I Found the Worst Stardew Guide Ever Created

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[Music] I occasionally like to search the internet for things and the other day I found this article on gamerant.com stardew Valley 13 ways to make big money and you know I thought this sounds very interesting to me I am a stardew valley professional one might say I've titled a YouTube video of that and gotten no real comments about it so I'm just gonna say that I'm a sturdy Valley Professional for now I was checking out this thing and I was like you know I could use this knowledge what if I could make a video on this I was searching through the article I was like you know there's a lot of things here they're just not really adding up for me what I'm trying to say guys chat is that this is a poorly written article that that was the point of this all because whenever I make a video like this I always get the same comments stardew Valley's a casual game you should enjoy it however you want I agree I agree that you should do that but if you're gonna come out here and say these are the 13 ways to not just make money okay we're not just making money chat we're making big money okay you better back this up with a source my sources that I made it the [ __ ] up so I'm gonna go through this give my honest takes and you know I'm gonna even try and test out some of these methods to see you know are these legitimate strategies and I'm just being pessimistic crops are key to becoming rich in the game okay I'm with you let's go to the first thing and this first thing is really the whole reason I wanted to stream about this the whole reason I wanted to show everybody this keep in mind 13 ways to make big big money what do you guys think is number one if you decide to take a guess I doubt that your guess would be use well you know what let's let's hear them out first let's hear him out first before I get into my what I think let's hear let's hear what they say maple syrup is one decent way of making money since it's only ever used in a few recipes it could be sold 200 gold add for the Tapper has been attached to a maple tree for nine days oh Chris it is still valuable for kegs and is best kept it can still fetch a solid price of 150 gold this just like had me spinning like I said I want to give him the bend for the doubt so I am going to load into stardo so I'm now going to fill an entire farm with tappers and maple syrup and you know let's just let's just see how it goes so I'm using Snappy cheats now um and I'm attempting to fill my entire farm with maple trees having first is faster you're definitely right now I think about it [Music] the farm has officially been completely covered now I'm just gonna sleep a bunch and then hopefully that this all grows that's my true hope Johnny click one and two I don't know why I felt for that I don't know why I fought for that on the number pad oh oh my God what the heck this is crazy [Music] yes rise rise trees rise one by one how am I gonna put tappers on all these trees it's gonna be extremely hard to see them all okay I'm just gonna assume that there's always places and then I'm not missing a single tree I think I got them all and if not I don't care all right now we sleep for nine days nine days which means you can do three of these harvests in a month in a season you can Harvest these three times okay now let us get this maple syrup oh gosh Marnie Marnie get out of here okay I can already see that I missed a couple oh I missed this whole chunk up here this is a lot of maple syrup this is the reality that the person that game rant wants alright now let's see how many Maple syrups we got and how much we can sell it for [Music] after all was said and done I'm sitting oh how am I gonna get to the shipping bin okay I'm sitting here with 772 maple syrup and that is after covering the entire Beach Farm in trees and tappers that would take 7720 pieces of copper ore which if you buy that on year one that would cost 75 G okay we need 770 20 times 75 so we're starting out at negative half a million and don't forget 40 wood per Tapper as well okay 772 times 40 we need 30 000 pieces of wood which is around three hundred thousand so add that with five seven nine zero zero zero not even including the the 700 maple seeds we're gonna need we will we will be out of the hole 900 000 G that is nearly 1 million G just to set this up we're starting at negative nine hundred thousand so let's see how much we made after a single batch [Music] that is 150 000 G six times six times you would need to do this before you would even not make money make your money back and then every nine days you will make a hundred fifty thousand G point and keep in mind this will take hours I don't even know where you would get all these maple seeds case in point this is beyond stupid there's got to be the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard in my entire life to sell maple syrup this is a real person who wrote this in what world was that would that even make sense your entire Farm's gonna be covering freaking tappers you're sitting there in the army of maple syrup freaking no like you can't even walk this is so dumb did I do that all just to prove that one point yeah basically but I I thought it was worth it orange goods are often not the best in terms of price but they can be made even better by refining them a regular Wild Plum seed sells for adg but its jelly price is bumped up to 210 gold per jar it can be found during The Fall season salmonberry is by far the worst in terms of price with one berries selling for five gold and it's jelly selling for 60 Gold I don't even think I need to show this to you guys the fact that they used this screenshot of all these preserved jars even if you go out every single day in Autumn and you look for wild plums throughout an entire season you'll get maybe like 25 plums at most which is gonna give you a whopping profit of like 4 000 gold in what world could you have this many wild plums for one season I'm not Farm shaming you can make your farm however you want this guide is saying these are the best ways to make big money okay next up set of a fish fun to make aged row fish ponds I look I've heard like mixed things about them my thing is that they take up so much space man okay you could easily put like 10 crystallariums in that space and like make like triple profits so I never understood this I read this article beforehand and this was the moment where I realized this was one of the most well written pieces of literature ever created have multiple fish if you truly believe this is a good tip you should not have to say have multiple fish spots yeah we got that we blobfish and lava you are the most profitable in terms of aged row but having a sturgeon is the only way to get caviar which is why it's recommended one to get as well this is the same sentence that was just said right here it's the same exact sentence we got it it's dude but quickly I must be wrong because look at this this person says 3 million g off of this one piece