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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to some more minecraft yes oh my goodness I am in my beautiful castle well actually I'm standing right outside of it because I've got a chest in front of me you might be wondering why well I've got a like challenge can you guess what's inside of this chest let me give you some help you have it inside of you did you get it no oh it's a bone yeah it's it's a bone yeah you have bones in your body right if you guessed it leave a like and if not you have to subscribe ladies and gentlemen today I'm gonna spend hours and hours working on my beautiful castle alright we've we've got a prototype of one of the towers this is just a little prototype that we're gonna have to put on every single corner wait what are all these tickets doing here hey stop it get get out of here chickens you're not allowed to be out here I've been working a lot in the castle as you guys can see there's a bunch of cows chickens sheep around here yeah talking about a bunch of chickens there's actually a lot of chickens wait let me just let me just pick up some eggs oh my goodness look at that egg counter go up sixteen alright that's more than twenty oh my goodness what we have four full stacks of eggs now I know why there were so many little baby chickens out there I guess my little friend the doctor has been throwing eggs around yeah I'm actually saving up these chickens because after we're gonna kill them because we need their money third yeah meat and feathers because the feathers are gonna be super useful to create arrows with those arrows ladies and gentlemen we will prepare for a war um so it's been a while since I since I actually showed you guys this but we've been working on this server while not recording it's less streaming it whatever and we've got a lot of goodies that's right we have a lot of redstone dust 35 pieces of diamond had almost 200 iron ingots we have some fool iron sets magma blocks emeralds golden nuggets but I think we've got more oh yeah some stone this is to be really useful to make our castle super pretty and then what else we got this is trash this is also trash we've got another cool chest somewhere just always got to figure out which one this is the line we've got a lot of obsidian like you guys know I want to hide my valuables from Josh and we're gonna do that in an obsidian tower that's right this is the middle of my castle and this is also going to be the obsidian tower it's gonna be quite interesting okay so where do we get started today you might ask well in the daytime we're gonna work on the outside of the map but in nighttime we're gonna have to work inside of the castle all right so let's get started let's grab a bunch of blocks where we got blocks okay stone we're gonna grab a lot of stone and we're gonna grab a lot of cobblestone I kind of want to mix cobblestone with stone together what we can also do let me see how does this work we could also create stone bricks there we go or make some of those things so basically right now we have a pretty ugly castle this is kind of like the outer layer we're gonna replace it with something more beautiful all right I just needed something to protect me in the night yes all right so uh where do we get started I guess we get started on this side currently we have a prototype of a tower I think we're gonna replace this with probably stone brick yeah I think the towers should be stone breaketh I think that's a pretty fair idea also don't worry I've got unbreaking too and efficiency to on my pickaxe which means that it's very very strong all right so um we're gonna have to we're gonna have to break all this down and then we're gonna okay oh my are you absolutely out of your mind there's literally a creeper inside of there okay I'm gonna have to be really careful oh okay careful okay let them come out let them come out this way it's a lot safer my goodness why am i so bad get out of here zombie I just want to get the creeper I just want to get the creeper zombie why does he have to be so annoying come on I need the Gunpowder because we need to create a lot of TNT to also of course defend our castles so all right let's uh let's break all of this down just like these I should probably like instantly replace it because well otherwise I'm not gonna know where I'm gonna have to put these things down all right would you look at that that already looks a lot better that was a that was a really nice burp by the way just just letting you all know that was a really good one all right so like you guys see if you're watching this as a video laughter well that's that's possible but I'm actually live streaming right now so that's why this video is super super long so I can see the Jack hello Jen hello everybody are you guys doing all right um I realized I already messed this up I think am I not supposed to build this right here I think it was right here this one and then that one right that's how it went wait I counted it from four so it's one two three four I'm so confused wait let's do no no no from here it was one two three four okay I have I have no idea what I'm doing I'm gonna be honest with you guys yeah it is Oh so it's two and then in right yeah I think I know I think this is correct all right I'm just gonna break this down it's actually starting to get nighttime already great I I hate that which kind of means we need to start working on the inside as soon as possible as well we just got to replace the bricks of the tower I guess we need to make this look pretty okay get out of your zombie nobody cares about you nobody cares about our little zombie friend should we replace this guy I think we need to yeah okay let's just do it like that cool all right now the inside wall we could open this up by the way let's let's do that oh wait a minute why does why does Ami's spawn inside of the tower there we go that's more like it that's more like it alright so let me just let me just count so I understand how I built this is there one more behind that no it's not ok so we got one two one two think okay so one two so then here shoot the next brick be okay and then over here as well what I am so lost right now I am messing this up I am so bad at building oh my god alright let's let's let's focus jelly use your also mighty brain alright if I break if I break this do I get cobblestone back oh no okay good I was I was worried there for a second because I really do not want to have cobblestone back alright um we got a buildup we got a bill up we got a build up all right cool now this one okay we're just replacing the wall we're just replacing the wall um guys another idea that I had was to create like a lava river or oh my absolutely kidding me some kind of river okay some kind of ever that was my idea all right let's um let's have a look this guy should be over here hello there he is hello my little friend how's it going uh oh my goodness I hate creepers I hate them so much the amount of times that they have killed me guys I am a Minecraft noob I'm gonna be honest with you should probably get some torches over here by the way yeah there's there's gonna be more spawns otherwise alright let's get let's go back up this way oh alright um it is actually dark outside so I shouldn't really be working on this tower right now but I I feel like I have to at this point I feel like I have to I just want to finish this okay um I think this is the one we're gonna replace now all right we build up quickly get out of here out out I said let me build my tower ah this is a good reason to build a nice little Tower as well that's where the mobs can't get in oh my that's a water zombie that's that's a water zombie it's too many of them men it's literally too many of them all right let's just build low and then build up so they can't kill me oh my goodness there's so many of them it's actually good that there's a lot of mobs around here I shouldn't kill them because if Josh decides to look around and tries to find my castle then at least it's protected by mobs because imagine he finds it when I'm offline like that would be really really bad that would be really bad all right so how are we doing here does this look like anything so far so we've got one two three two three two three is that correct I think that's correct ladies and gentlemen all right not too bad not too bad at all see I can do this I'm gonna replace those blocks later I think that looks pretty good the floor is going to be normal Stone the floor of the the castle over here oh no no no no no no no I need to sleep I need to sleep doctor can we sleep no doctor oh my god honey I can't I can't go to bed on my own I need that guy to sleep as well not sure if he's afk or not oh my goodness are you absolutely kidding me right now what did you say wait okay he's sleeping I'm coming I'll cover doctor good point doc no no no no no he left the gates open he left the gates open oh my goodness this is going bad this is going real bad oh my I don't want to die I'm level 25 please Oh guys this is going wrong this is going wrong all right bed bed quick falling you too come on ah come on let's go to bed go to bed go to bed I'm gonna die can we have everybody in the bed please can we have everybody in the bed go to bed fall in hey you go to the bed what is he doing what's he doing why is this guy on my team clearly not listening to me oh my goodness you like that quick wait monsters are nearby there's no monsters nearby what are you talking about quick now yes we did it we did it we did it we did it oh my goodness oh my goodness that was a lot oh all right I'm happy now I'm a happy boy oh all right where were we we were with the floor then we're gonna replace I think that was a nice a cup all right so let's break all this out let's break all this out let's pretend that never happened guys that was absolutely embarrassing so yeah let's never happen shall we okay we're gonna put these back like I said we need to be careful here because we know that there are different mobs out here I'm looking at the comments by the way and some of you guys say that I should find a mob spawner um I'm pretty sure if you break a mob spawner you cannot pick it up I'm not I'm not a hundred percent sure about that but I'm pretty sure so I don't think we're gonna be able to put mob spawn spawn owners around her house please correct me to comments section if I am wrong thank you thank you nice time thank you okay so that's that's something we need to open that up and we need to open this up how this does not make sense I have no idea what I'm doing cool all right so maybe we can't break it I don't know I'm looking at the live comment section did it it it enough nothing will happen okay find a mob spawner no no no no okay I'm not I'm not doing that okay that's a bad idea all right so what else we got we've got hmm we've got a nice Tower now you got to decorate a little more okay we got to decorate it a little more let's start with the edges all right should we go one more floor up yeah we definitely need to okay one more there we go all right looking good hmm okay that's actually a lot better already we should probably try and create like a ladder I think okay let's replace this floor like I said a nice stone floor all right guys I think we're doing all right once we've got four towers going we can start working on some other things that should be pretty cool right we're gonna work on different things in the meantime though I'm not gonna spend hours and hours on just towers that's pretty boring all right so does this make sense so we've got the middle we got one two we got the middle one two I think I think the alignment is good I'm not sure like this yes that's it that's it oh my goodness let's have a look