Minecraft, But You Can Forge Anything...

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in today's video using this insane Machinery we can forge anything from forging new overpowered items to even new structures but it won't be so easy and so we're starting off I have wait a forging Mallet used to forge only the best items danger blah blah blah I'm a man with a hammer who cares and I also have a forging table oh I think I'm supposed to like board stuff on this let's get some wood this is about to be insane Gamers I think if I search up right here Forge oh my goodness I need a forged furnace and a forgery tank wait a grindstone there's a village right there I'm actually so excited Gamers like what should we make should I make a Sanchez plate or should we melt down an iron golem and oh my goodness yes the grindstone move we need this grindstone real quick wait what the just disappear blacksmith zero zero nine two you think you can steal my blacksmithing job I'll have my revenge in the end did I just piss off that okay honestly I'm not really scared unless that's literally foreshadowing but we got some apples obsidian and some iron hold up we gotta build like the entire machine first and so so one of the things that we need is the iron furnace which yeah or the forgery furnace the furniture I can't even speak and so if I'm not mistaken I think we need to make a bucket and then do I just put the bucket here and then this will just melt a bucket of obsidian what I didn't know that was gonna be okay okay um are you telling me I have oh my goodness what is that obsidian liquid I want to drink it now no okay it's all gone wait so that probably means we can make oh my goodness a bucket of hay bale and so I believe yes we need to make molds and there you go oh my goodness I got five molds they look like chest plates if I place the forgery table down place that there oh my goodness it fits okay so how do I do this what if I use a pickaxe oh and now we have a pickaxe mold so I think we still nope that didn't work that's right we need the tank which looks really easy let's leave our obsidian right there we need lava one two and three and so if we go like this put the grindstone in the middle oh my goodness we got it okay okay so how does this work I place this oh I think I placed it the wrong way boom oh my goodness look at the funnel the sink put that in this there we're getting some more Gamers boom oh my goodness it's literally draining it and then oh it's pouring it into the cast or the mold whatever and then wait I have to use the forging Mallet it says danger I don't know what we need to be careful about but three two one boom oh my goodness we got the mold back and we have an obsidian Miner a pickaxe Forge with only the strongest obsidian okay that is sick oh my goodness I can right click and it looks like it auto smelts everything okay that would have been way useful to get the glass holy crap okay we need to go mining get some more insane resources but if we go to our furnace and I literally go like this oh my goodness what we have a bucket of hay bale man this will make no sense why is it all liquidy ew okay that is just so weird but we already have a pickaxe mold what if I put this here right click it with oh my goodness what I just made an apple mold and then if I go like this it's pouring it into the apple and then boom final Forge we got ourselves a hay Bill Apple oh my goodness what is this I'm kind of terrified bro should I just eat this right now okay I get saturation wait why did my Hunger just fill up bro what and it has durability an apple forged with Max nutrients okay this is insane we literally have like the best food bro we can just keep reusing the same mold okay let's definitely get ourselves like I don't know like a Bedrock apple or something we gotta figure out how we can get mob I want liquid villager wait why am I trying to find a cave I can just oh my goodness I can just literally right click and oh wait there's some iron right here yo that was so easy wait we literally have eight iron Gamers let's literally make some armor right off the bat if I make a chest plate who cares about some stupid boring iron armor I can literally Forge anything oh my goodness wait I was looking hitting about the water armor whatever I said earlier I assume if we just use water does it work oh my goodness I think it does oh my goodness no way you can actually make it out of anything and wait what just what is this glitch boom I thought this was a person oh my goodness that scared me why is that creepy Gamers we got ourselves water armor armor forged with the strongest water okay I mean I just picked it up from the ocean bro I look so insane saying right now what the balls what just what what just happened wait did I just absorb the ocean oh my goodness hold up Gamers ladies and gentlemen oh my God I'm gonna crash our game look what I'm doing I'm literally splitting the sea wait if I can just go down here into this cave and just absorb all the water I'm actually absorbing everything I am now oh gosh wait the water's coming back no no no no let's go down Gamers oh my goodness I just found a cave holy crap no wait wait we actually just mined ourselves into an amethyst Geo um I Loki have an insane idea there you go we got some blocks of amethyst let's get some crystals we don't have a weapon yet I think I need to make a sword why doesn't this work oh yeah that's right I need cobbler Stone okay that doesn't work the moment when a wooden pickaxe does the job but your obsidian Miner doesn't there you go stone sword and so if my calculations are correct with the sword oh my goodness there we go we poked the hole and then is it the amethyst oh it is the amethyst shark bro we have bucket of amethyst are you kidding me right now aloki looks so sweet but then we put the tank there of amethyst let's Forge ourselves an amethyst blade boom oh my goodness amethyst saber a carefully forged blade made with only the sharpest amethyst that sounds so cool there's a mob spawner right here okay perfect time you fools I have amethyst sword sword oh my goodness wait yo dude I can literally just shoot amethyst shards out of me dang it and dude if we would have had a golden apple you guys stand no match bro this is so sick so when I right click it shoots these amethyst shards come on