Minecraft But Ores are Cursed...

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this is minecraft but oars are cursed and blessed you can literally get a diamond sword for mining gold or instantly killed while mining diamonds the deeper you go in the y coordinates the more blessed and cursed minecraft ores get these are the different tiers stay until the end to see if we can use these oars to beat minecraft and if you're beautiful please like the video and subscribe i'm mining down for some luck oh what is this i just my oh my god no please please please please give me something good please oh yes iron pants oh that was actually huge oh please don't kill me um we just got fire resistance too okay i'm fine with that because we are now below y34 the things that we can get are insanely cursed we just got teleported straight above us oh leather boots honestly we kind of needed those anyways whoa what is that oh it's salmon honestly this is pogs when mining different ores we need to be very careful as to what is in our inventory because you never know what's gonna happen we just caught ender pearls yes all right it's only two so we can't stop it when you mine these ores sometimes you can literally get your entire inventory turned into nothing but dirt everything that we have that we don't want to lose i'm going to put back in this chest when mining just a little bit more please please please we just got blaze rods oh this is amazing oh we just got diamonds and if we just get one more piece of iron then we can finally do what we want to do which is going to be to make this iron finally dude it's been way too long since we've had an iron pickaxe i'm playing the game of minecraft okay a diamond sword i think that was in the intro my video how you could potentially get a diamond sword from the goal no we forgot to make an iron bucket so we could just dig straight down hold on i have an idea it's not the most intelligent idea but that's fine it'll work okay we're now suffocating ourselves officially great job oh i think we made it back yes okay see it worked it was a terrible idea but just in case i was gonna take fall damage um excuse me what is this right click the air to create a backup right-click a block to restore a backup so in case anything happens to our inventory we can then reuse this as a checkpoint i didn't know this existed i'm just gonna diamond shovel why am i getting all these diamond items from gold i don't even need that oh we just found lapis i've been looking for lapis this entire time oh okay this is a really big moment ladies and gentlemen oh we get a saddle oh no no oh my god this is the worst thing that could have happened all we've got is an iron pickaxe are you kidding me i literally get my entire inventory wipe and then this is the next thing that happens to me lava spawns above trying to torment me until my impending doom i'm telling you we're going to make a massive comeback look at this oh my god we just got this hold on hold on okay i ca i can't even do if you kill me i'm actually going to cry i'm going to i'm going to scream and cry i'm not going to let that happen you don't understand what just happened first of all we just got a golden apple second of all we just got magical scissors now as dumb as these sound let me bring you back to the surface to show you what these actually do if you just destroy trees you get random effects like i just got strength too i just got a piece of enchanted netherrite oh my gosh this is so much nether right uh this is sad oh please don't please don't do bad things all right i'm not taking the risk we've learned oh that's good okay that's fire resistance oh that's another iron pickaxe i'm gonna save that one in case something bad happens all right so look at this we're at uh we're at y 45 which means we're at the second worst or blessed area so we have a good chance to not have to oh flint and steel we needed that to go to the nether oh diamonds diamonds diamonds oh diamond shovel again i'm nervous man this is what happened last time we started getting good luck and then we got bad luck and then i was sad and then i cried wow look at the diamonds over here what the heck i really need to make a shield why did i not make a shield i don't know all right let's start with these i really i don't know why but i think these are luckier than the other diamonds that we found so we're just gonna go and make these our diamonds everything that has any value to it must be in the chest otherwise you already know what happens okay this is it this is our moment viewers oh we got a regular diamond oh oh we got the checkpoint we got oh no what is this no no no no my item's in the chest oh my god do i have time i'm getting out everything i think is good oh we're fine oh the tnt didn't kill us oh i just literally almost shriveled up and died here's the problem the checkpoint stick here's what we have to do in order to use the checkpoint stick i believe successfully you want to do it now right like you want to do it now okay i'm gonna just get everything in here checkpoint okay inventory's been saved we're gonna put this in here so we don't lose it again like last time and i'm still not taking the chances okay i got no idea if that thing actually works no idea oh oh we're good we're good oh it tried to teleport me to the surface and it didn't work we are really pushing our luck here aren't we ladies and gentlemen we totally are and then here's the unlucky diamonds what did i say zombie apocalypse is spawned what is that oh what is this oh my god we're dying we're drowning i don't do these we're unlucky it spawned a zombie apocalypse which it seems like most of them died no thank you zombies it's time to go to the nether i don't care what we have or have not gotten it's time to go to the nether i am way too scared oh why does another scare me oh this scares me so bad oh okay whatever we're fine we're fine as long as we just don't die we're good i mean should be captain obvious right whoa whoa whoa this is wild look at this spawn so the first thing that we want to mind is i really wanna oh it's everything we need all right man we're good dude we're good i'm just gonna pray to god this works please work i here goes