Baldur's Gate 3 Is Causing Developers To Panic | Asmongold Reacts

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Baldur's Gate 3 is taking the Internet by storm at its peak a whopping 800 000 plus concurrent players were playing this weekend catapulting it to the number eight most played of all time spot The Gaming Community has sung its praises and it's incredibly refreshing to play a feature complete game of this caliber isn't it so weird to hear that word like every time that I hear a feature complete it's like unlocking a core memory that is from like 2001 on day one but AAA game developers want you to know it's like a forgotten time Rockstar level nonsense for scope that it's foolhardy to set expectations higher and Baldur's Gate 3 should not be used as a raise standard to RPGs going forward why was the first response to defend the current state of AAA gaming as opposed to saying because they're working in AAA gaming and they are making the games that people don't like so whenever somebody makes a game or sorry makes a game that people do like they get defensive because whenever you compare it to their game their game looks bad that's why it's pretty simple really hey maybe we can learn a thing or two from Baldur's Gate 3 and make our game better for our customers that's not their goal it's not their goal is to make the game better for the customers make the game better for the shareholder now sometimes those goals align for sure but let's not forget that there's a one and a two and gamers are the two it's all kicked off way back on July 8th a lifetime Ago by internet standards I know when a writer and bafta nominee Xavier Nelson took to Twitter to express by the way this guy I feel like a lot of what he said wasn't entirely wrong and it was mainly a criticism of the way that AAA gaming is not willing to take risks on things like I actually think that almost everything this dude said like I went through every tweet every video he did he was right it's just that it was expressed in a way especially whenever it's expressed without context and given the context of like everything else he said people can can pick out that line and be like ah you know like what the I actually agree with some stuff he said yeah he was he was right with a lot of stuff concerns about Baldur's Gate 3. namely that fans would use Baldur's Gate 3 to apply criticism or a raise standard to RPGs going forward my rebuttal is why shouldn't customers have raised standards taking it a step well because if they have raised standards then it will become more difficult for you to give them video games that are bad that take less effort and cost more money so like for example like let's say McDonald's let's say Burger King I don't really like McDonald's hamburgers that much I love Burger King I think Burger King's amazing people sleep on Burger King all the time they're wrong anyway let's say Burger King says you know what guys we've had it we we've had enough with these single uh hamburgers from now on we are only selling Double hamburgers at the price of single hamburgers only doubles for the same amount of money from now on you know who's gonna be mad about that doctors and also Wendy's and uh Whataburger and uh Culver's Steak and Shake McDonald's all of the other burger places are going to be mad because now they have increased the standard and everybody else has to either meet that standard or not and that's why it's bad for them thirty thousand years ago I went to business school I have a business degree I'll never forget whenever we had our marketing professor tell us that a price War isn't good for anybody and that's the way they think further why shouldn't some AAA developers raise their own standards are we really going to pretend that consumers shouldn't be a little upset right now and hoping for an improvement in the industry going forward Rockstar just announced a 50 remake I'm sorry conversion of the original Red Dead Redemption for the PlayStation 4 and switch that has no mention of a 4K update no mention of 60fps and no mention of multiplayer support the game came out 13 years ago and the Xbox Port does everything they're offering and then some for free with your 360 copy go buy a brand new copy of the Game of the Year Edition on Amazon right now for thirty dollars and you're good to go Star Wars Jedi Survivor when released on PC had Furious fans citing numerous problems getting the game to run frequent crashes and similar problems on the PlayStation 5 and Xbox EA apologized and is still working to to fix the issues that's actually not true they did fix the issues and the problems with Jedi Survivor were solved it's okay now I played through almost all of it and so yeah they did actually improve it uh however yes it was very bad on release and it was not acceptable they did yeah they did the knee two just released the state of the game blog saying amongst other things that they don't have the resources to release new ritual armor every season but that same Studio manages to create new armor sets in the shop for up to twenty dollars a pop with well yeah because that's on the store and they make money from the store and they don't make money from people playing the game what the hell do you expect without fail every season Diablo 4 unabashedly has several character skins priced at twenty dollars each and just released their first season that had a patch that was so poorly thought out that the developers had to have an emergency live stream to apologize and they also had to have an emergency live stream to apologize for the first emergency live stream that wasn't received