I found the Billionaire Pickaxe in Minecraft

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what if you were the richest player in minecraft would you buy a new house new car or this million dollar pickaxe our goal is to gather minecraft's most expensive items and upgrade to the million dollar god pickaxe villager 81 ah there he is the one the only steve wait wait wait wait i am not steve my name is preston um i don't think he's steve then who is this guy oh he's a famous youtuber famous he doesn't look like famous he's a famous dude to those crafting videos and i think i found a recipe oh what recipe could it be villager 35 here take a look i don't understand it but you might what in the heck okay what do i look like to you guys a noob don't answer that question honestly one dollar pickaxe recipe we just gotta get some sticks oh okay what is this pit this is i have the one cent pickaxe but it can break cobblestone and dead bushes so we obviously gotta go over here we gotta get a gotta get a oh okay you know it breaks cobblestone pretty fast i will say that it's it's it's busting up some cobblestone yeah now we gotta bust up some dead bushes and now it's crafting time let's put this bad boy inside of here and get ourselves the one dollar pickaxe you gotta start small and work your way up wow that worked i didn't expect that to happen the why what in the world is happening now oh i found this as well oh no great he found me another just what i wanted guys another crafting recipe what is this one now okay this one's as basic as the day i was born now i just need to get three iron ingots come on this is like child's play is it me guys or does this iron ore look very weird it and by the way it doesn't even mind that's why it looks different i'm not actually mining iron ore i'm mining iron nuggets you know it just felt weird not having the headset on guys what do you think no headset preston or headset preston comment down below i now have collected the iron ingots i believe uh excuse me nuggets required to craft this pickaxe it's gotta chuck these bad boys up in here make myself a little bit of iron ingots bam blam oh shiny tool oh look at this guys we got a four by four crafting bench this thing is legendary in minecraft i like the villagers are bantering about he's like ooh a shiny tool uh i still don't understand what's happening you will understand and also forgot to give you these oh great 17 there is 17 new crafting i don't even know what there's too many graphic recipes i think i just got one two three four five six seven seven eight that's eight new recipes all at once that's too much you know this might be the world's strangest million dollar pickaxe because in order to craft it i have to make gingerbread dough sugar chocolate is that supposed to say chocolate and flour and candy to make a pickaxe that makes no sense okay fine guys i'll keep the headset off just this one video but if you want to see it off for more videos smash that like button down below so now i've got to make sugar i never thought i'd be having to do this in minecraft i literally have to make sugar look at this recipe to make flour i got to get eggs milk sugar and i don't even know what that other one is oh that's flour oh that's to make dough so i think we gotta do guys i gotta take the wheat and i gotta throw it in here and that's how you that's that's this is great this is okay this is minecraft on a whole new level ladies and gentlemen look at that just spat out some flour at me so i think i have a i'm imagining we're gonna need quite some uh we're gonna need a lot of different flowers here so i'm going to try to get as much flour as i can and this is only for the 100 pickaxe by the way guys not to mention i have to go break rubies oh okay oh thankfully i don't need that many okay i just need like five rubies i've got enough rubies for this bad boy but i do need to make candy for this one or at least this looks like to be candy canes to me so now that i got my four candy canes i'm gonna have my crafting recipe up oh actually i didn't even need four candy canes i'm a little bit of a pleb i'm sorry there we go hundred dollar pickaxe has been created 3456 recipes and they gave you this baby i'm starting to lose my mind here yeah i feel you villager 80 35 i'm also about to lose my mind apparently villager 81 is fine he's not losing his mind but i'm definitely losing my mind guys i have so many different things in my inventory i can't even hold the new recipe they just gave me which apparently is for the 1 000 pickaxe now i've got to get gold this is ridiculous okay so after much harvesting of the gold i have a lot of gold left over ladies and gentlemen well actually i don't even have that much left over well look at this recipe this is crazy it's almost the same exact recipe as the last one but getting those gold ingots it takes forever but bam bamshka blam thousand dollar pickaxe and also look at this look at this we have a five by five crafting bench what in the heck is going on oh no and the villager just gave me a new crafting recipe the ten thousand weight ten thousand dollar sword wait did i just get a tip why do i have a ten thousand dollar sword recipe if i'm making a million dollar pickaxe recipe this is freaking me out look at this bad boy we need so many different emeralds holy