I Fixed Minecraft LEGO Sets...

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lego makes minecraft sets but for all the similarities lego and minecraft have these sets honestly are pretty inaccurate so in this video i'm going to fix lego minecraft sets so they are actually accurate to the game this video is sponsored by world of warships but more on them later here's the game plan step one buy the sets uh yeah i kind of need the sets in order to fix them step two build the sets and step three fix them to show lego that i am a way better designer just kidding i love you lego alrighty lego sets acquired now i need to build them starting with the creeper ambush a small set with a simple play feature and what is that a red and yellow creeper can someone explain to me how that makes any sense okay okay maybe it's supposed to be mid explosion no creepers turn white when they explode anyways the main thing to fix in this set besides whatever this abomination is is to make everything actually a block tall as you all probably know by now to make a lego cube you can stack five two by two plates but instead of following the game lego decided to give it like five different levels of sand okay time to get to fixing i started by laying a layer of dirt sand and water to outline where everything is going to go then i can use these transparent blue bricks to make some much better looking water and then use a combination of studs and plates in tan to make sand with a nice texture then i added these translucent blue tiles on the top of the water to finish it off and man it is certainly an upgrade from a blue plate then i built up more sand and moved onto the dirt by using a brown brick with two layers of green plates on top it makes a realistic dirt block so i made two layers of dirt and then added a little crock to one side okay guys if this egg spawns the chicken you have to subscribe you know what to do i finished off the build with a cracking table some stone and a piece of coal and then to replicate the piece of sugar crane going on the beach i made this weird stock thing with minifigure hands and a bar piece and no i did not include the random piece of iron that would definitely not generate there in the actual game with that done our first inaccurate lego minecraft set is fixed but before we move on to fixing the next set let's talk about this video's sponsor world of warships don't click off because world of warships is a free-to-play pc game that you can play by yourself or recruit and your friends to help you fight there are over 40 different maps that all have realistic weather not to mention insane water graphics that literally look like real life world of warships has four different classes of ships including cruisers destroyers battleships and aircraft carriers but if you really want to dive right into the game you can because there's even submarines and all of world of warcraft ships are extremely accurate recreations of real life vessels the game is literally a museum of ships from both world wars as well as super cool ships that never actually were built in real life and if that's not enough there is new content released every single month and the game is also available on consoles so make sure you click the first link in the description and use code fire during registration to get 200 doubloons a premium battleship uss texas 20 restless fire camouflage 1 million credits and 7 days of a premium account all for free and thanks again to world of warships for sponsoring this video ok moving on to the mushroom house set first i built it alex acquired okay apart from things not being a block tall there's only one major problem with this set can you spot it well if you guessed the mushroom cow then you're right mushroom cows only spawn in the mushroom biome not in mushroom forests so let's fix it there isn't any lego color that fits the dirt color in this biome so i'm just gonna go with what lego did and use dark bluish gray i started by laying out a layer of brown plates but quickly realized that if i want each block to be five plates tall and there has to be two layers of dark gray there can only be three plates that are brown which is one brick tall so instead of plates on the bottom i use bricks to make the outline then i put down a layer of gray plates and raised up the height of the island to two blocks in some places i also put some jumper plates down instead of two by two tiles so that i could put these small mushrooms that spawn in this biome then i built up one of these flat mushrooms and used white and tan pieces to make the stock a little more interesting than just using white and with that done i can move on to making the mushroom house i started by building a 3x3 block of mushroom for the top and to add the more minecraft look i used these one by one studs instead of plates then i moved on to the size i used these 2x4 bricks to make a lid for the size to be built on and then i got distracted and added a quick ladder to the stock of the mushroom by staggering these plates in this brown color with more plates and white it makes it look like a ladder which is much more accurate than this huge thing then i decided to build the interior because it'll be much easier now than with the mushroom walls in place i used the backs of masonry bricks in tan to make accurate birch planks and then added a minecraft bed which unlike lego's design is actually the right length a furnace crafting table and a torch to light it up then i started on the sides of the mushrooms it took so long because every time i added a white stud i had to use a bunch of small red plates to fill in the spaces and it was so boring