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what is the efficiency whoa oh yeah there you go he got the best one dude look at this in today's minecraft video every time we craft it becomes super i'm not even kidding look i'm currently crafting an iron pickaxe it's a super ultimate 3000 iron pickaxe with efficiency 7000. make sure you watch until the end because we're going to get diamonds and make the best armor minecraft has ever seen quick shortcut though if you're pressing the like button right now diamonds will spawn three two one fly oh you helped me wait what's that a jelly hoodie coming down oh ah what a lovely day in minecraft i can't wait to see the sunset somebody said the dog please stop stop spamming it please who's here excuse me wait a second nobody's here a window wait did we get pranked something's in the mailbox what is it josh read it out loud attention all minecraft residents yes one day only yes it is for one day only which just so happens to be today all crafted items are super wow what does that mean i don't know but let's craft wait did they just say that yeah that was it what does for me like superhero or let's craft some sticks why are you breaking the house crane because we need tools right now no there's a literal forest over here that doesn't mean we have to move out of this house don't like walking how many people mean guys the first thing we should all make okay wait i'm making a tool already no no no we do it together yeah we should make it together man you guys are the first two we are all going to make that's because you are breaking the house a wooden pickaxe okay guys i have a crafty table and i will connect it to you we have one inside look here you go all right wouldn't pick axles in three two one enchantment level 1000 so this one will literally never break i have silk touch what does that do again oh if you mined stone you might still blame it wait a minute where's stone don't get anything wait can you stone here guys can you mine coal with a wooden pickaxe yes you can you can are you doing we all know i ain't getting cobblestone i'm getting regular stuff guys i just got 64 coal wait what yeah because i've got a fortune big guys no one listened wait whoa wait dude it's more than that it's more wait josh josh get a stone because we all need to actually got the most best one no it doesn't work on stone the most best one you see guys seriously noobs to mine guys that's embarrassing sometimes because my wooden pickaxe has silk touch i can't actually craft again i only have regular stone well i can craft my next pickaxe yeah can i please get some more cobblestone perhaps yeah i got i'm breaking i want to get a good i gotta break it again that's lame guys i want to try give me cobblestone give me one i don't want that i forget the jelly's here you've got it breaking no i want cows i got a fortune stone one okay i'm making one i'm making one wait i guess i don't really need all this what if i make please don't get them breaking here mine has mending oh i just got mending two on my ex i have no idea what mending does it's basically when you get experience it fixes the but it doesn't really matter in this right it's still cool so we get experience what are we going to do full armor like get really strong armor right wait josh you had that you got that fortune one fortune doesn't work on iron either yeah it's a wooden pickaxe jelly oh so wait wait let's make a couple more stone one until we get a fortune stone pickaxe yeah it doesn't work on iron that doesn't work on iron yeah wait why welcome to minecraft i think we should keep going until we get an efficiency stone pickaxe iron ore just not using a war iron ore uh this makes sense but okay what was that for you i need more wood guys that's what is efficiency whoa oh yeah there you go he got the best one dude look at this okay i need to check that out yo look at all of this stuff i'm about to break the pickaxe it's almost there there we go it's gone whoa oh you could have combined that with a wait is this a breaking one it's desired josh thank you for that guys did you know that there's copper in minecraft now oh my god yes crainer yes are you new here mind blown okay i i can't really get any good i need to go get one though guys i'm gonna peace out for a little bit yeah we need we need another one of those sufficient ones and then we can get iron right we can make the ultimate stone pickaxe if we combine it all yeah waste it so yeah so we take this and then do this whoa no wait no i'm level 62. well every time you put it in the grindstone it gets a new one so now i have efficiency oh yeah if you want a new enchantment you just stick it in here and it gives you a brand new one yeah yeah yeah i have one with the fish i have two with efficiency guys oh this is like gambling i like i haven't had a single one with efficiency i don't know what if you combine two of efficiency guys i got an idea guys what let's go find a new cave okay uh actually i'm just gonna dump all of these pickaxes that i don't need wait what if there's a cave underneath this house oh you have efficiency what you made an axe well yeah wow i found a cave guys i have efficiency to just tell me which way to go and so we need to just get iron that's the main thing this is a beautiful cave when we get iron as well we should make full armor that would be good wait guys gravel oh that's copper right i'm not used to all these new blocks dude they really scare me oh wait wait wait there's a new cave here going oh there's so much copper this is crazy trying to follow jelly around