I didn't know where this base was, until I found some hidden ladders underwater...

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right guys so what's up welcome back to another video on the channel you guys will not believe what I have just found guys okay so oh my god guys are gonna sign out okay I've literally found this right now look at this an underwater base with lollies like just gone down there and whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa calm down Matt let's stop the video for a second let me really quickly give some backstory so the last three days I haven't actually uploaded a video because I've been trying to do a claim drain because a lot of you guys are coming down below all the time Matt you don't do enough claim raids which is kind of true so the last three days I've been trying to find claim raised I've done to claim raids and both of them were empty so I found this in the water iris like what the hell and this video is insane guys hurry let's enjoy and let's get into this video okay calm down back calm down weeds compose ourselves right here we've got a raid in our hands now I didn't see anyone down below let's have a look at the entities right here we only got two entities which means it's me and one other thing in the entity but I don't know if that's maybe glitch sometimes it always says two on my server here by the way Oh play on psycho of course IP down below if you wanna come join let's go down right now guys here we go so this is my saw and if I'm right right here there are signs saying crows oh now I saw this went back up and now we are here so let's have a look around I thought I saw some cobble in this chest which is a bit weird okay we've got a chest right here Maddy Mahadi yo at least different names we've got madyun crows oh nothing here gets they shifted right now listen to all this is gonna be an actual base dude Ethan Ethan nothing in these right here little bit right there oh my God look at this I'm gonna stay shifted oh oh dude let's go we've got an FK for here oh they're stealthy ever settled again is still afk Palmer just sit here for a second yo guys this is allowed to frickin bake so yeah okay so stop there on the FK pool okay let's go on down a second I don't see you online I'm ihe quickly go get invisible port you know what I'm gonna do exactly that - at home inside okay so if we buy two of these are here that should be enough if you have to come back and get more we might have to do that let's drink up another one right there let's go let's go let's go oh god guys we got invisible Raider underground water base I've never raided a base like this will is just like a ladder down below but if there's stuff in these chests is gonna be insane because this is like a really old school like factions like thing I didn't understand why they've got a ladder when they could just stash that home down below do you know what I mean we'll try to figure that out later right now we are inside the base we've got another room through there we got chest right here loads of chest ways anything in the chest yo this is an actual base this is an actual base guys no way no way okay um no one's here I don't oh my god this is a real base right here this is like a proper base you got spawn us four days loads of also sworn as wolves let's get them alright now we'll figure out where they are later oh my God look at this Oslo wolf Oslo wolf pig spoilers dude oh my god we've got so many anything more in it no way oh my god oh my god okay let's go back to let's go base right now guys we have got a video and a half on our hands right now this is so much deeper because I've really to claim basis which is so much TNT and stuff in the last two days and I got nothing and then I find a ladder base and get spoilers right here let's go okay anything morning's I want to make sure every time I April chest to keep my surroundings we'll sue here listen we just got her cave down there I indoors everywhere she's very strange as if it was a claimed base but it's obviously very unclaimed right now let's get rabbits as well oh is that more no way hold on let's go here guys I'm so hyped right now again I've been trying to do a video for last three days you guys and I finally go on let's go it looks like nothing more in these chests right here okay I think that was a loser check this side I don't know okay we didn't check this side but go nap was right there again known online that's good news obviously I didn't say a name so I doubt anyone's gonna be online but it's definitely an active base here we go cool poor fool dude okay let's go I have actually got a la pro for it now obviously the server reset pretty recently and every rate of been gang hasn't been the greatest but this is definitely an active base or answer me to be very careful oh my god more to you on that okay let's go - Emma Skye once again let's see going back and forth get everything we can before they come online let's do them right there as I said before there's definitely at least three players online actually let's go - back a second before we get the rest of the TNT really quitting it on here and just make sure are we safe okay Ethan Maddy and crows okay crows the only name that would be like kind of unique and no faction okay crows oh because his name can be like crows oh one one nine nine - nine - that chef ooh again that's the same thing it's gonna have some numbers or something after it Maddie I can't find and Ethan I mean there's no one to be called Ethan either okay I don't know who they're online so I can talk it out cuz their names are very accurate but anyway let's go and we are invisible to a fine if I see any names it's gonna f 3 now there's three entities wait hold on there was two entities before and now there's three okay we need to watch out for that because that means there may be something around here let me let you put my headphones on we've got obsidian here spawn a horse to grind a sugar okay what spawn of him guys let's go in here okay don't make too much noise okay well for your hair leave for Mads on 50% thanks that's gonna be Maddie right but there's no Maddie or Mads or anything along those lines Maddie's maybe I don't know oh dude wait wait where's the smaller almost their host bonus yo yo yo we're buddy a horse bone right here let's go okay let's go how much of psyllium is gonna be above all we're gonna try that it's great let's go to the side I don't wanna go down Lee blow it oh my god let's get that there bang let's go to the side of it go on gone gone okay there we go bang let's go let's go let's go yeah it's dude oh my god this 36 of them okay right how many we're gonna get is this uh this isn't some touch I almost just made a big mistake guys let me go to the shop and query make it so touch I think I must have lost it I haven't died let's go let's try with this right here so touch give me like 25 chaos I'm not that 22 k k there we go right so touch let's go 50 wait oh my god oh my god that's stupid that is stupid okay hold on we're about to lose a lot of these what I do okay hold on um okay let's go back down we to make it a good decision here okay let's tuck them in there bye my bang let's get all them so we don't lose anything cuz it could be spoiled if I go away they will despawn actually tell like they will be straight-up will yes we got the more guys to go oh 20 heads for their settlement side here does shut him in - there we go this is crazy I was not expecting the base of this from a base that would had a ladder down to his base so that I'm not sure they just forgot to put it over the top I think they must have let's talk about that for a