I found a kids Extreme Minecraft Base filled with HIDDEN GEMS...

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Oh God uh okay so I found a pressure plate and I'm in the middle of a massive claimed area right now I've already gone invisible because I know wait for it there's because it's name is here hold on let me find him there disappear on me now it's like two of them so there's redstone here and when this registered it normally means the base could be like a natural red so base itself so we're gonna take over armed right now we've got four minutes left okay oh okay okay okay there is a way down below look how many ah it's cookie and then over here we've got Panda lover all right I got it's not the video there for a second guys this base was insane and it had so many different redstone traps when you guys have finished the whole video comment down below your favorite one in the video and we see which was the best one there's another part of the space where now all right let's just jump down oh um before I jump in the video guys patiently would like that below hit that subscribe button right three two one oh okay we're inside we're inside okay guys welcome back to another video hello okay Barry's gone down below we need to be extra careful today there are a few of them online we've got three people right here right so like I said it's claim so if I come down here and I'm trying to break something for example it's not gonna break and they won't hear that Eva welcome to Oasis melon farm okay so that's the factions name Oh our mission is to look through the space and find everything without them finding out we're here because as long as they don't know we're here we're safe so we have got signs right here we have got leader of Auris totally lit on that was the guy right there [Music] these guys were so active that they made me miss this bit there was a secret doorway behind the flag okay so we got a guy over there right now a few people down below we've got meeting room smelting room actually this is just a smoker if it's got some furnaces in here okay meeting room which I assume is that again I can't open anything and I guess well no one's here oh god oh god oh god he's in my skin hold on a minute he's in my skin he's in my skin he's literally like a blue version of my skin oh my god okay right let's stay still oh my god they are so active guys they are oh my oh no way we go go go we can get inside we can get inside oh my god okay haha okay right he is opening he's just opening those a chest I don't wanna be seen by him he could see my particles and he's gonna close it okay he's just chilling there he's just chilling I wanna make sure he goes before I open any Pinker's I get the feeling this is gonna be the main bit right here okay there's a lever right here as you can see Koki I'm gonna tell you right now you should not open that I literally caught it on camera okay we're inside he's over there I think I could give the chest open one right now if we just go that ah okay coming back oh my god okay right stay calm stay calm stay oh that's not nice I am nervous I am very that is staring at me don't sighing don't sigh hang Houston close it close it oh okay okay guys um we are now stuck inside this room so what's inside here why is this so secret hey he's got a lever right here but we do need to open this before they get back we got some gold okay we got Pistons nothing nothing amazing I guess a load a load of random stuff I get a feeling he's gonna come back through here guys this is crazy this is absolutely crazy right now we are stuck inside this secret room I don't know if I'm gonna have to wait we've got some more iron right there let's take that now if you guys are watching right now and you don't understand why I'm taking stuff the whole point is you build bases you find bases and then you raid them so don't worry this is the rules of the server and if you guys think you in doing this or content make sure to subscribe if you've never seen this oil content before overall there's there's actually not much in here so I guess I guess this is it but I was so wrong this is where the fun begins [Music] go go go okay well back out and we're out and we're oh okay right let's hide for a second this is crazy this is crazy this is crazy he's back there let's let you just do your thing he told me oh my god Oh Mike and then I realized I missed before I got a minute there's even more okay I thought it seemed a no lay hold on a minute okay you know what we need to go see this right now we need to go see this right now how did I not realize that okay right let's go this way right now okay all right we're gonna wait I'm gonna wait until he's gone right okay all right are you staying here now I want to go see you guys I want to go see this okay right right cookie stay in there [Music] it's gone oh my oh they will get it there's a chart they've got a trap okay all this is this is just intensive this is insane oh my god guys listen up we are in a basin of redstone there's trabb's I can efficiently not trust any of these guys and let's find out what's in the rest of this space so the thing about the space is everyone is constantly moving which means I can never go anywhere and everyone keeps going down here so let me figure out oh it's Spooner's okay it makes sense these guys keep going up and down always there multiple oh we got pig we've got a sheep spawner cow slaughter Jake in smaller or was this I know way down and there's a guy right here this is gonna be the bit where they actually get the head so I guess it's automated let's go check it out while we're down here I guess all there's more to what I think there's redstone I don't get too close to this guy put in key to turn on the light and he is right here now if it wasn't claimed I would just want to flick that switch right there come