from the outside guys let's have a look from the outside I want to see what this tower looks like currently all right we're walking away that looks good imagine one on that side a little bit taller and some cool things in the middle all right let's saw let's go work on the second one shall we let's get this creeper because we need the gun powder oh my goodness thankfully he exploded in the water so we got nothing to worry about oh no we are professionals not really all right we got a water zombie nothing to worry about all right so another thing I was working on that you might have realized is the gate the gate is going to be right here like we say we're gonna surround our castle with either lava or something else we don't really know what to do yet to be honest with you but this is going to be the entrance it's gonna be safe we're gonna block it off it's gonna be good but we need to work on this as well I'm having a look I don't know exactly what to do with this to be very honest with you I feel like the entrance is difficult but we could we could actually make an entrance out of stone break though let's let's keep that a try let's give let's give that a try shall we all right so we're just putting breaks down there we go there we go thick one there was that it yeah that's it and then we break this one put a new one down what you got what you got for me oh thanks ticking tickets tickets again keep the feathers we need arrows wait maybe I maybe I can tell them go a get gravel maybe to find some Flint so we can make arrows cuz yeah we really need arrows actually okay that's actually looking I don't really know what to think about it to be very honest with you it doesn't look that good feathers in the chat keep the feathers I don't know what he means about that feathers in the chat all right let's uh let's see yes we can create this all right let's create one more all right guys give me some ideas in the comment section of what you want me to build today alright let me know please I I am very curious alright I have this idea to like smoothen out these edges I mean that's that's pretty cool whether you like oh come on whether you like it or not I think that's pretty cool we got to break that Oh in the chest cool there's feathers in the chest just make the arrows there you go I built the wrong one now there we go we could actually do this as well that does mean that if they build up they could get up there however we can we can prevent that from happening - that's pretty decent we can do this as well though what does that look like oh that's that's starting to look pretty cool all right we've got we've got our entrance theme going quite happy with that actually we need we didn't acts as well to get rid of these wooden things otherwise it'll take too long we can we can do it on the inside as well of course okay how many bricks do we have well we have a lot still alright just like that hmm and a little bit more oh yeah that's what I like to see a nice thick wall alright and on the inside I guess we're doing a similar thing and now we we should probably have like a double entrance do we have an axe anywhere let's have a look in this chest weapons an armor of wooden axe I mean we can use diamond pickaxe somewhat an accident law doesn't really matter okay this is the entrance looking good alright let's let's get rid of these gates and maybe you guys remember in one of the episodes I built like a hundred plus wooden gates we still have those we still have those yeah it was a little bit awkward it's actually because of Josh Josh told me how to make gates and then I built them that way I mean how to make fences and then I thought I built fences but instead their gates and it's really annoying oh that looks really good actually no that looks that was amazing okay I'm gonna break that I'm gonna replace that with I guess with with the stairs alright let's get some more stairs let's get some more stairs stone bricks feel like I'm getting really good at this guy's once you're in like the building mood it starts getting easier and easier Oh what I like it okay we're gonna do it like that oh wait what I didn't want it like that please sir like that please nice all right all right all right wait what no like that and like that I guess we can do a second as well are we out of brick now dude that looks so good that looks so good and now we just oh we just fill that up with some more of the stone break that actually took a while again we should probably ask one of our one of our teammates to get some more of that all right and there we go that's that's our entrance for now actually really like the way that looks if we have some more wood yeah yeah we have some more wait we can put some more fences down we got to make sure that Josh doesn't use this so if we if we know where he is and if we know he's preparing an attack then I guess we need to like block this off even better okay so we're gonna block this off right over here that's pretty good all right all right maybe we should Onew maybe we should do a double layer by the way need to pick that one up double layer can I put one there that's pretty cool let's do a double layer let's do a double layer Josh ain't getting in today oh hell no slow go man oh that's what I call a date boys mmm good looking good looking and it's exactly in the middle oh yeah and it's getting dark again great let's work on our next Tower all right let's work on our next tower we need more stone brick all right let's put some cobblestone back we don't need as much as I thought we're gonna grab some more stone brick yes a lot more actually we need some more stone for that and then we can create some more stone brick okay maybe maybe I should tell him hey maybe get more stone by smelting cobble stone there you go whoo all right let's create some more stone brick you'd do that by two by two right there you go all right that's pretty good now we've got five stacks of it which should be enough for probably one or two towers I think thank you whoo all right so guys I see a lot of you letting me know in the comment section that josh is working on something now I know he's working on something okay I know he built the castle I mean it's pretty obvious he's also uploading videos his castle looks good it looks thick but it's week eight sweet it's gonna be nothing like mine mine is gonna be 10 times stronger it is it has though ever been like five days since I saw him working on it so I don't exactly know what it looks like now because I actually don't know where it is like it it's somewhere in the water but if you look around me there's a lot of water everywhere I could be pretty far away which is a good thing I guess that means he's not gonna get close to me anytime soon what do we do put this back down why am I going this way we need to work on our Tower how I counted this was used-- and I think it was here I think so and then we do one two three four and that's where we put I think it was here and that's where we put her first one down let me let me confirm that well let me just confirm that oh he's got a lot of gravel he's getting some Flint he's getting some Flint okay so we've got this line which is this line as well one two three four okay we did three Oh you kidding me get out of my house okay what about this side then one two three four yeah so it was so was it for no it was it was three three and then he builds out okay all right just checking guys we got to make sure we do this right we got to make sure we do this right let's see one two three so we put it over there Wow Wow I hate these guys all right let's do the same on this side one two three and then we put it over there all right all right I know how I did it why am i saying he how I did it I build it like this and then so it's one two three and then was it three and then two out or 1/2 way let me see let me see let me see let me see I forgot now yup no it was three anything two out all right three and then two out so one two so that's three and then one two okay so I do the same over here so that's three one two and then you close this up again okay there we go there we go so that's the I guess the line of our new tower right I think that's correct I think that's correct it's hard it's hard to know like honestly I wish I could just do poncho C control V copy-paste but unfortunately it doesn't work like that okay let's have a look real quick just to make sure one-two-three-four-five one-two-three-four-five is that what I just did here as well I am a little confused oh I bet Josh is watching this right now I bet he is so that's one two three four five okay it's correct all right it's correct good good to know all right so we got rid of the inner layers huh get out of here get out of my face you stupid spider there we go all right and we replaced the inner layers with stone that's right that's right this is gonna be stone oh we're being shot at great okay one two how I did a billet there two or three we might need to build an even higher later on we're just doing the outer layer right now guys eventually we're gonna work on the internal inner layer I guess that nobody looks pretty cool though from from this side oh wait I built the stone brick too high it had to be one layer lower okay all right I hate it when they shoot at me I hate these skeleton guys I see someone to say in a comment section build a roof now this is gonna be an open castle in these blocks over here we got two blocks and then a farm area in the blocks we're actually gonna have little houses we're gonna have a prison we're gonna have multiple things yes we are gonna build a prison if I catch Josh I'm gonna make sure he's in a prison of obsidian it's gonna be great it's gonna be funny guys all right so we're placing this oh no I just wasted all the stone its cobblestone again now okay we're putting some more stone down this time on the correct layer yes all right that's pretty good okay just over here I gotta watch out I don't fall down here because there's literally creepers outside they are actually creeping up look at them all right that's uh that's pretty cool as well obviously I got a build down but I don't want to go down right now because of all the mobs outside I purposely did not put torches outside for a reason this way mobs will spawn I think that's a good thing you know I think so okay so what are we gonna do I guess we could build the alignment here so that's one two three and then right over here and that's one two three and that's right here all right we build outside again all right two of them do one of these we go inside I got to make sure I do it right okay no that's wrong and put a stone brick down here there you go and then another stone brick and now - I think - did I do it wrong one two three - one two three - I did it wrong one two three this doesn't make sense feel like gotta move this one up a little bit more but one two three two three and then - so we did the same thing here right one two three and then - wait one two three oh my god did I really build it on four I built it on four what am i what am i doing I thought I counted right ah okay so we gotta build it on three boys one two three seriously I'm 22 years old and I cannot even count what is life what is life right now 1 2 3 oh yeah so that's 3 and then we do 2 out yes that's correct and then we go inside again yes that's it that's it boys that's how you build a castle all right looks good see pretty easy actually we can actually ask when building this one one higher no I'm building this correct actually we can actually ask our fellow a fellow server boys to to finish up the towers as well like we don't need to do everything ourselves I can work on the like alignment of it come here and I just show you how many errors I got oh