second who's right now and in the comments are full we've wait what's going on wait we don't visible anymore okay we're having visible anymore didn't realize that thang eyebrows I hear no I'll expect it from a base that wasn't very advanced but I kind of thought this base was gonna be where do these spoons go is the question which way does this go all the way over here look how many heads there are by the way I explained it from a base that was calling you but to a base that's this advisor this bunny spaulos look how pretty spores we just got actually go back to the sky before I get the next ox I have a feeling that the next time I feel as well um I thought that their base wouldn't have a ladder up I assumed maybe they just forgot let's go fifty again oh my god oh my god that is crazy that shows guys get back I'm going in the war but my team is being too much right now look at the amount we have got guys this is crazy and there we go honey to beat a scare we just got all them smaller is like all sorts of sort of that then we what level seven horse mourners they will sell for so much money right let's continue I will get these hoppers in a bit but right now there's another room I haven't been engaged yet okay let's see going well there's no one online how many entities now this is two again okay very interesting I think that's the glitch I think there's always two on sugarcane very strange again this is a weird base like a really small sugarcane why is the roof two as well we haven't got very much kooky over there we were a little bit shook in here so I don't get what's going on because there were a lot of money it seems like but they've got a little sugar cane farm oh here we go cover the top okay so alright it makes sense now I didn't even see this side the whole time okay so obviously well their names we were Easton crows oh and Maddy yeah they obviously have a thing where they cover the top for whatever reason and one of them must have forgot when they logged off from line so I think I see it I'm not sure I haven't chattering now we'll take this while here we might think this number angles are more Pro for their there we go and actually it has no plate there so it's like if you go out there you can't get back so I think this is meant to be a claimed mace I don't really understand this is very strange guys but we have found the based on vlog on air capable here nothing on the sign OH oh my god yeah okay we found it I thought I was a man we found some poor guys let's go this goes yo oh my god let's go four days okay we are reading hold on it wait please okay we are rating orange on the 10 13 18 if you want to join the discord on that weekend Cruiser can't cause he's small aw okay yo I saw a video like this all right Jenna this is so similar Ryan did a video kubarz add to the video while he we play going to some work he'll discord he said here's one hatch a discord like link whoever but yo still this is crazy okay so we're waiting on the 10:13 so the curly American or I don't know whatever countries do like the UM the 13 before the tender in England be 13 10 if that makes sense here so that was that was through Daisy oh yeah so that was on Saturday so exciting it they rated orange - fu orange who orange of a big fashion ok let's we can go do you know here are these sores for now we wanna make sure we get all of these just in case they do come online right now that shows sky ah this based on a secret no only did the base have a secret underground it also has a secret underground of the underground low the TNT tranching TNT as well we'll say that right there there we go how about you got any trips to UT on me now I definitely have to go around and check every single little crevice in the base because they have secret stuff clearly those who've seen I guess I'll take some sitting with me I'm not too bothered about that cuz I don't think only making it like a proper for a base anytime soon also guys do you guys want me to make a polar base in this world obviously a play on psycho plays don't you guys all to come join but I feel like I'm gonna get raided so did I miss worth it so unless the do reclaiming base I just like to stay as a small base just against like I found okay so a random little base from a ladder and a trapdoor maybe I was when they went to the over top a chad gobert even move a trapdoor look obvious anyway okay right now we to look around every single bit you don't actually around here now because I feel like they've got something secret let's go down here and just see if we've got anything secret but he may be hiding anything and so while this time most quickly goes on while I'm going around just trying to find basically secret things in the base on liquidity say a little notice I like to do this at every single faction good I do now because a lot of new guys that new to the channel new to my videos and every understand what the server is and what's going on and I get a lot of comments saying like oh this is mean all this is really harsh on the person's base but guys don't worry this is a faction server called psycho PvP and essentially factions is all about raiding so the whole premise of the server is to find bases and raid them this epic tell you guys worried I'm not being like an absolute mean person every that makes sense guys and of course if you had to come join and try rate someone else come down to the IP down below so QP calm and yet come play okay however please don't read me okay that's the time lapse but while I got your attention if you guys are doing so far make sure to leave a like that below I really appreciate that anyway let's go the vase looks kind of are nowhere near as nice as it did blow just with loads of blogs everywhere all the blogs here I thought they had like a random one down here anywhere but they don't very very good let's see all these hoppers right now and then I'll come back whoa whoa Jesus Christ I haven't got my headphones on right now Oh God so I didn't hear that it was me that opened it I thought it was one of them Wow okay all right okay we're good we're good under yellow knees and that's gonna be the video this was such a good way guys I hope you guys enjoyed this by the way this is like a sick video I really enjoyed doing this one and then realized that was here the ladder literally right there I'm assuming obviously they don't have dirt I'm assuming but right there that's what it would be and I would never have found I were to carry him running so this I would've kept going kept swimming kept running but no they had the low spot I saw the one and we capitalized on it let's go guys thank you guys for watching we got so much good stuff this video if you guys enjoyed subscribe down below to join hashtag Teen Texas and as I said make sure to join guys the IP number if you want to come to any raise yourself I dissemble on Ritchie free to play come online come online make a base go find sebassis rates and bases have some fun and on that guys thank you guys for watching have an awesome daily will light down below if you enjoyed let's go for 2,000 likes in this video if we can that'd be freaking insane they exhausted to the end I love you guys so much cameras made and I'll see you guys tomorrow peace [Music]
Channel: OhTekkers
Views: 1,259,769
Rating: 4.7163048 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, OhTekkers, Factions, SaiCo, minecraf, mine craft, minecraft video, minecraft youtuber, noswearing, child friendly, kid friendly, Underwater, SECRET HOUSE, Minecraft secret base
Id: HNr90oJ0trk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 16 2018
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