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wait are we doing another that person that black guy wa Sean it's SE what the freak look at John knows way better than him this is chaos how do they beat this 50 oh my gosh this is new you know what's weird this room he said this is new was it I should go back and like look at one of my old videos actually we'll do that after I want to see what they used to be like cuz I've actually completely entirely forgotten hey everyone it's your friend think noodles and welcome back to think reacts where today we have a first we're going to react to a video by FGTV now there's sort of a backstory to this you guys uh remember I reacted to a Mr Beast video I don't know maybe about a month ago and I got my video claimed and I went on Twitter and said oh man Mr Beast is claiming the videos I guess I can't do them anymore good thing I only did one and then he responded I'm really sorry about that that shouldn't happened do more and I told FGTV uh we've been good friends for a long time ever since I guess even before Among Us and I hate to do this buddy but I'm going to leak the DM we got to drop the [Music] load yeah you see here poor guy you just feel for him you know you almost want to put a little crying sad emoji next to the nobody reacts to my videos so we're going to change that today I shouldn't because it turns out he was in New York like a week ago even text me it's okay maybe next time so I figured I would find His Highest viewed Doors video and react to that I consider myself to be a pretty popular dors YouTuber but somehow he got 15.2 million views out of theoris Hotel update wow anyway uh let's get him up to 100 well 91,000 something left likes I am going to pause the video if you guys want to watch his video but I mean already 15 million of you probably all of you watching this right now have already watched it I'll leave a link in the description here you go Fiji you're welcome cracker attck don't come in here is that a new monster okay oh it's the whole fam dup by dup guys it's door 100 what the heck happens here oh this is their first time seeing door 100 in the hotel plus up FGTV Dy my Bo wait wait wait I we saw sea and Chase only no Mike and and no Lex and uh I've not by the way I have met uh Fiji and his wife when they were in New York before but uh I never met any of the any of the kids we are playing the doors Hotel update let's go in here door 200 oh I hav't even it's chapter 2 right no it's just a update just just an update why are we here all right oh my God yeah Shan knows way better than him we're at door four this is going quick our heads are just so big speed run we're not going to show you nothing until it's new okay really oh candle I got a candle this is new it's like a new CH oh instead of a lighter you know what I like about this candle it's going down you just have to hold it out you don't have to like click wait but do you run does it run out like a lighter does yeah yeah no freak I thought they were only I mean Rush isn't new slow down bro I literally released a door skit it's this one here please go watch it oh I saw that is yeah guys check all the drawers cuz there could be a crucifix so wait what's the crucifix for so if you hold it out when an entity is coming entity entity they'll just get trapped in their place everyone leave I have to poop what what they put in a family guy meme what is Sean looking at like he's looking over that way I'm not sure what he's actually even looking at wait no no no don't go there what what are you guys doing guys I just realized when we tried to go to that wrong door it said that the door's number on it it fell down cuz that was in the right way that you're supped oh was like a false door yeah oh oh yeah cuz no there's dke what was that wrong room well this is awkward I that duped but d new called dup one of these is oh I can't see it behind him what the freak what what Sean just got duped by dupe you 21 wait come I didn't get duped when I picked the wrong door yeah but because the sign had already fallen off jeez what is happening but so I don't know this is chaos how do they beat this yes oh okay there goes you good 30 wait this is new Sean have you ever seen this room before no no this is no no not downstairs the hallway was the hallway new I've seen it so many times I don't have one uhoh you're dead don't come in here don't come in here wait what he's chest bro wa look at his quick behind that conveniently shaped lamp high from The Entity I didn't think you there things to hide from entities now tell me again does anyone have a lockpick it what do we do with that chest we just leave it oh I found the key we're just going to leave that chest we have to we don't have anything it's sad you know what let's play a segment called what's in that chest oh whoa corns okay oh like Splash oh guys instead of the eyes they added a painting oh guys this is it no no guys leave me here I'll be I'll battle him get out of my head Chase battle all right Sean activate the monster me and Chase are going to stay here and sacrifice ourselves oh no okay their head are like tilted so far back oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God this stuff the hand wait the hand got did it sucker guys I have like one Health you have one Health yeah I'm very low I have one Health he didn't get hit by hand he got hit by the fire guys I'm dead so what I'm hearing is that you guys want me to carry you guys fine oh what did you guys eat for lunch guys 50 what you guys did it without me stop stop stop I want to explore this room he's still alive I thought he said he was dead this is new wait what's this I spun it let's see where we land you know what's weird so like