well which is still better than Lost Ark who is now going on I'm pretty sure an apology World Tour since begun working to revert those changes yes we don't plan on doing a patch like this ever again okay you need a more comparable RPG example of why fans are heralding Baldur's Gate 3 as a breath of fresh air look no further than Mass Effect Andromeda which was widely panned sorry my face is tired from dealing with everything or cyberpunk 2077 that made promises about last gen game consoles that it couldn't keep it took cdpr almost a year to get that all sorted out well that looks like that looks like that looks like garbage wow yeah no wonder people were mad I'll make this as clear as possible to contextualize how fans are feeling it feels like money has become more important than the core experience for fans that's why it feels like yeah you could say it feels that way as a matter of fact I think it does yes I I concur I believe this is very true Alden ring Baldur's Gate 3 and even the Legend of Zelda tears of the kingdom are being widely celebrated so what is up with the excuses a game came along that is amazing is selling well is being praised by developers and fans alike and the response is well we can't do that well sweet if that doesn't get me hyped for Mass Effect 4 I don't know what will excel your Tweet was well intentioned and he went on to add a lot of them he made a lot of very good points like there's nothing wrong with what he said or in context but I think it misses the perspective of the consumer but yeah it does and this is the thing is developers need to stop like today for example I said I was going to play Final Fantasy 16. I had some serious come up and I didn't even go live until past two in the morning but that's not your problem and so I said sorry it's too bad I'll try to do it tomorrow and do better like nobody gives a oh oh it's so hard get the shut the up stop crying either do it or you don't and it's like if you're not gonna do it that's fine but stop going and looking for somebody to Pat you on the back for not doing it holy so nobody cares about oh it's so hard oh well this is bro you're talking to people that work in construction and you're gonna say that it's hard your job could be more demanding than that I don't know but guess what to them it's not I don't know anything about game designer how hard it is I don't give a we want a game I don't know anything about how to build a car but if I get that with three wheels and they want me to pay for the fourth one is DLC I'm gonna be pissed we just know that Destiny is deleting hundreds of dollars worth of expansions when they feel like it that Diablo is constantly reminding us to buy skins in their store and most PC ports have been abysmal lately yeah remember that tweet was made nearly a month before Baldur's Gate 3 blew up and it was still contentious with fans keep in mind uh Remnant 2 was not a problem on PC it was some graphics were you know problematic but you know it was like high definition but overall it was pretty good picking up about their frustrations and developers chiming in to say what felt like game development is hard you don't get it be quiet Baldur's Gate 3 is a game from a large passionate Studio that refuses to add microtransactions gave players Early Access so they could address any problems that arose before launch and is taking steam charts by storm so why should fans not use that as a gold standard of how to do it right and why would AAA Studio not look at it and say hey maybe cramming microtransactions into our game isn't a good look because most of the people that develop games are talentless losers that can't make a good game and don't know what the they're doing that's the real reason that's actually the reason it's the same thing as movies it's just a joke they have no idea what they're doing they make Trash games with trash mechanics and people don't like them this is the same with most jobs yeah it is most people are shitty at their job I would say when Mass Effect 4 comes out I don't want to see a 20 Liara skin and I hope that its performance is tested well if you don't want to see it then you don't buy the game that's the thing it is like if you if you purchase the games if you play the games they're gonna keep making them that's why FIFA comes out every year with the new Ultimate Team for you to buy the same card you did last time and the thing is like I am sick like I'll talk about this and complain about it all day but let's be honest it's not gonna go anywhere Nothing's Gonna matter it's not gonna change so yeah that across all platforms before release am I in the wrong for not wanting micro transactions and a stable video game at launch it's not that you're in a wrong it's that you're in the minority you're right but most people are dumb and they'll buy them anyway and they'll buy into the game and they won't care that's just the way it goes because Gamers every gaming boycott is only one three-minute cinematic away from being over we already saw that with Diablo 4 and I guaran to you whenever Diablo 5 comes out everybody's gonna be saying the same goddamn thing credit where credits do now they're handles of AAA games like the Dead Space remake and the Resident Evil 4 remake come to mind both of which have been massive successes for EA and Capcom vampire survivors came along and took the Internet by storm last year do I need to bring up Elden rink again but that tweet blew up in the development sphere and frankly the pushback is just ridiculous developers should people are sick of getting excuses of why their games suck dick I don't want