I want to see that all right that's three towers already by the way that's three towers boys we're doing well all right all right what's up dr. Oh oh my god yes wait I've got the greatest idea ever wait nice job you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna get myself a bow and arrow and I'm gonna head chant it all right where's the bow and arrow I need some I need some of these some strings and oh we need sticks okay let's create a bow and arrow I don't exactly know how it was again I think it was like this yes and there we go all right we're gonna enchant this one let's see what we can get valuables we're gonna use some lapis oh wait maybe we can actually create two of them and then we can combine the powers well I'm a legend boys I am a legend Josh is jealous of my legend level all right so Bo lapis power - Howard - again I guess that's just how it works okay power - I'll take it [Music] Howard - again how do you get the different levels I'm breaking three level requirement 30 oh that would be good that would be good guys let me know in the comments right now cuz obviously this is a live stream let me know how do I get the dip Hammond's like for example the fire like I really want the fire I know I can find books and like secret loadout places but is there another way is there another way let me know please guys alright it's light outside let's finish off the tower make up city in walls yeah we're working on that we're gonna create an obsidian castle on the inside like I said so that's gonna be like our safe area guys because obviously Josh can build like you can just ahead a dee-nice caster I'm inside now you can do that right now but we've got plenty of ideas to make sure that he cannot even get here all right you cannot even get here don't worry about it boys we got this we got this all under control that's what I'm talking about all right so we're finishing this off look at that oh that looks good alright it is early in the morning I think I have plenty of time to just work on this castle oh yeah okay let's just build up here there we go alright so I should probably give the doctor a task I need to think about something I mean he's obviously working on other stuff right now but I think we need to actually get started on on like a lava river or something like that maybe that's a good idea okay yeah right there also yes guys there is water underneath our castle I was thinking about it let me know if you agree with me in the comments by the way but I was thinking about it this is actually not a bad idea because there's gonna be mobs here because there's obviously no daylight on there Josh can think that he's gonna be able to get in that way but actually it's really hard because he's gonna have to build from the ground up because if you break a block you cannot like you cannot get up you know what I mean so I actually think it's not a bad idea to have a castle on top of water there we go what are you doing what are you doing oh he's building an entrance okay that's uh that's that's a tower that looks pretty good let's actually get rid of these things I'm so obviously we're mainly working on the front right now to make sure that this looks pretty good I actually think it looks really good already oh are you kidding me I'm gonna kill you I'm gonna kill you just keep shooting at me but I'm gonna kill you yep you're teasing me now you've got me good boy talking about mobs we should probably get level 30 because that way I can enchant our doctor back doll that looks pretty good I'm happy with that yeah this is currently the way to get in I guess hey can you finish up the other powers just build stone brick under my template I'll show him what he what I mean with that okay so will we do this oh my god one two three and then right over here we should probably do it one lower okay let's just do one lower so it's one two three and then it's out out and about and then three times three times there you go and then two out two out and then we do the same on this side one two three okay three out this way that's three out and then two over here I think that's correct I'm not sure if it is I'm not sure if it is to be honest with you guys but that doesn't matter all right wait here I'll give him all this I'll give this guy my stone brick I'll give this guy my stone brick okay sir come over here here okay man okay I'll give this guy my stone brick I put more stone brick in there um let's have a look what could we work on next we have a couple windows that we could work on I actually have a good idea I actually have a good idea okay let's take some of these watch what I'm gonna do guys wait what am i doing all right we're gonna do two by two again to create some more stone brick of course and then with that we are making stairs yup you got that right we're making stairs all day all right why are you making stairs jelly well let me show you what I've got cooking yeah it's funny joke it's funny joke okay so this is our wall currently can you please please get out I was thinking it would be cool oh I might need to I'm gonna just stand on something for that I was thinking it would be cool to have what you can't do that there we go that it would be cool to have that let's have a look what does that look like oh my god yeah that looks good oh I like that oh I like it a lot alright so we cover the edges up oh I need to I need to stand on something here okay let's just build this this way so I can build it we need to cover the edges up with stone brick that's right it kind of looks super defensive in a way like hey you need to stay out that's that's kind of what it looks like in my opinion let me know if you agree I think it looks super good so we're gonna do that like that okay we're gonna do some more over here I'm gonna keep that up okay great I keep missing the breaks up they're really hard to work with these stairs okay what do we do over here though that's a weird part that's that's a weird part let's leave that for now okay and then the rest is the same why does it keep messing up like why does it keep doing that okay we need to build another staircase ah why is there water here why did I decide to build on water okay there we go ah it's so annoying it's so annoying oh man this game is crazy all right we're gonna do some more and I put these down before but those were actually replacing with oh I thought that was a creeper they're new one does it work no of course it doesn't there you go good boy jolly good boy see I am a pro building guys I am a pro builder oh yes okay here we go guys by the way I've got an idea can you build chests underwater let me know in the live comment section right now can you build chests underwater that's the question I've got maybe I got an idea with this how about we put some stone brick here oh great we create like a little extra angular viewing post is that cool at all does that look good guys let me know oh I actually think that looks pretty sweet yeah that looks good that looks great wow I'm a boss alright so the live comments section is saying yes you can build chests on her water um the reason I'm asking is because I've got magma blocks now if you don't know what magma blocks do let me quickly give you a little showcase where are they why am I so dumb over here all right so let's just grab one okay we've got a lot of obsidian so we're gonna grab one magma block should probably put it in a safe spot wait where should I put it let's just go out here it's gonna get dark again so I need to be quick but I just want to show you guys what I can do so a magma block if you don't know what it does let's put it down right there it creates oxygen look at that do you see these bubbles look at my look at my water like underwater breath level look at that those bubbles and I'm going in it I'm getting them back you see that okay we probably need to build it a lot deeper way that's actually a really bad idea well you regain it really quickly is there a way guys is there a way for me so look the oxygen gets back but is there a way to get the oxygen back and build some something on top of it so that I cannot touch them the magma block because as you can see it kills me it's an interesting question I've got it's an interesting question of god let me donate live comment section like for example I can put a sign on top of it does that work will I not be able to fall down in it hmmm let me know guys let me know it's a it's an interesting question alright so we are working on this let's have a look we created these really cool like brick things now I can actually push this back as well Wow I could push that back a lot okay watch out oh my goodness Oh watch out guys it is nighttime it is nighttime watch out for the creepers please okay I've got an idea here that's gonna look great I think so first we need to get rid of this try put a carpet on it ooh [Music] keep carpet on the magma block that's a super good idea see that way I can breathe underwater if I don't get damage and if I then build a chest underwater guys what does this look like if I then build a chest underwater I can hide my stuff in there yes this looks good Oh looks amazing oh yes yes look what I'm doing come here alright so way I'm gonna ask him are you watching the livestream I'll explain there all right so okay he's watching all right Percy listen to me so I'm currently working on the outside layer I'm only doing the front side that's what I'm working on right now but maybe you can help me to do the rest of the sides what you need is stone stairs okay stone brick stairs stone brick stairs sorry and you're gonna put that around the outside maybe it's hard to show you right now but when it's daytime look at it I put them like upside down and and then I'm putting these stone bricks like this the stone stair breaks like this so it looks like a castle from the outside so that's what you can do to help me okay maybe maybe over here we got something else going okay maybe like this like that that's pretty cool all right so Percy that's where you can help me with with creating the the outside layer now please make sure it's aligned correctly for example I got rid of this layer Percy I got rid of all of that and then I place the stone bricks upside down on that block or actually on on this outer layer block oh my god I hate the nighttime it's annoying it's really annoying this just looking really really good so far though I gotta be honest man this looks amazing look at this place isn't this beautiful can I get rid of this oh I can't oh we need more of the stairs here and then I can just walk up yes that's amazing oh I've actually got a couple cool ideas as well with redstone if you guys are interested let me know but we're gonna we're gonna toughen this baby up me all right let's say create some more stairs don't know how many I need 40 should be fine for now okay so the idea with redstone is with dispensers now if you don't know what a dispenser is this alright let me let me give you a quick showdown so we've got a dispenser we've got a lever let's say we put sand in the dispenser and I click this button the sand gets pushed out now I can put for example arrows in our dispenser this way arrows will be shocked out of the dispenser towards I guess that direction now if Josh was standing there I will kill him with that but we can put other things in it - like lava that's right I can click on the button lava will flow out of a dispenser and go absolutely everywhere and that way Josh my die I don't know it could be cool where doc oh okay yeah yeah what's up what's up what's up doc Oh oh my god wait is that rare can you make those that's amazing let's let's give it a quick enchantment see what we can get that's amazing all right all right right no but it's powerful all