on come on right I'll gonna leave you down here it's one less person we have to worry about right now guys guys this is it same let's see what's through here right now we've got eight we've got another lever I yeah I do not trust you listen to me lever I can't crash go we've got don't break here and we've got a Oh more Pistons through here Oh on a minute Oh Panda lover I haven't seen pans love I don't think oh my god oh my god Oh oh my god right okay hello right so it looks like these guys are just building and this is gonna be a new part to the base I'm not too sure Panda lover Oh 909 is doing this I did all that was signs over there what did these hit don't break them know I was about to read them I was just about to read them and this guy right let's figure out of this maze to get the hell out of it let's get out of it before we end up dying somehow I don't know how but this is another redstone these guys love the redstone and my Siri just went off no oh the meeting rooms open okay right okay right now okay this can't just be a meeting room I know it's not I know these guys already I've been here for five minutes and I know these guys this is not eight hour and there we go guys come on and there's no way down there's something below me right now there's something below me I guess I'm just gonna have to wait comes with wait don't close the door [Music] just open it whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my god it goes so high up no literally as I said it he came in literally the time no this is just crazy look at those people oh my god no no no no no um okay uh this is um this is all good okay right place to me aside right now Jennifer finds it could be finds I don't know they don't killing me though um hello hi I don't know what's going on right okay uh hi sword no wait this guy's a fan is Lee he's a fine isn't he he's a bad yo he's got the same skin kind of of me I guess all right I'm gonna message it's cookie and just say hi they unclaimed if I can put a sign down what does it say please stay here oh I'm just hi I'm new and I'm a big fan of yours and I knew there was someone here yeah so he's new to the server looks like as well yo welcome it's cookie thank you so much I appreciate the support all up this is where I'm Tony lit was this guy a skate on discord there is an intruder in his base a big fan in how I got in the server yesterday I was thinking what if his plugins you well I guess uh I guess this is it yeah but this is also we have met some fans right here we have got no way no wait a minute hold on a minute there is a no way there's another bet panda lover what way is this we have found another part to this base I'm going to go to the Vespa gonna make this no way there's another part of the space right now yo look at this oh my god are you crazy there's a sword in the water okay we have cooked no way she's so cool yo guys if you're watching this video right now panda lover it's cookie I'll it if you watchin this video now this is awesome you guys have really good bill is there another don't never lever right there I did not trust these guys they've got levers yeah guys if you watching this video have you ever seen a base that is this freaking awesome they have got just like wrestling doors everywhere this is really cool I think I said another where was that I just had no there's another one that where did this wanted to do what I do there's another bit oh this is crack is it poisonous no way yo don't trap me please don't trap me please attribute my love this is crazy then they made unclaimed area so we could talk for signs hello you guys are nosy so guys I'm recording a video you make it a video I am okay well you know what I'll say have anything to say to the hash tag team teca's watching you have one thing to say there could be up to a hundred thousand people watching I don't know flip this shoot I'm okay fair enough awesome how long they've been playing less Cena see he said subscribe like and comment yeah what someone's out where they say one-month arcade pretty young men one month oh that's pretty impressive you know they've got a pretty good base for one month guys if you're watching this video gets and friends only calm down the server in a month you could have a base like this but only if you've got I will know that I'm crying what no don't cry don't cry take the go yeah these guys are awesome yeah you know what every single time we find a base and they're fans of the videos I ask them one thing and it is tradition run it it's tradition around here to ask them how many likes on this video I've been playing for three days since I watched your vids yeah that's awesome you guys are cool you know what I need to give these guys some I don't have too much to give them uh but some diamonds I don't give these guys stuff right okay whatever panda lover says whatever like oh she sets we have to try and get on this video okay whatever we do right guys whatever panda lover says we have to trust 1 million there'll be a new record let's gave 100 K or 1 mil okay you know I would say that one guys if you enjoyed this video go down below and on the Calot 3 what organ hit the like button together you know what if we get a hundred thousand likes I will make a video with these guys right here we're doing discord and we're ready to base together right they've just said that they've got more base as well and no way okay guys part to leave a light over love your body [Music]
Channel: OhTekkers
Views: 2,323,618
Rating: 4.9383245 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, OhTekkers, Minecraft video, No cursing, kid friendly, I found this, Extreme Minecraft, Challenge, Extreme Minecraft Base, filled with SECRET GEMS, Hidden gems, SECRET BASE
Id: TB-1Y5-WWnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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