel like objects to him so I see where this guy's coming from all right what's he got next what's he's got next this has got I'm very scared for when Shane pops up Harvey why is this so Random all right Harvey certainly has some charm he's a dorky doctor that cares about everyone's Health throughout his story Harvey becomes close to you and is able to confide in you why does this article feel like it was written by chat GB team Harvey is a guy and doctors heal people however Harvey seems a bit too awkward less confident and over concerned to be a good partner he gets shaken up very easily and clings to you a little too much for his support a doctor getting his patient raised some ethical concerns as well what what kind of ethical concern oh I guess they mean like when you pass out in the mines I don't think I even necessarily disagree with Harvey being this low I just feel like I disagree with the reasoning he seems a little too awkward and he's not confident unlike me I'm a giga Chad who tells my ex-girlfriend to stop making her stupid art I I love this immediate contradiction too he shares his passion and fears and cares enough about you to get out of his comfort zone however he's too awkward and less confident like you just said yourself that he's a but despite him his awkwardness and the fact that he's not confident he tries to be not awkward and get out of his comfort zone what let's go to the next one bro I I don't like this I don't like this guys I don't like that Mario's this low for me Mario is top three easily but not for this guy I feel like she just gets so much hate for no reason she's fun she got a cool job she's interesting her scenes are really funny is this listen referred stage order no because Emily would be about down here Maru is a sweet and intelligent girl she's got a great job as a nurse for the town's Clinic don't worry guys dating your doctor super unethical dating a nurse couldn't give a crap less complete indifference Mario shows romantic interest in you early on but things always get in the way of her confessing her feelings there's a bit of drama with her dad Demetrius as well at first he doesn't seem to trust you I think you're good enough for Morrow but you're eventually able to win her over and see how much you've inspired her the real issue with Mario isn't her dad it's the lack of depth to your interactions with her you're more like an observer of her Brilliance and a partner and are left wanting more from her story okay I am going to immediately disagree with this because literally top five hard events in the entire game for me maru's sixth heart event you're out there looking through the telescope I don't know I thought that was such romantic scene where you guys are looking at the stars together not for this guy though I don't know I really like Marvel a lot and I feel like she never gets the props that she deserves moving on Penny oh I'm excited to see what this guy's got Penny sits in a tough spot she's a great girl who's kind selfless and smart but she is a lot of personal issues too I can't stand this guy I can't stand it is there anything in this character's you know profile that makes them you know interesting or dynamic that means they are just stupid her mother pair is an unemployed alcoholic and the two live in a small messy trailer randomly Penny's not happy with her life when you go through Penny's story you want to help her however it's hard to break through her guard once she lets you in though she's a dedicated and caring partner with a little emotional openness Penny would be one of the best marriage candidates in the game this is crazy okay I'm not a huge penny guy either I'll be honest but I I like it's not even what they say it's why they say it I just can't get behind this Shane and I knew this was cut I knew this was coming I'm excited for this I'm excited for everything he's got to say on this out of all of the marriage candidates Shane is probably the most messed up he's depressed to Sidle and copes with alcohol but his growth of this person in the connection you make throughout his story make him one of the better romance options now okay I know I haven't read the full article yet but why does scrolling back every other person say you know Leah she's got too much baggage Penny her life is a little too messed up but then Shane his struggles he you know his struggles with alcohol his depression that makes the connection you grow like even stronger like why does he get this pass but nobody else does Shane is standoffish at first but by his first heart event he already seems to have a fondness for you Shane's Journey makes him one of the most more compelling marriage candidates in stardew Valley but he's certainly not perfect either why why is he not what what's the reasoning like I agree with what this guy's saying but it's just in the context of everything else that he said it makes no sense like Penny she's got she's got an alcoholic mother but Shane who's an alcoholic himself that makes it more interesting and dynamic like yes that you're right but not in with everything else you've said this whole time Abigail now this is really surprising to me they've left like all of the worst people for last you're telling me that Sam and Emily are in the top five here okay if you say so Abigail may be the most popular marriage candidate and for some pretty obvious reasons She's Every high school dorked dream girl bro you guys are just got yeah demolished oh my God hold this fat L chat Kell is pulling out the punches on this one Abigail is a quirky goth gamer girl who's strong and adventurous however she struggles with getting her parents to understand and respect her wishes she's a little immature argumentative and afraid to let her feelings be known okay these all sound like things that make an interesting character but no keep going keep going ultimately though she'd do anything for you even kill monsters I'm pretty sure the only negative that this guy brought up was that if you like her you're a freaking dweeb man this is literally just like a summary of who she is okay Alex I knew this is coming my boy okay first of all before I'm even reading any of this Penny not penny I'm sorry Leah her ex-boyfriend is just always set telling her what's right Alex though his mom died which makes him cool that that makes him cool that that trauma is awesome actually when you meet Alex you'd be forgiven for thinking he's just an empty headed jock but once you get to know know him you'll uncover quite a lot of depth to his character Alex father is an abusive alcoholic who banned him and his mother his mother later became ill and passed away leaving Alex live with his grandparents Alex has a lot of trauma and self-doubt which we know is just a terrible sign overall from his child and believes becoming a professional gridwell player will prove his worth over time though Alex Lawrence is more self-worth than Sports Fame throughout his story you connect a lot with Alex you discuss life dreams family and fears it doesn't even sound like he's saying anything nice about Alex I mean I love Alex because his story is so interesting and like watching him change is so fun to watch I feel like he is a generally nice person I just love that this trauma's awesome and other traumas is the I want to see this guy's trauma tearless all right let's go next Sebastian I could see that he's like probably number four for me Sebastian is an introverted shot and