Game Theory: The Unsolved Lore of The Sims (Bella Goth Mystery)

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the Sim known as Bella goth was a beautiful engaging socialite beloved by her family and all that met her she led An Elegant active lifestyle enjoying various pastimes from golf to miniature golf those who knew her best would describe her as gel linen cooge or even ravasheen with her doting husband intelligent and well-behaved children and extravagant wealth Bella truly had the perfect life until tragedy struck Bella disappeared without even a dagdag leaving behind a broken and grieving family even today the question of what happened to her remains a mystery where is she now many suspect that she was the victim of Foul Play but if so who how and why ripped from the headlines this is the game theory files soul soul internet welcome to Game Theory the show that manages to find lore in games that we weren't even convinced had any but first I have an important question for you how would you like a chance to win a trip for you and a friend to come out and visit me in La while also doing your part to make the world a more positive Place well if you're interested in killing two birds with one stone then go on over to matpat m-a-t-p-a-t that is not our sponsor for today's episode by the way that is actually just something I wanted to talk to you about at the beginning of today's episode because it's a message and a mission that's really important to me headcount is a non-partisan organization and their campaign good to vote has one simple mission to make sure that you are registered to vote you go to their website click on a button boom it tells you if you're registered to vote if you are great easy as that it's just a helpful reminder of hey voting's coming up soon if you're not though they're going to point you to the right place online where you can sign up and register to vote in your local district and that's kind of important these days I don't know if you've noticed this but there's a lot of big issues that are being debated and decided on which means that your voice and more importantly your vote matters now more than ever before especially considering that you know what you're a cool smart thoughtful theorist who's going to take these issues seriously so again head on over to matpat and see if you are good to vote but regardless of your voter registration status you can enter that sweepstakes for you and a friend to win a trip to meet me out in La just by going to the site and clicking on pretty much any button over there for all you International viewers I'm sorry this is us only I know us and the US have a lot to figure out domestically but don't worry I'm gonna put my head to the grindstone that doesn't make any sense but I'm gonna put my head to that grindstone and try to figure out a more Global thing in the future so again go to matpat for your chance to enter the sweepstakes and when that travel and hotel for you and a friend come hang out because I'm lonely and so doing giveaways like this gives me a chance to have some friends out there that'll be nice at the end of the day hanging out with a YouTuber that they watch online is a cool prize but the best prize of all is knowing that you are making a positive difference in the world so without any more chilling about doing your Civic duties back to the episode today has finally come here theorists today we're talking about one of the best-selling franchises of all time a game series that's managed to sell an eye-watering 200 million copies worldwide The Sims the game that literally tells you to unleash your imagination given the types of videos that we release on this channel you can tell that we have some pretty vivid imaginations so let's just see if your tagline lives up to my high demands EA if somehow you have no idea what I'm talking about the Sims franchise is a collection of games that originated as a spin-off of the Sim City franchise a real-time management and construction game yeah that was that was fine it was nothing inherently wrong with SimCity but you know there's only so hype you can get about City Planning whoa look at that sick traffic flow bro public services are off the chain damn that's some fun sewage treatment let's just say there's a reason they stopped making those games in 2014 The Sims are still very much a thing here in 2022. the first game's wildly successful release was the foundation for a video game Empire with four main games and a wealth of spin-offs like The Sims Online The Sims Medieval and The Sims Busting Out which much to my dismay was not about Sims Busting out of prison the games tend to be sandbox style life simulators where players can create the world and stories for themselves letting their imaginations run free to create impressive Mansions have illicit Affairs painstakingly recreate their beloved family and then watch them die while making grilled cheese or you know you could just trap people in glass boxes and then watch them die slowly slowly let's just say this game can get dark but if the story is so largely up to us you can see the problem with me talking about it there's no mystery to solve if everything is up to you right well well most of the game is totally up to you the devs couldn't leave things completely in our hands to round out the world they added several pre-made families for player made Sims to interact with and if you have no imagination whatsoever or you just don't feel like spending several hours making your own Sims you can just choose to play as one of these families for yourself they even come with their own backstory backstories [Music] now you see why this game caught our attention where there be backstories there be lore and wouldn't you know it there's one family in particular that's surrounded by mystery ladies and gentlemen meet the Goths the families composed of Mortimer goth belagoth and their two children Cassandra and Alexander Mortimer goth is a rather prestigious Sim he's one of the first settlers of Sunset Valley the primary setting for Sims 3 and his father was also one of the founders of Pleasant View one of the primary neighborhoods for Sims 1 and 2. needless to say the guy is kind of a big deal but despite mortimer's wealth and Status it's his beautiful wife Bella that immediately stole the spotlight from day one of the Sims Bella became a firm favorite amongst the fans and she would stay that way until she mysteriously disappeared out of the blue poof she was just gone and not know all the game designers just didn't include her in the next game sort of way no this was baked into the game's Canon when booting up Sims 2 and selecting the Pleasant View neighborhood players are greeted with information slides that give you a basic backstory