right well cool anyway quick charge piercing there we go there we go that looks pretty cool let's put that back we can work on an enchantment Slater uh so we got the somme rig let's keep let's keep doing what we're doing oh yeah that's my redstone idea what was that sound oh my god there's so many things spider around here there's a spider don't like the spiders move please sir move please okay there we go there we go that is absolutely perfect looking I really wonder what this looks like from the front right now guys oh that's that's amazing nah we're not leaving the room right now we're not going to it's not I wants to leave my room what we could do we could put torches on like the outside right over here we can't actually okay we'll do something else is Percy working on the wall can we sleep low yes doctor doctor let's sleep all right Percy you working on the walls Percy you working come on on the walls whoo oh my god well thanks Percy where though where I don't see where he's building okay so he did the he did the towers okay I doesn't matter he's probably doing a good job Percy the legend okay that looks good all right something I want to do real quick is yes you're my dog she's crying she wants to go to my girlfriend's room said uh but she's not she's not listening to me Santa doesn't hear me something I want to do right now is actually quickly get rid of some sheep yeah we got it we got it we got a user actually get some wool should we kill them yeah let's not kill them oh my god really really is that is that really a thing right now wait maybe I've got a job for the doctor doc I have got a job for you all right doc are you watching the stream okay I need to ask him that oh my goodness there's so many of these are you watching this stream dog if he tells me yes okay yes is that a creeper okay so listen to stream all right doc listen up what I want you to do is to create like a tunnel around our castle that's right our castle needs to be surrounded by water what I'm thinking is No get rid of this guy so obviously we've got water here already just leave that leave this water just leave this how it is but for the parts where there's no water I need you to let's see three let's let's see have four blocks far like this around the entire castle fill four blocks with water for box with around the castle okay and four and then we'll create a little bridge over here for the for the engines so four blocks one two three four that's what you're gonna dig out and we're gonna fill that with water together all right so around the entire castle four blocks around the the Tower what we can do with the tower is you can just leave the tower sticking out so this far I think that's a good idea all right thanks doc you can start working on that wall doc is working on the the tunnel or the shaft the water shaft around our base what can we do oh yeah we were gonna do the Sheep I keep forgetting what to do there's so many things to do I don't want to spend ten hours building so it's really really useful that we have a couple people helping us today absolutely amazing okay we're gonna put these guys in there let's put some of the cobblestone back where is the cobblestone all right cob stone you're going back in your spot there we go let's pick up these eggs oh my god so many of them we don't need this many eggs can we boil the eggs and eat them guys anything in Minecraft we should probably okay let's uh let's see let's just kill the Sheep let's kill some militia Oh oh wait no this is gonna waste my sword this is gonna waste my sword we can't kill the Sheep no I don't want to waste this thing okay where is scissors scissors scissors my goodness why do I have to make one every single time I swear these things disappear we've got too many chests I keep forgetting we have chests on the back oh we don't I thought we did we did all right oh by the way look at our rainbow sheep yes very cool okay getting all the wool getting all the wool yeah yeah oh yeah that's pretty good give me all of it guys come on don't resist it's just wool you guys are going to be very warm in here I am not so worried about that it's pretty cramped in here it's pretty cramped in here come on it's like no space to walk like I'm holding W right now it's bad this bad it's really bad all right I got a lot good these chickens are so loud I just want to put a block of TNT over it does that mean does that mean to say alright we're gonna grab all the white wool the rest were just putting back for now like gray wool we have a lot with the white wool we're gonna make white carpets cuz we're filling up the floor with carpets there we go 63 pieces I don't think that's enough but I guess that's fine for now fill it up oh my god we need a lot more that was 30 already bloody kid ma I wanna I want to make this look pretty of course we just got it we just got to be quicker with the the whole carpet thing I guess or maybe we just use different colors as well yeah I guess we're gonna have to do that what's this building blocks to okay actually we're like 1/3 of the way in I think we can just keep it up with the white carpets I mean the problem was we had like three sheep in total I think one of them was black and two of them were white yeah kind of mix them together and now we have a lot of great ones it's kind of funny alright so something I want to work on jelly turn on friendly creatures volume two zero calls the cows friend volume hostile creatures yeah weak oh oh yes finally they're quiet good wait we should probably picked it up oh no no no I should not walk in there I'm gonna pick up a million eggs to so many of them which probably kill some guys who should probably kill some just diet with white died oh that's actually a good idea I don't have any right now though all right let's create our prison boys I think I want to focus on my prison right now let's put our sword back [Music] magma goes back I don't know where to put all these stuff honestly okay we're just gonna we're just gonna spread it around I guess I'm gonna keep that okay so we're gonna grab the obsidian it's really annoying to work with obsidian because if you place one block wrong it takes so long to fix it look we have a lot though we have a lot all right so we're creating a prison out of obsidian yes it's happening just like that I think we should have the floor of obsidian as well though so right there is obsidian right there right there and the entire floor okay I've got plenty of obsidian blocks my good old friends I think it was Percy in the dock that helped me getting some obsidian and add him as well he's not here we've got two more but they're not here right now okay now these ones okay we must not forget one of these sides is going to be an entrance I guess we can only work on that later all right there we go we've got a tower getting ready oh yes okay this is gonna cost a lot of blocks guys this is gonna cost a lot of blocks but it's an obsidian tower you're not going to be able to leave this place like it's it's pretty much impossible okay that's good we have a lot we have a lot of blocks can build this one pretty high up I actually want this to be the tallest tower as well I just I just accidentally placed it wrong there we go no are you kidding me I gotta be more careful I gotta be more careful there we go okay and to higher so in the Obsidian tower is going to be a prison a like valuable items room and it's also gonna be a watched higher tower at the same time okay this one because as you guys can see this is gonna be the tallest tower of our castle oh yes oh it's gonna be good oh no keep messing this up we need some more though we need a lot more obsidian a lot more obsidian there we go yes oh my god this is high enough this is high enough it's getting dark now let's build a little bit higher we're gonna just use the rest of the obsidian wait I might need some water to fall into oh my god I am so high up right now this is crazy guys can you create some water for me so I don't die on the drop here we go oh my goodness look at our farm that looks absolutely ridiculous so I guess I could fall in there no I can't and there nope hmm well we got to keep up with our uh with our wheat farm by the way I got a better work on that as well there's so many things to do wait he's not gonna work yes legend Thank You Percy thank you great oh wow that's pretty cool guys that is pretty cool I love it I love it that's awesome we can work on we can work on the design of it later we're gonna do some things with it I got a question can you build obsidian stairs no you can't okay doesn't matter let's sleep monsters are close by all right I guess it's underneath the bed come on there we go whoo oh it's going well boys should we work on our houses inside of our castle by the way we could do that is it not working bed please go into bed what what's going on ah can we please sleep please boys please please guys if you have any tips on what I should do please let me know okay Oh creeper my god it's not too bad I guess you're gonna die you're gonna die mate yeah about that good luck out there where do they come from that's creepy all right let's have a look how percy and ran are doing with the outside okay so we're starting on there the sidewalks on the top oh this is what I did guys yeah I forgot my sword my god stop okay there we go so this is what I did so far looks pretty good we got to work on those towers we got to make them taller and then we're gonna put some like traps and stuff in the walls looks good looks awesome I'm happy with it so far okay [Music] what did percy do though okay so we have this I'm thinking oh he did it over here you did it over here okay good good good he's got he's working on it he's working on it cool okay so they're working on their things great all right let's pick up these Thanks gotta close this I don't have anything to close that with only obsidian but I'm not gonna put up sitting down I guess we can make this deeper should we make a deeper guys I don't know if we should maybe too deep max a prison trap the lava wall behind your stone walls that's a good idea that's gonna take a long time to do though but that is a potential should we start working on something should we start working on something because currently he can just break right through he makes steel gates is that possible or stone gates can make stone gates for stone let's try some creeps me out let's try something out can we make stone gates guys let me know in the comments right now how do you make stone gates or steel gates that you sometimes see and in like you know mine shafts a cobblestone wall what does that look like inside of this cool work actually I could work very down with that okay so what we can do we can close this up right like that you can make iron bars okay cool should probably do that six iron at the bottom two rows okay I didn't know that thank you let's close this up we're gonna try something out we're gonna try something out guys okay so we're creating like an inner tunnel there we go and this inner inner tunnel is gonna have something very dangerous oh yes there we go whoa okay where's our where's our lava huh okay so we're gonna need a lot of runs to the nether for this but it's possible I'm gonna need like 200 buckets or something I could just make a lot of buckets and fill them all up okay that's this wall okay just checking wasn't sure which wall it was okay so we open it up from the top okay that's it and then we're just gonna put lava down I want to try something real quick what if I do it like this okay so we got that right so we got one there I won there can we do that we can't one there one there it should be it okay so we can actually save about off of the lava oh my god that's crazy guys that's what I call