Playing MINECRAFT As A GOD! (Creating Earth)

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this video is the video that you have all been waiting for today in minecraft we are going to be playing as god oh my wow that's right we will have the ability to do anything we want because we're god summon tree oh three summon a forest however ah boris hey you wanna press on the like button and see what happens three two one you set everything on fire all that work for nothing on a serious note though this video is absolutely amazing we can put down mountains and we can remove mountains we can put down creatures and remove creatures we have the power to do anything in minecraft as god enjoy this video and go to the merchandise store you know where to find it why are we all standing around with broccoli in our hands yeah why are we standing we can fly make it a sound quiet jelly be quiet just summoning my god powers did you really have to summon a tree mr goddess at our spa god you can do whatever you want okay yeah but listen i'm painting trees on the ground guys yeah it's all done okay okay guys can we please go down i want to see this yeah me too whoa okay so i can basically right click and summon an oak tree this is pretty lame also were we literally just in heaven what was the help there yeah that's that's kind of like a clown that's our best place i kind of want to see it again i'm not used to being a god yeah we can because because we can fly we can literally like fly around it have a nice little look out for castle it's mcmahon i'm just working on something hang on this is amazing gosh what are you doing i think our castle needs some more trees around to be honest always look at the ground guys yeah it's just a logo no no i'm ruining it for you i'm sorry yeah you are really bad at that yeah josh it's it doesn't say anything really well it's making us smiley yeah yeah smiley face what is that smiley face so this is the stuff that god can do oh my gosh look at this bomb wait what's in the box look at what some weird uh to explore the next one is summon forest which by the way is uh we've been doing somebody doing it now no yeah wait i think whoa what oh my that's a lot yo i hope we're not like killing a bunch of hey i'm just saying like if you need any more roadblocks i got you covered homie guys that is a big oh my god wait guys if you go up close you can hear um everyone dying because they're getting trapped in the oaks guys when you hold it oh my god guys you're ruining the castle oh my god what did we do yo i gotta see this up close um at least we're not bad for the environment this is uh yeah it's building a lot of uh bad air particles it honestly looks kind of cool in my home okay well this is cool guys this is cool but let's start with the tree spamming should we go down to like the village level because we're just flying around a bit it's kind of hard anybody had a flint and steel um okay trainer that is probably gonna crash this break in the world all right the next one is place blocks which i guess we can just hold oh and it'll oh it'll place blocks for us wait we can make a mountain guys let's make it oh f and then it switches between them oh now it's dirt and now it's filled with sand and gravel we can build a bridge across the water a bridge across the world oh yes guys this is amazing i just love how we are able to control the universe okay i think the powers oh my god my village my house so we can just dig straight down to diamond that is yeah well now actually that's a separate but yeah i see him i meant through some diamonds it's probably like some kind of diamond finder we should summon the mountain next can we please remove a little bit more of the village or do we just leave did we just leave okay it was just a natural disaster all right i think this right here is a good spot for the mountain what do you guys think we need a mountain bike oh did you place it crater i didn't do it okay i'll do it ready whoa oh i'm stuck guys i'm stuck i think i placed the mountain inside of me stop putting it down when you're there i right clicked by accident my back oh my floating where are you going oh wow i put a mountain down and i think josh put a mountain down too [Applause] i'm stuck in it again guys this is amazing guys please i'm you're making me stuck in the mouth wait i'm gonna put it down in the water whoa guys i can't get out the mountain oh josh oh traitor stop it dude i love spamming this thing yeah i'm not free i don't want to kill the server creator so please be careful we're not going to kill them all right that's right we control the server you just mounted me again is this how gods prank each other they just blow them out whoa they just push okay stop pranking me it's not fun when it's me i don't even know where you guys are guys please stop blocks please stop spamming guys stop spamming guys where are you josh you're not gonna do it did i just do it yes yeah are you sorry i've been casing jelly in a mountain are you free yet jelly um yes i was free about 10 seconds ago oh okay yeah i don't know where you guys are i can't see anything there's just a bunch of mountains man it feels like the alps over here i want to go skiing around all right don't do it don't do it me and jelly found each other