I CHALLENGED LilAggy to a BET with a Randomizer Race

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how I've been up practicing and that's why my arms my eyes are tired no have I been up all night and my eyes were tired because I was playing League of Legends yes it's not always easy sometimes it's hard that's what she said May the real winners were the friends made along the way no [ __ ] friends you don't need friends losers have friends that's why you're in chat do you have dude why should we hype up chat for like the last 15 minutes with this speech and then I just [ __ ] the bed and the Randall races let's get destroyed we've got a item enemy randomizer race between Domo and I we're doing all seven Great runes so we've got the tracker online here uh the way we're doing it is you need two great runes to get into Langdale four great runes to get into mountaintops and then seven Great runes to finish the game and get the final boss and all the key items and whatnot are randomized two bedroom locations which is vanilla locations Mater bosses Merchant shops and golden seed ticket two locations and we're doing a bet to make it extra spicy the loser has to do with stream in Ronnie cosplay so do you think blue looks good on you by the way one of my best colors personally I think I think that's gonna be great okay okay sounds good I think it'll look better on you though Bud okay okay well best of luck to you good sir you as well my friend sounds good sounds good and uh count us down all right on go three two one go good luck good luck sir put him in the dark twist the stick twist it okay we got moose we got moose moose for Scion we got good old moves for Scion is that right that is absolutely correct Yes sounds good what do we got what do we got good sir Smith thinks Stone another smith thing Stone crafting kit uh dog [ __ ] dog [ __ ] dog [ __ ] okay cool lightning grease I honestly I feel like we should avoid graveyards it sounds crazy for a random race to avoid graveyards but my thought process here is we rush merchants and not graveyards and just honestly try to kill the boss like go for market as soon as possible and get 12K that way instead we basically forfeit some economy to just focus on uh merchants I'm not gonna lie guys I'm somewhat tempted to lose for the extra content of cosplaying as Ronnie I'm not gonna lie the extra content of being Ronnie just sounds too good I was in striped tolerance it's gonna look just like that shot he's he'll be beautiful oh wait that's so good for bosses all right let's check out this Merchant first uh okay so we have some upgrades here we've got a good old cab and some grease some golden seeds nothing crazy nothing crazy golden seeds are checks I have to check churches and seeds guys I forgot about that [ __ ] I think that's actually a really good idea checking merchants and seeds right away definitely not a bad move all right let me just move back here real quick golden seed okay I hate myself I hate myself okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay I promise I promise I won't do it I promise I won't do it I won't do it again I promise I promise I promise promise thank you [ __ ] gaming let's go okay I don't have to come back for this anyways so okay lots of golden seeds depending how can I okay sacred tears seeds upgrades don't really need a lot of this but I'm still gonna grab it there's a legendary here well that was a bummer he's the recorder what do we got here what do we what do we what do we got here ringed finger okay that might not be bad come on dab me up Rodrigo how often I say you're my favorite MPC come on dab me up home slice nice stop moving all right not bad we take that Assassin's prayer book okay foreign I can't [ __ ] see oh my God what do you got homie let's get another two not some decks I'll take I'll take that that's Dex armor that's Dex uh that's pretty expensive I'm gonna hold off on buying that I think oh we have our first great room and a buckler holy [ __ ] do I want to go this way I'm gonna lose item pickups this way I guess oh there's a golden seed though that way oh [ __ ] true I have to go this way actually oh okay interesting that's not bad oh dude it's Aggie's worst nightmare nice give me something good baby okay never mind more freezing grease though okay nice I guess the same hair as a scaly Miss forgotten kind of true okay we got our first stopper oh oh okay that's actually really good we got America here that's actually huge somber 3 an America weapon okay good to know we're going past this graveyard anyways I might as well just check it real quick there's also a legendary here so can I have that thanks all right there is a legendary here this might be a great Rune