defense dee Frank's so look look trying to get it now Josh good luck trying to get it now okay we put those back and let's have a look if we current great so we got but he cobblestone as well right he said we have that okay so something with two rows what did he say six iron at the top two rows okay oh my god okay let's try this let's try and see what this looks like from the front if we do it like this guys oh yes dude our castle guys it's going to be the most insane castle you can think of no one's coming in tonight alright so maybe above every single one of these that's not possible in between okay in between that looks insane and looks a sane that looks insane all right so how many we're gonna need three six nine so I spent I spent six iron ingots to create 18 but we need one two three four five six six per times three is also 18 yeah so six per wall that's pretty doable actually this way Josh knows you won't get in today boy oh no you're not alright just breaking that all up and we need some more where did I count wrong dude guys let me know what you think cuz that looks insane yeah he will see the love I'm looking at the life comments section Josh will be aware of the windows that is true should we not do this should we not create it looks really good let me let me ask Percy and Percy and Doc do you think we should have this or hide the lava from Josh come to the front it is gonna it looks so good I mean imagine that tower a little bit taller with with the viewing platform I'm debating whether I should do this or not I'm not sure I need to eat as well yeah hide the lava or I was thinking a redstone switch in the lava wall activates good work yet good work hmm okay we're gonna get rid of it again I hope I just didn't waste this looks cool but Josh will know that's my problem it looks good but it's not about the looks here well a little bit like we need to make sure that josh does not know about the lava that way he will fall for the trap he will fall for it so we're gonna we're gonna we're just gonna hide it we're gonna hide the lava I agree with everyone thanks for letting me know guys we're gonna hide it it looks super good unfortunately though we gotta hide the lava I thought it was such a good idea luckily we don't need a million steel bars now oh yeah that's true we can use the iron bars for the prison and the towers that is very true okay so we're hiding it up again cool let's go through here so we need to just close this up as well okay this episode is going absolutely amazing so far if you guys are enjoying it then make sure you leave a like alright make sure you leave a like okay we're gonna have we're gonna have another sleep that they went quick I feel oh my god what are you doing don't waste the arrows what you doing come on let's go to sleep slurred doc bedrock is twice stronger than obsidian that's not true I don't think he can break bedrock what the bar is inside that's a good idea we put the bars inside so it looks good for us I like that idea yeah that's that's possible okay let's see what it would look like if we would put the steel bars over here this is our prison voice this is gonna be our prison and at the same time it's a tower with valuable loot at the top he is okay this takes time although I have a better idea why don't we just do this well prison yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes that's great that's awesome this is the prison boys this is the prison oh this is gonna be good you know the secret room is also gonna be here in the prison don't tell Josh though although we might need multiple secret rooms to be honest with you we might need multiple Redstone underground entrance yeah towers need to be higher yeah that's also happening that looks good that looks really good No so stupid just created iron doors I don't need those why did I do that I guess we need a door for the prison anyway so alright get rid of the last two blocks of obsidian there you go and build the last box that's our prison boys looks good I like it Dib city and prison you ain't going anywhere you ain't going anywhere oh no all right um let's see let's build a ladder or something yes that that okay ladder how do we make that again no what was that how do you make a ladder guys do you need sticks what if we only do the top one we jump on it that's an interesting question how do I do this okay I'm like trying to figure out a way to go to the top but what doesn't work okay I need to I need to rethink this I need to rethink this hmm I'm so I'm so distracted with everything to be honest man like you easily get distracted in this game mode now okay what are they doing but making chicken good I got to work on this though I have to maybe maybe we put doors on one side that's what we could do just one side needs to be an entrance and it's gonna be not the visible side like the visible side is the one with the gate okay so here we'll have two doors I could work right okay what do we do now how do I I need levers can I just create out like this why am I so dumb all the way around it really doesn't make any sense actually it does what am I saying I'm stuck alright so here for now we got to have a ladder because I need to go to the top maybe we could have a different way of entering this I have an idea it's quite difficult to build though don't know how I'm gonna built that like for example there's a lever out or lever or however you want to call it like outside that I click and then a stream of water comes down and then I can use the water as an elevator for example could work but the problem with that hmm how do I connect the redstone where's Percy okay he created the outside layer you go the top edge hmm I'm struggling with this guy's see I like the okay maybe we just do it like this you can only go up with a block I mean why not that could just work right that's that that's I mean it's kind of a secret entrance right now because it's not visible I think we can leave it like this for now and we need more obsidian to like expand the top part but we can leave it like this for now I don't think it looks bad at all actually could put some valuables up there I mean nobody's gonna break this tower or get even close to it oh no why can try a prison to elevate you to the ladder jelly I don't understand what he means with that okay he's working on AI which looks good nice it's looking good boys hmm Yes Doctor do a metal door to the prison oh we have that we have an iron door put lava in the prison I'm in your old house did you go in nether portal okay wait I'm gonna talk to him in discord one second whoo oh my god we have what 40,000 people watching on anything I had no idea that's absolutely insane guys thank you so much for being here first of all we're not we're not ending at this is amazing we're having a good time together we're gonna build some more okay wait I need to talk to him okay I just gotta give him the coordinates and I don't want to show that on stream because then Josh knows where I am all right it is getting night time again boys so what are we gonna do we are gonna work some more I think on the towers I think we have enough cobblestone for that I gotta make sure I don't fall in there by the way that would be really really bad that would be really bad okay we have a lot of cobblestone cobblestone yes oh boy we got a lot left all right we actually need to smell some more so let's actually uh we can do we can do a lava bucket as well I think sleep oh my god sleep again man these daytime thinks they go so quick all right so we're gonna more we're gonna work some more on the towers there they need to stand out a little bit more I think we're gonna work for at least another two hours on this build by the way it's gonna be that big arrow launchers yes I was already talking about that in the stream we are gonna have dispensers come on guys come on sleep put the other thing gonna sleep or where's the doc Oh doc doc do you have a bed bed maybe he doesn't have a bed okay he might not have a bed do we have cold we were run out of coal I think we did didn't we oh no we need to send one of our buddies on a mission again to get some more coal we have some here just one Oh here okay okay okay okay wait wait wait I'm gonna sleep there we go guys once we're done with the tower so we're gonna start working on some trolls so make sure you stay here it's gonna be great what did I delete my badge if I die now I'm gone okay that's not very smart all right wait I forgot I keep on forgetting things because I'm so distracted I cannot believe that we have so many people watching the live stream if you are watching the live stream as well okay if you're here live right now cuz it's just gonna turn into a video after please leave a like ah great great guys that's amazing okay we need to drop these out okay there we go okay work with that for now all right look at that splitting it up by eights splitting up by eight yep okay because we do we're doing this because it's actually turning the cobblestone of the stone like you just saw there and we really really need the stone the stone is pretty it's pretty stone I gotta be honest jelly look over here okay where are you oh oh good idea now we can hide the lever hide of the lever all right so what he just created is a secret way to get up the ladder oh yeah so if we hide the lever now we like where do you want the jelly we put it somewhere secret just leave it there now and continue working on stair walls there you go I think that's the safes bed okay and I have to let's see make some more stone bricks of course do we have enough yes we do oh just enough though okay there we go all right so like I said we got to go back to tower business we're gonna turn these into actual viewing stations oh I just all tabbed correct by accident okay we're back I thought my game closed that was scary so what we're gonna do is build up right over here one two so this one was the lowest so I need to remember what height we're doing okay so now this one is one higher than the rest I think that when I was as well so that's three high this is for high right now well let's do I don't know maybe five so two higher than the others we gotta know what it looks like so let's have a look is that does that look impressive enough I think so I think that's a good start because we are gonna build like a little layer on top as well where we can stand okay maybe we do one higher maybe we do one higher wait come back doc welcome back who cannot sprint oh there we go we need to eat we need to eat also guys later today a GTA 5 video is coming online where I am playing the new DLC so if you guys want to see that make sure you gonna watch that later today it's gonna be great okay so we're gonna build this one one higher I said all right just like that oh that was an accident [Music] there we go that's pretty good so that's I think three higher than the rest does double the height perfect now we need a floor for the floor I'm not sure what we can do we can do cobblestone or normal stone but we kind of need the normal stone so let's just go with the cobblestone I feel like I like we have a stone generator over there we took the law out oh no it's still there we have a stone generator a cobblestone generator but there needs to be somebody mining it at all times and it just takes a lot of time you know it just takes a lot of time to prepare that and just it just ain't very much fun okay that looks pretty good there we go there you go I think that's it yes that is indeed it oh that looks good that looks super good okay let's have a look if we built this down now so have a look what that looks like from the inside I mean from the inside of our castle like we're we're finishing it up you see what I mean okay oh my that's amazing isn't it that's