cactus speaking of cactus this pickaxe kind of looks like one all right i think we have everything to make this oh wait hold on we're gonna need a little bit we're gonna need one more candy cane ladies and gentlemen i can make that no problem and there we go candy cane quiet so now i got oh this is a this is a big crafting recipe ladies and gentlemen a very big crafting recipe so it's two candy canes like this emeralds in these pockets more emeralds over here and i think an emerald right oh that's not right oh okay this right oh what is it oh yeah there it is wait this is a tint this is ten thousand dollar pickaxe this is ten thousand dollar sword i'm so confused whoever made this map might have had a typo you know it's okay i'll let it slide this time but don't let it happen again give me that ten thousand dollar pickaxe ladies and gentlemen oh what is this oh oh i just said that's enough give me the thing you just read right now yo i am a boss man no don't you tell me no i said give it to me right now uh i could give you this what what are you gonna give me there buddy would you just get i don't even even give me anything did anybody anybody say anything i didn't even see him give me anything did i miss something did this mans give me something okay apparently he was supposed to give me something oh he did give me something ladies and gentlemen oh my god this is the hundred thousand dollar recipe for a pickaxe yet again with another typo so it looks like to make this pickaxe we're gonna need a lot of dough and we're gonna eat a lot of chocolate cause we gotta make some gingerbread man i also like how the crafting recipe says preston's chocolate i think that's perfect i mean i do love chocolate but then again like who doesn't like chocolate are there any of you guys watching this video right now who doesn't like chocolate cause if so you're crazy i just spent a very long time making dough in a video game and i'm not proud of it but we are getting one step closer to this hundred thousand dollar pickups so to create the gingerbread man we need a chocolate this is so this is crazy wait do we even have enough gingerbread men for this okay we literally have just enough we needed five we've got five and we even have a spare leftover iron or sorry gold ingot which is perfect here goes nothing ladies and gentlemen the candy canes they're going in the ingot goes in afterwards and so does the gingerbread okay i always put these in wrong let's go ladies and gentlemen hundred thousand dollar pickaxe look at the gingerbread man on the tip do you guys see him he's got like wings he looks like a really angry gingerbread man who has evolved into a giant hawk and now we have a six by six crafting table that just opened up villager 35 says i think this might be the last one because that's all i found well i'm surprised you found this many benches in fact i gotta say this is my favorite crafting bench orange is my favorite color but the purple one looks kind of like a command block so it's dope holy moly ladies and gentlemen the million dollar recipe is here and it is mind-blowing look at how much gold we need we even need two nether stars and i don't even know what this is is this prismarine shards i don't even know where to get these from okay i think in order to get the netherstar and the prismarine stuff we have to go in here do we have to harvest sea pickles we might actually have to harvest sea pickles i'm so confused what is that okay so i just broke all these sea pickles wait there's more sea pickles okay see pickles i need you guys to give me something over here this isn't making any kinds of sense wait wait what does this button do wait it's a snake i've got to do a snake to get to these next resources all right this is more crazy than anything i've ever done in my entire minecraft career and i've done a lot of crazy things in my minecraft career holy moly i can't believe i just did that and we're not even done yet now we've got to jump on these giant green snakes just to get to the next area where we can get some more crafting items for our recipe and we made it oh my gosh now there's pink snakes what kind of crafting nonsense is this all right we're just gonna hop straight into this i have no idea how to do this i'm just gonna go and preface and say that i don't know if i'm doing this right but so far so good it looks like i haven't missed a jump yet and there we go there's still more snakeage you've got to be kidding me i don't know whose idea this was but this is not what i was expecting to get an item for a crafting recipe this is very intense and very difficult snake parkour i don't think any regular human being would be able to accomplish this but we did it let's go what's in the chest two nether stars wait if there's only two netherstars up here oh no guys where do i get the prismarine so we've gotten the nether stars oh no wait is it down guys where do we go to get the prismarine shards now i'm completely lost i might be the world's biggest dummy but there was prismarine orr apparently just sitting here staring at us in the face i had no idea that is not normally in minecraft to my defense ladies and gentlemen i'm proud to present the fact that i have everything needed now to make this incredible pickaxe let's just hope i don't forget how to make this so we're gonna be putting