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hmm that's really weird huh what's weird whoa what's that what's that weird what's going on why is there a crowd the villagers are just standing around they're watching what is it i don't know hmm wait this sign says do not enter i guess it's off limits oh wait is that an elevator huh it is the sign says do not enter but i want to take a look around and see what's going on up there what if there's some super cool treasure inside let's go jj but what about the sign forget it okay can i pull the lever i wonder what'll happen three two one whoa cool we're going up it really is an elevator it works wow check it out no way what a view how far does this thing go oh we made it i found something treasure let's open it yeah ready what is it wooden swords that's it it's not much but it's better than nothing this must be the first treasure let's go to the top yeah parkour watch out for the husk oh careful i got him oh awesome what's next let's go go jj oh got him attaboy jj good job keep going you can do it huh it's an elevator oh another one i bet there's something even better than a wooden sword at the top yeah come on it looks like there are more elevators and they're only getting better the first one was dirt this one is stone you're right i'll hit the switch mikey sounds good thank you whoa we're so high up we're in the clouds hang on a second mikey watch out pillagers huh they're not shooting mikey they're taking aim careful we should see what's in the box mikey whoa grab some got it i need to gear up come on hurry okay i think we're supposed to fight back with our bows and arrows take that pillager right there one down nice i missed got him oh i got the last one cool yay i got him good job mikey we beat them all wait wait why you can't cross there that was close i can't make that jump hold on i see an iron elevator over there really an iron one oh i think that in order to get over there we need to hit the big target yeah like a challenge we have to shoot the bullseye right in the middle the center is the only part that counts mikey just the middle i'm pumped from hitting that last husk can i go first yeah of course you got this i'm gonna hit it dead center go what huh you missed mikey try again okay right in the middle those zombies fell out of nowhere attacked them you have to save me i know eat a golden apple jj it's okay i'm eating a golden apple whoa oh man oh well it's seriously not safe to miss let's be careful my confidence didn't respond with me you do it okay let's do it whoa what that was cool good job jj nice fireworks it spawned a platform for us cool hitting the bullseye makes fireworks every time yay we did it okay what next i found something a treasure chest three two one open there are potions of swiftness in here should i drink it wait doesn't that look like a tnt dash challenge yeah the potion should make it easy right sure let's give it a shot down the hatch am i faster now let's find out here goes nothing look at me go jj oh i made it hurry up okay i'll try to whoa i feel super fast now here i go it's so fun ready [Music] that was awesome didn't that feel incredible yep wow there's even more parkour above us there's more let's go straight to the top there must be more goodies up there can i pull it sure great whoa now we're moving we're so high above the clouds what's next i bet there's awesome treasure i can't believe how high we're getting right now awesome this is a pretty long elevator ride yeah we're here let's check out the treasure sure the chest comes first open what's this sweet ironing pistols i guess so what's up oh hang on it shoots blocks what really cool awesome oh it looks like we need to parkour but those gaps are too big to jump it's too far i think we're supposed to use the guns yeah like this amazing now make a bridge let's do it oh this is fun let me try this is cool wow this is so amazing let's go nice oh yeah made it oh skeletons oh this is scary watch out whoa hang on there's armor in here great let's put it on okay hey look i found an anvil i think we need to make copies of it really we can adjust our guns so that they fire anvils you're right let's shoot them up here try it yeah wow nice it worked keep going you try to mikey sure let's get a bit closer go for it oops i missed oh good shot bam hey it hit me come back i'll be right there all right oh hey mikey what's up hi next is look at those skeletons mikey what's that it's bad news mikey it's a pile of skeletons ouch they shot me hang on let's see what's in this chest careful oh look what i found tnt whoa really now to copy the tnt copy it see that redstone yeah we need to fire the tnt at it really oh it worked whoa you can do that cool oh i get it nice three to go shoot it jj whoa they're firing back get them these guys are tough [Music] got him what a cool gun you can say that again another chest oh you're right let's open it there huh awesome what a haul there are golden apples and a full set of diamond armor wow netherright swords amazing i also have some good news for you mikey i think we're almost at the top doesn't that look like a diamond elevator let's go jj we have to clear this first parkour come on you first wow i'm talented today hurry up jj yes this is the final elevator right it's made out of diamonds look we're insanely high up wow here's the top i bet there's treasure it has to be time to go ready whoa we're going up wow look at that what could be up there i can't wait there must be goodies inside we're here what it's just a house treasure we came all this way for a house i guess well let's go in open the door okay i will whoa back up why weird what now that's a ravager eat your golden apple mikey snack time get them let's fight it's strong go netherrite swords we did it yay you're amazing jj yeah we got him wow do we get treasure now there's gotta be look we found two chests who opened it okay huh it's empty there's nothing but how oh well there's really no treasure well let's check the other chest hmm it looks like we got a redstone link and a lever what for let's set it all up then we can pull the lever and find out let's try it i think it fits together like this with the barriers here that must be how it goes all right it's time to pull the lever really here goes nothing what now three two one whoa hey what's this what the whoa for some reason the entire building is moving mikey that's crazy awesome this house is practically a roller coaster that's the coolest thing ever we're moving how is this possible i don't know what a view huh you fell out mikey are you okay climb down wait for me almost there whoa did you land i just did mikey i fell but how was it it was great wow now there's a house down here i've never seen anything like it well today we rode some elevators and we found a house yep then we brought the house down to the ground if you enjoyed this video please like and subscribe bye for now thanks for watching bye if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter instagram and tick tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 6,586,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: c8N6tFcUF3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2022
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