that's amazing that looks professional oh yes oh yes a professional builder that's what I am okay let's see we need more ladders I need to build ladders up iron bars on your towers yeah that could work actually okay I think we need a lot more than I currently can build how do I build this again I keep forgetting how to build things why am I so dumb oh here we go here we go oh letters we got three okay there we go that's somewhere all right 60 ladders actually be plenty for a couple of towers all right so we are gonna build an entrance from the bottom that makes a lot of sense now obviously Josh can currently break through so we got it we got to do something to make sure that he he cannot do that okay wait so this is the block and then I think this it's going to be the build block I mean the ladder block on the inside out okay just like this oh it's dark in here it's very very dark in here I'm a bit scared let's just build up this way and then and then we build a ladder beautiful and we break it yes more ladder and we're at the top look at that look at that perfect all right so obviously we're gonna have to protect this we're gonna build one more block layer might be too much and here we can do multiple things we can do another one of these stair things like right over here or we put iron bars down also this is like on the towers is where I want to have like levers to click and then for example lava falls down that's what I want that's what I want that looks good okay this is a pretty cool Tower can I do anything for the top already I don't think so all right let's go back down there's plenty of light in here no mobs are gonna spawn I think can we have a little window maybe oh we can actually open this up like so we can walk through now we have multiple floors that looks awesome maybe we leave let me leave one yes yes boys or - whoa now it's looking serious isn't it no it's looking Oh misplaced Oh misplaced again I keep on doing that oh now it's looking good yes oh yeah I need to put torches inside mobs might spawn there in the night but so we put one door over here as well my god it's guys I'm I'm gonna be honest I am impressed with myself alright let's do it on the other side as well so how high is it so we've got three four five six seven eight okay so we got eight high so three four we've got four right now five six seven eight all right so we got eight high and then obviously one of them is like an outer layer block so the floor goes one lower so one two again one two okay I'm gonna run out it's gonna get nighttime again dude the daylight switches so quickly like it's so annoying okay so now we're just gonna build cobblestone because the cobblestone like even though it's probably the easiest thing to get in this game we need so much of it it's just very annoying okay so here we have two two and then we have three on the inside if I'm correct yeah like this perfect okay I don't exactly remember where we build the stairs okay actually I do okay it's gonna take some fall damage oh that's looking good oh my boy my boy good one get torches there you go I can't spell torches guys I can't spell it okay think the like area the walk path is right over here and then wherever the I don't actually remember where the ladder is guys give me some tips in the comment sections please I really want some help later on maybe I can get some more people and currently there's only two but if you guys want to help me build please make sure to let me know okay that's really good that's really good guys this is this is looking insane this is looking absolutely insane let's close this up by the way I'm gonna die here soon jelly come to the chickens okay what you got for me put pressure plates yeah that's a good idea pressure place for the I endorse oh no wasted that one that's four cobblestone blocks and one coal that I just wasted there that's how expensive they are okay I'm coming come in what you got no this is this is too much what is this a tornado of chickens Oh what this is bad kill them all Oh oh my god no way oh my oh this is pure sad wait ok leave some huh this is crazy we're literally killing all of the chickens guys that's that's too much it's too much let's meet we cannot get all the chickens ok wait I tapped out sorry we're back alright that's better that's better we were having too many chickens here guys we can't have too many chickens they're scary and dangerous guys if you're enjoying the video so far make sure you Lea like by the way and also make sure you're subscribed to the channel very important I know a lot of you are not subscribed but watch all my videos all the time so make sure you're subscribed it really really helps me out thanks guys alright that's a that's a good amount of chickens that's dead wait can I see how much chicken meat you got now I want to see it like put it in a chest or something wait it's right over here sir oh my yeah I gotta empty my mom I gotta empty my thing then Oh watch out Oh God how much chicken you got too many eggs to me eggs ah okay we have like oh we killed over a hundred chickens just there guys over a hundred chickens died rest in little chicken pieces I don't actually eat chicken in real life so I will not do this in real life promise promise guys it's just Minecraft can we all can we can we all just agree that's just minecraft wait help oh my god the doc is stuck don't sprint I think you'll be able to walk if you don't sprint Wow hurt me we just kill a lot of cows okay yeah I don't want to watch this ha ha ha this is going a bit far from me uh yeah we have so many eggs we have too many eggs hey we need to throw them away what are we gonna do with them later boys oh look at the walls by the way nice job guys nice job on the wall maybe now watch the stream I show you all right so my my little buddies over here completed the outside staircase wall what you guys can do now is get lava and fill up this alright so there's a lot of buckets you can create more if you want go to the nether or or to a cave and just fill it all in it might take some time it might take some time and also once you're in the nether let one of you break the nether portal in the nether and then the second person goes in because then we get the actual correct nether portal location okay so yeah we gotta make sure it mobs this one here they're gonna spawn in here there you go so you guys can do that fill it all up with law but the whole way around the entire castle we're gonna build separate ways to get up so we're just gonna get rid of these we're gonna fill that up so one of the ways to get up will be over here wait that wouldn't work either though no stupid okay no that's not that's not gonna work either we can we can fill the towers up with lava swell eventually but I guess we could just go up over here why not we can just do that infinite lava sources are not a thing guys I think infinite lava sources are not a thing oh look at that we've we've started on on the on the river around our castle look so we've got water everywhere I guess he filled it up with water most of the part we need to fix up some other pieces but we're starting to surround or castle with water as well this is all water so water really slows a character down which is very very useful for when we're getting attacked so this is water Oh My yes exactly what I wanted exactly what I wanted absolutely perfect okay so while they're doing that so we got that one finish I want to wait for daytime what time is it in the night oh it's gonna get daytime any moment now okay so needs to be eight one two three wait one two three four so it needs to be eight I think and then five six seven eight that looks about right okay ah two more do we have enough stone brick yes we do two more all right look at this castle boys good let's soak it all right obviously we just fill it up again we know how the drill works we got to ask some more torches later on okay so now I'm gonna make sure to do it correctly there we go I think that's how it works so we got two and then - and then two over here so one over here yes perfect that's exactly what I wanted oh it's daytime great Wow and the pool we go that's how we escape our own castle boys all right we've been spending hours and hours on this castle so far but it's looking so magnificent leave a like if you agree by the way leave a like if you agree very important all right so let's have a look what it looks like from the front right now oh my god it looks so good look at the Obsidian tower in the middle by the way yes for some of you only just tuned in let me just show you what I've got inside of these walls yes dude no one's getting in no one's getting in we're preparing for war yeah we are it's it's happening boys it's happening one thing I wanted to do this is going to be a little bridge entrance can we move this okay I think glitching I'm catching give it a stupid boat okay alright so I think I actually want to get rid of all this sand and just have water here and then we'll have like little a little bridge entrance right here maybe with Pistons we can actually turn it on and off could be an idea for the future let's go through here because this one doesn't have lava again haha yeah this one does not have lava yet okay we go out again yeah we break it okay perfect what's that sound oh that was the nether thing broke it what now okay so now Percy should be creating a new nether portal I hope that works I hope that works okay so they're working on getting some more lava did it work boys it should be the trick to you fix the nether portal because currently they were going somewhere else oh yes what so now we're gonna get a lot of love and we're gonna fill up all of these ones all of these with lava so they're gonna close this up like this like the whole way around the entire castle which will make the inside a little bit more cramped but that doesn't matter I guess well they're working on that I can actually work on the inside so the inside is gonna be like a home right we've been working like pretty much two hours in the outside right now but it's time to work on the inside the inside is going to look like a home we're gonna not only make sure it's very strong with traps and defensive things but the inside is gonna just kind of feel nice I think we can get started on that oh my god now the fortress steal everything maybe I should go down a little bit oh did you just die GG all right let's have a look okay let's see we need wood we need okay we don't have logs okay any more logs logs not logs logs log log log look look look let's have a look okay we need to get some more logs all right so we need to find like a proper exit for our for our fortress by the way cuz currently I need to keep digging out and that's not gonna work anymore in the future because we're gonna have lava everywhere so we need to have like a proper X exit and entrance all right this is our cave by the way yeah it's pretty crazy in there okay no coordinates in this chat please okay there we go are our wooden farm we're gonna get some logs and then we can create some houses a TT cannon that's something we could work on as well guys but I don't think I have enough gunpowder right now I need to tell my guys to kill a lot of creepers for that so well we'll work on that later we'll look at that later dispensers to make lava flow true that is a thing we might do that but the problem with the dispenser lava flow oh that was some lag the problem with the dispenser lava flow is that it's a one time thing once I click them on I can turn it off but then it actually doesn't work anymore so I think it might be better to have a piston lava flow might be a little bit more expensive to create but it might might work more efficiently we're gonna do that in the towers by the way