so while i finish that up i'll say thank you so much for 100k look what's on my pin board let's see how long until i have to take this diagram down to make room for something else okay now that the walls of the mushrooms are finally finished the mushroom house is completed and we can place our mushroom cow in this newly fixed home okay that's two sets done but we still have two left and they are way bigger let's start with this thing it's supposed to be some sort of sky base but there are so many things wrong with it this door is literally two by three instead of minecraft's one by two nothing is actually a block tall and how on earth are we supposed to build this roof in the game i have a lot of fixing to do let's start with the base and work up because i don't really know how i'm going to manage to build something like this that looks good and is also accurate to the game i started by smooshing these two 16 by 16 blades together and then adding a layer of brown bricks on the outside to make it look like dirt blocks then i added another small layer to make it look like it's tapering off at the bottom i finished it off with some stone spikes and man it's looking a lot better than this i also made a smaller little island as the farm in the set and a small composter i built which looks just a little more like the game than lego's design and now i have to build a tower you know what the real problem here is okay now that those horrible creatures are gone we can move on to the last set the modern treehouse once i finish building this fixed version i'm actually gonna try and build it in the game okay let's get started i would list all the problems with this set but i don't want the video to be an hour long i definitely don't have enough pieces to build a whole new one like i did the other three sets so i'm going to use the original frame of the trees to build my new one i started by taking off all the grass parts that i just left with the technic parts of the tree then i built out the frame a little and added base plates to the underside so that it would be a full block tall the problem is that if i use these green base plates if it shows on the edges it won't work because the bottom layer is supposed to be brown but if i add a layer of two wide brown plates around the edge then it actually works out pretty well i then added this crop using some dark tan jumper plates a patch of pods to have a small bamboo farm like the original set did then i added a little beach area with some sand and water which i took away from the other sets because i have like five water blocks in total then to finish off the base layer i also made a small lava pool because it just looks cool then i started on the house i wanted to keep the same color scheme so it all looks like the original set but i really don't like the weird stack design because half of the sides look bad when it's built like that so instead i went for one big room on the bottom level that can be accessed by these ladders the white block is a representation of smooth quartz and the burnt orange i decided is supposed to be orange terracotta i built up the house and added the things inside like this staircase an actually accurate minecraft bed a double chest i built using a jumper plate in the small bracket some furnaces and a crafting table i also added in the official lego design for bookshelves because unlike the rest of the sets they are actually a full block tall and look pretty accurate as they are i also added these glass windows on jumper plates to center them on the block so they are actually like minecraft glass panes and with that done i added a small door and then made some sort of modern archway to make it less boring than just a white box i used tan pieces to make it look like strip birch and once that was finished i added the roof some fencing and then a giant platform on top made of orange terracotta to act as some sort of storage room i also built up this small staircase to get from the bottom floor to the top okay it's leaf time i don't like leaf time here we go since i was going all out on this build and taking literally everything apart to make sure i had the right pieces i just used the already existing leaves that came with the set as a base now i'm not gonna lie i actually built the leaves before i built the house i was originally gonna build both the big chunk and the smaller chunk but after just doing the small one i realized i was not going to have even close to enough pieces i built the least by using a bunch of small green plates mixed in with these bright green flower pieces and 1 by 2 rounded plates to give a texture i also stole some of these vines from the sky base set to add to the edge of the trees and finally it was complete this is my first non-mechanical build since i've actually had an audience so if you do enjoy this and want to see me do more builds like this maybe even remake the summer wave of minecraft sets comment below but don't worry if you didn't like this i have another mechanical build coming next anyways now it's time to build the fixed modern treehouse set in the actual game i loaded up a super flat world and got to work there were literally no problems with building this and everything worked out perfectly i just fixed four lego stats so they're actually accurate to the game and they actually turned out pretty cool also please consider subscribing to help me reach my lofty goal of 500k by the end of summer
Channel: RJMBricks
Views: 5,721,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6NUZofTF5A4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 20 2022
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