four candy cane stalks in the middle just like this nether stars go on the top and bottom corners prismarine shards over here i'm really hoping i'm not messing this up then we've got six gold just like this with a space in between four gold nuggets i think around it oh my okay and then gold nuggets over here emeralds over here and ladies and gentlemen we have finally done it one million dollar pickaxe now check this out this is the coolest thing about this pickaxe you get all kinds of different crazy effects that you can use it it's apparently extremely fast produce light all the time no damage while mining and able to break anything special abilities non-need fortune and shaman automatically activates when the ability is selected nuker or scanner or converter and super block breaker guys i think we need to try this bad boy out let's uh let's give it a little bit of a try alright so oh okay this might be the world's best pickaxe i've ever seen in my entire life look at how fast we are breaking things i have so much money i would never need to mine again okay did anybody hear that apparently there's a sound bite of me saying yay whenever i use the nuker whoa i've got wall hacks what this is crazy that's the ore scanner this is the ore converter it converts all of this stuff oh baby super block breaker wait uh what's happening what is happening um i'm scared should i be scared right now because i'm pretty scared whoa it just broke everything inside and then we have the nani oh no oh no well now we know what that one does comment down below what i should craft next and how much it should cost i could craft a million dollar chest plate i could craft my mom there is only one villager in all the minecraft who knows how to make it he's he's in the house directly behind us and i don't know if you guys see this currently what i am holding in my hand is a one dollar bill because we have to work our way all the way up to the million dollar pickaxe do me a favor guys one million likes on this video for a one million dollar pickaxe let's go oh no looks like we got a couple other jealous villagers because he's telling us all the juicy details on this pickaxe the villager is leading us to where we can get our one dollar pickaxe so we could start building the million dollar pickaxe baby oh my gosh wait a second these must be just a few of the recipes in order to get the million dollar pickaxe look at this recipe dude this is insane look at this busted one dollar pickaxe this thing looks so busted i don't even know if it's gonna work i don't know about you guys but i have never seen a ravine in minecraft that has ever looked like this and i don't know if you guys noticed but whenever i mind something with the one dollar pickaxe i get slowness this brings us to our next conversation of why we have to upgrade this pickaxe we're looking for magicite ore this stuff is purple and looks insanely cool and it's only inside of this ravine oh whoa whoa whoa wait a second guys this looks fishy what is this glass i'm breaking down let's go bro oh my gosh look at this i'm mining down into the glass and i'm getting slowness after slowness after slowness okay whoa whoa wait what did i just get myself into okay i was only trying to dig straight down which i know everybody in minecraft says not to do i did not mean to come across this many monsters holy moly there's so many mobs down here dude wait a second these zombies are holding magicite ore in their hand holy guacamole we gotta kill them i need all the magicide or we can get so we can keep upgrading our pickaxe viewers we just made out with a fortune of magicide order you see the purple stuff i'm holding my hand that is magician oh my gosh take a look at this guys this is the crafting recipe we need in order to upgrade the pickaxe three magicide here in the top one stick at the bottom and now we have a hundred dollar pickaxe let's go oh dude check this out look at the the like the what's it called the the part where you grab the pickaxe i know there's a name for this but it's made of iron it's way better than a regular iron pickaxe in order to upgrade our pickaxe again we need emeralds and diamonds this is not going to be easy scratch that ladies and gentlemen look at the diamonds we just found inside of this ravine oh my gosh wait when i mine one block of diamond the pickaxe gives me two to three this hundred dollar pickaxe must have fortune on it or something this is insane no way how are we finding all of these diamonds thanks to you guys for leaving a like on this video our luck is literally out of this world today so i wasn't able to find any emeralds but i don't know if you guys can see the very top of the screen i found this tower and it's literally made of emeralds what are they doing up there we need these in order to make the next few pickaxes ladies and gentlemen i don't care what kind of monsters are inside this tower i'm going in viewers i think we have some kind of puzzle in front of us how do we do this thing wait this is wait a second this is what okay guys watch this one two three that was so easy oh my gosh wait it's a button puzzle or something like that guys we are crushing these puzzles you have no idea actually i take that back you do because you're watching this video right now don't forget guys to do me a huge favor if you're