I found a 200 IQ Minecraft Base built by a Total GENIUS...

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I've woken up this morning with a really smart idea what if I could create the smartest base in Minecraft this is mumbo-jumbo and a few days ago he tried to create the smartest base in Minecraft but it got me thinking my whole channel is basically around rating basis and I've rated hundreds of them the best minecraft bases on youtube according to some of you guys three Dom it's ok you know we'll take it I've been in every single situation you could think of Oh God oh no no please all of it on camera any okay right and oh my so today I've hand-picked the best bases I found over the last three years of my videos I'm going to show you guys the smartest place 200 IQ entrances and the best secret rooms that I've ever found so you might come away with a few good ideas for your next minecraft base let's get into it so this video was reported back in 2019 this is probably one of my favourite ones I've ever done because this guy was an actual genius so he had a lava trap in the entrance to trick any intruders and it kind of got me by I didn't die yo and obviously they do this to defend their base when they're not online luckily I survived and I went down to find a number of hidden chests and secret spots also he had this button here that when you pressed it would go into like a basement and it would open up momentarily letting the lava fall out and it kind of reminded me of that scene from The Incredibles if you guys have seen that that is genius so then you press it again and then you go back through oh that's so cool so at the end of this video this could end up coming back online while I was inside while I was checking it all out so I had to bail early and I feel like they still might have been some more to show this is the story of how I got inside the best Mycroft base I have seen in a long time oh my but the juiciness start when I found this stone pressure play and I actually did miss it at the start three two one okay right press that and so it had begun they had I suppose like a guessing game it was three holes and they all looked like they were gonna drop down into water but I mean come on guys we all knew that wasn't the case I had to pick one I fell by accident but lucky I didn't die and look they have the perfect angles to hit your legs but I chose the right one and I had found the best part of this whole base and jeez yeah look at this Oh jackpot but it wasn't over they had a wishing well looking sort of build at the back and I was messing about ooh until there's a button right there there's a button there's a bastard look at that right there it's straight away open the door to a hidden chest room filled with loot and apparently it was admins only so I don't know whether they gonna be hiding anything big up here we got more buttons okay the fuzzy guy Z is there as more buttons in case we got some chess okay some potions but guess what that wasn't here again they had a thousand IQ move you couldn't per stuff in furnaces and it would like open like a piston door I've got faith in this and as you can see there was a furnace right there okay come on good one we need this bro we need this oh my god they may open something you're an urban suburb that closes when you between the furnace okay this one right here 1 million views I found a kid's secret monger placed directly under mine you think this in 8 days no seriously a guy built a base under mine I was up here and they built here now this was crazy ok so I filmed this and it as a faction that built directly under mine it was a crazy coincidence and obviously I had to check out the base so something interesting is that this was also when people start to troll a lot more actually you can see here you have been fooled Oh Mike I are you kidding me I can't get back out this one was just so funny how I didn't get caught stay calm stay calm oh my god ok where's he going I can't open it of course I can it's a door thank you forget I'm in a claimed area normally when I do these bases there are unclaimed so this being claimed makes it a lot harder whoa whoa whoa whoa what's happening what's happening why is he going a bit that makes it hard 1 million this base oh my god this was split into two parts in plant 1 it was clear straightaway that this guy was a fan of the videos and if you've seen all my videos then you're more likely to have these secrets and cool stuff in your base right and he made it his mission to trap me but that wasn't it they had redstone everywhere defending the entrance of lava even these iron doors just trying to like to stop you from glory in the base and we're inside the base [Music] that was the first video and part two was even bigger than the first I had loaded the video and it did really well I remember people loving it and he commented that he watched her video I liked your video of my faction so I'm about the next day and naturally he had created a whole new part of his base okay these guys are the biggest roles I've met in a while with you to keep going it's going to something right here we've got some blocks right here oh oh but this side the traps were real Oh Tech is again yo these types of watching this video and it