Among Us, But It's In VR w/ FGTeeV Fam!!

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well fingers is this weird uh hey don't do that i'm sorry i'm sorry i didn't know i'm just gonna put my hands like here [Music] hey everyone it's your friend think doodle [Music] gigantic i mean they look really really i mean they look okay they look a little bit big there but up here they look so huge anyway guys uh my friend fgtv has figured out in vr chat how to play among us like the legit real game he says i don't know if i believe him but we'll see but before we get to it guys if you want to see more of this in vr and if it's as amazing as he says it is uh i i definitely want to play it again click the like button let's try well it's our first vr among us videos so let's try for just 30 000 okay just 30 000 likes and also please if you are new here um do uh dude this is hard to do this do consider subscribe to my channel uh according to youtube over 75 percent of you guys who watch my videos aren't actually subscribed and i really would appreciate it if you did and supported my channel all right now i got to figure out how to find fgtv oh whoa one more thing guys because i know it's going to come up as a vr chat video where's goose now uh unfortunately we were recording this when goose was in school but i did play with him a couple of days ago and he actually gave me the among us skin so you guys have goose to thank for me having this amazing skin uh unfortunately maybe next time he'll be able to play with us uh we'll see fake noodles what's up you can you hear me can you hear me now hello wait can you hear me let's uh let's all say a little prayer for mommy and what do we do in one imposter look how short he is what do you mean you're like saying this you're so crouched you're like down like this you're going to walk so slow all right so what's the settings thing since you're like a among us guys well i think we should do since it's six players we should do like one imposter uh yeah do one imposter do 20 second kill cool down yep yep yep i agree wait oh wait mike has to do it and then he was asking think not yet okay yeah i like that though and then emergency meetings won uh i like the settings we have on right now and then voting time okay this is good this is good all right cool yeah oh here we go oh my goodness wait should i mute my mic are we gonna yes we won wait what what just happened how did we get a victory wait should we mute our mics are we going to leave them open no no no leave them open okay yo okay this is i don't know this is crazy looks amazing this is so sad this is so good wait i've got wait so i wait okay so this is this is going to be this is going to be med bay oh oh my goodness i have to expect sample this is crazy how do i how do i do it though oh it's working oh this is amazing so oh my goodness it's even got the 60 second thing all right all right okay dude i'm going to electrical dude i'm going to electrical just wait okay yo this is amazing wait a minute wait a minute that's what wait who died why'd you just scream who died where where where wait oh sean called it sean where was it wait how do you know that oh yeah okay okay wait yeah where was it mg fd was right now oh why we were both right next to it where wait but why didn't you mention that the first part that you were next to a body of where was it yeah where oh yeah i i didn't get that camera you mean like like oh admin admin or security because i'll be honest this whole thing is confusing right now no way dude you gotta like you know the map by now oh my goodness i i want to try cameras or security yeah wait who'd you vote for why are your hands bigger than your head uh wait it's a condition wait who did you vote for i'm gonna skip wait why'd you vote for him i'm skipping skip yo okay two skips oh look nobody goes we're good we're good nobody goes oh gosh let's go so cool dude i'm going to electrical i want to see what electrical is like it's so scary oh this is so cool dude dude this is absolutely incredible oh yo fuel oh dude wait so how does this one work then how do i whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa i heard you were a murderer okay okay sean somebody's screaming pull up your map wait hold to grab wait how do you pull up the map is there a map i don't know i don't know if you could do it is there a map um i don't know lower engine this is so cool dude this is incredible though like oh wait no no hold on right here so now can i oh there oh you squeeze that's my problem okay that's cool okay so uh i wonder if there's like um if there's like you can sabotage okay what i'm impostron will be sabotaging trust me all right let's do this there all right i'm getting this now ah okay so i'm not used to this controller i've never actually used this controller before um oh oh geez i thought i died whoa hold up why are there so many dead people wait what do you mean well i can't here think hello wait i don't like this all right so um cause cause cause i don't like this because like before it was you and sean near the body last time and i didn't do it so i have to vote for one of you two and i don't well how do we know you didn't do it no i mean think i but i i'm because you were so quick to skip last time you know what you are acting super sus you're walking around on the ground i vote for you what [Music] yes sean oh my god i did i did there he goes bye [Laughter] when you're dead you see a map of everyone moving no like you see a mat like it's like this is so cool look at chase [Laughter] you have to use the little person icon you see next to it oh whoa i just got a growth spurt could anyone catch that yeah send it to my mom so she has video of me growing up you're a big boy now that's amazing okay i'm being red first finally i'm staying little i'm staying little let's go let's go all right okay oh here a line oh this is cool all right got it okay so i gotta line the other one um but yeah i'll leave my mic open i accidentally muted it before oh