Crazy Guitar Hoarder YARD SALE!

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hello everybody Brad the guitarist here on today's video we're gonna jump in that car right there and go to a yard sale so come along with me yeah it's been gone through Arkansas and what model is this is the 413 I think yeah that's right sir they're accustomed to call it it's got like a 12 it must be 35 watts it's got two of the YouTube anywheres fine the reverb works fine at all wonder if that's the original speaker for 465 is that's not Utah but Oxford that's awesome this is Oxford for sure at 1960 yeah so you've had this thing retooling stuff that's why I got it okay exactly the way I got it yeah I was down at a conference down in Jonesboro Arkansas do you have them do you have the the back panel my chance what you got no I'm it does this is great Martin was supposed to buy it this does have the vibrato then right it's got that special vibrato and Greg Martin from the headhunters promised me he was gonna buy it now you mean Greg from Kentucky I'm just saying it for their for their benefit thing people watching me like he's a local he's a local legend couple years ago did you really yeah a little-little thing about his leaves back we actually got to go to anima to Gibson Custom Shop and see they he got to play the very first they made a signature series of his signature uh-huh you have to play for the first time yeah he does say he's one of the he's probably one of the few people I would ever have a chance to really meet hang out with and has a signature Gibson the one that they gave him was wired and Colonel later on them that that was when he test plays oh right on it was the very first edition of it and they were just one pickups so yeah definitely the best yard sale I've been to this year there's no doubt about that I bet it rocks clean a bit loud and clean so this wasn't meant as a bass amp this is a yeah with reverb okay hey commander for this has to be early for Randall this has to be real early somebody that's a real good traveler Hedberg the solid state yeah I talked to Andy Andy Fuchs online you know Fuchs amplifiers he used to he said he used to work for them beyond this yeah that's definitely a P become tell me about these they're they reflect don't they they reflect up in there it looks like there's a pork are all around that reflects I'm like a horn outside but you can see the cone is facing out right there right this way but if it probably does deflect some I guess but I've got a pair of those with it so what are these mutant music caster nasties yeah there they were PA speakers back in the late 60s Antrim and they've got wonderful respondents they sound great these are like dead MIT that currently are sitting too hard from the church cool little this is cool it okay I wanted it film work yo yeah it's a lawsuit it's got the open right it's probably 70 to 72 somewhere in that range I imagine this is this is that aria pro - yeah all right approach to that which is the worst it was a really good day oh this would have been a great base five coats of paint on it yeah and I started stripping it and after after a while I just got somebody added a bass string with this little lever that they use like on babies like that okay a little just like it's like a twang bar for ya yeah which is kind of odd but you know I guess oh that's like a that's like a D tuner yeah kind of thing it's like ya deflate drop deeds yeah that looks like somebody well not like you don't see those kind of like this but this is a yeah yeah it's like a D tuning what do you know about this where did you get this one honestly couldn't tell you where I got that kami that same place yeah probably from kami bill is probably a Tesco father it looks like probably had the little king head up here father very short scale this one was fascinating to me because I didn't know I didn't really know they did Kingston's in Korea this at this light of a date this is like a very short scale bass made in Korea I would guess early 80s but I haven't yeah I didn't mean to I guess they're sitting and I've got a buddy that I was gonna take it to you down the street for it but just never got around to it right he he got injured his arm he can't you can't carry a lot of weight anymore so he switched the sixth string but he could play that Bobby still and then the John Deere bass that's the pickup might be cool in that though they work it's got two two pickups - it's an odd at least as an encore yeah this one's definitely Tesco this one's definitely Japanese I'm not sure exactly who made it I think this would probably be a parts guitar if I got it yeah yeah see that the parts would be you know somewhat useful probably at some point it's just what this is one of those things where if you saw my face you would see that piles and piles of stuff I mean worse than this it's like you know I'll take parts off of something for you know you got something else a lot of times national bel-air oh you do those will be very difficult impossible people said they would make them for you but you know they're not that high in perfect safety I play about $30 do you have it here I'd love to take a look at it give some information 175 bottle body