watching this video take your device and turn it like this hit that red subscribe button make it great watch this boom shakalaka what is this 64 blocks of ammo let's go baby dude i'm about to start my own store where i just resell these emeralds i would make so much money also not the flex but i did get a haircut today i don't know if you guys could tell but i'm liking it okay so let's see the next recipe is two blocks of diamonds in a block of emerald this is so easy man oh my gosh the 500 pickaxe looks actually insane so if this is what the 500 pickaxe looks like imagine when we get to the million dollar pickaxe i just want to show to you guys how powerful a 500 pick ax is it explodes things in a three by three radius essentially jackhammering everything how was this only the 500 pickaxe the million dollar pickaxe is gonna be so overpowered i can't wait to get to it oh diamonds the reason we are down here in this very scary place is because the next thing we need are red power crystals and these things are so rare you can barely find them anywhere in minecraft what is this wait i just hold on hold on whoa whoa whoa i just write what what was that i just got a book that is called the red power crystal oh guys this book is the key to the button puzzle there was once a zombie who invited his creeper friend over for tea that seems kind of weird but okay they were having a fine time until the wither skeleton barged in and demanded they set free the skeleton and the red power crystal wait is this it this is the red power crystal it's actually like oh whoa whoa whoa i was gonna say this thing looked really lame in my inventory but in my hand this thing looks so cool it kind of looks like the little you guys ever played the sims video game it's like the little crystal above the head you know what i mean this may surprise you guys but i have the recipe in my head memorized i totally didn't cheat and take a screenshot or anything no no i would never do that finally the red power crystal thousand dollar pickaxe infused with red crystal power gives a region after mining auto vein mining when mining ores what just look at this this is only the thousand dollar pickaxe and this thing looks like it's worth a million dollars auto vein mining means if we mine one ore it will mine all the other ores that are connected look at this boom oh my gosh how much cult we just got 38 pieces of coal there viewers things are about to get very messy we are about to fight the one and only elder guardian because the elder guardians will drop the blue power crystal which is the next resource we need in order to upgrade our pickaxe where do i oh my gosh this maze i'm getting outplayed right now guys the only thing i don't like more than mazes is underwater mazes where you literally can't breathe i'm glad i brought a few water breathing potions otherwise this would be a total nightmare oh no guardians dang it i don't like guardians no take that billy bob yeah you want some yeah yeah take some of that i'll turn you into stir fry i'm going to pan fry you fish i'm going to get some tartar sauce and you shall be my fish and chips come here yellow fish yes yate one more hit yes oh no we killed all the small guardians which means the elder guardian must have spawned somewhere oh there he is guys tall dark and handsome come here you elder guardian i'ma pummel you into the ground honestly you look even tastier than your smaller friends i don't know about you guys but i love fish and chips oh my gosh we are smacking this guy come on ellie how many hits there we go finally wait wait wait wait oh no guys somewhere down here he dropped the blue power crystal where did it go i almost just had a heart attack because i thought the elder guardian didn't drop the blue power crystal but look it floated all the way to the top hiding away from me dude i was so scared he didn't drop one for some reason this next recipe is a big one ladies and gentlemen four blocks of iron down the middle count it ten diamond blocks guys ten i can't believe we have to use this much diamond blocks blue power crystal at the top and of course the one thousand dollar pickaxe to make the ten thousand dollar oh my dude can we take one moment to appreciate the beautiful animations this pickaxe is just making by itself please one moment guys if you mind something it pulls the items directly into your inventory watch i'm not even near this gold automatically it goes into my inventory whoa and it explodes in a huge radius bro look how big this thing explodes oh my goodness this is so epic this might be a shock to people watching this video right now but the next power crystal is green there's a hint here pit of low-cut grass i don't see any low-cut grass in the vicinity unless i am blind whoa did you did you guys hear that what was that i heard a sound how did this just open up from me punching grass the moral of the story here is punch grass if you are ever concerned or looking for something apparently lose your keys just punch some grass guys you'll be fine oh really when parkour is up ahead ladies and gentlemen you know there is only one thing to do the headband is coming on ladies and gentlemen i'm not losing a parkour challenge not that we necessarily need the headband to win this challenge but you know what i'm saying dude we get those prestedstyles.com