oh God it's Hawaii oh oh jeez yeah I know why they don't like Hawaii but like this this room he said this is new was it it's so hard to remember the like the pre Hotel Plus update I I should go back and like look at one of my old videos like my original video I actually we'll do that after I'll sort of like react to my own I'm not going to go through the whole thing but just like the things that they're saying are new I want to see what they used to be like cuz I've actually completely entirely forgotten good no where you go to lose your yeah robbed in Hawaii exactly why is he drun okay yeah now that what the now that is new like the oh my go the I mean he still does the same sort of thing but the Boogie wait Timothy got it SC Cracker Jack a napkin sa please don't come this way okay good oh wait I found a book right here wait you're there Sean I see you buddy wait I hear something kind of fits does he still come you got to bro get yeah he knows where to go is he behind me is he actually behind me you're okay you're okay so scary just stay still he knows why did you move oh wait that's all we need it's all we need okay tell me the code five um six wait what the heck is that oh wait you can see it where's your face x z star wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on I didn't know you could so I don't play multiplayer hardly ever I didn't realize once uh somebody else has the book you can actually see it that's crazy I never thought cuz I would never try the lock without having gotten it no oh inace you have money though yeah what the what H name is Elo no that is so wrong jeez you didn't even try did shaa revive what D wait there's a skull key what I saw this thing on Tik Tok where if you get two uh lock picks and one uh skeleton key you can get to a secret room he knows about wait did they do a1000 it might be but the skeleton making me hold them for a long time I think he just needs a hug it's okay buddy oh you but the Flies it's I got the please donate dude this is the monster for my FNAF glitch detraction gameplay coming soon all right guys let's go aoo I wasted like all my money trying to get the please donate bad so wait you knew all about this update no I just how did you know that chase is like no I don't I just I just saw this one Tik Tok and he like knows everything he's like he knows what the crucifix is he knows well I didn't quite know what the candle was he knows about Jeff please donate he knows about the skeleton key and rooms at a1000 Tik Tok we supposed to be playing Us Together by the way e is just like riding fish yeah Chase's breath cuz breath on fire wait there's a vent wait Chase please do not fart in the vent wait this is a new underground thing yes guys go upstairs wait wait who I think Sean said that right or wait no it was Chase right wait this is a new underground thing because is it guys go upstairs okay he he knows like everything door 60 in here there's a key I got the key yeah fine I want a jolly Ranger I want a holly trolley Dan sir he just leaves there's Jolly Ranchers down here why is this one all glowy do we want to go downstairs oh okay they've been there a while we know where they are wait oh they just went right through that okay Hospital definitely new yep wait a lighter you guys have the skeleton key I want my mommy what my mmyy I can wrap myself in toilet paper then I'll be a mummy uhhuh Y where are they going you need two of them no you don't what the flipping chicken nuggets wait we're going to find a lock you found one no I'm saying maybe I thought this plant was growing an eye what happens if you hold it wait you get a health if you hold it down I want to play that real life wao it's freaky in here uhhuh dude use this why are you guys bur like bur heads bro this should be it's about the same right that hey wa Sean it's seek okay you see the look on on fi's face hold no where is he like a F's face like waa hey yo I'm sorry uhoh I like the side view that's kind of cool all right here we go yeah and like it's the same like Chase I change the music but the animation is the same I don't think Chase is going to make it he was like yeah yeah look down is it just me or does this feel easier it is not easier it heals you back the plant does oh so wait there must be a reason why you might Ambush stop wa don't get in you're too early get out right now get out who oh my oh I think Ambush just killed everyone come on you have to do it get out get out no not yet oh revive I revived uh-oh I joined a different server why you could have spectated me wait Sean's not going to be able to see all the other wait what's that wait isn't that Jack I don't care about cck he's annoying wait where my item yeah cuz Sean had already revived oh you got DED oh that's what you get Dad's items instantly regrets it thanks Dar I always could count on you I have a story for Dar but he doesn't respond to my DM so wait you actually told him that story yeah Darman just like go go hide hide hide why oh why are you hiding there oh he coming to get you okay no he's not I'm going to take a picture I'm an artist why do you look like Chad how did you do that with your face pile of gold Chase I need help where am I wait we supposed to be this way wait don't go unless you want to get duped by listen listen listen wait wait stop don't go don't go we have to see the last door oh so D just means it's the wrong number how do we know which one it was it's time to go back all the way to the library and count it won't [Music] work I'm pretty sure it's 87 all right nope no chase it was 86 I forgot to tell you just kidding I didn't know that and and they don't have the herb anymore how I know anything why is your keyboard so clicky 91 oh they're in