turned out this was a TNT explosion no I'm did you guys hear that they try to crush me oh my god and so so much more but we've got a button back here as I just showed you and oh it's a big thing okay hold on let's go go where's it gonna open whoa okay three two one Go Go Go Go Go Go and okay we're in not fake base oh my word [Music] what he finally caught me oh yeah he was a fan remember so we didn't end up killing me me actually ended up showing me some stuff that I didn't find the first time around this guy I should turn out to be awesome although he tried to kill me and trap me who he turned out to be a pretty cool guy and at the end he showed me the biggest part of the whole base that I didn't see the first time around this was the only room I couldn't get in - oh oh hold on hold on whew oh my god yo okay this is the wait what does this have damn - oh this looks down to the base sometimes you find a base and it's just Oh what yeah so this was back in December and I found a base in this guy by the way turned out to be a hacker while I was recording I found a video of the guy and he was hacking on YouTube right little just hold on no he's a hacker I need to be careful now get ready if this guy comes online I could be killed and I haven't died yet so I could actually die these guys might have a serious chest room okay oh right here it's surely if they serve in this one so you got to think while I'm recording yeah I know he's hackers yeah I had to be careful come on open some in yo okay what is this so this kid vibin a hacker but he'd wash his fair few of mumbo jumbo videos I'll tell you that these guys have got some crazy crazy thing going on here so it didn't end up being much but it was interesting nevertheless I mean if you want to go see this video for the most part I was just worried that he was going to come back and kill me finding a hackers base and knowing they're a hacker while trying to say sneaky was a cool concept who knows what this would've ended up being but uh maybe he was more focused on the hacking ah was that hacks I don't know yeah that I think you know what I think that might be another time I found a base like this was back in January this year and this video actually got over a million views and he had a load of furnaces like this and I tried all of them and boom a huge entrance opened up ah okay right oh there is something okay okay okay so we've got oh my look at this it led to a secret basement sort of area and guy that made this he just loved redstone after this video I'd really recommend this one because if you're bored right now this was a good video he had so many cool traps my next video after that also hit a million views and that had an awesome entrance guys it's not all about being creative with the interior these guys had a base they blended into a mountain pretty cool everything you just saw was in the last year or so in the last two months I found some really good bases so these trees don't have two blocks at the bottom and I knew that there was also entities though so I think you guys can guess what happened yeah sometimes you get lucky and this turned out to be actually an epic underground base and I explored the base and there wasn't anything nothing stood out and there was no to it alike you plays by then oh my god yes no way I can't believe it I just found this okay I can pro I I promise you guys I did not know that was there that looked like I knew I couldn't believe it these guys in hidden chests room under a lava block sometimes people do this and especially because this base had a couple of buttons around the base to serve this lava and you have the armor and you want to risk it sometimes the reward will pay off [Music] and you know what guys this is a very different style to the type of videos I usually do so let me know if you enjoyed it by leaving a like down below now I'm sure a lot of you guys will have seen a lot of the clips in this video because you've been subscribed from war I want to say thank you guys so much for the support every single day I don't get the time in my normal videos to say it as much as I like to but guys thank you guys so much for the support really I appreciate every single comment and watching my videos teenagers are amazing I appreciate every single one of you guys and I'm so happy to have this foundation and I guess a little insight to my life right now I'm loving making videos every single video I'm making I'm enjoying every single second of it I can tell that you guys can see that as well and I was trying to give you guys some content to distract yourself from the quarantine and everything that's going on in the world there is a lot I didn't show in this video just keep it short and not let it drag out and if you're bored like me in quarantine feel free to go watch some of the videos I've showed in this video now let's go play some minecraft
Channel: OhTekkers
Views: 399,280
Rating: 4.9287667 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, OhTekkers, Minecraft video, Minecraft funny, No cursing, kid friendly, Smartest Minecraft Base, EXTREME, Challenge, 200 IQ Minecraft Base, filled with HIDDEN GEMS
Id: ZU01hjb2N7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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