guys summer three okay oh Albus is a major check actually true actually true I forgot about Albus also we still have to acquire the Hallock tree Medallion anyways so we have to go like collect some [ __ ] okay that's cool that's fine we can go to EG uh stop by Kerry Manor to get the grace and then go straight to the other Merchant somber fours okay we can go into Manor right now to be honest we could probably clear Mana right now serious cash money that's an ants got the careful good armor can I wear this armor or my I can that's good nice boys ah okay okay dude okay dude what the [ __ ] this [ __ ] dragon's dick and balls on the bridge so we're both at least guaranteed one great room first half the dactus okay don't really need it but cool beans uh yes putia is an important Merchant so um Loretta is a check and also Padilla's a check so that's why going here is actually not that bad and the scaling is not too crazy either okay I style that's fine that's strength right am I dumb oh it's intelligence I am dumb oh my God I missed I can't believe it oh good attack actually is this a knockout it is okay I think he's dead here nice first try huge let's [ __ ] go give me something good baby [ __ ] oh you hey come on give me something good somber one Rune here we go here we go number two and a somber three again okay cool cool we have one two and three now we have one two and three we could go for we could go for uh Queen America's Hammer actually dab me up homie okay I don't need that don't need any of this America's Hammer definitely wouldn't be bad but it's also holy damaged that's the only other problem it's holy damage oh we have full ductus holy [ __ ] uh this is still a check though America's Hammer is 20 strength 12 uh 20 strength 12 decks 19 faith that faith is pretty high the strength in the decks is fine that's that Faith though is a little oof wait I can go the capital already guys I have two two four seven I can go to the Capitol if I wanted to hopefully it's something periable that'd be huge give me like Bell Berry Hunter give me Elmer oh even better okay well it's not the glaive so it's not the best one but this is definitely super workable okay well [ __ ] off foreign that's good though that's good don't hit me don't hit me don't [ __ ] do it I do a sniffing my ass ah this is a seven great room run it can take quite a while Arizona probably like five hours I would say this might be a great rune this might be a great Rune right here [ __ ] gaming let's go that's three baby all right so this Merchant has something good that'd be really really nice somber one somber six shackle okay this guy's this guy's got some good stuff not gonna bite right now I'm grabbing the golden sea check here real quick this is like a very obscure golden sea check all right it's purple that's fine good weapon sacred tear let's just go Capital let's just go Capital we'll check that other stuff later yeah the trebuchet is true match we are an hour into the race how are how are you feeling I'm uh I'm chilling man how about you I'm doing great I'm having a fantastic time honestly yeah pretty smooth sailing truth it's uh same actually for the most part good good another thing uh did you write a uh pick a weapon or I've got a weapon nope okay okay we have a very juicy weapon I'm I'm very satisfied okay I'm still I'm still shopping I'm shopping still shopping okay I'm still keeping his options open playing the field a little bit yeah I would I would say so just uh making sure I'm not making the wrong choice you know oh yeah that's a pretty big that's it you know what uh uh what would you say your momentum is like right now a scale of one to seven [Laughter] I'm thinking a solid two okay okay on on that scale I'm uh and uh yourself I'm rocking a solid three right now is that so yes sir okay okay is there interesting very interesting that's that's all I got really for you if I'm being honest man it's uh those are my words okay good words thank you thank you do you know your dress size ah actually I don't have uh never gone shopping like that before how about you do you know no I'm just gonna wing it maybe no yeah I mean I got I got some tape measure I could I could I could measure you know sure sure so do you um do you uh do you think you have a hat head by the way do I think I have a hat hit yeah like do you look good in hats like my head's not shaped I don't wear hats your head is not shaped yeah I look goofy in hats I don't look good huh yeah uh I'm not really a hack guy I don't I don't know if it's a head thing okay it's still just not really what I typically go for so do you think uh you would enjoy the Run Ronnie cosplay I mean I've never dressed up like a woman ever in my life okay so