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somebody's watching cameras ronnie's here introducing a brand new among us role the mandalorian whoever is the mandalorian is the imposter in among us today and he's got a target on somebody's head if he kills the target he can upgrade to a brand new weapon i am also going to be the mandalorian so make sure you watch until the end and also i got to say something when you're the mandalorian nobody else can see that you're the mandalorian i mean you can't see that i'm wearing a jelly mask right now make sure you go to the jelly store on the 19th of march 1 p.m eastern hey everyone it's not me i can't confirm i look like me just so you guys know they look like me too the first target is like like a poison weapon he could use it at any time but we wouldn't even be able to see it well are you guys somebody i kind of i kind of just want to stay here and make sure i don't get poisoned i think i think we should leave to be honest why would we leave we could because we've got to do and things to do did anybody get poisoned did anybody see anybody die i got caught swipe [Music] [Music] either he got poisoned when we were walking around the table should we report guys i mean we've all seen it yeah okay that's kind of weird now i'm just going to leave that right there i'm super substituted i think it's crazy i'm going to be do not get close to me do not i'm following you around buddy no no no do you have medpay or something to prove to me that you're innocent you killed that person straight in front of me no if i was the killer jelly think about it you would have seen me move on the screen when i press kill okay that's a thing that happens jelly could have poisoned him crainer yeah anybody could have poisoned him with jelly there's another bite okay this one wasn't you this one what is it josh you and i we were susan craner right yeah did you get anywhere with that yes it's not crazy not me he was constantly following me around he could have killed me but all of a sudden we passed another body you need to realize did he did crane at any point in time walk past someone because then he got to poison them everybody walks past everybody you need to understand that people can be poisoned right but there's two dead people and there's only one poison all right well listen to me crainer was following me the whole time and he didn't kill me and and we passed another body that creator couldn't have killed someone maybe he could have poisoned him he wouldn't he wasn't he wouldn't poison a second person when i'm already singing you know what i'm saying that's exactly what he should do because if he poisons someone and then because it's not visible when they get poisoned so then okay you would be able to clear him you're so much on my case that i don't think it's you congratulations buddy you've made yourself i'm just trying to figure this out with jay i'm starting to think that it could be jelly it could be jelly no one ever said that no i couldn't no jelly could have walked past someone poisoned them well josh if you think like that it could be you or anybody we need to get figuring things out here i don't think i've ever heard josh get this high p i don't think i think it's a little weird what's going on dealing with something anybody else before i vote have any evidence or see anything sus all right or did anybody see somebody with yuki oh you're trying to ask if somebody was close to yuki huh hi i understand your philosophy okay thanks crainer but i don't think it's josh greater the mandalorian has a new target and if it's me i want you to kill me right now kill me wait what i want everybody to be a witness of this morning wait all right wait josh nobody get close to me if i got poisoned he might have stabbed me he might have stabbed me it's only the only person that got close to me if i get if i die now is sash now is jelly wait wait wait it's not dead then it's wait how do i poison myself on it does anyone know no i don't know okay well jelly we're safe i guess i'll see you guys later then see you later okay no don't get close to me we're not gonna get close somebody died again i woke up for three seconds and you guys are dying are you kidding me who did that all right we were all around that day bye what jelly use that as an opportunity no because nobody got close to my money was close to you jelly he was standing right there oh ronnie close you are using this opportunity to mess with us jeff i know who i'm voting for jelly you have been caught buddy my goodness trainer think about the previous round i couldn't have been that killer don't trust anything that comes out of your mouth right now all i hear is alien talk because you're the man lorian jennings i'm not gonna lie i'm not gonna lie this is kind of gonna be voted out here oh my god i got really lucky there you guys are mean this is you know i'm gonna run literally hawking nobody get close to me so that i can't poison you or i can't get poisoned okay okay i'm out see ya okay bye this is insane this is insane i actually still don't have a good clue on who it could be josh is right though whoever's the uh whoever is the mandalorian is doing a pretty good job paganics and ghosts are here i think pegan is asking is being a little sauce maybe i should go on cameras and see if i can see anything alarms are going off from reactor great okay ghost are you gonna kill me ghost go up oh i just saw a laser okay it's not jordan it's not amy the laser came from med bay the laser came from med bay it's