spawn more boner man and then why smack them dude it causes bleeding okay that is dope imagine we could actually mind this and then get oh my God the obsidian Miner can actually mine anything what if we have a mob spawner get out of here you stupid creeper okay this is so cool I don't think I'll ever get bored of this what if right we should definitely make some new molds but what if I just make like I do this there's no way I can use a spawner wait I watched oh what okay this video is just gonna get crazier and crazier Gamers because this is literally a mob spawner liquify don't tell me bro wait what is actually what is actually about to happen right now I already know it's gonna be something super sauce let's Forge it oh my goodness wait we just got a mob block a mob spawner reforged to blockify mobs wait can I mine mob Gamers if I can freaking wait how do I do this oh my goodness oh my goodness I can literally mine mobs away if I can mine this creeper you guys have to subscribe oh my goodness let's go I almost made you guys not have to subscribe it almost blew up okay that is so scary how the creepers are staring at me can I actually I can mine him oh dude that is so sick oh no poor little slimy slime oh I kind of feel bad but I kind of don't because now we can make a zombie oh my goodness wait let's make apple out of zombies okay this is gonna hurt my brain I have a zombie Apple it literally looks like it's poisonous but I'm gonna eat it right now boom oh my oh my God it turned me into zombie it turned me into a literal zombie wait this zombie doesn't even want to attack me wait what happens if I press mine wait a second I just I just ate them and I just got a heart wait what no way no way no way no way no way no way no way no way wait so what happens if I eat this hard I just gained an extra heart bro zombie bionic looks so cool and I can torch still now that matters you know I shouldn't be twerking oh my goodness okay okay okay so let's put the bucket there let's make a Creeper pumpkin whatever bro this is insane and then and then oh my God or wait should I have made a creeper or slime heart okay it doesn't matter you know what let's do something different for the Slime bro let's make an ax let's smelt the Slime or whatever there we go we got a bucket of slime and then wait the creeper heart oh my goodness I actually got one bro what if I eat it I now have creeper help oh my goodness I just realized there's so many diamonds around us let's test out our creeper Health oh my goodness okay this is insane are you kidding me and so let's definitely try out the Slime I want to make an ax mold we need some more iron I like how there's so many diamonds but no iron and okay there you go we have nine molds yeah we're not running out this looks like the weirdest experiment so if I place that there boom oh my goodness it actually works this is my channel you're watching after all three two one leave a like and that actually scared me why does that look so epic oh my bro I felt bad for the Slime but now wait oh oh my goodness what's going on item boss 002 the real blacksmith sent us to assassinate you you'll get his revenge what do you even talk even talking about oh my goodness wait it's The Blacksmith whose eyes stole his job apparently because I took his name above okay no these moms are annoying I'll take this nerd take this even though I don't know what this is doing oh wait I killed one I killed the sword let's get the pickaxe let's kill the freaking Shield die nerd squishy slime always wins that's not really a good yeah that wasn't a good battle phrase or whatever I don't know it's not a superhero I'm a cyborg well that's a big cringe guys because like like I don't really regret stealing his like stone cutter I didn't really think anything of it it's just a villager that's bad and okay of course there's lava right there let's get these diamonds I want to make something with the diamond wait so the diamonds don't work it must be a block which is not a problem because we got so many and oh no there's an ancient city around here this is not good or maybe it is good let's try and get oh my perfect let's put the diamonds let's honestly yeah the warden is kind of Warring me let's use this to make a diamond heart and then wait what oh my goodness we got a diamond heart block I'm in our Forge dense enough to be a block okay wait so what does this do then if I break it I just got a diamond heart counter sir and it's still there bro this is like the one block from our recent video oh my goodness I have Diamond Health now wait I want I want more what else am I getting okay wait I can't wear it though I have to take off the water armor which I guess is fine oh my God okay dude this is insane wait does it actually drop Diamonds oh my goodness it just drops diamonds I mean yoink I might as well make myself like some Diamond pantalones along with the rest of the diamond gear okay that is sick so we can now basically fly and if I break it again no wait I just got a diamond World chunk okay I don't know what this does uh let's not place it inside of here because I'll probably get myself killed wait can I still throw in the water I can wear armor and the water armor okay that is awesome we 100 need to freaking kill the warden hello ancient spawn the stupid thing I want to mind him already I think I'm gonna probably turn into a zombie oh my gosh oh my gosh okay okay okay there you go I'm a Zombie I'm scared I'm actually scared I'm actually scared oh my gosh oh my gosh Bob what the I just flattened him oh gosh wait where is he oh my gosh he's certified okay okay let's find him did it work oh my God we actually got the warden okay let's step no no no no another one Spawn Two spawned let's go Gamers yeah okay let's be smart about this wait can't I just see what type of like mold oh no I can't I mean we gotta block last time from the heart wait yeah what if we make a warden block is that is that possible what if I literally is that a house okay what wait a warden structure maybe oh my goodness move sheep before I blockify you ain't Nobody Wanna freaking sheep heart though to be honest and oh my goodness pocket of warden imagine this just kills you okay no way this is actually bro is this maybe like a Golem or is this a house I'm so confused but three two one and boom I just got a warden