nothing ladies and gentlemen this is our first time mining in the nether i don't even know if it works here to be completely honest with you i'm i'm way too nervous to tell i can't tell i did not want to get all my inner pearls from just mining regularly in fact it doesn't work on quartz and i'm happy to say that besides it's too much of a risk to get into pearls and blaze rods from just mining ores like i we were cutting a little bit close a little too many times for my liking oh beautiful oh i almost made a big boo-boo all right we're going to use some of our gold to make some boots kind of sad i really wanted to save that for some of the piglet trades but it's okay okay buddy all right come on now give me the good stuff imagine we're getting a pearl's first throw and you never know uh what is that a spectral arrow that's disgusting come on give me something decent buddy you're like a used car salesman bedrock are you kidding me soul sand oh look at this oh no oh i did not mean to do that oh this is bad i've angered them okay they're they're still changing i think we're better off finding a uh fortress at this point if i'm being a bully honest we found another fortress although i don't know if we have enough food to survive we don't have a lot going into this all right um that's a lot of blazes right that's a lot that wasn't like one or two that was that was a lot of places that's my favorite when they always continuously respawn next to each other oh okay one two one blaze rod one place run that's it okay we had two now that's we're making moves there's another blaze spawner over there what there's two blade spawners all right this was a terrible idea why are you here oh no okay we're at four blaze rods we're almost good to go that's oh yes 10 blaze powder come on oh we almost forgot okay so we're gonna set our little spawn point checkpoint thing here now that we've got way more blaze powder unfortunately though it looks like we're gonna have to get ender pearls by mining i just don't think we're gonna be able to get it by doing what we're currently doing oh 14. okay another checkpoint oh two at a time this time huh oh we're so close we have 16 16 pieces of blaze powder although i've got one piece of cooked chicken left three raw it's not looking hot okay one more that's all we need one more we can do this yes okay we have everything we need oh i've never been so excited to see my nether portal home this is lovely so here's the idea right i don't think we mind redstone before going to the nether so we're about to take a big leap of faith here mine a bunch of redstone hopefully we get some ender pearls and some blaze rods and because we have enough diamonds why not oh this is going to be crazy oh please please no oh i get so scared when i get that one because no imagine we die respawn all the way back dude if we would have died to that creeper right there we would have respawned god knows where and lost everything oh oh at least it dropped a diamond shovel in case we needed that uh what what we don't have to find a stronghold if we didn't want to this is insane and there's an enderman right there and i'm about to go beat him up that's right give me your lunch money mr andy what do you got in your life oh god he didn't have nothing holy cow this is revolutionary i didn't realize you could get pieces of the in the portal this is blowing my mind and i just got diamond some redstone we're we're on fire right now until we're not waiting pearl's use oh i'm so happy this means we can make a few i mean honestly if we can keep this lock up we're gonna win the game because we can just make our own portal and not even have to go to the stronghold anyways which i would much rather prefer to be honest it'd be much faster that's as long as we don't run out of ores in this area which i don't think we will oh no oh my god dude i thought wait okay i thought the chest got deleted from the game it didn't we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine oh god stop it stop it right now dude oh this is how close we are to death every single time this is terrible this is literally life i mean this is bad for my blood pressure and i'm 27. okay i've got an idea let's mine really far away from where all of our valuables are okay sound good sound good i thought that that that event deleted the chest that we had placed down and if it did i was going to cry all the way home and i'm literally at the office right now that's right zombie you know what that's what the real world's like you know another piece of the uh importer for oh it happened again it's okay we have the backups remember we did this intentionally uh why is there that guy oh my god no no no we're fine we're fine as long as we don't die here we're gonna be okay we can get back to our chest do i hate when this happens i actually can't stand this how am i gonna get back okay i need to make that creeper if i can somehow make that creeper explode all right thank you wow that was terrifying as long as we don't lose this checkpoint thing we're fine like literally we can keep doing this all day okay diamond sword um i am sick and tired of this so i've got a thought what if we start mining lapis lapis might be oh you can get straight blaze powder up in here oh yes oh yes yes yes okay one more inner pearl that's perfect another one oh i can't it keeps picking me up and dropping me down slowly but surely we are building up the end of pearls we have we've got two oh yes another inner pearl man why are we getting all of these items we're getting so many things that we needed earlier yes we got another piece of the in portal frame let's go we just need one more piece of the in portal to go to the end and win the game oh my back-to-back magical scissors oh yes oh oh oh dandy whoa whoa whoa oh oh i did not even plan for this to happen but what if we get our last ender pearl from this enderman instead of mining oars it could work theoretically if we're lucky come on yes we got it ladies and gentlemen all we have to do now is go back to our chest and we are golden so now we get to do the fun part as long as we don't mess this up which it's pretty hard to mess up making one of these so i don't think we're going to mess