greenhous spooky tulips are you okay this is all new no yo you're going to die did you hear Chase snuck up on me I didn't even know he was coming y thinking so dead it hurt my face I just want to watch burn marshmallow head D oh wait Chase made it Chase always got like good SK how did he make it oh oh they they got the speck him dying look how happy they are that he died they like I know tast is like I'm actually tired playing doors right now hey he's probably winning cuz he's so good yes they talked about me noodles is playing right now he's probably winning cuz he's so good well it's because you guys are so bad and you all died before me what do you think son yes oh heck no I'm going to talk to Mommy all right we'll be back we're going to play basketball bye always take breaks from gaming first to make shot first to make a shot this actually oh oh oh oh come come on come on okay so like I do find like when I'm when I'm doing like a like a like a do Challenge and I start to get frustrated I like really need to take a break and when I do I do so much better I got the crucifix here oh this is back okay so this was get it so you can tell this is old hotel Plus update it's before inflation set in everything was much much cheaper a fix here there's a fake door here yeah that's the fake door this is the real one sure all right Jase Chase just wiped off his foot in the air like it was a carpet and he had mud on it the crucifix I got another crucifix hanging up was just hanging up you know the bad thing you can't activate it when you're inside of a closet I know why would you out I KN I left him what oh my goodness he follow me oh gosh 84 okay 86 85 85 85 turn left turn left hold it out hold it out we you in the of Smith oh jeez oh yes yes he crucifix Ambush you know they were about to die we in the name of did it oh yeah he did it that's right they're so excited oh my go good why are you still holding yours cuz we used mine yeah dang it okay right here remember we're at door 87 wait wait let's just see if there's a crucifix in here oh what door were we wait chisel where are I'm at 88 oh wait are you behind me wow that's where's head at 89 ow ow fart fart CRA crack cra cra boy boot okay here we go 90 oh oh all right we need Band-Aids all right 91 remember we're 9 they haven't stepped on a snare yet green guess Sean already died wait okay wait wait wait where were you at Chase you you did on screen you did on screen get in oh my gosh dude no D you can't leave this up to me oh I can steal your stuff why you so happy you're dead 95 go in the closet he's not coming we're good we're good we're good okay 96 look at that n oh wait he's coming he's coming there you go oh you almost got booted out too sucker but rush I didn't mean suck get in W double Rush double Rush all right where we at where it's so useless why would you need a cre it's not useless 97 97 I mean I die with it a Lotz I where's just go just go right now go just go just go 99 oh my gosh oh my gosh guys it's door 100 what the heck happens here I need help is there anything to check around here nope it's empty bro oh oh my gosh you should just switch with Chase oh thanks a lot Fai in your dad it's like Dad let Chase take over here okay cuz you're going to screw this up is he going to pop out of there this is so different this is wait we don't want to go there yet right what the lockpick hole what the use your lockpick yes this is the way oh my goodness okay what what's in here that's the little electrical panel I have to get 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 electric things don't go into that door that's where figure is go back this way yeah you can't wait you hear that was that it's nothing wait you have to go you're going backwards you have to go backwards and and and and but where should I go after I do this you have to go back into a closet that one all the way back there oh dude don't go to a closet you have to do the mini game Mama wait is there a glitch like the last one where you can you better run run run wait should I go there go to the closet this one no he's going to do it CH I can't do this I actually can't you do it you do it you do dink dink oh my gosh she flexing on me I don't have enough to do the little yeah this is why you don't get in here cuz it gets we did it we did it GG I'm going to get out yeah wait how long are you in there that they're all they're all already lit what are you doing away go this way we have to go get the block probably yeah see there's one right there there is wait where's figure 10 more oh great can we just activate the elevator down here wait there's Stu the rift oh yeah wait this is where you find it this is where you what the what the heck what is that should I do it I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared enjoy future meat preserve an item in a rift I'm not going to lie what's the point of this that wasn't even like a statement was a question so can't lie when you ask a question can you can you have a lying question yeah am I the world's goodest looking man I guess it would be that no I know that was a I didn't actually are we nominated for a Nickelodeon Choice Award yes go vote I know wow you some was excited yeah if you put that item in there the next time you see a rift you can take it out we'll just test it with the vitamins since I don't really care about my vitamins all right so there's nothing else in here see what happens if I just throw it in right now what what happens you the one dang it oh my gosh no wonder he wanted to chase the take over what are you even doing there he is okay bye oh now go left no he's crou there no no no no no don't go left what are you doing you die go left you are a lucky turn High uh uh