josh now we're i'm near the village where are you guys from everything is kind of easy to dig in all right do not place a mountain on our beloved cloud castle okay [Music] our castle is gone yeah it's kind of gone stop it that much okay should we do the next ability because the next ability is spawn creature which by the way sounds really strong create things whoa i'm making creepers oh wow that's a lot of creepy oh my god wow oh press f press f catch make the ball oh wait wait troopers are scared of cats this is hilarious cow cow oh okay oh okay magma rabbit guest spawner [Applause] [Laughter] i mean we're god guys it makes sense you know making it creepy i think the greatest thing wait we can spawn them in the sky wow they all just fall down and die though yeah that's cool kind of messed up isn't it wait guys i wonder what happens if you just keep on digging down like on a creeper oh he's gonna fall through the void oh that's so sad what do you think yeah well i think it's hilarious creeper void he died okay okay [Music] can we please remove the wither with the wither bolt guys stop spawning withers okay how do we get rid of it you spawn a mountain inside of the wither and it will die mountains i'm trying to dig my way out of the mountain there we go i don't know where the wizards are okay we need to be look like they're suffocating in the blocks guys we might have an issue here yeah uh we might need to go away okay can we please we always gonna wait no i think if we go far away enough the next one is point and kill don't you think it'll kill the withers well where are they yeah good place good point we can't see him in a mountain okay well let's just fly away pretend this part of the world didn't happen all right just here's fine okay so the next one's point and kill pointed at something and it'll die hey oh my god you get killed gods it's a god killer too now we know that guys now i gotta fly all the way back again i'm in this horrible place don't worry josh i can help you out gods can fly fast josh where are you josh no this is the right direction oh there you are oh stop with the like thing please hit me buddy okay no i didn't know i'm not getting into it stop it all right next one next one okay next one next one next guys i can't hear anything next one stop and then follow it follow it down i i'm following it down i mean there must be diamonds here i thought it like pointed it minds everything but the oars i found david's diamonds so it gets rid of the lava the stone the gravel everything that's on your path helpful look there's so many diamonds around oh my gosh this is probably one stop spamming it trainer honestly sick wait where's this guy yeah we're down in the cave mountains in the in the down here i mean okay i i did it it just closes the hole josh what did you expect okay wait we can break bedrock with the air thing yeah that's how i killed the creeper i'm gonna do everything well i mean this is cool it just basically removes everything but the oars this is cool guys it's really helpful if you want to find out but the next one is kind of more epic let's be honest come on to the surface josh back come on up what do you think the world removed okay all right kranner go ahead remove the world for us oh my god oh my god it literally does what it says it's okay yeah oh my god we can remove everything move the water spam it everywhere oh my goodness it's completely fine wait that is it do you guys think it'll keep going is it gonna go through the bedrock i don't guess we're going to find out all right stop spamming please because it's getting really laggy okay i see bedrock bedrock down to bedrock oh this is in the boys the world is being removed all the diamonds we just found is now gone great what do we got what do we really need with a bunch of diamonds yeah you really don't actually need oh all these mobs are going to fall down directly into the void guys man this wall remover thing is the coolest i'm removing quite a lot of the world wait wait i have an idea now that this world is gone and it's a clean plate we can spawn like a mountain i think you mean yeah the only jelly would think of clean plate dude it's a clean plate guys it's a clean place okay look we got a mountain now in the middle of the void oh that's cool and all jelly butt all right well there we go the whole world deleted and now i'll delete the mountain look mountain god okay i'll just yeah it's all being removed now yeah about it guys oh my goodness well i think i think that's enough being positive playing god in minecraft is kind of overpowered what are you saying just a little bit just a little just a little bit all right let's go back to being normal humans now oh i thanks for watching click here to watch another video do it right now because this video is ending also if you don't click on a video it's bad luck just saying click now this one
Channel: Jelly
Views: 4,481,817
Rating: 4.9313669 out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, minecraft, jelly, god, playing as god, minecraft god mod, funny, minecraft mods, best mods, new, game, games, gaming, playing minecraft as god, Playing MINECRAFT As A GOD!
Id: LAmWc0Nzjv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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