yeah you might like it yeah all right well we're top it again I mean top of the next hour uh sure sounds good man sounds good hopefully I hope everything goes smoothly and uh you find you're looking for it yeah thanks what a beautiful conversation real change of pace from the Chris coms I'm trying to [ __ ] mute and I can't all right here we go I'm gonna grab the crafting kit here oh those are too expensive I don't need those it's fine all right I have the seven Talisman pouch is definitely worth it though I'm gonna grab that I'm gonna grab this too um okay let's go back where's the America's Hammer where's the America's Hammer oh we also got holy shrouds here okay America's Hammer action might not be a better call than to be honest okay there it is we have holy shroud here on top of that that's insane yeah there it is there it is okay cool got it um pump all right anything else I need to grab I don't think so we can grab the great honestly grabbing the great shield for Dragon Crest Shield probably not not bad not bad a second uh okay so America's Hammer one two three four five six seven huge uh and then just like okay that should be fine for now that's fine good morning Vikes War spear okay that's absolutely [ __ ] useless I'm fine I was gonna grab this and then go another wet blade Jesus oh dude I didn't even have to level faith but honestly this is not bad though because now I can I can bump it even more technically this is all built towards uh Quinn America's Hammer man it's crazy oh I have to check this actually no I don't have to well it might be a Hallock tree it's not oh it's duelist okay cool cool nice what's up jar sharts yo cash money is this a remembrance finally pausing a champion it is not a good one but it is one all right let's mark this real quick oh oh nice it's a nice calf with a glaive okay never mind I was gonna do that man Jesus never [ __ ] mind dude to buy my car what do you mean ain't no way dude ain't no way dude stop your [ __ ] horse's dick is in my face okay dude oh my God sex holy [ __ ] that was toxic dude you know what you know what's making me nervous is we haven't seen Millennia yet that actually makes me nervous because the longer we don't see her the higher the chances that she's late game and the higher that she's late game the the more of a chance I'm gonna get [ __ ] ah yes black played Kindred my favorites we have a bonk weapon though this actually might not be that bad I'm pretty sure it got stuck on the ceiling what foreign there we go [ __ ] very true okay Jesus Christ [ __ ] I [ __ ] it I literally had the perfect world too I really hope this guy has something it's been a hell yeah wow okay that was worth it that was worth it we take those raises Faith uh yes please wow okay we can go into the academy now okay oh there's a legendary is this a uh remembrance I'm begging money yes what's that perfumer oh baby oh baby oh great Jesus Christ oh yep that's exactly what I thought was gonna happen as soon as I was on my horse and I saw that black knife I can't I can't go on Horseback as soon as we go on Horseback they do the death blade again okay you're literally chasing me for an eternity that is fan [ __ ] tastic I dude what are the chances that there's two great runes on the way though to the end of the game like I think that's kind of low whether he's got a fire giant that could drop something I don't think God's skin can drop anything can drop something best checks after end game is going to be radon because it's a double check and then technically Riker is also like a really good check because that's also a double check I can't see it from here that's purple that's not even purple oh it's purple this is definitely going way faster than I anticipated guys I'm not even gonna lie this is that was this one way faster than I thought but then again the last two great rooms could be like a really shitty spots I like three is it a cemetery shade oh it is oh dude we're gonna [ __ ] melt this thing yo I shared fire bro oh he's already teleported towards me ah this is kind of a lame random I'm not gonna lie we haven't done a single major boss there it's pretty lame oh okay Jesus should kill right pretty close okay okay dude that is so troll man but okay how many times we're gonna do this damn move oh okay dude nice that was like the only move it's done until the very end hello Domo happy two hours nine minutes of racing what's cracking homie how you doing this world I'm dead I'm doing great commit yeah cool uh how about yourself um I'm okay I had a little bit of a lot of trips here and there but otherwise not too shabby I would say for for two hours anyways um trips or or incidents like like trip and fell or like I took a trip to Florida [Music] um I took a trip to Grace City uh a couple times yeah just died I died a little bit more than I wanted but I'm unfortunately otherwise uh not too bad uh how about you how about you I'm doing pretty good on a scale of seven yeah if you want to if you want to inform me on your on your seventh skill up to you you don't have from zero to seven of how good I'm feeling I'm at about a four okay okay mm-hmm I'm uh I'm I'm sitting at a a solid five at the moment oh what a file a solid five I see you uh still still still slow but uh I I think I think I just got lucky that's all well that doesn't mean that I'm gonna find the the next two of my reading in the next hour it might be another three hours till I find another next one no see I mean that's the magic of the Rando red yes sir nothing matters until that seventh grade room yeah sir yes sir uh uh What uh um so what the what weapon are you feeling right now okay that was terrible I'm knocking a little OSS you know what that stands for straight swords mm-hmm actually okay I didn't even see those interesting okay okay I love these things they're feeling good all right oh they're feeling great interesting interesting I'm uh I'm rocking uh good old America's tits on my end here oh a little ballage uh no actually a little uh little hemorrhage oh okay Merrick's Hammer yeah yeah ice ice ain't too shabby can't complain better than I expected that's for sure I was like I don't think I've ever used it it's uh it's been coming in handy uh Astro board is actually kind of solid that's the radagon weapon yeah let's do a little slam slam slam yeah you don't do slam slam it's just one big slam but uh especially like fights like Duelist for example or anything that has that type of build I would say it knocks them in the air so you can like stun lock them with the ash aboard okay very nice it does cost a lot of Mana though but it's uh nice but yeah um how how do you think uh now that you know my number how do you feel pretty good mine's a good four okay oh it's like it's like a niche for a real good four yeah okay no it's it's it's as good a four as you could have it's better than your average Fair that's fair we're talking about great rooms yeah yeah I mean what else would be but yeah oh I mean I mean I'm rocking like a solid poo you know I mean I mean two brats good thanks thanks yeah I enjoy myself good talk all right it sounds good see you next time I'll see you uh yeah I'll see you guys I can't mute I'm in a fight oh don't [ __ ] it up oh thanks appreciate it yep I'm I'm trying my best kind of [ __ ] bricks here I don't know what bossies fighting from his tone it sounded like he was a little bit stuck on one which boss would he be stuck on the Mastery the Finesse the master Infamous holy sweet Jesus I'm back again I'm online baby I'm online and I'm feeling fantastic holy [ __ ] dude trying to be quiet and doing that fight was nerve-wracking climbing the line all right here we go I'm surprised he has four I wonder where he got his for double pumpkin interesting I don't know I don't know how I feel about that okay yeah that was way more that time okay never mind let's just go for that again really he's not dead wow I rolled thanks I rolled I rolled do it I hate this game oh it's a [ __ ] watchdog okay that's kind of lame dude not gonna lie I'm kind of disappointed great rune zombies yes yes huge okay we can plus nine who is it that's another Watchdog oh it's double watchdog I don't have any Crystal darts [ __ ] [ __ ] okay that's fine what the how do you get staggered but the uh dude I rolled why is that guy just sitting there all right come on great room all right who is it that's another night scav phase one anyways oh hey look go with Roy we got something stuck on this [ __ ] actual final boss not final boss but oh wow that's the hit see how much damage this actually does I don't know it's not bad oh yeah I kind of [ __ ] up my time in there nice great room nice straight yeah that's kind of what I was worried about dude that's kind of what I was worried about dude yo hitbox and thanks I'm gonna go [ __ ] myself I guess I can't use that uh Grace right now that was weird oh dude Ryan Lucario true actually that's uh yeah that's that's way better [ __ ] it let's go to Seoul first we'll do soul I can do I'm already here and then uh we'll go right I totally forgot about uh Royal Lucario uh that we had the key [Music] professional let's go oh wait what the frick okay I wonder if I like one shot this guy okay I don't one shot I'm definitely poor guy well that's a good checkpoint all right ah it's purple it's a Hallock I have to go all the way around for I'm just gonna go to uh let's let's check the merchants and Caleb there's a golden