smoker who likes computers and motorcycles he's a less than perfect relationship with his family and feels overshadowed by his genius half-sister Maro his heart events are unique in the game too you play through a tabletop RPG and take a trip outside stardew Valley in his motorcycle the story gives you a genuine feeling that the two of you come close and are actually spending time together a lot of the other magic candidates don't give the same impression agreed Sebastian definitely has the most time spent on his hard events the fact that he has an entire D campaign is like damn concerned ape really like popped off on that but I like Sebastian I feel like I agree with this although Sebastian can be closed off and has some family issues stop shut shut up about the baggage man stop talking about the bike you sound like a TSA Employee man just shut up deep down he's a caring person who trusts and love you has a solid career as a freelance computer programmer uh I mean like I agree I agree with this but it's just the context like I said this this trauma stuff is just so weird to me now this this has to be pissed this is I do not like Sam at all okay I find him so mind-numbingly boring but you know what guys no trauma no trauma so you know he's feeling good he's feeling fine you know actually I mean everything with tent that should make him unlovable guy Sam is a good person who deeply cares about his family he's a positive optimistic guy and treats you with kindness from the very beginning some people Shane is immature and there's a bit of truth to this I agree he lets others take the fall for him when he makes mistakes tries to hide relationship with you from his mother however in many ways Sam is more mature than initially thought he works at JoJo Martin takes care of his little brother to help his mother he's also one of the few romance options that work after marrying you this dude has a such a weird relationship with employment I don't know why he keeps bringing that up uh he doesn't want to depend on you for everything and not contribute to the family so he gets a job composing music for a children's TV show overall Sam's a hard-working kind and family oriented person I feel like I have I like Sam more than I probably let on with my initial interaction like I just said a couple minutes ago like because I do like his stuff with like Vincent and stuff but like he's just like so milk toast to me like and I understand not contributing to the family just so weird alright Haley now I'm gonna be honest guys in my and I know who this means number one is and I don't we'll get there but I've had sort of like a change of heart on Haley since I made my initial marriage candidate tearless like so long ago okay Haley look people are very hyped on Haley you know they're like Haley changes are like once you get to know her that's what I think a lot of you normies think I do not like Haley really because of that I'm gonna throw in the seat here that was a really long time ago and like things changed my opinions have changed and I've played like a bunch more stardew Valley since then I actually have more of a positive opinion on Haley than ancient thought like I used to have her like ranked all the way at the bottom of my tier list but I like her a little bit more now I feel like Haley comes across establish and superficial when you first meet her she seems to only care about shopping and oh my God oh my God this guy's awesome this guy's just awesome she seems to only care about shopping and says she hates living in stardew Valley although as you get to know her she changes a lot she starts donating her clothes and comes to really appreciate her home and Community she makes an effort to spend more time Outdoors connects with her sister and generally appreciates everything in life more so Haley starts out as rude and dismissive but becomes one of the kindest women in stardew Valley she's affectionate caring and shows Margaret that most of the marriage candidates I I don't know it feels weird to me where it's like like I like Haley but like I feel like the reasons are weird where it's like but then as you get to know her she learns to listen to you and just do it do what you ask her to do it's like whoa okay man it's like a rule but you know it resonates with everything that we've seen so far um all right this has gotta be this is insane to me let me read what he has to say first but Emily that's my Emily take Emma I don't think I've ever met anyone who likes Emily the best in her in my entire life this is this is kind of strange to me manic pixie girlfriend sweet okay out of all the marriage candidates in stardew Valley Emily seems to have her life together the best she's reliably employed confident and genuinely loves life what's with all this focus on employment it's so weird she's a lovely woman oh she's a lovely woman tries to help others and survives a bear encounter with you she brings an ouch [Music] she brings no drama jerbeck drama or baggage I was literally joking that this guy was gonna bring that up and it's literally his main reason just love and appreciation for you she's not an interesting character she doesn't have anything to say but she is employed and has no problems that you have to deal with guys so that makes her worthy of your love Emily doesn't need to get her life in order because she's already there and more ready for a relationship than anyone else in the valley if you're looking for a sweet loving woman to marry you need to choose Emily the best romance option of the stardew valley this is so goddamn weird to me Emily I find Emily extremely boring I feel like her character is just so such a nothing Burger to me like I'm just like okay everything she says I'm like all right like her scenes are just like so cobbled together to me it's very obvious that she was like a the last marriage Canada and then like she said that parrot scene and then we forget about the parrot and then she's like doing the weird dancing scene where you go to heaven and then like clothing therapy and it's like oh what the hell is going on there's no consent efficiency or through lying to this character she's like trying out a bunch of weird crud all the time but you know what she does bring no drama back like I just don't understand why Haley having like a character Arc makes her interesting but Emily not having a character Arc also makes her interesting which one's true yeah and he didn't talk about crobus oh this line I wanna I I want to put on a t-shirt she brings no drama or baggage just love and appreciation for you here's my thoughts on this article this guy is clearly going through something I I don't know what and then there's just no like consistency like sometimes not having baggage makes you boring but sometimes it makes you undesirable but sometimes it makes you interesting it's just so weird in conclusion no Hate to this guy but why did you do this why did you write this I don't like it tomorrow's last you should be horrible okay guys we can sit here and talk day and night about who we all like best in marriage candidates and the takeaway should not be this guy ranks the marriage carrier it's wrong it should be his reasonings are weird and I don't and it makes me uncomfortable I I don't freaking understand this I I don't know I don't get it [Music]
Channel: Seanie Dew
Views: 220,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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