for the pre-made Sims Mortimer goth has made a fortune some new Hummers are making trouble and oh yeah belagoth just disappeared no explanation no clear way to bring her back she's just gone now this was weird the land Mortimer even had themselves a daughter Cassandra like this was an established family unit from the first game and for some reason a character just disappears with no explanation with Bella being a crowd favorite of course the community was devastated so it's only natural that theorists from far and wide had come together to try and solve the mystery unfortunately no one's ever really been successful a decade later and we're still seeing theories pop up all over the place even on our own subreddit all providing good leads but never a final conclusion that the community's been able to agree on there are always holes that can't be explained away in puzzle pieces that don't fit in properly however today is the day that this mystery finally gets laid to rest I'm gonna take on this gaming Cold Case and finally get Bella the justice that she deserves so what happened to Bella was it just a simple case of her leaving her husband and move into a new neighborhood or was it something more Sinister it's time to call our two main suspects to the stand starting First with her very own husband Bend Mortimer goth even though his information slide says that he's struggling with Bella's disappearance when you start the game it appears that Mortimer has already entered a relationship with Dina Caliente the Widow of his brother-in-law Michael Batchelor which gotta say erases some serious red flags off the bat oh no my wife is gone guess it's time to date her dead brother's widow let's just say it's a bad look it also gives us motive you see the Sims 2 made divorce into a game mechanic it was a way to punish Unfaithful spouses so if he was cheating and Bella caught him suddenly Mortimer would have lost his house his children and his money banished forever to the neighborhood's family bin so by making her disappear he would get to keep all that luxury for himself now this has been a popular game theory within the Sims Community for a while and while that motive certainly makes for compelling speculation no evidence within the game seems to fit mortimer's relationship meter with Bella across the series is very positive and the lack of negative interaction memories between the two characters means it's unlikely that any cheating occurred or at least any discovery of cheating so with no real evidence behind Mortimer let's instead look at her next suspect Donald lothario now Don is interesting in the Canon of the game before a disappearance Bella and Mortimer had a daughter named Cassandra and in Sims 2 Cassandra is engaged to Don but Don isn't exactly what he appears to be it's hinted at in the game that he may have been a victim of accidental teleportation call the back rooms my friends it looks like someone is no clipping through reality again but not only is he potentially responsible for breaking the laws of time and space he's also known for breaking the hearts of women around him unlike Mortimer Don has zero good reputation basically this guy wants the woohoo lots and lots of woohoo which as you can imagine makes him less likely to stay in monogamous relationships that's why even though he's engaged to Cassandra he's more than happy to invite other girls like Nina Caliente over for a date checking his relationship panel will reveal that he's also romantically involved with Dina Caliente and Kailyn langrak one of the maids in Sims 2. so in total he's looking for love with basically anything with two legs in this game Cassandra Goff Nina Caliente her twin Dina Caliente and Kailyn except there's one more person to add to the list by checking Don's symology panel which lists out the traits of Any Given character we can see that he's had a recent failed romantic interaction with none other than Bella goth nothing says husband material quite like trying to make out with your bride's mom but since it's listed as a failed interaction we know that she rejected his advances could that then be the motive for him trying to get rid of her a woman who scorned him embarrassed him maybe if you look at Don's family introduction you can see that Bella was last seen scaling the deck of his condo so there you have it he's closed he's got motive and his condo was the last place she was seen we got him boys but hold on see there's one key piece of evidence that all of this overlooks Bella's disappearance has a very specific label in the game's memory system the image of a UFO she didn't just disappear from Don's roof she was abducted by aliens from Don's roof in fact it says it right there clear as day Bella got abducted by aliens how can the Sims live with the awful knowledge they must have gained but we can go even deeper than this if we take a look at Don's family tree we can definitively prove that he isn't an alien in the game Aliens and Sims with unusual or Supernatural appearances are given the occult tag and not only does Don have two human parents he's also not labeled as an occult Sim so if Don's not an alien he couldn't have been the person to abduct Bella however we've already met two sims That Could Have That Power it's time to take a closer look at Dina and Nina Caliente the sisters that Don was having an affair with looking at the Caliente family tree we can see that Dina and Nina's grandfather was abducted by aliens and he then gave birth to their father which I know seems weird but in The Sims if a male Sim is abducted there's a chance that the symbol become pregnant with an alien baby though their father appears human on the family tree alien pregnancies result in fully alien babies 100 of the time considering that the Caliente sister's mother is human Dina and Nina then are 50 alien which would therefore give them the means to perform alien abductions so they then have the means but do they have the motive the answer is resounding yes there's more evidence for their motive than anyone else in fact the sister's family description implies right off the bat that these sisters might not be entirely what they seem remember Mortimer begins dating Dina after Bella's disappearance but then we're told this quote was it just coincidence that the Caliente sisters arrived on the eve of Bella's disappearance and is their interest in Mortimer physical or fiscal all of this is further cemented by playing the game as Dina which reveals that she's digging for gold so it's likely the sisters got Bella out of the way way so they could swoop in and marry Mortimer for the money so we've got ourselves means we've got ourselves motive but is there one piece of definitive evidence that really ties all of this together yes