to hear about oh it's hard to make the game work on PC oh well if it's so hard maybe you shouldn't have charged me seventy dollars for it why don't you charge me 40 and then maybe I'll pay you the extra 30 whenever you decide to figure out what the you're doing oh but it's so hard oh but it's so hard I wanted to get the nobody cares nobody gives a it's the same as like as a side tell you guys as streamers oh people make a mean comment they said oh who said I was fat they said oh my God oh my God I'm gonna make a tweet about it it's like nobody wants to see this nobody gives a about how you feel dance monkey dance what are you doing and we're all monkeys if I go to your store and you're not not you but you but the Royal you and and you're not you're like oh well uh you know I'm on my phone because uh you know my car's in the shop it's like I can understand it a bit but like if this takes more than five seconds I'm gonna be upset because I came here to get a hamburger and you're on your goddamn phone nobody gives a about your personal problems everybody is understanding to an extent but to the extent that you are receiving a subpar product that kindness is very limited looking at what Baldur's Gate 3 did and trying to replicate where they can not jumping up to defend games that are cramming in practices that fans are getting fed up with and make no mistake about it these decisions impact game design many games are utilizing battle passes and player engagement as a metric of success that's right that's what matters it's not about who's having fun it's about who's playing the game player that means more grinding missions that means more reminders to stop in the shop it means a boring grind because keeping players engaged is a key metric many of the people who came out to talk about why Baldur's Gate 3 shouldn't be the new standard have since walked back those statements and I'm glad because if the industry can't take a good hard look at what's going wrong why fans I think the problem is that you do have a lot of like it it's a two-prong issue is that I do think the developers and designers for a lot of games or talentless hacks they have no idea how to run their game and they probably would just be better off if they just let all decisions be made by a uh a poll by the player base because they have no actual insight into game development you listen to somebody like Kevin Jordan one of the original designers for classic wow talk about game Design This is a artist you listen to one of these new guys explain why they need to have a micro transaction in a single player game this is a con artist all right that's the difference and the other thing I forgot what it was what was I going to say because if the industry can't take a good hard look at what's going wrong oh why that's right and so the other thing is that there is an element of Truth to that is that a lot of times the good developers are getting handicapped by the executives by upper level management by people that are basically a living proof of the Peter Principle if anybody doesn't understand that that's the idea that you get promoted up and up and up and up to a point of incompetence and guess what you don't get promoted anymore because you're bad at your current job and so you have a corporation full of those people and the other people that are being hired in this person just used to work at Volvo now they're coming to work at Activision well guess what they don't know about video games they've worked in the car industry for 30 years so yeah they've got no idea like the video game they play the last video game they played was Tetris back in the 80s and they had to quit you know because you know real life took took over they had to go to college at that point and so uh you know this person is no idea what's going on and they're making decisions for you they're setting timetables that are unrealistic it's just crazy so yes uh there is there is an element of this for like you have developers that I think do want to do something good and it just turns out to be bad but I'm gonna be honest I think there's also a lot of bad developers and bad designers I think there's a lot of really bad ones and I don't think we should make any excuses there's no designer no developer or sorry no executive Bobby codic wasn't sitting behind the designer for Uber Lilith saying make the color of the Fireballs the same color as the floor he wasn't doing that you idiot that had no idea how to do their job that's it fans reacted the way they did to Alden ring in Baldur's Gate three yeah and then make impactful changes we're screwed also people seem to be using the fact that larion is a big Studio against them the fact that they had a long development cycle against them really blizzard is also a huge studio with over 8 500 employees across several offices they credited every employee at blizzard in the release of Diablo 4. Bungie is a huge studio with over 1 552 employees across several offices BioWare is a huge studio with over 500 employees across several yeah but for them it's different why is it different because it is there it is offices and legalities a bit different Industries made with people of hearts of love and games the work at blizzard and make them hate their job that's why games become shitty no I don't believe that I think that just with everybody else every other job there's people that are bad at their job I think it's actually just that simple I think that you're right in a lot of cases that there are people who have had their soul crushed and and now they don't try as hard you're definitely right about that too