not jordan it's not amy i don't think it's crainer because he just walked away from there i don't have a clue where josh is but the mandalorian is also an imposter so he could technically vent too right crainer is down here for some okay josh and crane are down here okay josh and ghost did he get poisoned did he get poisoned did he get poisoned i am a bit terrified or did josh get poisoned by ghost all right i think slogan is still on cameras he walked off dead body oh we got a body in storage it's been a while since anybody died in storage yeah yeah okay i what saw one laser flying i did see a laser as well at one point i think but i was and i cleared amy and jordan who was now dead okay who cleared you jelly nobody anybody to clear jelly okay amy can technically clear me i think amy saw the laser flying okay you think it's jelly did anyone just forget the fact that amy just cleared me she saw a laser flying directly towards me i only just managed to dodge it there's no way i could eliminate it yes okay amy could you please specify you cleared jelly almost got hit by a laser could you say that please amy just to verify wait did amy almost see you get hit by a laser yeah oh you see so it can't be me good well that is good nearly get hit has anybody seen me nearly getting here no no listen you were pretty close when that happened but you were on the opposite side of where the laser came from that's why so technically clears me crainer and amy i'm a little sausage of ghosts what about paganix was at the body when i got there and ghost has just been running around like a headless chicken all right all right so paganox is clear too at the end of that i was on camps you went on camps the whole time ghosts what the hell it's ghost or josh it's coaster josh we just confirmed it we're just gonna learn about it jelly you make the call who do i vote for what wait ghoster said he's on camera the entire time and i was on camera if he wasn't there all right ghost ghost because if it's not ghosted start it must be i was spending so long with josh in one room and i thought i was gonna die but he didn't kill me it didn't even poison me so so we might have just won ahahaha josh are you sure it's not you maybe joshi wait what do you have to say josh yeah he could poison you at any second trainer why don't we just press the report button what's what's what is there to stop us from happening then i'm doing that what are you going to do josh is he down here no do you have med bait crane the laser he jumped off the ladder called that emergency it's not no no chris who died crainer died josh killed crainer josh killed crainer i'm going no i was going back to save my friend crainer oh my god [Music] amy amy found the body what have you got to say [Music] get caught well honestly you're not allowed to assassinate what you're doing that was awkward oh you voted for yourself too hey we got it okay problem solved he he died there we go don't stab me i don't want to be poisoned please oh yeah somebody is a little snappy stab and who is it yeah okay guys it's not me i can prove that to you because oh you got medpay dude no way guys wait wait wait by the way are you ready what come on that was clearly not me look look look look it wasn't me i'm clear jelly wow okay i'm clear i'm clear i'm clear i guess i guess jelly is actually safe then right josh what about you i i scanned it i mean josh stand on it i'll help you i thought i did but i don't i'll help you josh doesn't anybody a little bit uncomfortable with guys it could kill i'm out here i'm gonna get killed again should i report this party because we still don't know anything so there's no point i ever do oh come on there we go whoever's the mandalorian killed that person in med bay and i cleared my own name nobody shells please don't trust me wait guys wait josh josh we all just left and there was only one body there josh yeah and i just came back in and there's a body wait another body was a little weird who was the last person to leave met babe when we walked out of that room well the person could have been stabbed that was you jelly yeah and i had med bay oh yeah wait you did met me thank you for that breakdown speedy jelly is innocent we know that so the second to last person i think well josh actually well johnny i'm pretty sure i was first out silly josh was just in mid-band he finds another body that is well no he went to admin i saw him there but he did walk straight back so technically he could have just walked straight back in and killed and then reported the body yeah that's what i'm saying anyway i don't have enough evidence guys i really i really don't know i think it's josh to be honest i mean it all kind of lines up you know he was there at the first party and he's there at the second body clinky dinky winky dinky i think not i think he winky i'll spell right cosmics come on what do you want to do ah oh josh nothing nobody did you didn't even vote me no i just i think i made up my mind nobody did anything it makes sense well josh if you find the next body i know who to vote for buddy i know who to vote for okay bye okay josh stay far away from me why is crainer saying have fun that's just a little weird isn't it like i'm having so much fun making sure i don't die all right crainer on navigation okay there's no way out of navigation there is a vent though so i'm just gonna have to wait until crainer walks out of navigation all right i haven't seen anything yet he could just be doing a task amy going in met bait josh going up to cafe crainer in