wait no a line's over here this is so cool though oh i love this so much thanks yeah what what what what you guys are going to kill me don't kill me i'm going to kill you what happened what happened did somebody die oh dude this is weapons oh this is so cool at least there's oh there's no wiring tasks are there are that i know of oh let me check chart course oh this might be hard though oh no i could do it i could still do it yeah oh that's a lot easier than the actual one all right come on guys let's do our test let's go okay oh i'm getting good at this geez somebody could really like just come right up behind me okay now the only thing i couldn't do is divert power i'm gonna okay we haven't had anybody killed yet oh wait i'm gonna check can we see oh yo you can see cams dude hey you coming behind me hey that's amazing look at the chaos isn't that awesome dude this is so hypocritical what can you see in security cameras you can see cams in security this is sick dude all right and what about admin can you see the map let's go see if i can see the map let me go squeeze this come on okay and let me go check admin this is so cool because i know where we are oh yo you can i'm a little short but you can see where people are look at that that is cool so i mean it's designed for the taller space man but what's happening is lex about to hit that button no no oh she did whoa wait whoo where where where is black it was in weapons and the last one i saw in weapons i don't know the only person that i saw coming from weapons was mike what oh my god he wasn't the imposter he wasn't oh my god oh no it's lex oh my goodness but mike was like so insane of that he's like look at his daddy he was like freaking out so much that you just think it was him you know i gotta watch out for lex because lex is suss all right all right so i gotta divert power oh gosh we gotta go to electrical all right all right nobody electrical okay here we go here we go here we go all right do it do it do it okay so now is it like so oh grab that there i did it okay except diverted power oh man i almost fell over how do you vent what wait who just asked that i just heard someone ask dad how do you vent [Music] that you admitted that i've never i don't know how to vent i don't have that wait wait who oh yeah there's the vent right there okay i think i'm done i'm done with tasks all right i'm gonna i'm gonna follow people around now all right so there's no i mean or at least that i found there was no like regular wiring test report it wait what happened who did okay so think where were you what do you mean you were asking how to vent i'm right here and you can't murder me here even though i know you want to uh i think i was in electrical no yeah okay uh let's worry you wasn't med bay where was the body it was in oh where is it i think it was in upper engine wait so you are you just said you were in electrical you just said you were just an electrical i said i was an electrical but you reported the body in upper engine how could you have known if i was an electrical or not you couldn't know i was an electrical if you were all the way in upper engine look at the map well i just checked it voted wait what happened let's go crewmate don't we all okay manifolds manifolds okay so this one oh nice look at this okay so oh man this is not gonna be that easy how do i do this so oh okay okay hold on i gotta get up close here so like one one what is happening two okay three wow this is slow no no don't do the wrong one because it might it'll start over okay no no oh my goodness no i'm dead all right let's see oh dude check this map out that is sick okay so they found my body oh that's oh wait oh you can spectate the person oh that's cool yo this guy's is one of the most amazing like this is amazing this is like i think if we like knew a little more about it like and we were better at it oh wow this is too good oh wait oh he is the imposter he's red i get it all right see i know everything now oh and you can see he's the red one i just thought it's because he was a red character but no he's the imposter so now we can watch him run around the map and kill people all right oh they voted him out yes you guys yes you did it thank you let's go let's go let's go come on come on all right i'm gonna mute okay i'm gonna do it just in case i'm because i'm gonna freak out if i'm okay no okay all right all right clean oh clear asteroids okay here we go clear asteroids how do you do it though oh wait what okay wait huh oh dude you gotta like okay i'm like reaching up so high i'm like on my toes here okay got it got it got it got it got it got it got it come on how many more oh there wait i'm shot this is hard i did it did i get it i got him 20. all right cool okay so gotta go do shields uh hi what are you what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing uh-uh no no no no no i'm out of here i'm out of here okay ah i knew it i knew it oh no where's my body okay guys you gotta get my body where's my body i don't even see oh it's right there sean you didn't report me i'm right there look at the dead body it's right there shawnee he's gonna self-report no he went right past it oh he's gonna kill somebody he's definitely gonna kill somebody oh no oh no oh no oh no what oh another one he got another one wait he vented look at that he went through the vent you saw you saw that thing yo and he vented look he just came out of the vent oh my gosh i was like sink watch watch watch he's gonna watch top right he's gonna get less he's gonna get lex here he goes he goes oh he went past her oh wait what oh wait he reported he reported he reported he went and reported the body oh oh no that's not the right one they voted sean out sean you didn't do it oh dude don't follow him don't follow him yo no don't follow wait what's the what's the timeout oh he's going after lex yo let's go dude you were venting at everything that was nuts i knew it was him all right all right i gotta go do manifolds and hope i don't die again try to