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today we're gonna be making some so Bruce you're more grill I realize that might sound a little bit strange let me explain we are gonna get attacked by zombies and then once we die a new zombies that looks like me will spawn that guy actually will turn into my pet that I can feed and I can also tell him to do a bunch of cool things for me oh my goodness I see a scary zombie coming my way press the like button right now if you don't I'm gonna have to go thanks guys okay confuse right now not zombie pets they basically turn in to us wait yeah I kill jelly point no no no we need to find a zombie critter is so boring let me kill some body Cave yes this way Josh right this way guys right this way you know where there's a cave I think there was one right here are you guys ready on your right oh we got it new is fine is on me guys there's literally one right here I will simply respawn and hey who will bring me back to life oh you see that dead hey where's it going it's just amazing coming back it's kind of just heading back home my face just it's just walking off jelly where's it look he's got it bye guys this right here is my zombie bodyguard oh I just wanna walk you now where is he is he look back - uh actually I don't know what he's doing - Sami tell me what do you do wait remembers you Tilly it remembers your memories Twain why oh it's a weird you jelly right good thing oh you can let in more time ha ha ha wait so I can feed my own zombie punch jelly should I try no no okay well he knows him too well knows it was a jokey punch don't get jelly jelly jelly if you like throw him your sword or something right I was about to try that I got a pickaxe I don't have ever pick it up and go light zombie wait we should name him we should name him jelly - I was gonna give you some tired of you take this oh my god take it okay wait wait I think I can feed him rotten flesh to get it back one sec oh yeah holy talking again are you are you can you get Zuni have one I've got three hands yeah pick it up quick take away jelly oh thanks whoo okay if you like cooking with a bear wait seriously yeah oh yeah home set within a distance of 16 blocks not gonna leave this place okay 64 blocks that's better that's right he's staying right here leave your pickaxe with him for now jelly while we go get the other one is that all right we're all getting beds today another one I do it Josh can I do it he's he's stuck in there just let him kill you this is all you guys he saw B yes I never thought we would ever do I think so either oh oh there we go you can't die you don't wanna die I don't wanna die a gap coming I'm coming I want to see craters on B oh my goodness crater zombies killing it on oh that was pretty a big die do I get one oh really scary there's a lot of zombies we all have our own song I shall be not doing anything wait wait line is all the way in the back he's coming help me stop any home guys I'm just saying but my zombies pretty dumb yeah I told you just stay at home win oh wait critter let your soul be no some food or something okay I think you got hungry killed my pet swimming follow me buddy wait have you guys noticed that they're kind of taller than us - its kind of weird oh my goodness that's true hey zombie get back here I think we should upgrade them a bit more I think we should do we should find some more iron and maybe put some armor on these guys what do you think okay so there should be some iron right down okay so literally right down here Ellie white shirt zombie the only one following he's really excited come on buddy wait wait wait don't John one silly zombie don't jump wait maybe if you don't move if this only wants to come down I hope he takes the ladder because this is good what you just falling down are you oh my golly I'm actually gonna laugh embarrassing what is he doing I don't know oh wait Vayne okay this is my vein no I'm standing here okay let's just collect as much iron as possible guys and trying to utility stealing from me Oh jelly got him guys you've done I think so I got got everything and my Sami is so excited we we are gonna throw an iron block real quick hey that's not his iron that's our iron it's it's for us he's very giving the iron it's mine he's gonna carry it Craner okay that's kind of clever talking about how it gets out you stop teleports it teleports like a dog you know why does it not make anything up this is such a boring zombie don't be you goes outside okay bye bye okay well AB okay get him up Julie wait I think it worked I picked it off Oh finally okay come on Tommy buddy I be scurrying and iron block this is so funny no liming he's so excited about something to say about jelly zombie being the weirdest range remember jelly no that's not how it works is it working wait teleporting everywhere yeah it's coming up guys oh that was look at his harrying a look at this on me Oh might wait wait I think I see Josh he's up here he's up here up on the hill oh yeah I thought what are you doing okay the mountain top alright guys guys put the iron in the furnace smelting the iron alright last piece of armor I'm ready now Oh Oh actually have everything already grab all of your eye in here on the wreath or it on the zombie that's right wait me some bees paying attention to me no mind just keys come on buddy do come on zombies don't listen so they put it on myself okay okay you know what get off the water sighing there we go come here where are you going right down there mice mice knocking off two guys they're zombies so annoying put it on use on baby get down in the hole slice okay okay see I wouldn't we I have the weirdest zombie but hey it was also pretty quick and putting these very green weights I'm gonna give him my sword instead mine already have sword for you of course he needs mine is ready wait what what are the apples do guys so apples make them quiet right that's right if you if you just feed him one wait he's quiet now Hey oh my god that is genius watch my going it's time that we get them to bite some stuff right I'm already going guys I'm off are we going that way I guess I guess we are I got my saw be with me I don't want to stop now fine thanks guys so we Columbus go to work I see a creeper guys right over there already and I see a spider - okay okay we get the zombie will attack the creeper once the creeper like hits me but the creepers don't actually he no it looks like it's actually about what to do you know Tommy's just following me okay try to punch the creeper in the face I got game zombie Oh our bad he's gonna kill us on peace with that creeper Joe I'm scared don't get it yeah let's get rid of the girl you almost killed by zombies oh my good gosh okay so turn against their own kind I think if the zombie hits us by not doing anything yes attack well Bobby's XJ gonna tank what is this more interested in food I don't come here help me help me see see there there we go now guys this is skeletons over here as well guys I'm really confused this one jelly zombie party yeah yeah it was doing it it was you saw that either look I want jelly zombie to do something crater zombie did something B's taking the honor it wasn't me you lost your shop bees you killed your own zombie crane jelly and the crane instead he would attack attack look no you don't get one you know what they notice RPS telling his army killer their red stuff wait till you leave it leave it mean brain is on fire wait okay crater zombie because brain is literally on fire [Laughter] yeah thanks watch this video got a fun challenge for you if you click on either of these videos you have to leave a comment on the next video and say Oh dato so I know that you watch this outro
Channel: Jelly
Views: 11,425,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, jelly, minecraft, zombie, funny, minecraft mod, mine craft, how to mod, how to build, minecraft zombie pet mod, funny moments, DIE = TURN INTO ZOMBIE, become a zombie, minecraft zombie mod
Id: o5Q73t9icTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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