swag points oh little jump to some vines yeah yeet come on cli oh that was a close climb sneak look at this invisible vines i think not i see right through your little tricks all right one big quad jump for preston ladies and gentlemen oh just nails it with so much finesse the green power crystal this is the most expensive pickaxe because instead of iron you need gold blocks and instead of diamond blocks you need emerald blocks oh and not only do you need emerald blocks you also need nether stars but boom hundred thousand dollar pickaxe guys dude this oh my god what is this this thing looks like a blowtorch i think this pickaxe has an engine inside of it that looks like a car engine guys i think we broke minecraft with how overpowered this is uh this pickaxe you could get all the diamonds you ever want in 10 seconds of mining with this thing i already have a full inventory in my mind for like 10 seconds thankfully the yellow power crystal is super easy for us to get we just have to press a few buttons to open this door we should be able to get it we've just got to turn off the red stone lamps once again with a specified button combination this should be it there we go what was that hey the door opened oh hello door wait what is this this looks like some kind of arena there's no mobs whoa what the heck why why are there blocks flying at me whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa this should not exist inside of minecraft what is going on no stop it blocks blocks you stop it right now i am a christian and this is the devil big on satan oh my gosh can we hide behind the cacti yo we can hide behind the cacti how do i get rid of these blocks oh you can break the blocks you've got to hit him with your sword oh that is so many blocks holy guacamole i've never seen this many flying blocks in minecraft in my entire life we're going try hard in f5 mode get out stop it stop it oh oh my what the heck this should be called the yellow power crystals it's got like three additional crystals on the side of it once again ladies and gentlemen the recipes only keep getting more and more expensive this time we need four nether stars with the yellow crystal four healthy servings of diamonds 14 blocks of gold this is like in the old testament when they're making the tabernacle this is insane we get the half a million dollar pickaxe which means there is only one pickaxe remaining the million dollar by now we all know these pickaxes are insanely overpowered but let's check this one out oh my gosh my ears i have to turn my game volume down i just hurt my ears from this thing what yep with this pickaxe you don't even need creative mode because you can get everything you need in five seconds dude let's go the old miner villager is going to trade us his 1 million dollar pickaxe for the 500 000 pickaxe i'm not making any clickbait up right now there it is guys the most expensive pickaxe in all of minecraft one million dollars this might be the coolest thing in minecraft i have ever seen in my entire life guys the million dollar pickaxe is so ob there's extra resources on the ground right now and even though i can't pick them up because my inventory is full if i move they keep following me wait don't follow me away from the lava resources i do not want you guys to oh my god what what is this have you ever seen a mystery mystery mystery pickaxe yeah me neither oh this is so cool wait we need to get boy essence a pickaxe head mending ring and a boy pickaxe stick easy peasy no problem for diglett and i so the question is how do we do we just jump oh that was cool all right i'm gonna just go oh oh oh okay whoa whoa what just happened oh wait where did my uh guys my health bar is gone i no longer have a hot bar or a health bar that is a little bit scary or a cross hair what the heck what's the chance to get sharpness on a hoe when enchanting zero you can't get sharpness on a hoe unless you use a command come on sillies how many things do witches drop do you know the answer i have no idea what the answer is help me out here buddy are you sure it's seven diglett okay he's saying seven oh diglett you oh my he's a genius guys you know diglett you look like you have a really small brain but i guess everything in there is just brain i wonder if he has like a stomach or lungs i guess he doesn't breathe digletts are very weird creatures which one is not used to craft a shield blatantly obvious answer uh wait i'm pretty sure you need all of these things to craft a shield wait wait what how was that the answer you know what i'm not even gonna question it which of these will result in a rainbow sheep jeb grum or dinner bone so dinner bone i think will turn your animal and minecraft upside down i think it's jeb oh guys we are masters at minecraft nobody can contest us how many times have you gotten an answer incorrect uh zero come on what is this like elementary school do you like when i break the fourth wall if you guys know what that means you can google it but it's basically a production term every answer is yes so obviously yes i actually do like it good because i need you to edit minecraft saves 1 000 boy first girl pickaxe uh what wait i have to do what i don't even know if i'm doing this right but i see this help i'm being trapped here i can't get out please help me i've been in here for years