of Ink nEXt is mining for gemstones and artifacts now keep in mind I will say conclusively the best way to make money if you're not if you don't want to use crops the best way to make money in 30 values to go to mines without a doubt like iridium is like insanely profitable like any sort of bars right they could be on the right track here okay this could be turning a quarter find ladders ASAP and avoid combat if possible the best floors are past 120. oh are they are the best floors past 120 in the mine what's unchecked this is the last floor on 420. it's unless there's some sort of secret movement code I need to be putting in I I don't know where this foot I mean you know what let's try it let's try it guys all right let's get to these forbidden floors I'm suitable location maybe they're talking about like School Caverns but I have no idea I'm hitting up 445 guys that's where it's all at fishing for the big catch oh yeah okay now we're talking I'd like to fish for the big cash baby even fish don't suffer that much on their end some dishes that use fish can be worth a lot okay this is this is valid this is valid guys okay W for game rant game rant takes a w I don't think that fishing is super sustainable but this is this is a valid tip okay w w let's go game rant pulled it back together Pro tip of fishing is using hard but it's a good tip too okay hold on guys hold on guys if fishing it's hard to use crab pots that's a good tip that's a good tip are we seeing did M Night Shyamalan write this article because I am seeing one of the most the best twists in cinematic history right now this is this is becoming a good tip let's see what they got next forage for wild good immediate fumble the immediate fumble they had it immediately down the drain if you're if you're against crops that's okay but like if this is the point you get to in stardew valley where you're just like walking around selling things off the ground that's like your way of making buying your golden clock your golden clock is going to be financed by foreign blackberries you need to play a different game you just this is just not the game for you man you you need to you're just there's something fundamentally that you don't enjoy about stardew Valley yeah wait also this does this is contradicting the other tip they said before because I'm supposed to be putting all my forged Goods in to preserve jars I thought now I'm just supposed to sell them straight up but this is the same exact tip I didn't even notice what am I supposed to do game rant am I selling them straight up or am I am I putting them in preserved jars okay I don't know what I'm supposed to do here have beehives make honey okay now I know a lot of people swear by beehives I hate beehives and I think they're stupid but you know if you get fairy Rose going like they can be okay you know what I mean okay we're seeing some stagnation whatever our beehives are fine creatures in mind monsters with the best loot drops are between floors 81 and 19. hold on hold on what about what about all the floors past 120 what about for 130 okay you said that's where all the best mining stuff is with luck players can get diamonds Prismatic shards and void Essence for a whopping 50g but don't worry some monsters even drop dwarf Scrolls do you guys know how much the dwarf scroll sells for you think a dork scroll sells for chat what's your hypothesis if you're a fan of certain value Pro you probably know this it is but one measly [Music] gold one gold that is it some monsters even drop dwarf Scrolls I I refuse to believe that this is serious once again we must test our theories look I could sit here all day but I gotta put my money where my mouth is okay chat I gotta post up let's test out what a day of combat will give to us on these elusive floor 81s through 119. all right we got to go to this elusive 481 and just start rocking with the enemies okay no enemies so far oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh okay I want to put every whoa we already got two void Essences Chad hold on I would love if like I actually do this after like being a complete [ __ ] this entire time and I make like a bunch of money off of this but I oh guys you're you're actually capping right now dwarf scroll three we're good we're about to be we're about to be off on a a tear okay [Music] okay let's sell everything that we've made in the mines after a full day of mining we went all the way from floor 81 to 121. that's so everything we found just focusing purely on combat that's what this was all about let's see where we ended up chat here comes the money all right what do we what are we working with here chat 8 000 G that is a lot more than I thought okay the void Essences actually sold for like 3 000 Golds okay I mean that's that's honestly more than I thought it was gonna be okay I was wrong but this is a lot that's actually a lot more money than I was expecting okay maybe I'm the [ __ ] this is not awful honestly well now I just feel mean for ranking on them so hard keep in mind though this is with my end game equipment where I was killing everything in one hit you know okay I stand down I was wrong Chad it's not a terrible advice I mean the door scroll part was look maybe I'm just mean maybe I'm just mean guys yeah I'm just a jerk before we move on to this next part I want to apologize look that that was that was pretty good money more money than I was expecting given I had a burglar ring attached and I was using the infinity gavel but still that was you know that wasn't terrible money the void Essence thing was kind of legitimate so I'm sorry to this article I'm sorry to game rant this next tip is sell extra resources it's easy to hoard resources like wooden Stone however selling what one doesn't need can make a decent sum of gold the the tip is sell your extra wood and stone which is funny because like I feel like in most end game players Farms what you're doing is buying massive amounts of of wood and stone like for various projects you need like kegs or like crystallariums like you're usually buying or staircases you're buying huge amounts of these things so that you can craft them never should you have extra of these things anyway here's my review of this article game rant I game ran if you're seeing this video if you're seeing this video email me and I will I will I will do I'll do it for free I will write I will rewrite this article for you and I will do it for free if you if you're somehow seeing this video please I I and I it'll be some Banger tips okay I'll give you the best of the best we got crystallarium farming we got you know Jade for staircases we're talking we're talking kegs we're talking casks we're talking hit me up email is open shoot me a Discord message I'll write this I'll do it for free literally for free okay hit me up [Music] all right [Music]
Channel: Seanie Dew
Views: 582,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LnhfCwV0758
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 03 2022
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