"File Error: S4T-4N" | Creepypasta

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[Music] klancy pasta presents file air s 40 - 4m ridden by kokuto [Music] I'm a wannabe computer programmer that is I heard it was a field that made a lot of money if you were good at it and reason that I was pretty good with computers so I could probably do it unfortunately that wasn't the case writing code is something I'm definitely not good at not only is it infuriating to miss one tiny bracket or comma and have everything go sideways but also I found typing up any specific function to be amazingly boring the teacher would drone on instructing the class how to create the sequence for a specific function the keyboards of the other students around me can be heard clicking furiously as they tried to keep up and I well I then I would have already given up too hard for me it's a vicious lazy streak I know instead I would assure myself I'd catch up once I got home when I could really study you know without all the distractions of class never turned out that way of course however coming in late to class one day I tuned in and as best I could dear the professor explained how to remove that s40 - for an error from coding files this called my attention I had seen that line of coding in some of my own codes before it had never seemed to have any effect on the final product so I had previously always ignored it but as I listened the lecture went on to explain that whilst it was a piece of code that had no effect on digital program functions it seemed to have a psychological effect on programmers themselves you recounted tales of young programmers committing suicide or dying under mysterious circumstances after having taken notice of the air without taking action against it according to the lesson plan if it were to show up anywhere at all and code the best course of action was to rewrite the code from scratch and purge the original project completely from existence merely deleting the line of coding it was nested in was supposedly ineffective naturally this was the cause of dismay for many of the students as it seemed the air had occurred in almost everyone's projects hours of work lost no one was particularly happy to have to redo everything because of a superstition of everyone however I believe I was the most affected the air appeared repeatedly many times throughout my project and was the most work I had ever done for the class after finding out I would have to restart the entire thing which would take hours and hours I made perhaps the stupidest decision of my life I decided to simply remove the affected lines of code after all I was not willing to lose all that work and the teacher probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference well everyone else complained I boldly claimed my coating didn't have the air some regarded me with suspicion others with jealousy to which I paid no mind it felt like I was suddenly the top of the class this boost in confidence was all I needed to excel it didn't matter that it was all a lie because no one knew when I returned home that night I said adduced the coding to play some games and it was as I closed the window that I noticed a file on the desktop file s 40 - 4 M naturally I tried to delete the file only to find that it wouldn't delete rather it flashed an error message each time remained in place I couldn't figure out how an error line of coding could somehow make itself into a file regardless if it wouldn't delete I had reboot the system in safety mode and remove it from there I tried this and it seems successful that is until everything had finished loading then I could see that there were now multiple file copies of s 40 - 4 n ignoring it didn't seem to help either it was gradually causing my computer to glitch things like incredible slowness and inability to click on a simple tasks or down my patience a google search on it turned out nothing on how to remove it I even reluctantly tried to rewrite my entire coding project only to find that no matter what I typed the lines would automatically correct themselves to s 40 - 4m It was as if my earlier decision to lie about its existence condemned me to live with my choice now all of this happened a few days ago today however things escalated I've been keeping the infected laptop turned off in my room and bought a new one until I could figure out what to do with it when I booted up the brand new device the startup logo was not that of any normal operating system instead the single word appeared s 40 - 4 M how did my new computer get infected without being connected to the old one the only thought I had was that the virus had somehow infected the network so that when I connected my new PC to the Wi-Fi the virus jumped to it this might sound strange but I feel guilty now I've been trying to hide the fact that this virus has infected all my devices or my classmates I know if they see it they'll think I'm cheating I suppose that's probably because I am still they don't need to know there's no way they can know so then why is everyone staring at me it started when I went to class i sat down hold out my laptop looked up and everyone I mean everyone in my class was looking at me I had expected them to go back to working on their own projects but they didn't this kept their unblinking gaze on me unsettled I left class early however when I stepped into the elevator to leave the people and the elevator turned to stare as well I've heard my gates to the ground uncomfortably when I noticed on the shoe of one of the people was the letter S it was out of place and infused I cautiously looked at the others two occupants were wearing identical shirts that said for another AB letter T tattooed under their arm while the final person was holding a book with the single letter n on the cover s 44 n I'm not ashamed to say I screamed and evacuated the lift as soon as was practical the virus had infected my life people on the street stared as I walked past dog sparked in Street graffiti spelled out the same five characters s40 ash 4m this was all days ago I haven't slept since I can't believe that my stubborn choice not to restart my programming project after being told to has led to all of this people are lining up outside my door I see them when I peek out the window they seem to know exactly where I am within the house as they shift their bodies to face whichever area I'm inhabiting at the time I get the feeling that they're waiting for something though what I cannot determine I only know I have to get out there's only one thing I think I can do I need to disappear and myself before they decide to end me this is my final letter I can't let them get me let what's happened here be a warning in the future that anyone who ever sees the combination of s40 - 4n and their programming delete it the whole project right away and just go dark on all electronics for a week and buy all new devices stop the spread of this thing your life depends on it you [Music] thanks for watching and I hope you enjoyed today's video I'm gonna give a huge thanks to all of my supporters over at patreon and youtube memberships your support makes these narrations possible and I appreciate it a ton if you'd like to join these lovely ghouls you can head on over to my patreon at patreon.com slash clancy pasta or click the join button below to become a member and if you'd like creepy cool shirts make sure to head on over and check out my official merch store some awesome tees hoodies stickers and more alright thank you all for watching and I hope you have a great night Cheers [Music] you
Channel: ClancyPasta
Views: 34,164
Rating: 4.8051419 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, reading, narration, creepypasta reading, creepypasta narration, scary story, scary stories, horror stories, creepy story, asmr reading, asmr story
Id: soGL1GgVKvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2019
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