med bay did he vent crater must have vented out of navigation there is simply no other way crainer you're the imposter aren't you i've been sussing josh this whole time but it's not josh i think i'm gonna have to report this no josh what happened hey leave me alone we were locked in there josh i'm dead i thought you were about to kill me jelly i thought you were about to kill me no wait what are you guys talking about i you were locked into security i saw something sus on cameras what you see wait what did you say well i was looking on cameras i was concentrating i see crainer walking into navigation and about 30 seconds later he's in admin i've not even been an admin what are you talking about daddy what happened to you thinking it was me i well i saw some of the sauce you know what i'm saying i haven't been in admin jelly you walked down the hallway anyway right okay well get your story straight have i been in edinburgh wait no it was like me it was red bay and then he met you josh wow okay change yeah stories every second like listen there's no other way he could have left navigation then use an event and only only the mandalorian can use a video jelly can you name every single place on the map please you're getting your places mixed up navigation's on this is insane yeah that's where he was in anything you can't vent from navigation to med bay he can vent two weapons and then walk to oh my god look at that speedy says the body's in navigation i'm telling you he killed he vented but i'm sorry he came out of med bay i'm so confused you can't set him up you have no idea what you're talking about do you jenny josh i was on camera it's that whole time so it couldn't have been me anyway i didn't well no one can clarify that getting there because i only just came in at the end and you could have sniped him all i'm saying is keep an eye on him if you don't want to die good luck don't get close to kreiner i'm sausage what is wrong with you man guys i'm red bait so it can definitely not be me so anything i'm saying oh wait yeah i keep forgetting about it get out of here i'm looking at cams gee jelly come with me come with me all right i kept this little little one off my sleeve what just happened did you lose jelly what do you mean did i lose jelly i heard you say i got something to show you jelly and then you report a dead body okay i know that sounds suspicious but look i was taking jelly into med bay to show him that i still had med bay and then out of nowhere at sniper pool it comes through the face in time and takes jelly's head off right in front of me oh god he's dead oh it sounds okay did anybody see any evidence of who shot now we left crainer in security and the body the bullet came from security i was on cams that is correct i did not see a bullet so but the the bullet was okay actually i've got a good idea guys yeah i will show you where the body is okay and then we i would tell you the exact line where the where the bullet came sounds good to me and then we'll follow that line to see where it was coming we'll do a little investigation you know what i like that crime scene with a sniper bullet he is in the same place with crane left from here that lines up exactly with cabarrus uh i mean that's a bit hard to wait wait wait wait wait i'm gonna get stabbed i'm gonna stab hang on oh why would you go no no no no no no no no guys make sure don't need me oh my god uh who did that yo creators mean gosh did anybody see that happen what i mean we were all bunched up together there's no way of knowing who that was josh i can't even blame you if i wanted to and you didn't even show me med bae we weren't mad but you could have shown me amy jordan i know it looks sauce you know everything everybody looks sauce right now but i swear i've given you all the evidence you need it's me yes crainer that was the most insane sniper shot i've seen did you like it well no i died who is it hands up right now it's me i am genuinely someone's been stabbed already and i'm over here next to someone wait you're calling it don't walk away i want proof that i didn't do anything okay somebody actually someone has been poisoned who's been stabbed josh dying johnny nobody okay next yuki peg next to ronnie jordan next peg oh no everybody go away from me i think it's you josh i was never here you worked the near crater at the start i'm out i'm out oh my god i'm the mandalorian and i already killed crainer i might look like one but they can't see that nope for them i just look like an ordinary player alright so listen up i have a target and that target is speedy i gotta find him and kill him nobody reported crainer because well we're not cess of anybody so there's no reason to report him oh my target my target my target is here i stabbed him yes okay speedy is going to die speedy is going to die and then i will unlock a brand new weapon i'm going to stay with jordan so i don't look suss okay i'm gonna stay with jordan whoa speedy died okay good good good good good jordan is in there he's gonna find that body and i have my next gun look at that i have a gun i can equip it in a couple of seconds however i have a new target what is going on two people have died and one of them is crainer this is just this is just mean i know i'm dead but i'm sad can you stop talking when you're dead [Laughter] all right well did you guys see anything sus jordan where was his body body and admin he says okay i haven't been an admin i did see jordan though he was doing a task with me on uh in storage in storage josh where are you i