helmet oh no a warden Temple a dangerous structure forged with the blood of a warden what are you looking at sheep yeah look away idiot you just got squishy subscribe now where you get Squishy too sorry I don't mean to threaten you guys I just you know I want to blow up the cyborg Army has to become more insane what the not wait what just happened I'm not gonna lie I'm a bit terrified I hear lava wait but there's oh no are you seeing this okay there's lava uh let's definitely put on our water armor but this is literally a wait what oh my there's a chest over there but there's also shriekers everywhere okay we gotta be careful how do I know what's up oh they instantly break wait a second so what if I just try that was a big block what is that Crystal okay I have so many questions dude okay this one wasn't fake oh wait don't I have Fire Res oh I have fire resistance I'm such an idiot there's a chest right here Warden help wait I think this is literally better than our diamond yeah you cannot lie I literally look so cute and wait I think this is literally off yeah this is a fake block right here you also got a warden sword and a skulk Apple okay I'm not gonna lie this is pretty sick I forgot that was a fake block let's grab this we got some more skulk apples some XP yummy yummy and then a warden hoe okay so imagine we can actually oh okay stupid invisible block and oh my goodness Warden chess plate bruh this looks sick but I mean no the water armor is way better part of The Warden Warden pickaxe speed potion we got some more expert I could have used that oh I'm an idiot that hurts and so what happens if I just break out of it okay cool bro and oh my goodness I think I just got an insane idea from this oh perfect the Flint steel let's join the subsidian gamers oh wait I still have the diamond World chalk okay hold on I'm gonna quickly test my theory I think you guys know where I'm going with this but if we can make portal stuff that's gonna be insane so I assume I can milk it okay no that didn't work what if I just click oh my goodness okay yeah the obsidian miners actually open I'm legitimately holding the nether portal whatever that means and so let's place our forgery tank forgery table or drift foreigners and then we should be able to oh my goodness bucket portal and if the block gives us a structure mold what would like a boat make me I can make a mine car I mean does that really matter let's try a boat if it if it doesn't work okay well it worked wait what even is that is that wait oh vehicle mold it is a vehicle I thought it was a house and that looks like that looks like a house I guess it kind of looks like a car let's go and begin molding that and then while that finishes Diamond World chunk baby I'm pretty sure I know how this is okay I'm dying hello hello what the okay it just an entire chunk of diamond blocks what are you doing here what the oh my goodness wait this let's just spawned out of nowhere they're actually kind of rough what oh my gosh there's another one like you cut G oh you're kind of cute now hello Mr Diamond Pillager or whatever you are oh he just died my creeper Hearts exploded him okay well as if we needed more diamonds let's Forge ourselves wait what the vehicle mode just gave me a dimensional Roadster this is literally a McLaren but a portal this thing can probably travel dimensions in 1.9 seconds okay I got all my stuff so if we hop on this car wait oh my goodness okay it's really fast what if we like start to pick up speed oh my goodness wait oh my wait am I traveling right now no the water ruined it I crashed it I promise I'm a good driver okay we need to get Speed come on come on come on yes yes oh my gosh wait it's working it's actually working it's actually working Gamers oh my gosh no wait wait so if I just travel again tonight oh gosh okay that was so close I almost just crash the car I'm pretty sure we should travel to the end bro but there's no way I can gain speed here unless I like drift it oh my goodness wait is that actually working it's actually working we're teleporting let's go wait but we're not in the main island oh no the main island should be this way judging by the chords because it's at zero zero I mean I have an idea though what if I quickly boom oh sorry Mr tiny Enderman I'm gonna die okay that was so close let's join can end their Pearl if we set up the forgery stuff I'm pretty sure bro as much as I want to make a Defender Pro oh my goodness it actually works okay okay let's put that in there as much as I want to make maybe like an Ender sword should I use the pickaxe I don't know it's too late Boom by understand okay what does this do if I smack one wait oh it teleports the Enderman I think or is the Enderman just teleporting well yeah every time I hit him he like actually has to teleport okay wait in that case if I just look in this direction I just oh oh my wait a second Gamers no way um Gamers there is no way that's the same blacksmith oh no come on Enderman really oh my goodness get away from me get away from me oh my okay I'm actually gonna die I'm actually gonna die get back nerd teleport over here oh my goodness I left my forging stuff no no no no that's not good oh oh he's right there he's right there he's right there he's right there he's right there I gotta teleport oh my goodness so we go we got saturation get it on fire nerd take this idiot wait a second oh my goodness let's sacrifice this boost there we go we got the jet pack baby yeah can't really touch me now huh idiot wait what did you just did he just go inside of here oh my goodness he did no no no no no what is he throwing at me oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness no no no bro he's so pissed take this idiot how did he Regale as hell oh my goodness I don't know what the skull Capital does but screw it wait what I don't even know if that helped but there you go take this nerd yes I just squish that come on come on yes that wasn't me I guess now I'm the best forger in Minecraft
Channel: Bionic
Views: 4,780,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Minecraft But You Can Forge Anything..., Minecraft But, minecraft forge, minecraft mod, mods, mod, bionic, challenge, family friendly
Id: c87DTQiyo7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 14 2022
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