"I Used to Work the Graveyard Shift at Dunkin' Donuts" Creepypasta

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[Music] I used to work the graveyard shift at a Dunkin Donuts for those of you who don't know what a Dunkin Donuts is it's basically a doughnut chain that sells coffee breakfast items and of course doughnuts it didn't always used to have a night shift though originally my location had regular hours with regular customers throughout the day overall it was a simple job make sure everything was stocked clean and make sure the coffee was fresh pretty much the only downside apart from working the morning shift was dealing with the ungrateful customers most of the time it was a rushed businessman who didn't have time to wait five minutes for a simple cup of coffee or an entitled soccer mom who would lose her mind on us over a piece of cheese on a sandwich which she didn't want after working in the food industry for a few months I had acquired a newfound respect for the people who work in this industry everyone is just trying their best and yes mistakes do happen but almost every time mistakes can and do get fixed on the spot I've had my share of hostile interactions from customers too one time during my first week of working there I accidentally dropped a cup of coffee while handing it to a customer luckily it didn't spill on them it slipped and fell to the ground out of the way watching that cup fall from my hands was like slow-motion the guy who I was handing the cup to was actually very polite and laughed it off whereas his girlfriend was livid she actually threatened to drag me out back and boil me in hot coffee just to see how I'd liked it it was a good thing my manager was there and saw the whole thing he apologized profusely to the couple and gave them complimentary coffee and sandwiches suffice to say I never dropped another cup after that another incident that happened was when a woman ordered a cup of coffee she quickly took a drink from it and then immediately threw the coffe back at me she said it was far too hot and that we were trying to kill her it was a good thing I was wearing an apron or else I'd have a whole different set of problems this brings me to a little over a month ago when our location was recently selected to become 24 hours a lot of other establishments would maintain a 24-hour drive-through window but ours was fully open I'll be honest it was interesting to see the new types of customers who would come in during these hours we of course had the hipsters and Goths who had nothing better to do at 3:00 a.m. than to sit in a coffee shop drinking one cup for an hour there were the occasional overworked businessmen and interns trying desperately to finish that last minute presentation we'd get the graveyard shift workers stopping in to get their much-needed caffeine fix and once in a while a husband or boyfriend who had got thrown into the dog house would show up when we were notified of this new schedule we were initially asked to volunteer for the graveyard shift I knew it would take some getting used to but in my mind the minimal workload would be worth it so I immediately offered to take the night shift everything was going well for the first two weeks or so the customers I told you about earlier had started becoming a part of my nightly routine the best part about working the night shift is that almost everyone was either too tired or too apathetic to be rude or hostile towards us I think the biggest gripe we got was from the hipster asking if we had any 100% grass-fed organic sugarcane to which I responded to him that this was a Dunkin Donuts he just hopped as he stared into his cup and then walked away a couple weeks ago I had encountered a new type of customer though he is very difficult to describe have you ever met someone that makes you nervous for some unknown reason well at around 2:30 a.m. a man walked in with a large overcoat with a collar pulled up and a black beanie on his head what struck me as odd first was the lack of people in our lobby normally at this time we'd have the Goths huddled in the corner cursing the system or something but the entire store was empty aside from this man myself and my manager was in the back probably sleeping or something after this person walked in I thought it had to be a homeless man trying to escape the cold and possibly seek out a hot cup of pity but then I saw his face he was somewhat gaunt but cleanly shaven his eyes had dark circles around them as if you were tired but he seemed quite energized he then walked up to the counter at that moment I realized how tall this guy was like Kobe tall I asked him what he would like to order he just stared straight ahead as if you were zoning out I repeated my question a bit louder he only said one word often his voice was harsh and grating like he had been screaming recently not wanting to risk more awkwardness I didn't ask him about any flavors or sizes I quickly grabbed a fresh cup of black coffee and set it in front of him the man then leaned down and looked me in the eye and asked me if I was alone I told him I wasn't that my manager was in the backroom he then pulled out a few crumpled up dollar bills handed it to me and then walked back out of the door without taking his coffee with him as soon as he left the building I felt this intense atmosphere lift up from around me I was at a loss for words to be honest I quickly rushed to the back and told my manager about the whole situation to which he told me to put the man's money aside in case he comes back for it the next night everything was back to normal the usual customers sat in a respective seats sipping their coffee while I was keeping myself busy and mopping the floor I couldn't help but think about the interaction I had last night that's when I happened to look out of our front window and I saw him he was standing across the street under a streetlight he was just standing there staring at me I turned to see if my manager was behind the counter and when I looked back he was gone at that point I was starting to feel unnerved but it wasn't until the following night that I became downright terrified I was busy stocking some shelves in the back when I heard the front door bell ring I quickly rushed out of the back but I stopped in my tracks when I saw the man standing in front of me he looked terrible his previously shaven face was covered in patchy stubble his cheeks looked much thinner than last time in his eyes looked a lifeless I asked the man if he was all right but he didn't reply he just stood there in the lobby staring at me once again I told him I was going to call the police so they could come help him as soon as I grabbed the phone from the counter the man charged at me he grabbed me by the throat and threw me to the ground after hearing the commotion my manager burst from the back room and demanded an explanation in a panic I told him to call the police but it was only done I realized the man who had grabbed me had disappeared I called out of work for the next two nights I just needed some time to recover from that whole encounter I still probably should have had my manager call the police the other night but reasoned in my head that the guy was probably long gone my last night working there was the worst by far and also the reason I quit I had arrived to work and relieve the people working before me that's when I received a call from my manager telling me that he had a family emergency and would be a few hours late I was upset but there wasn't much I could do so I just said all right after three uneventful hours of me cleaning the same racks over and over again to keep my mind off things I glanced out of the window once more what I saw me my blood turned eyes the man was standing on the other side of the window he was grinning at me with a sinister smile that caused my body to seize up right away I pulled out my cell phone and called the police while my phone was ringing the man did something strange without peeling his eyes from the glass he pulled out a cell phone from his pocket I watched him carefully as he began to type something into the phone without even looking at it at that moment my phone buzzes notifying me of a text the message said now you're alone it was then I noticed that the text came from my managers phone immediately I ran into the back office and locked the door at that point The Dispatch operator had answered and I told them about my current situation as I spoke to them I could hear the front doorbell ring I could hear heavy footsteps walking into the back area the operator told me that two police cars were already on their way the man began pounding on the door trying to break it down I screamed from the other side that I called the police and that they were almost here then the banging stopped the police arrived a few minutes later but found no traces of the man and took my statement they asked me where my manager was and I told him I had no idea but that I thought the guy had done something to him the police escorted me home and told me they would keep in touch a week or so had passed I never went back to work and I never saw the man again I did receive a call from one of the officers however he told me that they found my managers car in a ditch on some back road but he was nowhere to be found he also told me that the security footage we had in the store had somehow been corrupted and was now unusable I don't know who or what that thing was or why it targeted me but I know one thing for sure I'm never working the graveyard shift anywhere ever again [Music] you [Music]
Channel: CreepyPastaJr
Views: 493,689
Rating: 4.8989058 out of 5
Keywords: CreepyPastaJr., CreepyPastaJr, CreepyPasta, Horror, Creepy, Spooky, Scary, Scary Story, TRUE SCARY STORY, REAL SCARY STORY, Nightmare, Horror Story, Horror Movie, Horror Video, True Horror, Creepy Pasta, Creepy Story, Dunkin Donuts Story, Dunkin Donuts Horror, Fear, MrCreepyPasta, CreepsMcPasta, Narration, Storytelling
Id: C_54MVLcdkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2017
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