it's telling me to remove this so i guess i'm just going to delete all of this and save i have no idea if that worked all right let's test this bad boy out correct you timed out that's not an issue just take the error off your head wait what what have you guys ever seen this in minecraft before i have never seen this in minecraft before this is incredible okay what the heck wait are we done good job you won okay give me that boy essence that's right ladies and gentlemen that was the weirdest thing in minecraft i think i've ever done let's go move on to the pickaxe head okay what is this wait a second oh no guys if you didn't know i have the brain of a dead goldfish this is oh this is so bad okay we're gonna try this we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna try um i think i've already messed up guys i think i'm already messing up oh this is bad oh wait progress we'll keep going come on come on oh yes let's go let's go let's let's go oh my gosh guys i'm so close to the end come on oh yes no no i'm ready no no no no i'm running into dead ends no no no no no no i'm running into dead ends this is bad oh please please no no no i need to get out of this i died i'm running into a dead end again wait oh my gosh yes yes take that map where you need to use your brains and give me that pickaxe head okay the next thing is the mending ring ladies and gentlemen let's get this bad boy oh boy what challenge is awaiting us now i'm a little bit nervous if i gotta be honest with you guys what is this what is what oh i've got a copy that wait do i have to i have to copy the pattern no is this even possible okay here's what we're gonna do we're gonna make everything back to what like we're gonna change the color back to what it was oh this is this is not easy okay so first one this is supposed to be blue this is supposed to be that color jump bam jump okay this is so cool i love this all right then we gotta go to this one i think i'm doing this right i think yes yes oh i'm missing one i'm missing this one oh i think i think i oh i think i missed something no this is this is perfect this is perfect oh no wait do we have to do it again wait so that pattern actually that pattern has to go down there that is wrong i cannot believe he just made me do this now i've got to memorize all of this and reset this one completely i think this one was colored this one i think was colored um and this one maybe a dude i don't know and bam i think i got it i think oh yes let's check our work ladies and gentlemen oh we did it i i think we did it anyways but now we've got it wait now i've got to step on this one to know what i gotta do on this one never has my brain been tested so hard so i think i remember these three are really easy these are all colored yes this is kind of like when you're building a puzzle but much more difficult because you don't know what to do then this one's colored and this one well at least i think so guys i think let me oh let me let me do let me check my work oh the middle one oh we're just missing them i think we're just missing we're just missing the middle one okay [Music] okay perfect oh goodness gracious okay this one does not look that bad guys i think we can do it let's just get another another look-see okay these two are lit up this one is this one is not and we gotta get back over here this is madness all right then i think it just this is a really easy pattern we go like this this one this one and let's go check our work yet again oh then we're just missing oh boom boom boom oh no i messed up somewhere i think i might have oh i might have messed this one up somehow okay hold on yep i messed that one up this one bam let's go wait did we just do it wait what is this what is this parkour no dude wait wait what wait what no no no no look i just did a very difficult brain game do not tell me i've got to do more of this nonsense get me out of here coach come on i hope brianna's struggling as much as i am right now because i am riding that struggle bus ladies and gentlemen let me tell you and i don't even know if i'm cheating right now by going up here but i'm just going to pretend like i'm not give me that merging ring let's go now the last item we have to get the boy stick ladies and gentlemen now where is that boy stick aha hidden over here in the corner somewhere come here boy stick oh let's go wait what is this parkour you think i am going to lose the parkour oh bro you've got another thing coming doing it with such finesse haven't even missed a single jump yet lady this is all your fault diglett sorry about that guys that was totally diglett's fault i had no part in missing that jump diglett played with my thumb all right he pressed the spacebar accidentally that is not my fault now where the heck do i go wait do i go what the heck wait do i do i go here wait oh my i just reset myself great wait do i have to make there's wait can you make this jump all right uh oh you i had no idea you could even make that jump ladies and gentlemen all right what is this nonsense what no way no way okay no this is not made for the faint-hearted this is not made for the faint-hearted no no no give me oh [Music] let's go now where the heck do we gotta go wait do we have to really go really oh yeah oh no dude if we miss this jump if we get reset i'm going to scream wait wait we