know do it do it do it do it holy greasy keyboard Cy keyboard e now what should I do keep going Chase is good at that and get just like I don't know man you do it get no no but I got to hide he might he might see me you want me to get it right now even though he's blind he see how many I got oh my God I need four more wait is that one right there on the ground where is that is that in another room and it's just bleeding through the floor there it is oh there you go they're all right here right there okay I got this okay I've got all of them yep do you want to do this part wait is the title of it just go right right now okay oh I thought it said something about Chase it does yeah yeah okay so I'm going right right now right is he coming towards me yep uh you're going you better you better you better you better okay yeah you're you're safe you think I'm good oh yeah you're good as soon as this happens where do I go up the stairs or down up the stairs you sure up cuz elevator the rift you know like a rift evader what even is that you want to do this part no no wait wait what oh yeah good off the game did you see that yeah we beat doors lava on the floor he had a marshmallow head that's some more can you stop I can't there go GG she going to come out no wa he almost went the wrong way is he behind us there you go there you go there you go y listen to the scream I am happy look at him creeping wait that's no don't you know that you just can't get us bro I don't know if Fiji did that I feel like it was Chase my leg broken see and I don't have a foot I'm just so happy that that's done so we don't have to put out five Roblox gam plays of doors update oh look at that booty wow TW not an the elevator twerk twer twery oh I'm doing zero g I'm doing zero g gravity bro zero g already gra it says to be continued yeah because we're still trying to get from 101 to 200 that's what I thought this thing was about all right my gosh thank you for watching the a the rooms is basically chapter 2 no it better not be it definitely isn't now wait doesn't it say Fiji beats Roblox doors without Chase making it to the end except you made Chase do everything all right wait wait so just just go to mine I I just want to go like what is it uh beat doors first time here we go I beat Roblox Doors level 100 I think we go oh yeah I forgot about that the light I remember we'll just the sound we set our goal at 100 was different but and I didn't even know that level 100 was the ending I thought it just kept bu first time okay wait wait wait can we see the room no yeah it it's just so it was just a regular room there wasn't that lobby area before yeah it's just a regular room uh before door 50 number 50 yep but the you know this is about the same it's just the animation is like way worse now he cannot see you yeah right can don't leave and then we know that I couldn't have got that wrong okay that we won't there's no je so uh so 52 normally Jeff's room all right nothing it's just the hallway I'm taking a meds yeah look look and that was another thing vitamins all right watch my health I'm taking a meds all right I just want to see what oh wow that doesn't work that way anymore you can move yes oh that would be so good if we can still do that and this is the previous door 100 look how much smaller it is okay I take it back I was going to say that's so weak okay I forgot 100 this is crazy dude to see this and like Remember You Escape yep oh I won uh no no I didn't okay he falls off right he like swings and yeah oh dude Y where we going yep yep yep oh gosh I forgot yeah it links with room 99 then you hide there was the weird thing this happened before yeah he can he actually comes to the closet and you got to do the thing that Chas did okay I did the glitch oh jeez what just what what am I okay there used to be a glitch on that where is he okay so that he's he's in that room now and then yeah you just need a key right lock right now exactly haven't started the lockpick uh streak yet which is now broken as you guys may have seen on the Christmas Eve video look oh yes we can where was the key was it up here just like uh there just like it is now oh what is this key key key I got I got the key all right yeah it was in the elevator man this is crazy to like go back and see all of this open open open open open oh yeah and then you have to I think you have to solve it quickly enough I can't remember holy cow what is all this this was I mean basically the same puzzle no yeah you turn it on and then he runs after you but I didn't know what to do I was like hiding in the room where we got the KE and I think I end up what yeah what happened I can't believe I how stupid that was I was following the instructions of uh door's game page where it says do not like watch videos on this uh use every death as a lesson and yeah I did because go go go go go so slow it didn't increase youred like it does now you ain't supposed to hide like a little weenie get in yes W yes that's the exit we beat the game baby there we go so yeah I mean they were right about the new stuff uh that I had completely forgotten and had you forgotten about those things CU I surely have because over the last year I've played so much of the hotel Plus update that that distant memory like almost doesn't exist anymore except for right here well guys I hope you enjoyed the video where uh I made fiji's dreams come true if you did do click the like button and I'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 963,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ueqdCupF_eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 3sec (1683 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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