up but i have done it before and it's really disappointing oh would you just look at this there's probably nothing more beautiful than making one of these yourselves in minecraft like this is just absolutely gorgeous and now it's time to defeat the ender dragon i really wish we would have had a little bit more time to get a bow and arrow or a crossbow or something but it's fine we can just play this really really slow and we're basically going to have no problem oh this is going to be painful oh look at him oh one heart okay i got really nervous for a second the dragon breath did a lot more damage than i thought it was going to and this is why we have the totem of undying ladies and gentlemen this dragon is relentless all right please oh imagine if we missed that that'd be the saddest thing of our lives oh man i really don't like doing this we have to take out some enderman i should have collected a few extra ender pearls ah this is so awkward all right just a few more doing my bad i'm really doing i'm trying so hard not to make eye contact with extra enderman it's so difficult though oh man this is so awkward i hate doing it this way all right give me that beacon it's so awkward but it works okay and listen my dad always said if it ain't broke don't fix it now it's only these top ones are the like the top ones or the more difficult ones you don't understand how many endermen i have slayed i have a literally slain like over 20 intermittent and i've gotten three in the pearls oh please let's hit big chungus big chungus oh tell me that's a golden ender pearl that was not good that was very bad all right come on golden into pearl oh okay that's that's why we have the totem of a nine you did not how did my water bucket land up there though does anybody understand how that manages to work i don't all right he saw me kill one of his brethren stop it you're just angry a little depressed you know we lost our totem of undying it's fine though it's fine i mean thankfully we still have our water buckets but dude if he hits us off like if he does he's dude he's got to stop doing his breath man his breath stuff has got to go oh dude whenever he gets close to me i just have a bad feeling like look at that look at that look at that was so close stop stop it if only the magical sisters early in the video gave us netherride body like gear like it just gave us a helmet that's it that's not really useful oh my god oh this is bad oh this is ugly this is gonna be a long fight and it's about to be another one down oh that was really stupid of me why did i do that we're running a little bit low on building blocks if i'm gonna be honest he's getting a little bit close you know when you don't have that extra totem of the undying you feel really what just happened i just landed up there and he punched me up this is the most hostile ender dragon i've ever seen in minecraft don't forget like we don't have a whole lot of food left i've got a little bit of food but like not a lot a bit of food i feel like this is the toddler strategy this is what you do the first time you've ever beat the ender dragon just use the water buckets to climb the towers it's such club status oh please oh this is getting close man i mean you know we're running low on building materials when i'm building with gold and iron oh you dirty dirty dragon okay this is not in his dragon breath though thank god here's the thing if i get flung off into the end it's over literally game over we're not gonna defeat we're gonna lose and like i really don't wanna lose the center dragon i don't know why but i've got like a personal vendetta against this one in specific that is the last in crystal look we can break that we're golden all right all right all right here it is everything looks dark and spooky it looks good preston gets a lessened crystal all right just don't mess this up okay summer is almost here and in honor of my birthday month we are giving away a nintendo switch every single week including a merch box if you want to enter you just have to visit this website and if you buy a hat hoodie or any piece of fire merch from firemerch.com you get 10 000 extra entries come on there we go look at this i think it's because of where this is the hitbox is really weird why is my gear off and why am i dealing so much damage hello wow that was a quarter of his health wow he came back down so fast why did he come back i can like not see the dragon half the time so i have a question for everybody in the comments can you crit the dragon or can you not quit the dragon i don't see any particle effects like i'm creating him but it feels like i'm dealing a substantial amount of damage whoa chill homie now it's time it says okay we've all been wondering does this thing actually work let's test it out um it does work wait it does work we just got our totem of undying back oh what in our blaze that when did i do the last checkpoint i don't even remember but we just got the thank god we just got the totem of a 9 back because we almost died to the dragon right there i mean i think it would have been fine but that's insane so it actually works we could have been using it this entire time so what happens if we click it again i mean do i want to oh i mean do we want to collect this thing what happens if we click this again wait a second so can you say hold on guys i have an idea okay i'm gonna let this guy kill me oh my inventory's been deleted okay we don't want that to happen i'm gonna let this enderman kill me all right just to prove a point i'm gonna show you guys what's supposed to happen here all right look at this boom so the enderman just popped my totem of the undying right and then look i'm gonna restore it by clicking this block and the totem of a nine comes back like that what why did we not abuse this more earlier in the video this is disgusting and that's it ladies and gentlemen you can beat minecraft using cursed and blessed doors thank you for watching and i will see you all next time god bless
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 5,318,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: HhJGHYaaq1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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