the towers are gonna have etc so okay it looks good the saplings are gonna fall any moment so I should probably pick those up because the saplings are important we got it we got to make sure a tree farm keeps going tree farms are like the first thing I usually make in Minecraft if you guys are watching my Skyblock series you'll probably know that I've been working on a lot of tree farms I love tree farms so just so nice like wood is kind of infinite in that way cobblestone farming gets boring you know like all the lava and all the water and it goes wrong and all of sudden you have a city you know you need to restart your entire minecraft Arbor yeah it's not great it's not great automatic stone generator I have died man I have that an iron golem we can we can do that later we can we can do that we can make an iron golem definitely to protect my castle we need that okay let's pick up all these saplings yeah there we go we're still working on our defenses guys look it's starting to come together quite nicely now yeah we got a lot now okay I don't really remember where I put these guys over here I have enough I have enough jelly I need your help Lowell what's up what does he need break the spawner in the fortress oh my god a place runner spawner dude don't break it wait why can we not build it in so that we can farm them later that's that's a better idea in my opinion let's see what you asked to say to that but I need to help to fight the blaze ah okay I'll help okay let's do it guys we're going to the nether okay just put in the put in the artwork in for the for the house a little bit so there's gonna be doors you have to surround the spawner with torches yeah okay we can do that this is costing me a lot of wood but it's gonna look good we're gonna have some houses in here because currently we don't one under and then like this mm-hmm because it's costing me so much wood but I'm rich I'm rich in Minecraft boys do you believe it a billionaire there we go just chop these down pretend like they never were here let's go jelly I have the torches okay I'll get it ready all right so we're going to the nether let's just put all this in there I need to organize these chests as well I'll do that later I'm not gonna lifestream me organizing chests that seems kind of boring to me all right um Golden Apple can we make golden apples Gold isn't this how you make them yes okay we've got two golden apples okay I'm stuck without a pickaxe I'm coming okay where'd I leave my sword there like it was where's my sword where's my sword man oh here diamond sword okay we got I'm breaking dinosaur charm is one I'm gonna bring that what else do we need a shield I got to make a shield real quick do we have one we have one okay so we have shield okay let's go I think I'm good I think I'm good I got full health I got to I got I got enough let's go guys we're go dude another yeah yeah should we bring building blocks as well though to defend or maybe a little bit might be useful all right Percy you coming bring torches found the place okay wait wait wait doctor is there as well now great three people three people so apparently there's a blaze spawner in there it's gonna be pretty crazy I'm just waiting for him put these down quick I'm very efficient with my time boys always doing something minecraft yes yes I am alright here we go whoa let's go to the place runner spawner I got torches I mean the other person has but come on come on more bar I don't have torches I thought he was gonna put them all down did we really just have a nether portal literally right next to right next to a spawner that's that's really annoying but great at the same time wait I can't put it there oh I'm scared stop it okay let's kill them all dying um I'm oh my god that was so close to death ridiculous I need to kill them did we get them all did we get them all yes okay spawner secure spawner secure good spawner is good kidding me alright let's find some cool things here whoo all right well now I'm here anyway I guess we can have a look around real quick oh yeah wait they keep spawning still I place the torches is it another one what's doc doing here I'm so confused what's happening my god so I think I can hit them back right the fire I can hit the fire back break the spawn or put it in your castle guys I don't think he can pick up a spawner probably trolling me right now oh I should get I should get a crossbow off Hart the torches are not working there's another spawner coaches are not working guys destroy the spawner I'm not sure whether I should though we might when it might need to farm these guys like we can make cool potions with that stuff right I kept going back going back be kidding me three spawners there's three of them three place voters pick the Spartan with the pickaxe which have good and chance you can bring it okay okay alright thanks for the tips guys thanks for the tips but the people who are watching this side of it as a video I am live-streaming this as well so I have live feedback of what I have to do to break these spawners but I know though is that I'm gonna get my enchanted oh yeah I'm actually I'd rather have my crossbow where's that thing though yeah I'll have this one then okay oh my goodness we have a zombie in a prison wait wait we need to name him we need to name the zombie okay I guess we'll do that later guys what do I do so they ran out of food we need to I don't think I can pick up the spawner can't I dude I don't know what to do with that that seems hard that seems hard let's go back real quickly I think I might die though you silk touch to keep the spawners silk touch okay thank you thank you my friend thank you I don't have that though do I there you go that works Oh God seriously bro already oh no I hit a zombie I hit a zombie it was an accident it was an accident it was an accident you gotta understand bro it was an accident oh my god I don't want to kill you think you're cool stupid zombies okay I guess we can go back in now are they still coming after me if I killed their brothers let's have a look yeah I need to find the enchantment thing for a silk touch I don't know I'll see if I can get it out of my enchantment table but I might need to go and look for some books all right let's find an entrance somewhere here really I mind this stuff before why is it giving me the achievement really it's still coming for me it's still coming for me that's annoying Oh Oh bro what's that sound it's one of these flying ghost isn't it okay there's a really big drop there Oh in here too way to dance oh come on oh oh I'm dying what is that I've never seen that before I have actually never seen that nice still guys the nether scary man especially this part for some reason this part is really really crazy ok I'm just digging my way up to see cuz there could be a cool chest down here with some crazy crazy things that we might need I would like to find that sundial ah my dog is scratching the door hmm alright can't really see anything down here - true - to harvest to harvest right now I killing those nine arrows already okay bring these he's gonna be it's gonna be cool slow go man is not online right now guys the wither skeleton oh cool yeah the gas does the sound right I don't know where it is though I don't know where it is Josh could indeed be watching the stream I'm a little bit frightened about that to be honest with ya okay I don't see more blaze runners and I don't see a chest either why do i oh I'm using iron armor thought I had it on I actually thought I had my diamond armor on believe that or not was it drop coal stupid oh wait somebody actually built this like this I think all right let's take some of these back then I need something useful at least hello it's so dark in here oh oh there's more keeps going okay build a little staircase oh it's a maze okay guys let me know in the comments what should I do right now because clearly oh there's the second spawner okay so they broke this one because it was just too much which is fine we still have a second one we can pick it up with silk touch which is a which is an enchantment that we currently don't have but I'm trying to find a chest however I don't think there is any does it keep going or please keep going please no it ends there's nothing more hey buddy I was going you have it a good day yeah hmm okay we have one of her great friends again these stupid Blaise thinks they're pretty cool though guys we're gonna make with this by the way with the blaze rods potions right that's what I thought anyway all right umm I think we're done in the nether there is nothing good in here there's nothing good in here we need to explore some more if we want to if we want to find some more okay the nether is safe now are you gonna get lava and finish the inside walls there you go put them on a job if you got a towel tower for a chest I feel like you can find them in the hallways as well though okay let's uh let's see make a golem we'll make a golem guys let's create some of these guys I think they're pretty cool they are pretty cool okay we're gonna put these over here let's work some more on that like I said I don't really do the organizing all right now hope you do with nether bricks well we need sand as well an axe okay thanks thank you silky I mean Percy not silky what am I saying all right 30 levels next time let me kill the animals animals for XP I think you got XP if you kill like chickens and cows and stuff so I guess that's a good way to to level up like pretty quickly wait no okay so this could be our chests room I think that looks pretty good it could also be a house though I don't know I feel like we should just have one house with all the beds although I don't really feel like moving all the bet although chest right now so I mean that looks really nice I think I made some sand put that in the oven there you go let's have a look whoa man I would live for a long time two and a half hours already it's going well guys we're doing making progress we're doing well until they come to the chickens why oh we all kill some sorry guys yay getting all the levels getting all the levels this is a quick way to go to level 30 so I can enchant all right I think that's plenty I think I could actually make level 30 right now four levels in total so let's kill some of these guys kill some sheep a lot slower I guess they die less quick I don't know okay what about so chickens it's obviously a lot easier because yep you have like a million eggs about cows okay let's leave it there actually we can kill some more come on let's hit level 28 sorry guys just gotta level up cows daily slaughter sorry cows there we go good leveled up leveled up two more levels Thurber levers is all we need it's good it's good okay so how wide was this one 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 and then 1 2 3 4 5 ok so that's too small so maybe we create a really big one or actually we leave this we create a pathway around the prison so like it's 1 2 3 ok so we're going to have my house is border like this oh it looks good yes dude three four okay alright going up here two three okay you can delete that two three last but not least there you go great the wall okay we need more wood so we can fill this up later like a bead or Windows Windows yeah more windows and I guess another big door over here actually we can't because of the way it's been done and more windows ok I'll take that I'll take that it's starting to look like something I'm gonna turn these into nice little glass like sheets or something like that right oh yeah that's a lot can fill it up boys we are we are doing so well we are making the craziest and craziest minecraft castle in the world this castle has a farm in it it's got trolls in it it's got houses in it oh we're ready for a battle