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we have hacked minecraft yup we've installed five new pickaxes that you have never seen before these pickaxes are so strong we're gonna find diamonds with just two clicks we could make it a one click to find diamond but for that you're gonna have to press on the like button down below give it a try three two one diamond spawn when you clicked on the like button i got free diamonds that's a hacker move all right well hope you're gonna enjoy this video and go to the jelly store you ready to hack the better pickaxe what's wrong with the normal pickaxe this is my one wait this is the better one i didn't take one but what was wrong with the first one is what i'm asking it's not as good it's bigger it's better so it's a one by one mining radius it says and it still doesn't work on dirt wait wait guys what i press shift on x oh and it it increases the mining radius oh oh my god whoa okay that is indeed much better oh my god we're in a game how much it does guys we found a cave within an elite hacker oh hey guys oh my god i really like this feature like imagine how easy it is to find diamonds like this right wait you know what it isn't actually faster to mine up to nine blocks in the same amount of time you're going down with me josh all right you guys enjoy that you guys enjoy it um have you thought about how you're going to go back up guys take that crane you're doing it to yourself too what are you doing what if you break bedrock wait isn't this gonna is there gonna be diamonds oh my god it actually goes through bedrock it does break that break that yeah yeah we just need to break something close to the bedrock and then it'll oh wait i'm on fire help no no josh you're going you're going the why am boys the first one in the void all right well that was our first hacker pickaxe wow i feel like a true hacker now okay guys you need to do you need to rate it out of five how many hats do you give it i give it three by three 2.5 hecks okay okay okay all right we'll see what we've got coming up then all right all right all right all right jump over the gap josh come on uh okay no you just walk around all right all right we got the next one next pickaxe uh i think it's going to be even cooler right guys they're going to get better and better no one ever said that well but i think so that only makes sense what port a furnace okay so this one is put it off hand and hold shift to spawn a furnace anywhere nope it says placing furnace with like a countdown but i don't even see that placing furnace i don't and that no furnace appears oh there's no space it says huh wait wait there's no space to place a furnace here wait follow me guys mind what what are you doing mine doesn't do it either uh maybe it requires true hacking skills that you guys don't maybe tell he's the only hacker here no oh i did it what what ah a furnace appeared wait really yeah it's like i'm not kidding yeah right here is that is that all it does 64 hole in it okay just hold shift then it's just placing furnace and then it says there's no space and you you keep trying keep trying and then it might work one day okay guys at the time yeah we can craft like i'm hitting this like you see oh zero placed another one yeah i'm giving this like 0.5 packs out of 5. i'm getting really good at this it even worked for me i hate this pickaxe jelly it was a furnace okay you know what i think i'm going to give this one a point nothing yeah that was a very terrible pickaxe i thought they were gonna get better a zero out of ten brainerd no one ever said they get better we're rating them jelly well i was hoping for it it only makes sense but it's really not even worth the heck so the next one is yellow though wait guys the worst pickaxe was green this one is yellow flares oh that's actually true jelly oh that is the worst one so this is quite a freaking thing dude picky pickaxe okay cranny okay are you all right yeah he's trying to steal for me he's always trying to okay the picture sticks its nose up at wait where's mine but oh what guys you stole my pickaxe whoa guys he stole my pickaxe who did what this guy he looked like ask him real nicely whoa wow what are you guys asking real nicely greater come on ask the villager real nicely give me my pickaxe i tell him jelly's the best whoa the worst oh i knew it this thing is mega how does this work josh are you just mine and blip i think it's a only break stuff that isn't all oh no that's an awe no it isn't or trainer do you listen with your tiny little ears oh that's why it's picky it's it's picky and chewy yeah so it allows us to pick out exactly what we need get it guys picky cause of a big axe wait look when you actually mine and all then it just mines behind it this is actually pretty cool wow it is really so are we going to be able to find diamonds like this guys yeah this would be a really easy try right let's go down the track yeah i think we should oh oh oh why am i floating that's a big fall josh i just floated i'm almost dead wait yeah it makes you float too when i don't know that didn't work for me yeah he did not float till he's too heavy to flow all right let's see if we can find some diamonds look i found them really mine that's amazing guys i think we're gonna be able to find more like this is like this is like x-ray hack the biggie pickaxe diamonds what where oh my um that good at first but now i'm thinking this is a 10 out of 10 boys this is a 10 out of 10. it was out of five but we got to be we got to be picky this is at least attack guys diamonds i found them too we've got plenty of diamonds oh my god i got two stacks of diamonds here talking of hacker abilities yeah there you go problem solved what had to get rid of all of these things awesome around in the world all right what is our next hackathon ah that one was amazing underground to you huh doing it the underground what underground i don't really know oh oh it's happening what yeah guys you have to put it in your off hand can't wait guys we're on a mountain we're on a chunk it raises the chunk oh that entire jump out of the ground wow so it pulled that yeah so put it in your off hand hold down shift guys and try it out uh well that's all oh wait yeah raising chunk but it takes time these hacks are kind of weird aren't they i guess well isn't easy josh it takes a lot of skill hacker scales that was pretty insane the trunk that i want to do it again though oh i'm doing it again whoa hello any diamonds on the chunk guys no there's actually i'll help you jelly jelly i'll put some water here come on jump down jelly jump down jump jump jump do it do it oh you are so lucky you are so lucky okay you know what i'm gonna give this one a six out of five what did that wait what if you guys do it um i'm gonna do it again oh wait there's water here i'm fine ah come on that was the luckiest guy alive all right well i think there is one more pickaxe if we haven't destroyed gosh do you see the towers of chunks yeah yeah we're right here you guys we're right here there's a quite a lot of chunks going on here okay oh wow jelly i think it's this way guys what's this skill guys ready [Laughter] i'll take care of it don't worry all right i did it i actually did it i'm a genius sure we're not there so we can't confirm that yeah why did you die then you killed me about to do that okay now we all have to walk back yeah guys the path is blocked by the chunk you got to go around yeah wait are you talking about yourself because of you wait i thought you were talking about yourself jenny when you guys should do you want me to kill you again josh we get all right is this the last hacker pickaxe up ahead guys i think so oh i guess i'll steal all of them i'm getting okay guys this one sounds amazing what does it say it says auto mining pickaxe what i like to say so ever wanted to have your tool to do all the mining for you do not spam this one um what did i do guys did you spam it no i used it once wait oh guys look so it creates um like a laser field and it just starts mining down the laser field i think it's making a quarry that's cool wait does it not mind the coal wait i have a question for this quarry and i want to quickly test this what is the question for the quarry it's pretty nice will the chunk now be mine yes it is being mine jelly i'm on top of it what have you done jelly i started the chunk i guess it's okay we're really high up this is amazing the world right let's get rid of the chunk jelly well th the auto mining is doing it greener yeah guys i think we're going to have a problem here because we made like an elevator jelly okay it's lagging i can't uh guys i think we're going to crash the server again i can literally see all the chunks guys but uh so lucky yeah i might be the one i think it might be the comment section who's gonna have to decide which pickaxe was the best this is definitely well it's which is the best hacker pickaxe you know that's the point yes um my favorite was uh the one no yellow flags oh yeah you called up to the comment section wait for the comments thanks for watching click here to watch another video do it now because this one's ending i know sad story but it's okay if you click on another video the story will continue
Channel: Jelly
Views: 4,263,825
Rating: 4.9364209 out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, I FOUND A HACKER PICKAXE In MINECRAFT, minecraft, mod, hacker pickaxe, minecraft hack, cheat, funny, funny moments, jelly, game, troll
Id: 7PdP3V1PEow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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