was on cameras okay and i didn't i've got nothing to tell you i like just got on camera great success i guess we skipped it's not like i can say really i guess we skipped but it's not much not much i can say either well keep your eyes peeled all right is that a saying josh could you please confirm that for me so we'll go for it yeah we'll keep our eyes peeled to this to the screen this is a mean mandalorian guys i'm gonna be honest all right all right here we go i don't like this josh got close to me just so you guys know oh jelly got close to me if i did if i'm dead all right my next target is mr ronnie i gotta find him equip my gun and shoot him however people can see my gun i'm just gonna pretend i have a task hmm where should i go i'll go up this side and then i'll go down this side hopefully i'll see ronnie in the meantime i gotta see mr ronnie somebody's watching cameras ronnie's here okay all right i gotta make sure that that blinker over there stops because then i can walk back we gotta make sure nobody finds his body i'll walk back right now this way i don't look suss this way it kind of looks like i didn't vent okay wait we'll turn on reactor there we go we'll turn on reactor that's right mandalorian has more abilities okay amy found i just saw amy amy i saw wait amy found a body wait amy was that body of navigation jelly when you saw amy where were you i was in weapons and where did you come from i came from navigation but i didn't see no ronnie so that must have happened after so i saw jelly on the camera leave navigation amy walks in and there's a body i had the little rocket task i don't care what task you had jelly okay but listen up listen there's literally vents in navigation somebody can vent into navigation kill who was running in there ronnie no ronnie wasn't in there so ronnie wasn't in there when you were in there correct i didn't see no running no but ronnie never went in there on cameras and so how did you just get in there how did his body get in their jelly wait a minute i see what's happening here oh here we go someone can back me up i think you think yeah guys who saw me on camera listen josh you're acting a bit suss over here you're trying to frame me because you saw something on camera cosmetics can clear me i was at security cameras thing because is just saying me he's not saying anything specific how space can you be right i'm gonna skip right now but i don't trust you it would be a slogo thing to kill crainer instantly too now i'm just saying it would be a slogo thing to kill crainer instantly there we go i can't confirm myself on camera i'm not saying you weren't on camps oh okay but you could have been on camps and killed before you know what i'm saying no amy could clear my name i didn't get close to navigation all right see you later okay well see you guys later you guys might be like whoa jelly what is this this is a sniper and nobody can see that i'm holding it wow devil kill wait a minute did somebody see that on cameras nope nobody did let's turn off the lights this is amazing i just did a sick double kill with my sniper oh my god all right in 18 seconds i'll be able to use this sniper again and then oh no no no josh found more bodies convenient isn't it josh yeah he's a bit real convenient all right where's this body josh tell me about it now now i uh i'm aware that the sniper rifle isn't visible when the mandalorian's holding it but when it's visible is a bullet flying from the mandalorian i saw that bullet too yeah it's funny though it got relatively close it's weird because it came from you no it didn't josh you were standing like behind me on the other side of the wall and you tried to shoot me no no no no he tried to shoot me but instead killed another player now reported that body to frame me can someone confirm that i was on cams i saw you on cams that's where you shot from that doesn't make the angle that's not the right angle jelly josh yes it is you are straight up lying right now you know what jelly we know it's you josh it's just time to get rid of you no no no no i can prove this guys jelly in this round you go in and you show me where you were standing and you showed me okay you showed me where the bodies were as well yeah okay perfect and then we'll see the angle perfect mmm okay jelly all right we'll see how this works hey we voted for each other here the jelly where were you standing i was standing just about here okay where were the bodies where were the bodies jelly i don't i didn't see the bodies you reported the bodies josh jelly jelly what are you trying to say what are you doing right here you would have seen the bodies if you wait okay wait let's test this out yuki jordan you go you go tell you go ask josh and stand where those bodies are this this this simply doesn't line up you were on cameras you said right josh well these are right here right here okay are you kidding okay oh that was the most obvious imposter round ever maybe for you because i feel like hey all right good job billy i guess i had to do it thanks for watching click and watch another video do it now because this video is over mandalorian
Channel: Jelly
Views: 10,720,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, SNIPING CREWMATES In AMONG US, AMONG US MOD, new game mode, new role, jelly, mandelorian, among us mandelorian, funny, funny moments, crainer, slogo
Id: RH6_5MIuCY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 36sec (1476 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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