are you mining jelly no i i'm trying to find i haven't i've only found one piece of irons over follow me jelly follow me they like reduce the amount of iron there is there we go bound back to josh okay now i need to all gather around and find iron that would be good oh here's my papa there is this copper everywhere yeah i want to get the most efficient pickaxe of them all guys come on hurry up all right i ain't down here well our goal is to get diamonds with this i only see coal where is it i want to try fortune 1000 oh what is this guys oh i found iron i want to try fortune 1000 diamonds where did you find the eye and i'm looking for you i just went keep keep going down massive caves i will protect you sir josh where are you i'm yeah come back here i am but i'm trying to go deeper but out wait jelly i have an idea to go deeper follow me help guys wait what is this i have no idea what i'm looking all right guys i'm gonna wait for you guys i'm coming back oh there you are hello kill the stupid spider and get that crafty mess down crossing vegetarians need to handle the witch guys we need a furnace can you put a crafting down trainer please hurry up you're taking it there make the furnace make the furnace i have five iron ores a furnace there you go now there's furnace two guys down yeah everybody these spiders are annoying and the most important thing of course what do you have oh knock back that's cool what are you doing josh he's got knockback on that thing don't try to kill me no oh whoa wait guys he's strong do you have some uh oh no do you have some sticks for me perhaps oh jesus stop stop stop stop can you please be quiet with the sticks jelly nobody cares about your sticks this is why we never share with josh josh can i please get it this why did we even put in the same furnace where josh is standing horrible right next to jelly oh jelly's just gonna die it's okay though you know what guys wait i'm gonna put more iron and i am literally going to wait efficiency that's great okay i'm gonna be the diamond master guys because i got fought oh my god yes get out of here oh stop josh i had a bit more than that josh has a dog josh has too much power with that knock back we gotta do something about it he's strong isn't it josh you're gonna like this one ha ha oh i have a sword i have a flame on the sword yeah it's pretty cool that's very cool how'd you get well that looks awesome yeah i have no idea also sharpness 1000 you want to feel that crainer yes that's not good are we ready for this adventure boys are we going to get diamonds let's go okay i'm almost ready guys already jumped down follow me oh my god i have a curse of binding on my chest plate i'm not putting that one on wait i found diamonds this time it's right here guys crater quitter where literally just down here look okay listen listen you have a fortune i am thinking oh wait i have thorns too hello so since i got fortune i think it's me right that's got to do it yeah josh let it be him okay let me just josh it's just so enjoyable it's so annoying i have efficiency so it was real quick guys are you okay no i didn't even try it no no no crainer come on wait we'll okay we'll clean up the blocks around it two one how many more why is jack getting it i got 64 of them how many you got one how did you manage to only pick up one when it dropped 200 or something jelly okay josh stop i gave him the bag don't worry about it all right well so annoying crainer we're at home now so no no no guys i'll find some more and i'll come back up no no no we're we're leaving you yeah we're done no no i mean i got all the diamonds anyway no uh yes you're okay buddy are you okay yeah you kind of have a one-night vision call me an eagle okay all right well here you go dale you'll share wait really full gear first why not a sword because i now have oh diamond enchanted gear oh i actually don't have that good i literally don't have enough well jelly i think that's just the jelly jelly take these no i have fortune diamond pickaxe it's called a lucky pickaxe that sounds good i'm getting the best diamond pickaxe that i can't diamond sword i seriously don't have enough give me something good okay i'm not lucky with this but yeah i have some horrible stuff try and punch me with your fist no you have thorne don't you all right we should just see how we get the best equipment what is the bane of try it out getting arthropods hey just tickle me a little bit jelly come on come on come on tickle me okay before we start the fight i want to show you something whoa i have frostwalker so are you guys ready to fight yeah and then wait wait three the ice is disappearing two one go super fast i don't oh and that is gone i have very speedy boots now guys instead of frost boost what's up josh are you gonna hit me oh he's got himself all right no i don't have to get me in the shield maybe that'll do something no no we all have thorn armor if we hit each other me first really hit me first who's gonna this is kind of awkward i thought this was a fight yeah okay oh wait i won i won you both died why did we both die from oh yes i am the winner i am the winner i knew i would win thanks for watching click to watch another video do it now because this video is over you gotta click right now do it
Channel: Jelly
Views: 2,485,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, minecraft, super items, new, new pickaxe, funny, mod, minecraft mod, jelly, slogo, crainer, MINING ENTIRE CHUNCKS In MINECRAFT
Id: rGj6gRdZQFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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