it's not that you're I think that we're both right I think you're right and I also think I'm right Aryan is also a large studio with over 400 employees across several offices all of them have established love IPS with a ton of lore to pull from all of them have a lot of money to make video games and all of them had a long time to make anything they wanted to make to say Baldur's Gate 3 is successful because it's aligned with Dungeons and Dragons is insanity you think 800 000 steam players are playing a game called Baldur's Gate 3 because of Dungeons and Dragons no it's clearly gone far beyond that audience I don't know anything about Dungeons and Dragons I didn't know this game had anything to do with Dungeons and Dragons and you know why I'm playing it because I like good games with a heavy focus on storytelling and bears but anyway honestly a good one uh like that's one of the reasons why I like wasn't really that interested in this game like if I if I play this game right which I am strongly considering we will obviously have the dream team of probably me McConnell Grayson maybe Riku maybe being maybe yes fanned right like that probably would be the group of of individuals wait it wasn't all doom and gloom from the development side thank you junobley's formally arrived here her quote tweet reads I can't disagree with this one more whenever a game disrupts the industry and delights players Beyond expectations it absolutely raise industry and genre standards regardless of why and how we should look at the larion success story and ask ourselves how are we going to make our games that is what happened with FPS games bro Halo came in there walked up to the table put their dick on the table and they said listen this is how it's gonna be and it took Activision a long time but you know what they finally came back and they made Modern Warfare 2. and that's what happens is that whenever you have great games you have more great games and create the next games that shake up the industry players should and must always expect more from us never less thank you I implore AAA devs to look at these games that are being celebrated and look at your pipeline to see why the consumer is getting frustrated about the experience I outline in this video and obviously try and make an improvement because telling me how hard it is when you're breaking profit and revenue records isn't a super compelling argument from the customer's perspective that's the thing is it's about the customer's perspective and this is what matters right this is what I said about streamers like I never complain about oh streaming is so hard shut the up shut the up go to a therapist nobody wants to hear stop it stop nobody cares stop it is Baldur's Gate 3 an outlier yes but I for one wish it could become the standard and being told to shut up because I don't know game design doesn't feel super constructive but hey I'm just well it doesn't matter you know game design or not like again do you have to know game design to think that uh loading everybody's stash whenever you go into town is a bad idea you have to be uh you have to go to school for four years to think maybe that's a little bit unnecessary some idiot on the internet who doesn't know anything about game design I guess I'll just go buy my horse armor and call it a day enjoy your twenty dollars on top of your hundred dollars for the Collector's Edition on top of your 15 for the battle pass what do you think let me know in the comments below because I get why you're frustrated and it's really frustrating to see people not saying hey maybe we could learn a thing or two from larion I'm enduring Baldur's Gate 3 and I hope game development continues to grow from where it is today I hope you do too let me know what you think in the comments below and for more on all things gaming keep it right here on IGN there it is I think this was a really good video what the like this is like I I hardly ever see like rare ignw I feel like IGN usually has pretty good videos I do I I mean IGN makes more videos a day than I do like yeah they're gonna have some L's but I think it I I really I I think that usually they have good videos that's why I watch them regularly yeah I I think it's it's pretty good thousands of else I mean maybe they they had like Al's like three years ago like I don't know like I'm just saying like ever since I've been paying attention to them and like watching their stuff I feel like it's been very positive and it's been good maybe I'm crazy but that's what I think IGN used to be a big meme in the past well I guess it gives a about what happened then it's not that's not the past name one good video um I think they did a pretty good video about Remnant I also liked the uh I I think that the video they did about tears of the kingdom was pretty good I liked the video they did oh let me think uh the video for uh uh Lords of the Fallen I thought was pretty good this one obviously right I'm trying to think besides this uh uh the honkai star rail one I think was pretty good too uh the Dwarf Fortress video I think was s tier yeah all right oh they're good name every good video yep true and look hey hey hey if if they release a video that sucks big fat donkey dicks I'll watch that and I'll on it but this one doesn't suck big fat donkey dicks IGN's great daily video news yeah I think they're pretty good
Channel: Asmongold TV
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Id: DqhzRlDgWmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 17sec (1517 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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