seed here actually there's a merchant and golden seed on the way to Verdon hurry up [ __ ] okay come on homie do your jump attack now what I'm looking for oh wow that's a lot of damage that's a lot of freaking damage that was another stagger already damn damn what's up [ __ ] I'm gonna take this grace and go to Ryan Lucario cool armor though this one over here I forgot that there's a gold seed here is that legendary nah it's a purple [ __ ] I got excited for like two seconds oh okay that's some hot [ __ ] though okay so we so we we clear Ryan lucaria double check on Ronaldo check the imbued sword key as well and then go straight to moguin oh we could actually go to volcano Manor after this too if we if we wanted to oh [ __ ] it's godric no should I just with no sound check this out oh I just shoved it up with pooper scooper okay he's gonna this is where rando's are really nice because I can just he's gonna go straight into phase two full damage boom easy ah it's purple oh please I'm begging I just need two great Thrones I'm I'm starving I'm starving please please I need I what the [ __ ] I have no cop I have no coffee I need coffee so bad man ain't no way oh my gosh ain't no way we need one more one more dude for now is the last one I'm gonna [ __ ] myself do we have one shot blast this guy oh it's flame guarded yeah we do get the [ __ ] off my screen I could just do this hold on should I though is it worth it okay yeah that was worth it okay hello oh Jesus I should probably one shot because nice great room great room all right mode time yes we've killed we're done yes well not radon the boss but the arena yes yes I hope this is Eleanor of the Briar man I I love fighting Eleanor oh what the okay that's fine I wonder if they like how much damage do they do with those stupid things yeah and I'm not even close range okay how close I can I can just there we go I can see it hey it's still on [ __ ] [Music] damn it Stone Barbed cracked here though that's kind of solid okay well it's purple it's not well I mean I might actually well I still need it I think I guess I still need it because I might be uh yep another key item okay Beach Merchant is definitely a check that we should do 100 though did you check Albus in the imbued sword key as well I've not checked Albus I have checked the imbued sword key in uh at the belfries yes should I I'm gonna have to kill him there's no need for me to kill the nipple you know what I'm gonna kill him [ __ ] never mind God skin nipple big old poison nipple come on baby come on baby let it be gold Let It Be gold Let It Be gold ladies and gentlemen the last great room [ __ ] is a hallex train don't tell me it's Alex tree okay dude if Albus actually has I've never had Albus have anything important if Albus actually dabs me up I will never kill Albus ever again and that's that's a promise that's a promise I have no clue not a one do you need me I haven't a clue no secrets lie with me oh please leave me leave me oh wait then well tap me up homie hey Daddy have to cost money back you you must stop it you sack a [ __ ] please lying old man I don't care if I'm wasting time suck it [ __ ] I don't give a damn you bastard because I have a weird suspicion that Rusty key might be actually how am I AG Road I just spawn Ed you know honestly if I lose I lose I don't know I have a weird suspicion that Aggie is going to get to the end with five and then go to Caleb with for the double and then be like oh look easy game hello it's blue Alex train no okay we checked them he's checking in what is he saying hello Domo it's about that time again I do you just give me a [ __ ] heart attack I thought you're gonna say ggs man not yet not yet I have no clue not a one please ah yes yes what I remember when I visited that man yeah um [ __ ] killed that dumbass he takes way too long I literally said to chat I'm like dude if like Albus has never had anything for me if Albus has something for me I will never kill this man ever again and this he still disappointed me Out full of disappointment how are you feeling though where you at uh I'm feeling I'm feeling all right I'm I'm feeling a little anxious I was I was a little anxious right until I was about to call you we got some good news [Music] are you just keeping me on the line while you're fighting the final boss is that what you're doing no do you think I'm Chris dude I don't [ __ ] them I would never pull wait why'd I go here such a such a low blow now how's the like what the what would the what would you say you're feeling feeling like a six same yep same yeah that's what's stressing me out oh boy I've I've been on the hunt by Guy oh me too I've been told numerous times that you're about to get a bingo again yeah