and it comes from Bella herself my dear theorists in the world of Sims just because someone was abducted doesn't mean they're completely gone sure Bella's nowhere to be found in Pleasant View but if you go to the smallest of the Sims 2 neighborhoods strange town you'll find none other than Bella goth herself fresh out of the alien abduction pipeline this belugoth was confirmed to be the same Bella from Sims 1 in an official promo interview posted on the Sims 2 community board for simsocial a 2006 Facebook game and in this interview Bella starts to bust the mystery wide open while she's missing a number of her past memories she has managed to regain a couple when asked whether Dina was responsible for her abduction she says this quote when Dina and Nina moved into town they were certainly very forward with my husband in fact it was almost insulting how openly they were trying to win him over as if I didn't notice I think someone sent Dina to town specifically to pull Mortimer away from me couldn't have possibly imagined that trying to create a life Elixir that could help everyone would ever push someone to ruin our marriage even before Bella was abducted the Caliente sisters were trying to pull Mortimer away from Bella there are plenty of other wealthy Sims around but none of them are responsible for creating a life Elixir which is what the sisters truly want Bella was standing in their way of learning the life Elixir Secrets meanwhile Don's well-known womanizing made him the perfect scapegoat for the crime except there's one final wrinkle to the story if Bella was able to resurface and start regaining her memories why did she never return to the town why wasn't she able to expose the Caliente sisters for the money-grubbing aliens that they were well the girls had one last trick up their alien sleeves time travel they sent Bella back in time to keep her quiet and no I'm not crazy hear me out on this one the first two Sims games happened sequentially in the timeline however Sims 3 isn't a sequel but rather a prequel set 25 years before Sims 1 and 50 years before Sims 2. if you take a look around one of Sims 3's neighborhoods Sunset Valley you'll find two very young but very familiar faces Mortimer and Bella the young couple who'll eventually grow up to become the adult Goths that we know from The Sims 1 but if you travel to another part of the map lunar Lakes you can find a grave site hover over one of the graves and you find that it belongs to none other than Bella goth who apparently died from old age and yes this too has been confirmed to be the same bellagoth from Sims 1 and 2 by one of the former producers so clearly some time travel Shenanigans are going on here but the Caliente sisters couldn't possibly be responsible for this too right they can and they are by taking a look at one of the other neighborhoods Riverview you'll find another very familiar Sim Don lothario but here he's not a child he's still his sleazy adult self and unlike Bella we actually get some explanation for how he wound up in this new location his family biography states that he stepped quote onto a teleporter and magically wound up here that my friends wasn't a teleporter it was a time machine and not only that but him stepping onto it wasn't an accident one of his last memories is of quote several women laughing as he stepped into the machine these women the Caliente would know what was going to happen and would have the ability to time travel themselves if they wanted to and you want to know who we find if we visit Barnacle Bay in this game that's right Nina and Dina Caliente just like Don fully grown up in fact Dina's character biography specifically mentions her breaking hearts in Pleasant View a city that given that the Goths are still living in Sunset Valley hasn't yet been founded this all proves that the Caliente sisters have not only been able to time travel but have the technology to send both Bella and Don to the past to protect their secrets for over a decade Sims fans have tried to discover the truth behind Bella's disappearance mostly focusing on Don lothario's involvement because of his reputation though the Caliente sisters have occasionally come up as accomplices they've never been the main focus however all the evidence that we've gathered paints a much different story one where Don took the fall for Dina and Nina's crimes and the Caliente sisters got everything they dreamed of mortimer's money a mysterious Elixir a life of fabulous wealth and fame and absolutely no consequences after all they've made sure that the only people who knew the truth for trapped in a place where they'd never get out the past it seems that they covered up their tracks so well that even the fans were fooled by it however it seems like Bella might finally finally have been the one to get the last laugh as we just saw the original Bella is dead from old age in Sims 3 meaning that she was sent even further back to the past in this game but that would then give her a lot of time unsupervised finally able to tell her side of the story that's why there's a children's book in this game called where's Bella similar to where's Waldo written by a character I am right a character who also wrote predictions of the future Bella is I am right there's another book in here called murder in Pleasant View by Alexander Goff Alexander goth is Bella's son but he isn't even close to being born yet unless it's all a pseudonym once again for Bella making sure that her story is heard all of these books actually explain why the Sims with the investigator professional make remarks like this reminds me of when Bella went missing I need to keep looking Sims in this timeline are aware of everything that happened they've even set up a beneficiary that good Sims can donate to Bella changed the course of history with these books allowing Sims to try and avoid the same mistakes from happening a second time and maybe just maybe the Caliente sisters will finally be thwarted so the next time a pair of attractive twins starts showing interest in you just know that they're probably aliens looking to steal your money and then teleport you to the past but hey that's just a theory a game theory thanks for watching um [Music]
Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 4,384,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sims, the sims, sims lore, bella goth, sims bella goth, the sims bella goth, sims 2, sims 3, sims 4, sims gameplay, sims challenge, the sims challenge, sims mysteries, sims creepy, sims creepypasta, creepypasta, game theory, game theorists, matpat, game theory sims, game theory lore, the sims 4, the sims 2, the sims 3
Id: JRuvxFrKsfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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