single pickups right and there was another tone control here then that would be the part of his plug and this would be a master volume with these are the three individual they have I guess this one is for top ones for bottom and one is for the pair yeah do you have any of the spirit part um not much well these are some those are these are exactly the pit garbage these are pickups out of a like a universe I would say the universe big that would fit inside the casing that was on here right here there's that I'm missing one of the casings so I don't know what happened to it right one of the metal cases yes what you would probably have to do is get that is yeah and these are so big that your regular humbucker won't fit in it's right those univox large single coils would fit in there though I don't have the metal or for there's it's I think the guy's the one place that is got lost there though this is a pretty cool I'm even up at the body sources it is a 175 Gibson body from its yes somebody see this is what happens when you play with fingernails you get this yeah if you don't thing is if you don't train my fingernails real well that's what ends up happening alright we're back and let's see what what all we've brought home here this is a it's an unlabeled model 6000 some of these I think we're labeled Kent amplifiers this is a series filament amp this was made by Gregory on the East Coast in New Jersey cool little amp it's gonna need you know some work to really make it safe and right but very cool it's got its got tremolo on it also picked up that Harmony H 400 the up and it's also gonna need a little bit of work another series filament amp but these are pretty cool I've had some of these on my channel before and they do sound good when you do the work on them let's see see what how messy my car is let's see this thing this is a 12-string Japanese something-or-other it's unnamed I'm pretty certain though that this is Kauai made so there's that 12 string Kauai couple other things here - got this base I'd already showed this I believe we went ahead and pick that up cuz it wasn't too expensive the neck is gonna need some probably major work see if you sight down this neck you'll see how how boat it is so we're I mean it's really boat it's not gonna come through I don't think on the camera really but it's pretty bowed good news is it does have a truss rod so that might adjust out somewhat I'm hoping it adjusts all the way out but I haven't always had great luck with the truss rod adjusting these Japanese guitars out once once the neck is bow so it might need some surgery I got this box full of goodies this is a little preamp the headphone out phantom power microphone and instrument inputs RCA outputs I might have to do something different with this power I'm not sure yet so I didn't get the power cord a pair of old cheap discount walkie-talkies which my daughter might have fun with let's see what else a bunch of dearmond pickups these are kind of cool they're not in great shape though you can see this one's duct tape all up I will probably do something about that if I ever come to sell this which I'm sure I will and if you guys seen any of this stuff you're interested in let me know but I've got a couple of these the armors I've already got one of these already in my collection now I have that one and this one also let's see and what else what's this this is some kind of Japanese job here know what maybe not Japanese no that's not japanesse a Turner okay so this is solder it's from the 40s or something it's a Turner Turner microphones where some of those that looked really looked really cool there's a dearmond as well part of one anyway there's that there's the Japanese one that's a can't there's cable and another one that that knob right there those are really hard to find those will fit on to harmony guitars from the 1960s and they're hard to find because the the shafts on them are different size and they fit a different CTS pot they fit the mini cts pots rather than the full-size CTS so that's just a knob alone it's real nice to have there that's pretty much it for that box and then I got this little guy let's get this out you know this amp it's another series filament this is a Valco though this is an airline by Valco probably it's 1965 ish something like that model 62 - 90 21a original Jensen and it's also serious filament 12ax7 and a 50 l6 power tube solid-state rectifier which is odd for a series filament amp because it will have to have a pretty big resistor in series there to take up the excess voltage that serial number right there that number one I believe is 1965 or 66 one of the two but there will be a code on the speaker right there 1966 to 2605 1966 fifth week so yeah there's my finds glad you guys got to go with me to a yard sale today thanks for watching if you haven't already done so hit the subscribe button and for now y'all take care
Channel: The Guitologist
Views: 776,832
Rating: 4.7707682 out of 5
Keywords: guitars, hoarder, hoard, yard sale, garage sale, guitar, estate sale, cheap, vintage, boot sale, estate auction, moving sale
Id: hxGD4hiY6og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2017
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