Minecraft, But With Only Half a Heart

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let's get started today we're playing an unforgiving ruthless version of our usual gameplay it's gonna be a real challenge oh no what makes it so hard we're playing a high-stakes game of half-heart survival mode you're right i only have half a heart that's right our goal is to try and survive with only a tiny bit of health just one fall one accidental bump from each other really anything at all will end us in a single hit we're gonna have to play very very carefully we can't be reckless mikey we have to be smart wow this is no joke just one slip up and it'll be game over let's play it safe the first rule of survival is to collect wood let's do our best just make sure i'm not close when you cut down a tree i don't want to get hit get back this is my tree go cut your own jj okay mikey i mean it let's try to put some space between us and do our best even with low hearts sure first things first we need to collect a lot of wood after that there's something else that's very important what is it we need food all right take this if we starve we're done for yeah if we take any hunger damage it'll hit us with a one-hit game over that sounds like a terrible way to go yep that's scary you keep working on the wood mikey i'll take my pickaxe and find some stone after that we'll go get some food sure no that was close even this little drop would finish me off with fall damage i need to be careful watch your step right but i did find a cave caves are usually dangerous though yikes be careful you could fall anywhere one hit and it's all over there could be zombies and stuff down here monsters will come out at night too yep we need to be prepared i'll grab some stone you do that yeah i'm making sure you're not nearby as i cut down trees just one accident one hit and you're doomed that's right okay okay focus i should be careful when running too definitely i almost fell be careful it's too dangerous to run and jump at the same time i should get crafting what a stone sword here oh thanks that's a lot of stuff thanks it's all yours i'll make another pickaxe all right this one's for you mikey try not to hit me with it safety first we'll need a furnace too i'm curious what is that oh that that looks like an abandoned nether portal let's check it out there's a chest whoa okay when you swim don't stay underwater for too long because oh mikey watch out for the magma blocks oh be careful when you're underwater the oxygen bar goes down that's true if it hits zero you'll start taking damage and watch out for the magma blocks those will take you out too oh be careful they're everywhere i have to watch where i step [Music] yeah hey that was close but i made it safely nice job let's open it up ready yeah let's do it what's in here i hope it's something good oh flint obsidian and a fire charge there isn't anything very useful this place is scary no kidding let's go we need food mikey you go find some animals and i'll start mining for coal good idea i'm staying vigilant one fall and it's over yeah there coal oh but it's in a bad spot yikes it's a straight drop down sheesh um put that there it's dangerous but i'm putting my life on the line to get this coal this is tight where are you i'm on the side of a cliff it's really really dangerous around here oh okay all right i made it through here's a furnace and crafting table nice i'll use the cold to cook all this meat i don't think we'll run out of food but it's almost nighttime zombies can take us out in one hit the sun's almost down that's bad right maybe we should pack up and go somewhere else mikey can i have some food first yeah here thanks now let's really hurry yeah let's go this is bad the sun is setting i'm scared of falling off here that's a steep ledge yikes that's a really bad fall we're in trouble there's a skeleton oh jj i think we're running out of time just keep running it's better not to climb mikey stay as low as you can got it oh what about all this wool oh good idea straight to bed we can sleep and end the night i'm glad we can make beds hurry i made the beds here gimme thanks i'm off to bed okay we survived the first day we made it zombies may spawn but by sleeping in our beds we can avoid the night entirely hey mikey let's explore sure i bet we can find something out here hmm how about we go this way i saw a cow so i should probably harvest its meat goodbye cow this is the kind of place we need to be very careful in oh mikey check it out i'll come back this way mikey over here behind you where behind you hmm oh there you are i think i found something useful what'd you find what is it watch out really mikey don't hit me i almost chopped you down oh i think i found it too we discovered a village things will get a lot easier after this oh hang on mikey let's look around what's wrong it's safer to stay out of the forest look at the flowers stay back mikey they're just flowers stop don't get any closer why not those are sweet berries if you touch them you'll get poked and take damage what just keep that in mind stay safe no touching right got it i'll try to harvest some berries along the way we can always use more food and they're delicious oh there's a cave whoa we'll check that out later oh there are beds in here this is a big house huh wow cool there's a chest sweet we can look out over the ocean let's check out the chest what a view three two one whoa bread oh more food nice okay for now let's make this our base of operations how about we check out the other house careful how about this one a chest whoa not bad there's a lot in here oh let's look around some more let's explore stay on guard mikey stop and look there what those are more sweet berry bushes no way those are sweet berries one bump and you're done for they're bad news i'll take care of them there oh nice job that was close okay hold on i found something what is it come look what can i jump down two blocks and be okay two blocks should be fine those villagers are locked up that's weird what's going on mikey look behind you that was close campfires are dangerous careful oh a fire dangerous well let's use it watch mikey did you know that you can cook on a campfire you can do that wow it looks yummy but if you get too close you'll get hurt i'll stand back this village has so