probably can make this jump way easier from oh yeah oh you guys are lucky no screaming wait can we make this jump oh i hope so oh i hope so yes we can yes we can oh the boy pickaxe stick ladies and gentlemen let's make this puppy mending ring stick pickaxe head and the boy essence ladies and gentlemen check this out jump boost which is permanent tnt blast look straight down to summon your oh all you have to do is look straight down that's it guys this might be the world's best pickaxe there's no way brianna's pickaxe is better than mine and item magnet makes all items automatically come to you check that oh that is so cool wait hold on i gotta test this out look at the items oh yeah just gotta suck them up real quick i'm literally like a vacuum baby what i tell you guys easy peasy free i think you're gonna need more practice if you're gonna make your pickaxe let's see what you got i have one mission and it is to create a million dollar pick action i've got this in the back why do you ask because i have chuckles on my side and we are going to win girls are good at crafts have you seen pinterest i mean we run that thing what are we gonna do first here uh-oh i'm a little overwhelmed with whatever is about to happen you guys it looks like i need to find what looks like a pink cheerleading baton um a piggy bank and that a toenail guys i don't know don't judge me i just am going by what it looks like you know those ink paint drawings when you're at like whatever and they're like what does this remind you of that's what i feel like these paintings are to me because they don't look distinctly like anything and i'm just having to guess i'm going to find these items and actually i think i see one over there how do i get over there what is this am i being harassed can i fly ah oh oh okay the whole world just changed i don't know what's going on okay so we are on the lookout for a pink cheerleading photon stick and apparently it's at the very end of this long parkour and i'm not excited about it you guys this looks really tricky and scary like this is a big long fall i don't want to fall into the sky three two one i am in survival mode for those of you who are wondering so you see the little blocks i'm not in creative i just want y'all to know i am not cheating right now but apparently since i'm crafting in this video i need to be in mode survival one i need to take a breath wait through the trees i see a platform shackles can you just fly me through their police i don't know if chickens can fly that well but if you could just just fly me through the trees this is just a little high for me i feel like it's so high in the sky i can basically see the moon and i think i have to jump down there this is getting very scary i'm not even gonna think about it oh what is that is this a magical button is this gonna help me push i don't feel like that platform was there before chuckles thinks i have to fly don't tell preston [Music] oh why i'm just gonna go i got the big oh it's a pickaxe stick okay on to the next challenge what kind of challenge is this i really cannot tell oh man oh it's like a pressure plate i have to memorize the pattern this is gonna be super difficult i can do this i believe in myself we can do this you guys so i think it starts over here okay making progress oh i think i'm farther now guys i'm farther oh my goodness i found the way out yes chuckles through the way the whole we got it we got this in the back oh girl's essence it wasn't a piggy bank i thought it was a piggy bank this whole time now we just have this weird toenail looking thing left where is that oh there's a lot of colorful buttons am i supposed to know like a secret sequence of colors right now because i don't know i don't know the secret sequence let me look at chuckles he has a red gobble like a turkey a little gobble gobble so we're gonna go with red whoa there are big red blood that just fell from the sky he has cute little yellow feet so then i'm gonna go with yellow there we go then i have a blue water bottle sitting next to me let's go for blue i have a green screen behind me orange is the only thing we have left it's also presents favorite color so you know i guess it should go on top huzzah oh what just happened three two one three two one two oh where's the next one blue yellow now to the vine bye colored button thingies but i'm gonna climb up these vines and see what's on the other side it's a magical mystery tunnel do i go down it do the pickaxe head i needed this yes yay do i have all three things i mean now i just have to craft it chuckles it's time to mine watch me with my girl essence with my girl pickaxe stick in with my pickaxe head make question mark da da da oh a million dollar girl pickaxe you guys i finally have a girl million dollar pickaxe this is crazy i've never ran this fast in my entire life i love this color and i have to mine as fast as possible oh my gosh you guys look at how fast it's breaking all these crazy blocks this is insane whoa mine is so much cooler than the guys pickaxe i'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 2,690,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: T6yR31ZtCXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 33sec (2433 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2022
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