win by uh completing our task this time all right okay how do i start the reactor oh no no no oh geez oh dude i'm gonna kill think first i'm gonna kill him whoa okay i'm trying to do tests here man come on come on counting has never been so hard seven eight nine ten oh somebody screamed it's like again oh my i'm not gonna vote lex there's not enough information let's kick lex out she's always the imposter i'm voting lex first my i'm voting lectures i'm voting automatically i'm voting lex it's flex i'm gonna press the button all right here we go let's see here we go there how do you press the button wait what do you mean no meetings remaining zero whoa oh my goodness yo no get away from me it's so dark dude that is horrible no more yo oh my goodness oh oh sean is it says so all right i got it what chart course and stabilized steering i could do that okay here we go get into nav all right stabilize stabilize this is hard because my hand is so fat i think if i just yeah get it close okay here we go oh wait who dead who dad who did it's lex i i i love voting lex me already yeah i mean it's always lex right i think it's mike why based on what he just sounds us it's all right i'm going lex even though she's always the imposter whoa that was close faster run now i'm getting out of here hold on there we go done oh man well there's like super hacks there okay i did not do any of that calibrate distributor and what did somebody oh i thought oh no no no lights are out oh my goodness i cannot okay all right all right storage okay oh dude i'm lost i'm lost i'm lost where's that where is it uh uh okay yo yo yo don't kill me don't kill me all right here we go hey you just made them all worse there we go okay whoo okay is there a task in here by the way i think no hold on do i have to do this one i don't know uh there okay no i don't have to do that one okay wait no do i have to do this one oh god it wasn't lex wait i thought it was you no it's the red one look look red see the red that's who it is so the blue people are regular and the red are crewmates and red is is him i just got killed in electrical yes it is i got killed an electrical i can't believe this it's like the one dude i see your little body well isn't that weird i thought you were it's so weird because you don't have any oh wait you do have hands you look so different in children and chalk yeah the the chalk artist budget chalk artist there yeah yo oh no shawn's getting killed he's gonna die sean's gonna wait wait what where did shawn go wait what wait what oh they called him ordered it meeting me oh he called the body yeah yes they got him they got him boom got him because he always dies like immediately i've literally made a video on that one wait who said that who said that who said that who said that mike vote mike alright yeah mike all right let's see so how do you do these is that are lights out i don't know if i did it or not oh yeah oh my goodness oh that isn't good though because i can't see either okay how do i okay how do i turn these back on um um go go go how do i get to the vents i can't i can't see where's the vent is this the vent am i in the vent i don't know how do i oh my god oh my god oh my god it's fake what what why is this thing you were standing okay first of all you didn't fix the light second of all mike mike's body was right here and you were right on the other side of electrical excuse me that was you i saw you kill him i was doing the panel in the back with the up and down what do you mean what i'm doing here hold on hold on let me tell you what happened let me tell you what happened no wait let me tell you what happened i was doing i was doing the electrical task and i hear it stab and then i'm like what how do i get out of this thing then i turn and look and he's like oh he comes around the corner and sees me and then he reports me no no no no yes yes yes yes yes yes you reported i don't know yes yes yes you reported when you saw me you killed him checked if he were near i was wait what i can't vote i don't know me no okay wait how do you vent i don't know how to vent oh cool i get to submit scan all right i'm doing it i'm doing it i'm doing it i'm doing it where hey somebody hey come here come here come here come here i'm gonna prove that i'm not in it no no i'm gonna no no come here no no but scan should work shouldn't it huh do you see that oh [Laughter] let me kill a couple people wait i need to find a body because i've never seen a dead body in this yeah you don't do it i want to see a dead body i haven't seen one yet wait i need to do this shields here how do i you never seen a dead body until now wait wait wait how do i how do i do this one views hold that oh yeah there i did it all right i'm out don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me all right so the person isn't doing isn't sabotaging oh what just happened what just happened oh dude i think my vr headset died yeah my battery died i don't i don't even know if they can hear me can you guys hear me hello oh man oh man well guys as i said at the beginning of the video if we can get 30 000 likes i will force fg tv and his family to play with me again so we can get like another better impossible and uh we spent so long setting this up that i didn't even check my battery pack to see how uh how much battery power i had left but now i'm dead lying on the floor uh thanks again for watching and please do consider subscribing if you aren't already and i'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 3,206,219
Rating: 4.9478707 out of 5
Keywords: thinknoodles, think noodles, thinknoodles youtube, youtube thinknoodles, thinknoodles gaming, kid friendly, family friendly, gaming, among us, among us funny moments, among us thinknoodles, among us fgteev, among us fgteev family, among us vr, vr, vr chat, thinknoodles vr
Id: hlAYAPyImH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 9sec (1749 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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