much stuff it's fun here a chest wait up i'm waiting for the meat to finish cooking oh it's done whoa be careful when you pick it up it's still dangerous i will be let's check it out three two one open whoa that's a lot of sweet berries this village is just full of them what's that let's keep exploring this is a pretty big village oh another chest what's in it let's open it whoa there's pumpkin pie and an emerald i'll be taking all of that did we clear the village we can survive here for a while totally but i don't think we can stay here forever there isn't enough food for the both of us we'll run out that's true we need a plan to be more self-sufficient yeah it's tough getting back from here let's jump in the water you're crazy if we fall in the water we won't get hurt i just want to go home it's right there i don't want to go the long way sure wait can we jump that far i'm sure it'll be fine let's do it [Music] go the water's fine if you say so [Music] whoa i did it i jumped down into the water good job let's go back home this is our base now we just cooked all our meat yep and the baked potatoes are done too yummy nice hey mikey yeah i want to get some water to make a farm i need a bucket to carry the water in but to make that happen we need some iron let's go to the cave yeah i want you to promise me one thing while we're down there what's up skeleton what where right over here huh did i imagine it is the skeleton there i don't know all they have to do is shoot us with their arrows and it's empty i must have made it up thank goodness i saw it me too run away go faster it's real oh no get to a bed mikey right let's sleep lock the door shut it got it wait hang on the skeleton followed us huh i'm going to bed all right let's sleep we still need iron yeah lots of it let's go um i do want that farm watch out mikey that skeleton is probably still alive no whoa run away mikey run this is really bad lead it over there towards the sunlight it's on fire good oh no jj what's going on don't shoot be really careful mikey why it's bad the skeleton hang on where is it there i see it can we fight it no mikey don't fight that thing still i want it gone should we come on now's our chance you want to fight it we'll need to build up some defenses yeah ready [Music] oh no it's looking at us yeah it is should we put a window here what do we do now this is pretty bad no it fired it's shooting at us it's a mean one all right this is gonna be hard hang on is that okay mikey i'm not sure that skeleton is trying to keep us inside let's go to the cave let's go if we had some iron we could beat that skeleton easily whoa too close you're lucky to be alive mikey that's another reason we need iron we can make a few shields and use them to block the skeleton's arrows sounds good let's be in and out as fast as we can good idea still no iron maybe around here watch out that's too high to fall careful how do we get down i'm making some stairs nice do you hear any zombies we need to get out of here as soon as we can make sure to light torches as we go so nothing spawns behind us i found iron i'll block it off here i see it good eye there's a lot we need to make two shields in a bucket we need five pieces there's only four here i guess we have to go deeper into the cave nope nothing no let's go i want one more piece though this way this is scary i'm starting to think this is a bad idea changing nah it'll be fine seriously we only need one more piece just one we should quit while we're ahead i have a bad feeling about this you really think we should quit but mikey we can't go back with only four pieces you're brave it's lucky we haven't seen any monsters yeah i just heard a skeleton you jinxed it i see iron go jj get it now okay leave it to me go on you can do this wait one sec what is it are you sure you want to do this i can't back down if we get that iron we don't have to be afraid anymore then do it be my eyes mikey i'm almost there just a little further where is it it's gotta be somewhere be careful there don't mind straight down i found it three blocks get back up here i'm leaving without you jj four no five that's all of it yes okay time to get out fast we made it whoa hold on mikey what about the skeleton it's gone really we're safe nice now it's time to smelt that iron yeah put it in the furnace wow we really did it [Music] i got more coal thanks well then we want to become self-sufficient so we'll need a hoe to start our farm the iron's all done so it's time to make a bucket that's really important for a farm too and a couple of shields this will make our lives a lot easier thanks this one's yours i feel safer already yeah me too equip your shield that way we can block attacks from the skeletons and now mikey to fetch water and make a farm where should it be how about here yeah this spot is perfect it's really close to the house whoa you're fast i guess we didn't need a bucket after all really [Music] that should do it this is still a good size farm i'll plant the wheat seeds here it'll be a fine wheat field and there's still space left to plant pumpkins let's do it now will go here oh got anything not yet i'll fish more that's all right [Music] the pumpkins can go here i'll plant seven that does it for our seeds good job ah maybe we can rest for a bit oh hang on that was a terrible place for a farm it's right under an overhang it won't get any sunlight that way it's dangerous but i'm gonna clear some of it away yikes that's bad and you do the other side mikey [Music] we need to be careful at night you're right run away if you hear a skeleton okay all right i think that's good enough should we call it a night mikey bedtime wow we're doing a great job at surviving this challenge huh we haven't even taken a single point of damage we built this house excuse me we mined iron and made shields and we till the farm we definitely won't be going hungry now i want to keep going at this pace we're acing it hey jj what's up i know where to go next oh you mean come on let's go yeah if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter instagram and tick tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 4,921,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: vslOo1v_txI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 08 2022
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