how's that how's that looking uh uh yeah I mean I'm always about to get a bingo okay okay respectable uh any any words of encouragement from my friend and Buddy Aggie um yeah good luck but not that good luck yeah that's fair that's fair that's fair I mean I mean hey uh for for the record I think it'd be a a beautiful Ronnie thanks you're welcome Youtube Bud YouTube I think you were born to play the role ah I mean you're the one with acting experience here sure yeah yeah that's fair that's fair respectable I would love to see Ronnie sing uh seeing the German tractor song [Music] that would be not very muy bien as they say no what that's what they say in German yeah yeah they say a lot of uh a lot of Libyan if a lot of uh a lot of uh La Casa you know because put some rocks around very good yeah just yeah just [Laughter] yeah yeah we're on top of our game you know it's been a minute it's a I mean like I've had people being like yo Brando was back I'm like I don't I don't know if it's back I mean it's definitely it's definitely here right now yeah no not sure if it's gonna be a reoccurring thing but I'm definitely having a good time oh man look great did you uh you're still sticking to your uh OSS there sure yeah like what kind of what kind of uh armor are you rocking all right sorry I just had a very difficult boss fight no you're good you're good uh currently I am rocking the the golden underwear okay okay I see you mm-hmm I did have the bull gold armor it's just so ugly we had to go for fashion we'll perform you know yeah yeah I'm assuming I have a specific headpiece of yours that's your favorite um maybe not yes or no I guess or no Okay it definitely wouldn't be a yes or no answer for what I'm thinking I I saw the fork in a shop yeah and stick it on theme I've got a different headpiece here okay okay that's super fair I uh I'm running a mask myself okay but it's a scary mask oh it's a scary mess yeah yeah not made of golden no it's not actually it's uh it's made of a lot of hair and uh Samurai face ah yes the okito yes sir yes sir oh plus three decks I respect the drawing room I am done that's not a bad help I might have a stroke at some point if I don't find this damn great ruin any point soon I'll be having a stroke when never mind yeah oh oh okay okay I see you I'm picking up what you're putting down anyway gotta go the middle intense boss fight here sure yeah yeah you go uh you go take care of that yeah the way it's intended all right I'll smell you later I like how I hear the tab sound right afterwards who is it it's another shade oh yeah yeah like dude my whole build is made for this run it's not even funny okay that was a one shot yo what's up Smog oh good damage I wonder if I could actually hit the head if that would do more come on baby come on baby I'm gonna check shade of Castle real quick Mount gilmir honestly might not be Montgomery Merchant might not be a bad check just to get that over with I'm gonna grab this grace for shady Castle dude I told you man like he was behind for a while there but he caught up real quick he laughed at a boss fight and I wonder yeah I'm trying to think which one he one shot with ornamental I didn't you can't really one shot with ornamental straight swords yeah I hope this Gallery Merchant has something come on Mr galmere Merchant come on Mr Gillmore come on Jared Jared the gelmere merchant Bulgaria the girl Merchant come on baby come on basic [ __ ] I just [ __ ] pulled a muscle in my neck oh [ __ ] I pulled the muscle in my neck [ __ ] me oh [ __ ] oh I pulled the muscle of my neck go go go my neck [ __ ] hurts [ __ ] internet just win oh okay hold on hold on hold on back it up foreign huge all right guys you ready for this oh baby oh were you ready well you're ready for that Perry there we go that's Sushi's let's go holy [ __ ] yo GG's my guy no yes sir yes sir no I don't think so yes sir dude you will look so nice can I get a poster no no it's not possible can I get it can I get a can I get a hold of you where is this piece of piece of [ __ ] which uh which Great Alaska are you looking for [ __ ] moogs yeah I just found that one holy dude let's go that was a fun one oh yeah was it wasn't a follow-up yeah yeah wait wait wait wait wait hold on a second back it up like 20 minutes you said you're having a great time oh holy [ __ ] let's go baby you know what you know what that you know what this feels like this is uh feeling like uh possible rematch in the future by the way probably became you think some I mean hey I know I know you like to win and if you lose you want a rematch that's that's how it is the lands between where the hell is this thing uh if it's galveer immersion I'm gonna be so [ __ ] pissed you want me to tell