mm-hmm it's got a prison in it almost forgot I don't want you to connect oh ok so I need more wood clearly but you can actually put two in here as well there you go whoo looks good man looks good so far we need more wood though do we have some more we have more on top I think that's all we need it perfect whoo it's nighttime again ok let's create a door I need a couple do you guys hear that by the way those mobs those moms are under the floor they're defending our castle it's true look at that we need to uh we need to work on a roof there hey Bolin how's it going all right we need to work on a roof though like a nicer roof because currently it's it's only gonna be man it's just flat as you can see all good no worries can you get more wood in the tree farm all right good boy so we need to fill the roof something we can do is put carpets on the floor I don't see why not let's get some carpets going light gray we have a lot of light gray so we just do it like that no wait that's stupid that's stone just created 24 pressure plates ah oh I'm stuck in here I'm so dumb sometimes sometimes I'm so dumb guys oh it's this one so I did pick up like gravel I thought it said like rule I just picked the wrong block they look so similar look at that oh my god alright we have a lot of like we carpet now we created so many pressure plates we're never gonna use them luckily they're just stone ones though actually no not luckily because stone is going to make you need 64 cobblestone and then you need to you need to smelt it thinking about it this looks just like stone so why don't we just not use stone I guess this walks nicer all right there we go I think we're gonna make it just fine with the amount of corporates that we have I put some glowstone in the floor as like decoration I think it looks quite good I'm happy with it we need to move all this trash inside it's gonna be hard okay let's actually have a little pathway here if we put dirt here let it grow put some like flowers on it we have flowers flowers what are you flowers well watch out jellies Armour is gone oh it's here inner armor this is my armor wait let's actually get the level 30 let's put our trash somewhere I've got an idea first we need to grow we need to wait for their chickens to grow but we have so many eggs like we have a ridiculous amount of eggs okay apparently not we threw them already I guess I can just pick somewhere up here alright so we have and we still have a lot alright let's throw these eggs get some more chickens you can burn carpet what just happened oh my god I did not see that I did not see a creeper at all no our farm our farm I need to put the fences back we need to put the fences back kill these kill these cows no wait I need the XP oh that's so sad and other chickens and the cows are mixed oh man wait many more fences we need more fences where our fences when you need them this one no our farm is ruin okay three is that enough oh my god I blame Chuck why it's not fair okay wait one more there we go there we go all right we have a lot of cows mixed in we'll have to fix that later give more stuff get out get out that was crazy what just happened I didn't see that creeper oh my goodness everybody in the comment section was warning me about that creeper guys I'm so sorry I didn't see it I I'm not even kidding right now I did not see that creeper man that is something else that is something else and okay well now now we can throw the eggs and now we need the eggs because we don't have much anymore oh man Oh feel so dumb right now I feel so stupid can we please get some Wow another one just exploded are you kidding me what is going on these creepers are everywhere all of a sudden is it Josh with a creeper curse is that a thing is that a thing in Minecraft okay we see we have a couple couple people saying that they didn't see it either okay I'm happy to hear about that because that was that was something else man that was so scary I thought I was dead thanks oh oh good old word is harvested oh yeah he missed theme is something I a missed something okay we're gonna need these again I don't really bother about the the melon or the pumpkins right now we're gonna need some more wheat because we're gonna need some make it to make some more chickens I mean cows yeah we just killed them all hmm and chickens we can do with seeds of course I guess it's good we've got a farm over here and we've got a lot of meat now so we're not gonna die anytime soon the chickens will they're all dead oh man oh that was something I was crazy let's let's see can we feed no no come on are you kidding me we have so little chickens now I spent hours and hours and hours expanding my chicken farm and one sweeper blows it all up and ruins it for everybody I'm angry I'm angry that's so dumb oh we have two more cows we have to start again with the whole incest family it's embarrassing it's embarrassing I've got this huge castle that's like almost done all right so this guy know why the others aren't doing it huh I'm upset I'm so upset make a roof guys we're not making a roofing castle alright we're not making a roof right we're not we're not making a move that's just silly idea that's super silly that's so silly all right anyways anyways we got we got to pretend that didn't happen right told the chicken thing the slaughterhouse we got to pretend that didn't happen that was brutal yeah where can I put these down you think yeah that works no creepers in here boys no creepers in here oh we still got to put a roof on that I don't know where he put the wood ah just wasted dad put banners dude I need I need to get banners I need to I need to find like a little village and get them talking about villages I know where one is no again who was that we make the farm smaller okay oh my god so this is what's happening down here it's a whole mob party look at this oh my god I didn't know this was happening I only have raw meat what I did not know this was going on why are they everywhere I mean I guess it's good if Josh wants to come and kill me then ash yeah he said he's just not gonna manage he's just not gonna manage look how cool this looks right now so we need to finish this tower finish that one make the top of it we have a lot more work to do but we're like getting there I think we've got the basics pretty much done now we're getting close to finally an end of the castle feel it's almost ready oh well once the castle build is done we got to work on the trolls I guess okay where's food Oh make a petition remove the creepers from Minecraft yes dude I'm not winning that petition anytime soon man I'm just saying yeah he's not happening unfortunately creepers are iconic for Minecraft even though they're really annoying but they're only annoying when you're a noob like me it's true it's true it's true boys all right let's break this down what do we doing here oh no it's getting night time again look at them go look at them go oh yeah I forgot to put all the things back you got to be honest this is not very smart of me all the Sheep start without coats oh no wrong one okay looks pretty good did we do this one wrong I'm not sure okay so it's one two three four so we need to build a little bit higher because it needs to be eight high so one two three all right there we go then we put the cobblestone floor in because normal stone is really explained I think that was seven wasn't it four seven we need to put one hot one higher thank goodness up with water down scary very scary hey what's up bro you want to have a good time a good time of death ha ha it's ok man break whatever you need to break we don't need that big of a forum anymore anyway it's just for the beginning when you when you need food I think we have like 100 pieces of chicken in the refrigerator that doesn't exist in Minecraft nice we had to make it one higher and then I fell down let's not do that right now I messed this one up too three out Hey aha okay that's wrong do we have cactus no well we need green dye yeah yeah you can go try to find it whoa all right it right all right we got to break this one down guys this castle is incorrect needs to be over here I think is it correct whatever let's just build it I'm so confused it doesn't have to be absolutely perfect all right Alexis build it guys an iron golem will be built in the next episode okay I see a lot of people asking about that and the next episode we're getting one of those today we're just focusing on building our castle and making it look beautiful and sick yeah okay that's cool all right that's the top of that oh my god we have mobs there are creepers on the walls and that's because when somebody built all of this they they started spawning huh okay we're good we're good there we go he dumped skeleton sit down all right looks like our wall is nearly done look at those sheep they're so ugly all right so eventually guys we're gonna obviously fill all of this up with lava josh is not allowed to know about that so please do not tell him and what is that is that a fart zombie fart what was that anyways um we are gonna build some more houses over there where the beds are gonna be we're gonna store all the chests in there but I think I'm done I think I'm done for today we got an ender pearl we're gonna have we're gonna save that nice job we're done for today thank you guys so much for watching this video this has been absolutely amazing we got so much done guys we got so much done the Sun is about to get up I want to show you guys everything I built let's just go outside real quick whoo looks like a scary mob spawn all right let's go to the front Oh way way way that's a bad idea that's a that's a bad idea can we clear the front I want to see the castle but lot of mobs cuz someone took torches maybe I need arrows maybe I need arrows okay oh wait no no Josh I don't think he's watching right now he's probably still sleeping so don't worry he's doesn't realize that's why I stream a little bit early creepers I know where the arrows it's 12 in here 3 there you go on the tower oh I'll go get them I'll go get them oh my god Enderman well you can't bow him apparently oh sorry dude look at this place okay hit him all right I want to check out the front I want to check out the front but this is impossible look how many creepers there are Oh what we should probably leave these for when Josh comes though but I want to see the front right now a creeper see this is why castle is useful boys oh it's so useful okay here we go die already die already Roma's done good good good all right let's pick up all the experience points level 29 great okay we have some more over here level we need to hit level 30 to build and chant level 3 okay almost all right boys this is the current look of our Castille that looks absolutely amazing we've got the obsidian tower in the middle the secure person where I will be I don't know maybe putting Josh in if I catch him I got to take his a pickaxe from it and then then he's stuck in there forever he's not gonna be able to get out and yeah we got it we got to do a little bit more on top of those towers we got to like finish it up make it pretty the inside walls will have a bunch of trolls in them but ladies and gentlemen thank you for watching make sure you leave a like on the video let me know in the comments of any cool tips and warned me about Josh let me know what he's doing thanks for watching and I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Jelly
Views: 19,234,295
Rating: 4.8798823 out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, minecraft, castle, build, building, war, kingdom, jelly
Id: znxBqDGpdnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 55sec (10315 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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