"I Found Something Disturbing in Storage Unit 34" Creepypasta

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I just moved in with my girlfriend about a month ago after discussing it she agreed that she would move into my place because it was closer to our work and stuff we're so happy together but we had to put a lot of our furniture and stuff away because there just wasn't a lot of space to make things easier I rented a storage unit it seems simple enough we could use it to just keep the excess stuff until we move somewhere with more space or sold some of our things I found a place just outside of mini Annapolis that rented units and got a good deal the owner a pretty chill older man named Larry asked if we wanted management to clean out the unit before we got there according to him since they had no readily available units the one he was offering to us had been used in the past and had never been cleaned out sense records show that there had been no contact from the owner or any account activity regarding said storage unit in over 20 years the existing agreement on the unit had expired 15 years ago so he had no problem renting it to us as there was a fee charge for them cleaning it for us I told Larry no thanks my friends and I wouldn't mind cleaning out the unit especially since any items found inside would legally belong to whoever held the current leaves not gonna lie I was pretty excited to be playing the treasure hunter and see what was inside what would we find inside the possibilities were endless it could be some jewelry we could pawn or maybe want to keep rare baseball cards of Babe Ruth that would be worth a fortune millions perhaps some old forgotten sketch that was actually an original Picasso even if it was just some furniture we could still sell that and earn some extra cash no wonder people got so excited about this sort of thing it was a lot like gambling my girlfriend and I got her unit paid for and everything and went one Saturday morning to clean it out we made sure to bring a bunch of our friends with us in case we needed their help to ensure their participation I made sure to bribe them with what always works pizza as soon as we arrived the owner Larry Fields was there to greet us right this way ladies and gentlemen he said as he walked us to the unit number 34 Larry was a short squatter guy who sort of waddled across the pavement he had the keys in hand open the unit for us as well as to give us our keys a short walk later we were in front of the metal door to unit 34 Larry opened it without much trouble in the door opened easily for us I could feel myself getting excited to see what we might find Christine my girlfriend squeezed my hand with excitement we flipped on the lights as we took a look inside at first it looked to be a perfectly ordinary unit a lot of white washed out cement walls and everything a light bulb or two hanging overhead tons of room for stuff the only things taking up any space were a few duffel bags scattered around an antique style desk two large cedar chests and score a small car it was a small black sedan an eighties Ford model Christine immediately pulled me in for a kiss which I was thrilled to receive nice choice she said with a smile like I ever make anything otherwise she rolled her eyes at me when I said this but didn't say a word I'll leave you all to it in case you need anything you could find me in the office Larry said cheerily as he walked off that was like firing the starting gun at a race for us we immediately jumped into it from the outside the car's interior looked absolutely filthy a ton of old fast food garbage and rags were everywhere it smelled pretty bad which didn't surprise me at all I decided to save the car for last since it probably required the most effort I grabbed one of the duffel bags carefully and began opening it it wasn't real heavy just before I could unzip it my girlfriend called out to me she said I needed to come see something and she sounded very concerned I immediately went over to see what she was talking about what's up are we rich I said with a smile but she didn't return it Christine had just opened one of the two cedar chests inside there was a small collection of pistols and rifles also in the chest were a few serrated knives the kind usually used for hunting oh so whoever owned this must have been a hunter or something it's no big deal maybe we can find a store or something who collects them but there was this look on her face that said she wasn't exactly convinced before we could discuss it further my friend Billy spoke up dude no way come look at this you should be able to make some cash out of these good man I went over to Billy who was standing by the old desks watches are worth big bucks man i high-fived him as I saw what he was talking about in one of the open drawers there were about 20 different watches some of them actually looked pretty expensive the old school kind most of them were wristwatches with two or three pocket watches thrown in two of them were even Rolexes according to the label I was sight I began taking the watches out of the drawer and placed them on the desk then I began going through the other drawers to see what else I could find opening the next drawer I got a bit confused no watches or valuables here just a bunch of old driver's licenses according to the dates on them they were at least 20 years old the people they belong to were pre diverse young old men women black white from a bunch of different states too why would someone have these just then Christine called out to me her voice seemed much more afraid than it was the last time she asked me what are these as I walked over to her I couldn't help but feel a bit tense something felt wrong she was standing by the duffel bag I was about to open she had beaten me to it but looked genuinely afraid of something I immediately gave her a kiss and a hug to make her feel better which she gladly accepted when I kissed her I could feel just how uneasy she was what is it I asked now she was really starting to concern me Christine looked pale and so terrified she didn't even say a word but simply reached down and pulled something out of the red and faded duffel bag at first glance that looked like a stack of trading cards here was all she said as I looked at whatever it was they were a stack of old pictures Polaroids the kind that automatically developed back in the day as I looked through the pictures I felt like I had just taken a cold shower at first the pictures were just over andham thendral er stuff like that one of the pictures was of the same car that was in our unit except in the picture it was much cleaner then random people began to show up in the photos people outside walking fishing and in an even creepier twist some of them looked like they were sleeping then the pictures got weirder pictures of masked men in orange ski masks began to pop up in most pictures they were flashing some of the knives and guns that I had seen in the chest I could feel my heart rate beginning to pick up but I tried to take a deep breath and calm myself down this had to be a joke right only one way to find out I continued looking through the photos some of the people who had been photographed unknowingly were appearing again but believe me they weren't unknowingly being photographed anymore this time they knew someone was taking their picture and it absolutely terrified them you didn't need to say it but I fell like they were all being held at gunpoint or something you could almost feel the fear in their eyes some of them look like they had just been shaken awake or caught in the middle of something I tried telling myself this was just more of a sick joke but that didn't seem to be working something within me just didn't buy my own rationalization just when I thought it couldn't get any worse it did now there were pictures of countless people men women entire families looking like they were being held hostage or something they were all tied up with rope and everything it was without a doubt the scariest thing I had ever seen the guys and orange ski masks were back posing with these people the same way a fisherman or a hunter might pose with a piece of game they caught as I kept going it was undeniable these pictures were no joke I won't tell you exactly what the last few pictures showed but I truly hope the only time any of you see anything like that is during a horror movie with a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach I realized something I had seen some of these people before just a moments ago on the driver's licenses immediately I dropped the photos and they scattered all over the floor but I didn't even notice my hand suddenly felt dirty I looked at them as if they were contaminated or something don't touch another thing I said to everyone in the unit without even looking up look at the pictures Kristina and I will be right back without even looking I grabbed her hand and stormed across the lot to Larry's office without knocking or anything I just barged inside no deal we want our money back we did not pay for whatever the hell freak show is in there what he just sat there stunned call the cops and then go look at the pictures we found Christine just stood beside me silent her hand in mine he immediately called the police then Larry followed us to the unit his reaction was about the same as mine the police arrived and we told him what we had found Larry gave them all the records he had for the account and that was it because of confidentiality agreements he honestly had no idea what was in any of his units the cops told us they would be in touch with anything they found Christina and I promptly got our money back and left needless to say we would be using a different place to keep our stuff a few days ago we got an update a few of the old drivers licenses matched up to some decades-old missing-persons cases while I doubt they'll be able to I truly hope they'll find out who had that unit before I did [Music]
Channel: CreepyPastaJr
Views: 271,529
Rating: 4.8734865 out of 5
Keywords: CreepyPastaJr., CreepyPastaJr, CreepyPasta, Creepy Pasta, Creepy, Scary, Creepy Story, Creepy Video, Horror Video, Nightmare, CreepsMcPasta, Narration, Storytelling
Id: 7Gz-ikkyi6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2017
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