you an H Merchant [Laughter] [Music] they always have it I don't know I don't know it's not even bias I literally I was running around the whole time and I was like I'm gonna go to shade of Castle and someone's like you know what you might as well go to Gallery Merchant first we're gonna go to share the castle you want but let's just do that then we can check the Golden State outside of volcano Manor too and then yeah he had it this is unbelievable [ __ ] winnable that was crazy that was dude you had me really nervous when you said six dude ah nuts [Music] I'm assuming I'm assuming you had four got all the way to the end and then you went to Caleb and found the double is that what happened um no I got the one in round table first obviously yeah and then I got the Altus golden seed tree one and just went into Lane Bell and did that and then I got the Celia double then I went to mountaintops okay okay and then progressed all the way through and then I just started searching around I don't even remember where the other two were but we found nice okay that's way faster than I expected for seven great rooms yeah not bad not bad I I do think we should definitely modify the bosses next time because I was a little too easy to get to get rid of some of them there's like five nights gaps yeah there was five nights that was a little silly dude I literally uh so with America's Hammer plus nine I I went into reichardt uh which was like first phase was Cemetery shade I just literally one shot the whole thing and then like smirag it was a joke it was it was oh yeah yeah I literally just did that too yeah it was an actual just yeah it was just a joke so I think next time if we like modified a little bit like I think this whole setup was really really nice but modifying the bosses where we don't have like a bunch of nights caps and stuff I think that'd make it like even more fun the draw sometimes so yeah true true very true very true how do you uh any any any final words um [ __ ] girl memory I don't like that guy yeah [ __ ] Albus and gelmir Merchant and I'm gonna be the hottest goddamn Ronnie you've ever seen okay can I can I have you say a phrase of Ronnie's then too a phrase a phrase like right now not right now no when you're dressed up I'm looking all pretty you have a specific phrase in mind already no I don't actually I'm just asking if I can before I make one up before you make one up what okay I'm a lore accurate Ronnie okay I can't just be saying anything sure yeah I got you I got you I'll I'll find something more accurate Maybe yeah it's fine all right Google sounds good man sounds good that you have a plus nine or a mental I could have gone plus 10 but I didn't want to waste the time to go back and upgrade damn you sweating that much dude I was Giga sweating I was pulling out skips left and right out of my ass uh I was uh I didn't I didn't do radon stake skip though I wasn't sure if we allowed this I just didn't do it um but like also I didn't do Capital skip even though I wanted to but I've been doing so bad at that yeah you forgot that down to science though I feel like um it took me like 10 drugs it was it was not my greatest performance that's fair that's fair it's a tough one dude no no oh my God you're on Final Boss yes that's that's not bad yeah no no he's just final boss very soon it's it's one of the Final Bosses of all time well I'm uh I'm gonna let you simmer and uh let me know when you're when you're ready to do that uh that stream so I can so I can tune in and watch yeah yeah I'll keep you posted bud yeah 100 100 that sounds good though uh thanks for playing man thank you Domo let's it's been a pleasure thank you so so sarcastic like the last two minutes now everything is I'm happy for you I'm so happy for you oh all right dude uh but hey if you're down for a rematch man just let me know I'm I'm always down no no I said I'll let you know oh okay gotcha gotcha sounds good man have a good one dude have a good rest of your night YouTube thank you thank you dude he's he's actually pissed he's actually pissed I think he's pissed because he realizes his chat is gonna like meme him so hard for being Ronnie hold me immersion every time with his [ __ ] every single time I'm happy I'm happy I won but to be fair I wouldn't have mind dressing up as Ronnie foreign
Channel: Captain Domo
Views: 8,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elden Ring, Randomizer Race, Elden Ring Randomizer, CaptainDomo, Domo, Captain_Domo, LilAggy, Aggy, Challenge run, Elden Ring Challenge run
Id: dV_l6CS4NIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 56sec (3416 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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