If DOORS Monsters Played DOORS..

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where's the bathroom I need to pee okay I can't hold it anymore peas ah dude not on the floor hey everyone it's your friend think noodles and welcome back to think reacts where today we are reacting to if doors monsters played doors and I can't take credit for this idea jeez it is 26 minutes long but I mean the views speak for themselves a 1.8 million views on 136k subscribers GG I'm gonna go ahead and like the video cause like if there's many people watched it it's got to be good and if you would like my video as well if you want to see more reactions uh Post in the comments below uh videos you'd like to see react to or email me or tweet me or whatever I'll check them out uh also I will put a link to this video in the description so you can watch it without my annoying interruptions and commentary so let's uh let's check out what would happen if doors monsters played doors uh oh oh they got Discord oh God why are we here nope we're so dead let's see now what is this place whatever let's just get out of here okay so that okay oh so that's Screech I got a key oh I see like with the teeth on the hands I like that good skin just follow our lead okay what oh this is cool all right are we gonna go through every door now this is pre update where's the bathroom I need to pee you're so annoying be yourself I don't care oh my goodness so we won't see the normal doors 93.99 it'll be the original 100 so who's gonna like attack them man if they are the bro I'm tired my legs are you don't even have legs yes oh yeah with there's gonna be no entities right like how wouldn't it just why so many doors it's the Game's name oh oh wait quick hide wait but hide is like literally wait wait a minute I don't but what is it rush you just rushed wait how is that rush if he's with us exactly now that's my cousin Bozo he owes me 16 shut up and move yeah seek would say that okay foreign can I please stop the pee just hold it oh they're only a door 12. this is good okay ghost no chill out dude just a falling bookcase I don't even like that doesn't even bother me anymore I see that all the time I'm like just normal I can't hold it oh no screech's gonna pee oh dude [Music] forgetting the Screech has to be oh the sound of water is gonna make it worse you know that right got the key all right good job okay I can't hold it anymore peas ah dude not on the floor yeah hold on this is why I hate you that's not why we hate him we definitely do hate Screech everyone hates Screech but uh yeah we just vented sauce whoa hey uh closet now okay we got Rush again this is his cousin it wasn't 16 wait actually six Chan leave the closet Hawaii was cousin where you at where's it secret chat is no more whoa the best day of my life wow you didn't have to kill her want to be next no zip it let's keep moving wow [Music] we did the world of favor stop crying oh no oh no what is it gonna extra Screech God please no screeches oh no double yeah keep that up see if you can keep the screeches away what does Screech have to say about any of this who's knocking the Nazi Chan we know it's algoblino now where's the lever reveal yourself there thanks seek appreciate oh dude another Rush closet time I mean I guess that makes sense there's always a lot g'day peace yeah a little bit dude I'm gonna have to wait that long hey bows out bringing my 16 next time foreign S I got hands who you though you feel like little tentacles man I don't know if that's true can I help shut up p-boy all right good job seek you did it you're a Puzzle Master wait why did you on the master I literally just said wait why do you think the painting off I didn't know you could do that you can carry the painting out of the room I've never done that bro put the painting down I'm stealing this what is it valuable is it like some work of art like the Mona Lisa or something why you got that stupid painting at least you did something good for once oh what are you gonna say Seek I see my eyes wait what you're here there's another me uh I guess is that your cousin Bozo oh geez prepare yourself boys okay this will be interesting wait what wait how long Okay geez up here we go that's a long one scared I'm not oh I'm fast that's true all right here we go oh man they glow me oh maybe you have a cousin what was he sixteen dollar wait what is that me c clone yeah uh do you mind we just passed through nope okay run for your lives guys yep come here give me that sick booty oh now this clone sucks wait you missed no you you went the wrong way oh you are lucky I got a big head Screech oh my goodness how big is your bladder seriously ridiculous we're so close you got this hey oh wow he was give it a sick booty why is your clone suss I don't know at least we made out alive alive unlike seat John see John is dead stop bringing it up let's keep moving I'm still here oh geez I'm gonna smack you never gives up or like it's all it's been like 30 something doors he's still going on I don't got a light yep I knew someone who had one I swear Screech St John had one shut up you two shut up oh we're gonna get a screech here come on yep dear Lord of Screech but not really though that was close oh brush closet time yep I'm sorry it's Bozo not rush it's bozo bro that was close now you just slow Rush is slow really we're getting close to 50. hopefully figure lets us buy oh yeah okay I wonder how they're gonna react to figure oh yeah yeah 49. so this is like normal 49 yeah yeah yeah without the new room why do you always look at the ceiling man are you two ready not really so cute stop it get some help all right you figure you'll figure it's us we're gonna pass through that cool bro I don't think he has Discord I smell me some booty what oh come on well let's start looking for books man the new animation is so much better than the old one like I forgot oh I hear it okay here's the plan we split up and find books say less still miss her okay Screech is useless is up to us Rush okay sure found the first book ggs thanks for updating us you're gonna have to say this on every book I know someone's here come on out got the paper I got the code cheat all right you bypassed some for sure oh yeah I hear it I hear it there it is got the second book found another wow it's all seek there we go another one another one yo there were so many right there found neck two next to each other GG Rush uh get behind the bookshelf get behind get behind safe spot grab that one and get it get behind I've wow what I got a pee no you don't have to get in the closet there oh in the closet you're a waste of oxygen ah someone's being in my library what did he just say gross dude yeah you don't have to get in the closet there you guys don't you know how to play doors found one more y'all didn't find enough of them though I think we I think you need more I think you missed some back in the beginning I think we're missing one yep he's getting close let's go no don't fly go by the bookshelf now you gotta play the stupid game someone in there [Music] oh geez don't screw this up you guys well they're good at