"Romanian Knowledge Experiment" Creepypasta

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in 1960 Alexandru sift a well-known scientist traveled to the forests of hoya Bisaya located in eastern romania the Jolla forest had the reputation of being a hot spot for paranormal activities the main reason for sips motivation he wrote many notes about his experiences there but many were found burnt upon his death in 1993 the notes that survived detailed his experiments on the forest with test subjects in every one of his notes he ended by saying knowledge is harmful ignorance is bliss ten years later the Romanian government developed interest in the few notes that survived so they sought to recreate his experiments three men volunteered for it they were told this was simply to see how an average person would manage to travel in a foreign territory using only a compass and a light source of course they realize as no sane man would volunteer if they knew what awaited them they were also told there would be a substantial reward should they succeed the first test subject was brought by helicopter to the West Zone of the forest at midnight he carried with him a backpack food water a compass and an oil lantern with enough oil to last until morning he was instructed to keep moving east until he hit a road which would lead him to a cabin where a few government agents awaited him he was also told to stop every 30 minutes to record any and all events on a sheet of paper he arrived at the cabin at 2:00 a.m. he handed the sheet to the agents and was driven to a nearby city where he was handed his reward his sheet said the following 12:30 a.m. I stopped at a nearby creek to rest and eat being in a forest at night with only an oil lantern for a source of light really managed to scare the heck out of me I thought I kept seeing more shadows than there actually were 1 am I stopped at a little clearing to change the oil I swear there must be something out there following me I can almost be sure there was a shadow that wasn't from any tree maybe an animal 1:30 a.m. now I'm really freaked out I saw something staring at me in the distance I only managed to see its silhouette but as soon as I looked at it it disappeared starting to second-guess this experiment 1:55 a.m. I'm on the road I can see the cabin from here that thing from before kept following me the more I walked the closer it got to me thankfully I haven't seen it for awhile so I figure I'll get to the cabin without any more delays the first subject remained alarmed for a few days afterwards but soon returned to a calm state the second test subject was deployed in the same spot as the previous one on the following night he had the same exact year except instead of an oil lantern he had an infrared camera he arrived at the cabin at 5 a.m. the agents noticed he was physically and psychologically shaken he was panting and crying in fear his note said the following 12:30 a.m. this camera really doesn't help me navigate I even fell a few times because of it almost everything I see is blue and black except for the occasional red spot of an animal or bird 1:00 a.m. I don't know what the hell you guys put out here with me but it's not funny I took a break to drink some water when I heard a rattling coming from deep within the forest I took my camera to see what it was but I'm sure that was no normal animal it was big and hunched over I couldn't make out its details since it was glowing bright red I slowly walked away from it never losing it out of my sight even though it stayed completely motionless I found a small ditch to hide I guess it's better to write in here than out in the open I'll quicken up my pace the faster I get out of here the better 4:30 a.m. I'm sorry for not writing more frequently I just never had the chance shortly after the last entry I heard it walking towards me I dove in a small cave and waited for it to pass I took so long because of that it didn't leave me alone I'll probably not write anything else until I get to safety the last thing I want is to be surprised by that thing while my guard is down the second test subject was visibly stressed and taken to a psychologist for three months subject came back he was deployed in the same spot night he had the same gear except he had a night-vision camera when the agents were leaving the shack they noticed a worn and ragged piece of paper on their doorstep it had only one entry it said the following 12:05 a.m. if you find this please tell my family I love them these might be my last words after I couldn't see the helicopter anymore I turned on the camera to check my surroundings I can see it 20 meters in front of me it doesn't move as I write this it doesn't even blink it has no eyelids it's taller than any human or bear that I have ever encountered it's hunched over like a gorilla supporting its weight on the extremities of its limbs I can't even call those things hands it has round eyes no pupils Oh God it's shaking the trees as it moves after the conclusion of the experiment the Romanian government placed an electrified fence and guard tower surrounding the entire Oya bisaya forest they made sure not to let anyone in or anything out you
Channel: CreepyPastaJr
Views: 209,811
Rating: 4.8863821 out of 5
Keywords: CreepyPastaJr, CreepyPastaJr., Creepy Pasta Jr, Creepypasta, Romanian Knowledge Experiment, Fear, Horror, Scary, Spooky, Russian Sleep Experiment, MrCreepyPasta, CreepsMcPasta, Nightmare, Storytelling, Narration, Fiction
Id: HYDVngq25dY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Sat May 07 2016
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