"I'm a Retired Professor, One Student in Particular Freaked Me Out" Creepypasta

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I'm a retired professor of psychology from Willington University the following is my story regarding my time there in particular my time with Calvin Dowler I taught a psychology class of more than 75 students who range from freshmen to seniors the classroom itself was one of those theatre like rooms you see in the movies the chairs and their built-in boards ascended to the top of the room naturally my more inattentive students sat in the very back which is to say they sat at the very top in the darkness you see I liked my classrooms lighting a certain way dimly lit any deviation from that interfered with my lecture I couldn't and still can't concentrate with the bright lights my first assignment was to have the students write an essay on the topic of psychology of course the prompt was what do you think psychology is some of the essays turned in were great others were expectedly half-assed and some were never turned in at all but Calvin Dowler's essay my my it was almost as if he had written it before and knew what was expected of him needless to say I gave him full credit and he was the only one who got a perfect score mr. Dowler was an excellent student superb although I informed the class that I don't take attendance he always showed up on time and never missed a day never he always walked in class with a wide grin on his face giving the same exact greeting morning professor Coyle he was of average height physically fit with dark brown hair and a baby face in the beginning of the semester he seemed to be able to make friends with the other students easily but then time progressed and with that comes change sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse as a professor of psychology I'm quite good and in fact certified for evaluating individuals sometimes that's my job mr. Dowler was an intelligent young man with an above-average IQ I know this because he once told me he watches Rick and Morty isn't that something kids say these days all jokes aside let me get back to my story I began to notice odd behavior in my classroom not from Calvin he remained entirely his same happy self I noticed that the other students gradually moved farther and farther away from him at a time calvin sat in the front of the class listening intently to every word i professed along with several other students this day however he sat in the same spot alone the other students sat together somewhere else why are they neglecting him I thought to myself one night I sat in my kitchen grading papers the assignment this time was to write about a childhood experience that the students believed helped shape who they are today whether it be in a positive or negative way then I read Calvin's essay I picked it up as I always did with excitement and genuine anticipation like I said before he was a great student who never failed to impress but this must have been a mistake as my eyes raced down the page my heart began to beat rapidly his essay was inundated with profanities and detailed gory descriptions of some event one-line read I tried to catch her but she was too fast she hit me in the back of the head pretty good gotta give her that there was blood everywhere but I just sat there laughing like a lunatic whether or not these words actually transpired I wasn't sure the week before the end of the semester was what I like to call the opening of the floodgates that's because the students would come to my office hours to ask me their questions before the final hoping to salvage their grades in the last week my office hours were late they began at 6 p.m. and ended at 7:45 the students didn't like this of course but they also didn't like failing a class one student named Adeline walked in she was one of my top performing students so I wasn't surprised to see her show up late to get some extra help she also happened to be one of Calvin's friends or a former friend I couldn't help myself I asked her why she and the others were ignoring him lately professor Calvin's not who you think he is I don't want to say too much I actually don't want to get involved if you don't mind she stuttered to me she didn't look at me when she said that implying something I wasn't sure there are several reasons why someone won't make eye contact with you in a conversation that includes emotions of fear so I let it go I responded that's fine I didn't mean to be a bother I just found it strange because you all seem to be getting along in the beginning of the semester Adeline wasn't the last student who visited me during my office hours one student after another came by to ask questions and get help before the exam and then Calvin showed up it was 753 p.m. and my office hours were now over but I made an exception for Calvin after all he was my best student but I also wanted to ask him some questions and myself he walked in and sat down with his eyes on the floor the whole time before I could speak he let out a quick sorry pretending to be ignorant i tilted my head for more elaboration he sent you something in place of my actual essay assignment and that was an accident I didn't mean to turn that in I have no idea how it got mixed up in there oh it's fine here you are I handed him back his foul gruesome curse filled essay he then unexpectedly got up and headed for the door I asked him where he was going is that it you sure you don't have any questions for the final nope he'll be fine he said I didn't get to ask him my questions mainly why did he write that in the first place it was dark outside by the time he left but I didn't leave just then I just couldn't stop thinking about it I began to connect the dots sitting there at my desk as if solving a mystery students have shunned him including his best friends and his study group he accidentally sends me this sadistic letter which even now I have no idea if it's true or not moreover he always had on this fake smile this forced personality of happiness but lately he's been showing more antisocial behavior Adeline seemed horrified when I asked her about him what's going on maybe the kids disturbed but how did I miss something like that in one of my own students nonsense he's probably just going through a phase a very weird unusual phase as i sat there thanking all of this i noticed the time 8:30 4:00 p.m. i grabbed my coat switched off the lights locked up my office and left the building I got in my car and started the engine I drove off speeding through empty streets I made a sharp turn spilling my cold forgotten coffee all over the passenger seat when I arrived at the next stop sign I took some time to clean up a little that's when I noticed Calvin's letter the same one I returned to him just a few minutes ago sitting on the passenger seat I was shocked and confused as I continued driving I adjusted my rear view mirror only to find that a wide male grin had filled it [Music]
Channel: CreepyPastaJr
Views: 381,905
Rating: 4.7328911 out of 5
Keywords: creepy, creepy pasta, creepy story, creepypasta, creepypastajr, creepypastajr., fear, horror, horror story, narration, nightmare, real, real scary horror, scary, scary story, storytelling, true, true creepy story, true scary story, Retired Professor, One Student Freaked Me Out, Horror College Story
Id: QdWUx5ntZGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2018
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