this please leave holy okay not too bad that wasn't actually a bad one at all I guess not let's turn this off yeah rush rush is in a rush I'll put the code in you do watch my back okay uh uh uh okay you sounded close let's go those Cuties escaped oh no Jeff in 52. all right we're halfway through let's just keep on moving quick oh boy is there there's it's dark come on we have to see an actual screen we're a screech by the way he peed in the closet hey we got bills he peed in the closet we haven't seen him since yo you guys I think you left Screech behind in the library gonna he's gonna get like voided oh no not void glitched in because there was no void yet I was like that okay so he's still here it's just useless oh geez oh dark again I Really Wanna how have they gone through like what was that noise see 10. impossible she's dead we watched you die how are you alive what just get out yeah okay wow I was cousin gotcha Rush's cousin ow what how are you not dead okay I have many wives worse ones is 16 too oh yeah I owe him can you bring it to him how do I get back uh just hide in that closet until they get to this floor okay see us again why boy and that's how I got here darn it you're a live C10 I am squeets hey you got my 16 sq10 supporter plus one okay she's back we get it let's start moving again total detour there I it's so dark she's back we already know that Screech someone's bad okay Chic is not really into this okay everyone in butt seek Chan shut up I swear you're gonna get oh I was gonna say you're gonna get Jack Russell cousin is so nice yeah oh yo nothing bro why are you coming back you're working overtime it's nothing but Rush like not a I mean besides figure like Rush has been the only entity I hope they fire you literally not even a screech come on darn it's locked split up and find the key who found it stick to the goat yay she's back Zeke is not into it still okay come on you have to get a screech yes there we go a screech that was my sister okay at least we like finally saw something other than Rush what a weird run another Screech can you tell her to go away that one was my cousin Are we almost out 30 more doors to go Kazan stop that was not him no no because like this is the old update so it would never mind false alarm yeah it wouldn't have not that late after you opened the door it always happened oh oh no your home is the dark wait halt what and Screech wait what oh god oh I swear he says too hot tan uh Twitter wow oh hog Chan is Hulk Chan not Hulk what what not just regular halt wait how did they get hold turn around turn around go away you dumb damn uh you still gotta keep going not this way just kidding why is it not regular home let us go OMG nope that's it you're out wait what finally yay thank goodness why hot tan how'd they even get old I don't even see like I didn't see the flashing there was a little bit of flashing in that room but usually it's a lot more flashing let's hurry up and get out of here seek is oh wait it's gonna be seek Chase soon yeah I'm going to harm my cousin no no that's seek that's sick eyes that was the Sikh Flash oh no I'm wrong never mind why does he keep coming but surely we have sea guys soon right wow this is dark bro okay oh wow this is wow what are we on like almost 80 it should be a seek Chase any second here oh but he's oh like you have legs like it matters okay by 80 we should have our first sea guy then come on yeah no that's that's seek that's yep I knew it oh I see eyes that means we're almost out oh I thought I thought you were upset Oh weird oh dude outside see guys I've never seen that it's witty out here I saw them like on the walls and stuff like way out there I've never seen sea guys outside like this that's cool I didn't know that could happen all right 80. more seat guys in the dark you ready guys oh one more oh wow that's a good one okay is everyone ready yes sir I think I am the answer is two what we need two what are you talking about what question was it are you ready the answer is two what do you mean oh man don't mess this up guys there you go you got this okay going oh nice all the way around easy uh right yep why are you shaking so much bro okay holds it again three times this dude's gotta be got this wow that is shaky bam let's go take that says boy you did it wait you stole a painting again you love that painting I'll be back one day one day so which painting are you stealing this time so how do you do that let's finally get out of here so I think what you do is you put it on and then you grab it like quickly oh they didn't grab it I think you can if you grab it quick I'm gonna try that next time why where is the liver a good question it's not gonna be all the what do you mean God no it's on the wall it's literally right where you want it finally check there first can we nap all that running has me tired let's nap for a bit he's the floor bro really oh are you asleep good yeah we slept on the floor but I guess it was good wait in the P I paid my sleeve how much water does he drink and Screech go to a doctor seriously up already that was my dad's brother your uncle go away cousin oh that ain't your cousin that would be the ambush what do you gotta say let's see what amber says Ambush is so much easier get back in quick like the old Ambush is so much easier than the new one because he goes so far back and forth the new one man you can get out yeah no problem like I was never even afraid of him in the old up in the old version you update me so much harder that was scary nah [Applause] new Ambush is is terrifying ghost two ghosts we're almost out scaler not oh 99 never mind door 99. I swear if it's figure 10 they go a tan uh oh here we go oh here we go the figure clone can we please can we please pass time to die player wait seek wait vigorous you yay whoa figuartan why are you guys here not not figure Chan I have no clue how do we get back to our hotel go into the elevator I'll bring it it'll bring you there all right thanks wait why are you having here I don't know that's not it's us at all but if you say so let's finally get out of here finally way let's go they didn't have to do the code like the the didn't have to turn the power on yeah oh you coming with us you fell for my job you will never Escape wait why do you want to figure clone we've been bamboozled boys the end or now this this is such a funny take on just like a regular doors run with like the Discord messages and stuff you could also probably call call it like if a bunch of idiots play Doris together because that's what it was just like people being annoying and stupid and being all over the place the figure Screech would be the worst one of all uh but there it is guys if you enjoyed my reaction click the like button subscribe go watch the original without my commentary if you want to and I'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course noodle line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 6,609,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KipeNxd__K4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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